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Magic Homeworks of Galmair ((Open RP for Galmairs mages and their students))

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 3:45 pm
by shireenail
((At the instigation of PO Clariette, this thread is created to serve the topic of homework for Galmairs magicans and their students.))

"Try to draw something with your wand". Shireena'il looked at Clariette in disbelief. "Yes, find a way to drain the mana through your wand and write or paint something with it" Clariette added. As a last helping hand, she told her that painting would be the easier one.

Just recently she had taught her how to use the wand, and how to focus the mana on a certain arcane structure by concentration. Clariette gave her the task of applying what she had learned to chickens.

Now she stood in the cave passage in front of an open wall surface. The surface was damp, small colonies of fungus had formed in some places, but otherwise this wall was quite flat and clean in a gallery near Galmair. She looked around and listened to see if there were any sounds of people approaching. Only the soft gurgle of a few drops of water dripping from some of the ledges could be heard. A light breeze was also flowing down the corridor from the south.

Clariette did not give her many clues for this task, only that she must not leave any permanent changes to structures. So the solution had to do with what Clariette, Renar and her had already been taught. They both learned how to direct the mana to her wand as well, in the way she could imagine it in her mind's eye, with maximum concentration on the wand and the target. During this exercise, she realized that the ability of absolute concentration played a significant role in this. A magician must be able to detach himself mentally from his surroundings and concentrate on the spell.

This was also the reason why she retreated into this gallery for the experiments. At this time, there was very rarely anyone else in these tunnels, she had made sure that the miners were all gathered in the tavern, from where they always went to camp for the night, before the first rays of sun called them back into the mine.

Somewhat hesitantly, she pointed her wand at the cave wall, holding it with both hands as she had learned. She looked at the wall and considered what to focus on. "Let the mana flow out of the wand and paint with it..." she remembered Clariette's words. Her gaze slid from her hands to the staff tip to rock wall. Nothing happened. Her thoughts tried to focus on the wall but still drifted into uncertain thoughts of what she was actually trying to conjure.
"Don't leave any structural changes..." Clariette's words came to her.
She set the staff down and looked at the wall for a while, perplexed. She touched the wall with her right hand and felt the rough surface that was very clean and smooth when wetted by water. When she removed her hand again her palm was damp, she rubbed dry her old robe thoughtlessly. But suddenly she paused "Water!", it escaped her half aloud. She looked around for a moment, then touched the rock wall again with her fingertips, finally smiling. Everything we see and feel, even we ourselves, consist of arcane structures formed by mana. This is what Clariette had taught her. She understood that this thin film of water on the wall must also be an arcane structure formed by mana. And what consists of mana can be changed by mana.
Now she realized what she should concentrate on. She stepped back a bit and pointed her staff at the wall again. She tried to concentrate her thoughts on the water film. Despite her concentration nothing happened, she didn't feel the tingling she had experienced during previous training with the staff. Her concentration faded a bit and she thought back to that training for a moment, then imagined how to color the wall with mana. At the same moment, a twitch ran through her and she felt that tingle again. From her staff a cloud shot out like a kind of mist, which seemed to contain a luminous matter wrapped in darkness. This matter collided with the wall and spread over the wall.


She backed away for a moment, startled, but then curiously approached the wall to look at this apparition. Faintly, flat mist-like formations in various color nuances glowed on the rock wall. The structure slowly sank down the rock face to the ground and then slowly dissolved into dark swaths.


She looked at the rock wall, but found no more traces. In some places, however, the wall felt a little drier than the rest. A smile of relief flitted across her face. "It's the water, I have to concentrate with on the water film".

She waited a while for a new film of condensation to form on the cool rock wall, then tried again. Mentally she concentrated on certain colors and shapes, and after several attempts she succeeded in making strokes appear on the wall, which shimmered for a while. Gradually, the colors corresponded to her imagination, but were still partially overlaid by other colors. She felt how much the quality of the image depended on concentration. A short distraction of the thoughts was punished by a deviation of the form, the color or even with abortion of the mana flow.
The pauses she needed to rewet the dried areas were now also more and more necessary to replenish her supply of mana. It took a long time, either she herself was not yet able to absorb the mana faster, or the place was not very suitable. However, it was well suited for her experiments and she learned to control her concentration better and better after each break.
Finally, her ambition took hold of her and she decided to paint a circle on the rock face. Relaxed, she stood in front of the wall again and focused her thoughts completely on the water film on the rock wall, she imagined a circle and moved the wand as if coupled with her thoughts. She gazed intently at the wall and felt slight tingling in both hands as a stream of mana released from her wand and settled on the wall as a glowing circle of mana.


Relieved, she lowered the staff and took a step back to look at the work. Almost according to her imagination, the circle appeared on the wall, after a while it slowly dissolved and fizzled out in small gray clouds that mixed with the light breeze through the cave and disappeared.

