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whats this about depots?

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 11:11 am
by Kzarak Zhoruch
In our clancave, depots pop up and go.
Some say they are stolen as an IC action, others say its not an IC action.
Yesterday I logged on in cave and was a ghost, surrounded by 2 spiders.
Some sadistic GM out there having a fun time?

If anyone knows, could they please answer the following questions...

1.Can depots be stolen as an IC action?

2.Why are they removed and put back all the time?

If it was connected to some IC event or quest, any GM or other that has the power to change these things could at least send a little note on guild or rpgboard or a pm, IMO.

Anyone KNOWING anything about this please reply.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:19 pm
by Rynt
Well, while I was in the prison in the Bloodskull cave, and ogre ( Controlled by a Gm, of course ) knocked a hole in the wall for me to escape. Now, I didn't mind my character being stuck in there, but a huge hole in the wall...he had to go through it.

Anyway, I think maybe the Gm did something after I left, because not long after I got back from town and orc was there, being angry about it.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:37 pm
by Kzarak Zhoruch
If the GMs dislike something our clan does or dosnt want us there, why not simply send a message or post something, it would be nice to know.
Just removing depots and putting spiders there cause they dislike us is kinda....oh well...maybe there is another reason, but I doubt we will ever find out.

I've one or two months ago sent messages regarding that cave and other issues, but there is no reply, and there won't be.
Things just happen that wreck our orcclans roleplay completely, and there is not even any explanation about why.

If it would be an attack or something it would make sense IC.
I doubt I'll get those 2 questions ever answered as well.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:45 pm
by Nerevar Schattenaxt
I think they removed the depots because of some realistic aspects...
Imagine: You put something in a depot in town, go the the bloodskullcave and it's there in a depot? That would be unrealistic, so they only put depots in town.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:58 pm
by Rynt
It's Unrealistic to put something in one depot, and take it out of another too.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:51 pm
by Gargoth Targûn
Uh yea I really do not think that is the reason, the depots are unrealistic in themselves as you can put something in it one side of town and pick it up in the other. Just because this one was further away it really should not matter, sure people wanted to use it and many got chased out of the cave for it but that was kinda one of the fun parts I think.

Anyway my guess is that we are not wanted to have such a cave as it is the ogres cave. And apparently there was an ogre there the other day to free Rynt and likley carry away the depot and put some spiders there as well along with some more rocks blocking paths. I am not sure where in the cave you were Kzarak but I guess you were close to the exit and not at the back of the cave cause unless they removed rocks again since I last looked you would not have been able to get out. I was lucky since I had the chance to see the spiders and not log in right on top of em but if I had died there in the back of the cave I would have been trapped as a ghost. I think such things are just rather mean :D

Really, if all GMs are so opposed to the skulls taking that cave you could just have said so. We are not orcs in real life and would surley have listened. We made an ingame deal with Darlok to guard the castle while it was being built (maybe after too I don't know) and for this we asked for a cave and he said we could use the ogre cave as it was on his territory. It to me atleast made good sense as being allied with him and in that being "evil" we would not be accepted around town and surley would not even want to go there. I know I spent hours after hours doing nothing other than walking back and fourth at the castle site just incase someone would come there and if they did there would be someone guarding the castle.

I am aware we may have interrupted something if you were planning a sort of return for the talking ogres, but they had not been around for quite awhile and I really thought atleast for the duration of the quest they would not be either. Still I am pretty sure we get the point that we are not supposed to be there now but I think a simple "Orcs may not claim the ogre cave as their home" would have been more than enough.
Just my two cents and sorry for any inconvinience that has been caused with what we did.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:53 pm
by The Returner
Its part of the quest, deal with it.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:57 pm
by Grant Herion
i dont think it is part of the quest... I mean, what quest? You can compete with a GM in a fight, so even if you stand guard they just walk through you and take it and walk away. Magda did that when I was there and even though I tried to stop her, it didnt work.
So it isn't a quest... But Darlok did tell me that the GMs werent going to give the orcs a home outside of town that easily... I mean, it cost the dwarves how much money again to make Silverbrand? and the orcs got their got free... So i understand why GMs are making it hard for the orcs, they need to earn their right to own it.....

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:02 pm
by The Returner
if you want to know whatquest, ask the GM's

they only do such things for quests, otherwise they would have told you to leave.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:27 pm
by Grant Herion
How do you know? I can safely guess your not a Gm, so how do you know?

