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New player opinion.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:19 pm
by JediConsul
This game extremely low on ingame tips and descriptions. I understand that less info = more immersive gamepley, but... Something I know for sure in real life but I can not be sure about how the game interprete thing. Because of that some aspects need ingame decriptions or wiki like other games.

For example:
  • I can not see skill info. Crutial is what they give to the character, even if it is only new recipes and crafting speed. By the way - do Woodcuting, Mining, Husbandry etc give bonus to speed of harvesting or they exists only to gave boards, stones and ingots craft speed bonus?
  • Game show me weight of the items but do not show max weight that i can carry
    • Ok. IRL we can use scales to measure weight but can not tell exact max weight that we can carry. That game mechanic used in every game and new players must be little confused to need to figure out how much weight thay can carry by stacking items in to inventory and sum weight of all items.
    • Simple pop-up tooltip on weight bar will be enough
  • What the "quality" do to the tools and equipment? Does it only for durability or it can increase crafting speed and/or quality of items that been created with the poor/superior tools?
    • To not ruin gameplay - this one can be moved to wiki which, as i understand, do not exist.
  • I do not know if that game use damage types mechanic. Is skeletron immune to piercing damage and vulnerable to blunt? Is some thought skin enemies immune to blunt?
    • Few words about that in tutorial would be useful because with hit chance and "slightly damaged" is very difficult to figure that out, especially with low weapon skills. I can reach max skill lvl and never find out that
    • Maybe I just didn't see a book or NPC explaining that mechanic. In that case I'd be added text in tutorial like "read books that could be found on shelves in three major cities to learn more about game mechanics"
  • There is no way to check the ingame time. Even on web site I can not figure out where to look apart from "Time Convertor".
    • Is it ruin atmosphere if game has UI element with ingame date and time? Maybe object like signs - "solar clock" or something like that with popup tooltip "7 Irmas. 12:40"
    • Of course it is useful only for player quests - to not check the website, but it is just a little QoL that is part of our life since Ancient civilizations.
PS: It is just what I can remember and here must be more. That game not for all, yes, but it must be simple for casual players whith good imagination and willing to role-play. Instead, this game for a developers who knows how every game mechanic works and for those few RPG lover who do not bother with digits. Now RPG is all about digits and even if player willing to role-play, this game is greatly uninformative for them. I guess it is one of the reason why this "online game" looks like "local coop game" for a dozen regular players who found here tranquility and friends.

PSS: Sorry for my english and wall of text. ^_^

Re: New player opinion.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:05 pm
by Estralis Seborian
Hello JediConsul and welcome to Illarion!

Thank you very much for your feedback. This is exactly what we are looking for. As you pointed out, many players are around for years if not decades, so feedback there tends to focus on details but not the big picture. If you want, you can also leave feedback in this thread: viewtopic.php?t=36071

I have some information on the points you raised.
I can not see skill info. Crutial is what they give to the character, even if it is only new recipes and crafting speed.

You can review your skills by hitting 'C'. For crafting and gathering, the minimum level needed is equal to the level of the item you can to make/get. This also holds for using weapons and armour.

By the way - do Woodcuting, Mining, Husbandry etc give bonus to speed of harvesting or they exists only to gave boards, stones and ingots craft speed bonus?

Yes, gathering skills give a bonus on the gathering speed. At level 100, you just need 1/3 of the time for an action, compared with level 0. See: ... g.lua#L179

Game show me weight of the items but do not show max weight that i can carry

This is a very, very tricky topic and thank you for bringing it up. First off, you carrying capacity is 5000 + 500 * strength, see ... &type=code Now, concerning the display of numbers in general, this used to be a hotly debated topic. Illarion was, originally, a game without any numbers except item stack amounts. Many liked this, others didn't. The current state is caught in between the two opposing opinions. I, personally, do not like the display of item weight at all. It distracts from the game, makes the crude design we have visible, I have no idea what unit the weight is in and it gave rise to a very strange book to explain all this, see

Simple pop-up tooltip on weight bar will be enough

This, or total removal of item weight display. It might sound count intuitive but I would say players could handle the game very well when there was no weight bar, no numbers but only the feedback of reduced walking speed - because that was a very tangible feedback the game gave/gives. I'll bring this topic to the attention of the team.

What the "quality" do to the tools and equipment? Does it only for durability or it can increase crafting speed and/or quality of items that been created with the poor/superior tools?

In crafting, a good tools increases the quality of the products, see ... d.lua#L146 and ... .lua#L2399

To not ruin gameplay - this one can be moved to wiki which, as i understand, do not exist.

There used to be an official wiki but the content was lackluster. Also, we agreed that all relevant information should be present in the game, so the valuable content was moved to books. There was a player driven initiative to create a new wiki but I have not heard anything about it recently.

I do not know if that game use damage types mechanic. Is skeletron immune to piercing damage and vulnerable to blunt? Is some thought skin enemies immune to blunt?

Code: Select all

"[Hint] Light armours, such as those made of leather, offer good protection against blunt weapons but perform poorly against slashing weapons.",
"[Hint] Medium armours, such as chain mail, offer good protection against slashing weapons but are more vulnerable to stabbing weapons.",
"[Hint] Heavy armours, such as those made from sturdy metal plates, offer good protection against stabbing weapons but are vulnerable to blunt weapons."
I remember that there is also a book in the game explaining this. Sadly, there is no indication what monster wears which type of armour but it is very likely that this become clearer in future.[/color]

There is no way to check the ingame time. Even on web site I can not figure out where to look apart from "Time Convertor".

Yes, that is unfortunate. We used to have a so called dragon clock that showed you the time but with the current game client, it didn't work anymore. I would very much appreciate to have something similar again. For now, all you can do is to log out and log in again to get the date and time message.

Re: New player opinion.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:19 pm
by JediConsul
Thank you for a reply.

...For now, all you can do is to log out and log in again to get the date and time message.
Did not noticed that ^_^. It is better then nothing.

My contribution to debates. Current situation is confusing - we see item weight and did not see max weight.
For now we have the "golden middle" solution, but I guess that better to move to one of the edges - add max weight in character window or remove all numbers and leave only the bar. Leaving the bar in second option - we need this to understand how much weight in our pockets and how much more we can grab. Without the bar a new players will be surprised when they become encumbered (well, this one sound like a good joke ^_^)

Can two edges, which I described, be an optional in settings and, maybe, choosing of weight unit to show if choosed an option to show all? To show different units - code just need a multiplier for every unit, that is applied before showing weight in the window. For example - 1 game weight = 10 g, wooden log has 100=1 kg, to show pounds we need to multiply [1 * 2.2046226218] . Limit it to 2 or 3 digits after periond/comma, it is just to show to a user, not for using it in code as numbers. Plus the game weight is abstract to simlify calculations and evade uncomfortable limitations, like 2-3 logs in pockets to become encumbered, so adding a weight unit can add more confusing experience :P

I understand that it is hard and boring work to maintain the typical wiki in up-to-date state. Are links (like you gave me - ... g.lua#L179) an option? Gather some or almost all core mechanics in some FAQ with those links and, maybe, with some descriptions. But need to be sure that user can open that page without need to login to "github". Better than nothing. In our days more and more people, espatialy gamers, know basics of programming and that will be halpfull for them.

Re: New player opinion.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 1:35 pm
by Alytys Lamar

I worked on the Wiki, first with another player, then mostly alone, needed to stop doing it alone due to RL
Will try to continue and finish it - here is the Link to what was done so far