Satisfied, she looked at her staff and then paused for refreshment. While eating the last of Clariette's chicken soups, she considered how to present Clariette with the solution to her task. An observer would probably have noticed the sparkle in her eyes that gave her an idea.

She practiced all night on a picture that she projected over and over again with her wand on the wall, before she set off for Galmair, exhausted but satisfied.


When leaving the tunnel someone could hear her muttering to herself "you can do better than that".

Re: Magic Homeworks of Galmair ((Open RP for Galmairs mages and their students))

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 8:39 pm
by shireenail
"You weren't supposed to change anything" Clariette said as she looked at the picture on the wall with a grin.


Shireena'il was exhausted, she had practiced several nights to demonstrate to Clariette what she had learned. She did not consider the arcane change in the film of water on the wall to be a permanent change because it evaporated over time and a new film of water quickly settled on the cool wall in the humid high altitude air. Nevertheless, she had misunderstood the task, because nothing should be changed, not even a transient water film.

She could observe, however, that Clariette did not dislike the result. But then she demonstrated to Shireen how easy the task was to understand and implement. Shireens task was now to show this solution to Renar, who was still in the hospital.

The Interviews

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:50 pm
by shireenail
She hid behind a wall, in the shadow of a roof projection. There she waited, waited for darkness and for people to retreat into the buildings. From her cover, she watched a red-haired pair of people pass by on the pathway, loudly discussing below; in the distance, she recognized Aswe as she emerged from behind the tavern and disappeared again behind the guard building. She recognized Aswe from afar by her green hair, a brief smile appeared on her serious and tense face. She liked this elfess, or was it her eccentric nature? Her eyes fell on the half-open door behind her, which moved slightly in the wind, making a creaking sound. She was sure that she had locked the door behind her after leaving the library. The building had seen better days, hardly anyone seems to care about the condition of it, nor this door lock that doesn't stand up to the wind. A pity for the books that are always exposed to the humid air. Anyway, the books seem to be a bit disorganized. She had spent some nights searching the library for possible works that the former mages of this city might have left behind. She knew from travelers that these mages had once gained a great deal of experience in ritual magic, a knowledge to which she aspired. There were stories of magically controlled golems, as well as the manipulation of mortals. Then what was it about the rumors that these mages were able to heal through magic, bring the deceased back to life, or make them younger or even immortal?
There were no records in the library, but perhaps in one of their old offices? She looked out from behind the wall projection at a door that had apparently been closed for some time. Dried leaves lay in the door niche and numerous spider webs crisscrossed the front of the door leaf. The door handle hung limply.
In the meantime it had become darker, no more sounds could be heard in the city, only muffled conversations from the direction of the tavern. She slipped out of her cover and walked close to the wall to the closed door. She hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the slightly drooping handle and pushed it down.
The handle offered unexpected resistance, but could be moved down with a little force. The door panel, however, did not give a hair's thickness. She pressed her body against the door, a low hiss of annoyance escaping her as the door didn't budge a bit. This lock certainly seems to be all right, she thought to herself.
With a slight jerk, she threw herself again unsuccessfully against the door, then stepped back a bit and looked at the door for a long time. Quietly she muttered something that might have sounded like an imprecation to foreign ears. Then she turned back and went down the stairs, her multiple shadows cast by the numerous oil lamps flitting out the town.
Finally she sat in the mage's house before Galmair, staring at a book laid out on a secretary there.
"Interviews, she's making me do interviews" she grumbled quietly to herself. She didn't want to be ungrateful to her teacher, but she didn't see any parallels between training to be a mage and interviewing random people.
Oxiana just joked about it, saying that this assignment was just to satisfy Clariette's curiosity, Alyetys laughed at this remark and Aswe also made a similar remark.
She wasn't sure what to make of it, was Clariette perhaps just stalling?
Clariette had told her the condition for further training, but was the basic training already finished with this interview?
Again the stories about the mages in Runewick came to her mind, was there perhaps no information left behind? Another story speaks of a mage who killed a demon in Runewick. According to the traditions of the ancients, the power of a killed demon is transferred to the one who defeated it. Who was this mage, what became of him, a demon perhaps? And then this story about Runewicks former experiment with the mage tower!
She glanced at her interview notes and then looked at the book in front of her for a long time with a pout. „What is Clariette up to?“ she thinks, then opens the book and starts writing.