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:29 pm
by Gargoth Targûn
Hmm good point Grant, I had thought about this as well but I mean it is not like we were going to build anything there since it was all already done and it was to be used for the duration of the quest (or as long as the deal with Darlok went on). I suppose silver could be offered to buy the cave but eh instead of trying to gather huge amounts of money I went around patrolling the castle that was being built. If I spent that time instead on doing work and hoarding silver I could have made 100 silver easy enough. But I mean that would not have been fun for anyone and instead of asking for a huge amount of money to guard the castle we asked for a cave.
Doesnt really matter cause well there is no point in fighting it, it was wrong to think it would go so easy and I can see how it would not be fair. Still just saying something rather than trying to get our chars killed and trapped would have been a bit nicer I think. We tried to do something that apparently was not approved of at all but can't blame an orc for trying eh :wink:

And Returner I do not see how this is part of the quest really but I do deal with it and I am fine with it, my char may be a bit upset but it is in his nature to be. The player however thinks all is well and that he made a misstake he now sees it was wrong and unfair and has learned not to do it again.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:34 pm
by The Returner
Becuase Grant

I'm not a paranoid git like you, the GM's arent out to get the skulls for taking a cave, thats in game, and its more then likely they realise it.

Also, if you pay attention to recent actions, rather then polish your sword and marvel at your skills in darloks castle, you would put 2 and 2 together.

And lastly, I'll tell you what I Was told, its a private server anyways, so whatever happens to you, dont whine about it.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:59 pm
by Gro'bul
I think it's mainly so people don't powergame with ogres and in the demon cave, with all the complaints about powerful orcs. Yes try fighting a gm, me and grant know the pre-determined outcome of that from experience. :wink: :D

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:23 pm
by Grant Herion
heh I honestly didn't know he was a GM til he didn't die...

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:13 am
by GMcFly
Maybe is the Ogreking is cleaning his house (cave) i have seen him online.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:20 am
by Magda
Dear Grant Herion,

1. One Hept Kel cant kill.
2. You must hit. It was one field away from me.
3. If you would hit me....... try it at next and run fast ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:22 am
by The Returner
at least when I attacked GM's back in the day.....I hit them with at least ONE HEPT KEL ;)

anyways, enough of this, other matters.....many other matters, much work to do.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:27 am
by Grant Herion
I didn't have time to hit her with more then 1. Kieken on the other hand ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:40 am
by Magda
Dear Kzarak Zhoruch,
i have del 3, no 4 depots cuze they wasnt fair for the other players.

1. 3 Depots stood in the storageroom directly at the water.
2. One depot stood in the smithery, on a rockground.
3. One depot was in the kingshall from the ogres. One times i have del it there but not the second time.

btw i hope you like it in the ogrecave.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:02 am
by Grant Herion
Hm, so the orcs just need to confront the ogre king to get their cave? Not a big deal, Grant will help them out there.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:42 pm
by Kzarak Zhoruch
IMO....if a clan of orcs settle into a cave, it would be natural that the goods they gather or produce is stocked there, thus having a depot there makes sense to me.
As long as the depot is far away from smithy and rock ground, I dont see it to be to any advantage at all.

That the ogrecave was given to the bloodskulls for guardduty might be unfair when seeing to others that have been gathering ingots for their buildings yes, but it was a settled deal IC.

If I was to aquire 200 silveringots and hand em to some guildleader it could be seen by others that its unfair that this leader gets 200 silver for no work.There are good, bad and mediocre trades made, its a fact.
If GM's pop in and balance things all the time, its impossible to make good deals.

I thought the GMs and others would be pro orcs moving into a cave out of town, after many orcs wanting to roleplay uncivilized violent orcs and it spoiling the lawful RP enviroment which takes place with Lyrenzia in Trollsbane.

I agree fully that the depot in the smithy was good to be removed making things fair.One could mine and smith and store things without moving ones char.No complaints about that.

IMO making orcs having their own patch of land in the north would create a more typical fantasy medieval enviroment, instead of mixing all races in town.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:59 pm
by Caranthir the great
Perhaps you'll just have to pay the ogreking? ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 1:43 pm
by Magda
IMO making orcs having their own patch of land in the north would create a more typical fantasy medieval enviroment, instead of mixing all races in town.
I agree fully!! BUT what is with lizzards, halflings, elves..........

