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Reporting further assaults and a case of public nudity

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:06 am
by Malchus
((Another scroll bearing a crime report arrives at the palace.))

To the honourable Don and the representatives of Galmair

I wish to report another assault carried out against me in the middle of Galmair, this time perpetrated by the dwarven mage Romomir of Runewick and an unknown orc.

On the 4th of Malas, as I entered Galmair to trade, I witnessed how a stark naked dwarf, Romomir, teleported in at Galmair's gate and ran into town. I called him out and followed him into town to rebuke him for his blatant flaunting of decency. Apparently he considered this an insult, for after dressing up he assaulted me with magic from his staff inside the palace building. The Don's Reminder, Groktan Flintsplit, is one of the witnesses of Romomir's public nudity and assault.

Fortunately I kept my weapon by my side and was able to rout the mad mage Romomir. Shortly after Romomir's flight an orc armed with an axe stepped into Flintsplit's office and said "back down 'oomie!". Before I could answer he swung his axe towards me, which I barely managed to parry. After a brief brawl, in which I gave him a thorough thrashing, he too fled outside of town.

Finally, after the orc's escape, Romomir showed up again, saying "ambush time!" and casting magic against me. Once more I gave him a sound beating, so that he ran to the teleport book outside of town to save his sorry skin and lick his wounds. The elven sorceress Shireena'il happened to be nearby as he fled and thankfully could identify my attacker as Romomir.

Thus I hereby accuse Romomir of public nudity and assault, and his unknown orcish accomplice of assault.


((As the crime happened right in front of Flintsplit, consider these screenshots part of his testimony.))

Romomir's first attack on me, after being called for running around nude:
The orc's attack:
Romomir's comeback:

Re: Reporting further assaults and a case of public nudity

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 9:20 pm
by Oxi
The dwarf Romomir is recommended to present himself clothed for discussion of the incident.

In the name of the Don