Homework: Conduct an interview with three different people.
Interview 1: Aleytys Lamar, 22.Irmas 67

Shireena’il: Would you please tell why do you live in Cadomyr?
Aleytys Lamar: It has a desert and your ass isn’t freezing constantly.
Shireena’il: Can I write so?
Aleytys Lamar: Sure - I like warm places.
Shireena’il: I hope my quill will not break off.
Shireena’il: I heard that yo are a knight, ist that right?
Aleytys Lamar: Yes I am, a true knight of Cadomyr.
Shireena’il: Is there no female term for knight?
Aleytys Lamar: Dame - its actually Dame Lamar
Shireena’il: What distinguishes a knight or dame from other citizens?
Aleytys Lamar: We have taken a oath - a bond to the queen and for the realm.
Shireena’il: Would you wish for a different profession?
Aleytys Lamar: Then I wouldn’t be a knight - and you can always have more then one professions right?
Shireena’il: Asked out of turn, can’t you do one particulary well and many less well?
Aleytys Lamar: huh?
Shireena’il: I mean, then they learn a lot different things they can’t focus so well on a single thing.
Aleytys Lamar: I am a good miner, too. But yes focus is on fighting and protect the realm.
Shireena’il: If you can remember, what do you want to become as a child?
Aleytys Lamar: I would rather not answer that.
Shireena’il: Do you have a favorite god?
Aleytys Lamar: Nope
Shireena’il: Nope.. is that one of the new?
Aleytys Lamar: Let say I am not the believing sort, but I tent at least a bit towards Bràgon.
Shireena’il: What’s your favorite weapon or tool?
Aleytys Lamar: My Babe, the magical dwarven battle axe and my fire bow.
Shireena’il: So the next is .. what event on Illarion, you liked best?
Aleytys Lamar: The day Inara came into my life.
Shireena’il: Finally .. what would be your wish, except more free wishes, if there on is for free?
Aleytys Lamar: A wish for free ... be carefully what you wish for has a old mentor always said. I am contet as it is so far.
Shireena’il: Any other comment?
Aleytys Lamar: No, I think not.
Shireena’il: Thank you Aleytys.
Interview 2: Oxiana, 22.Irmas 67

Shireena’il: Oxiana, this is the first question for you too, would you please tell why do you live in Galmair?
Bula Glasha: Hurr huur, meh knows answer.
Shireena’il: Should I better ask Bula then?
Oxiana: Perhaps… Does seem to think he knows everything.
Shireena’il: I do not know of Clariette would allow it, but I will remember Bula for next interview then.
Oxiana: I moved here from Cadomyr as my family at the time felt it offered more opportunity. The political situation in Cadomyr was somewhat different to what it is now.
Shireena’il: Was the political situation better then than now?
Oxiana: Definitely not, people vying for power and isolating parts of the population.
Shireena’il: What job do you have here?
Oxiana: Well I’m smith… and Left Hand to the Don.
Shireena’il: I have seen many job ads in Galmair, are these jobs still available?
Oxiana: Not all, but many are… we like to encourage citizens to contribute to their community.
Shireena’il: Which job do you think is the most urgent to fill?
Oxiana: I wouldn’t value any over another as they are all what the incumbent makes of them.
Shireena’il: ok!
Oxiana: Any can be influential and shape Galmair.
Shireena’il: In reference to your own remark, why are you mean to people you like?
Oxiana: (chuckles) They are the people you can trust to take any slight in good humor and as it is intended. Banter doesn’t work with someone you dislike.
Aleytys Lamar: and let me add - its refreshing to joke arround
Shireena’il: and not the standard questions
Shireena’il: What do you want to become as a child? Right hand maybe?
Oxiana scratches the back of his neck: I didn't know anything about the Don's Hands back then.
Oxiana: I suppose it would depend what age child?
Shireena’il: Until when are humans considered children?
Oxiana grins: Sixteen... eighteen... thirty.
Shireena’il: Please consider ten.
Oxiana: Well. I suppose by then I might have started thinking I wanted to smith.
Shireena’il: A life wish therefore?
Shireena’il: Do you have a favorite god?
Oxiana gnaws at his lip: Not sure I would say favourite but...
Oxiana shrugs: There is one I turn to, but it isn't something I tend to discuss.
Shireena"il: Now how can I hide this answer from this God? l would have simply said
yes or no. Yes?
Shireena"il sagt: Well, what's your favorite weapon or tool?
Oxiana sagt: Hmm difficult one.
Shireena'il: Then weapon only
Oxiana gives her a wry smile: Oh that is no fun.
Oxiana sagt: I only really use one, and then not all that well... I don't have the same
attachment Aly has.
Shireena'il: you mean they are all favorite?
Shireena'il notes and murmurs:… not the same attachment...
Oxiana smirks.: Tools, that would have been a different matter.
Shireena'il: next one.. What event on Illarion, you liked best?
Oxiana groans. That’s a cruel question.
Oxiana: Can't we at least say just in the past year?
Shireena'il: You seem to have had a bad experience.
Shireena'il: Choose it yourself Oxiana.
Oxiana: Hmm, what do you mean?
Oxiana: There have just been many good times, hard to pick one.
Shireena"il: You can determine the period yourself if it is so difficult for you.
Oxiana: So, recent times... I suppose Clairette's graduation.
Shireena'il winks: Then I guess I will know the secret which is the biggest wish of Oxiana
Oxiana remark while Aleytys is leaving the interview: Better she is gone when we talk of annexing Cadomyr.
Shireena'il sagt: Oxiana, What would be your whish, except more wishes, if there
Shireena'il: Oxiana, What would be your whish, except more wishes, if there is one for
Oxiana: Alright, what I really want... people to have the same chances l did.
Shireena'il makes a final note and then looks up: Thank you Oxiana.
Oxiana: Suppose that could have been more painful.
Shireena'il: I am curious how Clariette explains to me the connection of this interview
to the basic magical training.
Shireena'il: I think it is a formal task
Oxiana: Hmm, she will have to have a good story there.
Interview 3: Aswe, 19.Malas 67