I as GM must see not one race, i must have a look at the others too.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:55 pm
by Kzarak Zhoruch
Caranthir: Not that i have to tell you, and not that I am the chief of the clan, but as my char spoke with Darlok once, we were to guard his fortsite in return for beeing able to settle the cave.
He said we had to live there together with the ogres as well.

Magda: Thanks for taking your time answering my questions.
The questions I had was regarding the depots.
Everything else besides the questions about depots were IMO, unless that wasn't made clear.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:08 pm
by Darlok
My name has been mentioned a bit too often in this case.

Kzarak, you have to understand that i am not a GM.
So when my Character says you can stay there is that in no way a decisson that the GMs have to support.

I supposed the cave was "free", it was accessable, Depots where there, also accessable, and I belived it was allowed to occupy it in a Roleplay manner.

I do not own that Cave.

If the GMs decide the Orcs have to accomplish something (paying someone/killing regualry monster intruders/ect.) before they can really (and justified) claim that cave thiers, than I cant do anything about it.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:05 pm
by Gargoth Targûn
Uh sorry if it was not made clear enough but the deal for the cave was totally made ingame and IC, only the character Darlok said we could use it the player never said such a thing. Just to make that perfectly clear if anything else was ever hinted by my sometimes not so great english.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:22 pm
by Kzarak Zhoruch
Ok fair enough, at first I took you for a GM beeing able to convert the island into a desert, but I've learned its not so.
Secondly When you said "it's my property" IC, I thought that was IC as well as OOC statement.

Now its made clear it is not.

So fair enough, sorry for the missunderstanding.
If I remember I was told otherwise by my clanchief, that it now was ours.
This is why I posted it was, and I recieved no complaints from anyone about it.

This makes discussion about depots and spiders completely irrellevant, since the cave is not ours, even though the clan has already settled in.

So OOC: Cave is not ours.

IC: Cave is ours. Trespassing will be punished by death!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:39 pm
by Keikan Hiru
We try to support as much roleplay as possible,
however its a bit unfair towards the others.

Letting you move into a "full fuctional" cave, without demanding something from you, would maybe make other upset who collected many ingots of silver (or other items) to create something they can call home.

We do support your idea to move the Bloodskull clan into this cave.
But the Orcs there might encounter troubble from time to time, remember its a Orge Cave, and maybe the Orgeking has some bad temper.
Or another Orge is fed up with "Small Greenies" running arround in his Cave.

We try to find a fitting solution for each side.
Suggestions are always welcome.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 7:12 pm
by Gargoth Targûn
Hmm well like I said before this seems really fair enough and there is not much to say about it. However rocks were put up blocking areas of the cave that you could not get out of unless you jump and then spiders were put within that area as well. Just like Kzarak many of us used the cave very frequently and also logged out in it, as we liked to "sleep" there. It just seemed like some sort of punishment towards us the players in trying to get us killed and the spirit blocked. Perhaps it was changed again but it was like that one day when I logged in and seemed more like some sort of OOC punishment than an ingame one. Waking up surrounded by whatever and being killed I would be just fine with but then not being able to leave would make me feel rather bad. Now I am not really saying you whoever did it meant for that to happen at all but it almost did and I think as I am sure many else would that it would seem rather mean :)

I would suggest that the paths be open around the cave (atleast the regular sections of it) or that they be entierly closed (now there might be players who logged there however) When people come to the cave and the orcs chase them out some are more than a little hesitant to leave and would have nothing against fighting back. I know I would not want to be killed or kill any char and then the ghost gets stuck.
Also I would suggest that this "fight" to get the cave from the ogres is put on hold until Darloks quest is done. It does in a way interfere a bit and keep the orcs preoccupied wich may or may not be good I am not sure. But also it would give the GMs more time for the primary quest at hand.

As for the depot I agree it is unfair however it filled quite the purpose for the quest when you want people to stay at the castle guarding or building. But if say a depot was put in the castle it would really do the same thing and it would keep the forces of "good" and "evil" at seperate parts of the island. Just my thought on it.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 11:36 am
by Kzarak Zhoruch
Regarding my statement about GM's not replying, seems I have to APOLOGIZE for writing so, considering 2 of you have bothered with this post in a very short time.

This helps a lot, thanks.