Aswe: How are you?
Shireena"il: fine, how are you?
Aswe: Well enough, i suppose. Enjoying the day.
Shireena'il: Do you have some time for an interview now?
Aswe: Oh yes! The interview. Go ahead
Shireena"il sits in opposite of her: Did I tell you that l am a student of Clariette?
Aswe: Indeed you did
Shireena"il: Sometimes she gives me different tasks.
Shireena"il: and sometimes I can not see what they have to do with the training
Shireena"il: One of this tasks is that l have to interview different people.
Shireena'il smiles: I suspect that she is just curious.
Aswe returns the smile: Have you managed to interview any others so far?
Shireena"il: Thank you for being willing to answer a few trivial questions.
Shireena"il: I divide them in two parts, one part question specific for the person.
Shireena'il: And one part standard questions for everyone.
Shireena"il sagt: I have tried to learn some things about you, and selected the questions
according to them.
Aswe places her hands on the table and nods.
Shireena"il: But you do not have to answer if you do not want to.
Shireena"il: So, at first some question specific for you.
Shireena"il: Would you please tell why do you live in Runewick?
Aswe: Kyre asked me to live here.
Shireena'il: To be honest, these is a standart question too, I ask the others for their town.
Shireena"il: Ah Krye, are you friends?
Aswe: Indeed we are, we have been for some time now.
Shireena'il: Now a special question, please forgive me, l am curious.
Shireena"il: I read in the city board that they once wanted to condemn you here.
Shireena"il: Why did you remain loval to Runewick anyway?
Aswe: Loyal is a strong word. I am resident here. But loyal? That shall take more time.
Shireena'il nods and reads the next question: Are you resentful?
Aswe: Resentful? No.
Shireena'il: The next questions are more friendly.
Aswe: Ah, that is good
Shireena'il: What job or position do you have in Runewick?
Aswe: Currently? I have no position.
Shireena"il: Do you have a profession?
Aswe: I do not typically like to put myself into a small box of profession. But i work as a herbalist, a medico, sometimes a tailor.
Shireena'il: hear hear, a medico!
Shireena'il: There are not so many medico around, at least l hardly know any.
Shireena'il: Do you treat everyone who needs help?
Aswe shakes her head gently: I reserve the right to refuse to treat anyone. Though i very
rarely do refuse.
Shireena'il nods: If you were to need medical help yourself, who would you want to be treated by?
Aswe: Yridia.
Shireena'il: Yridia the druid, isn't she?
Aswe: Indeed. perhaps the best medico in Illarion
Shireena'il: Why didn't you become a druid yourself? I mend you mentioned herbalist
and medico.
Aswe: Druidry requires a certain mindframe which i.. am not capable of.
Shireena'il: This is personal, isn't it?
Aswe: How do you mean?
Shireena'il: I mean do you want to keep to yourself why you are not capable to be
Aswe: Oh. i think anyone who knows me would be able to tell immediately why i could
not be a druid.
Aswe: I can tend to be... passionate.
Shireena"il laughs: Then I am probably the only one who does not know it.
Aswe chuckles
Shireena"il: well, but I have another interesting one.
Shireena"il: You are currently giving lectures on the effects of extensive ingestion of
Shireena'"il: What prompted you to this topic?
Aswe: I do not have some.. deep and profound reason. I was simply curious. I have
oftentimes felt something of a.. hangover? When drinking potions. I wished to determine if
this had a long term effect.
Shireena'il: These are extensive studies, have you worked with anyone?
Aswe: No. Not in particular.
Shireena'il: What would you advise people to take instead of potions?
Aswe: Ultimately, there is no substitute. but i advise people to use in moderation.
Shireena'il: Of course
Shireena'il: Aswe, now I have some standard questions
Shireena'il: What do you want to become as a child? *grins a bit
Aswe: As a child? I did not think too much on it. I was chosen for a role very early as
we all were.
Shireena'il she seems more serious now: Do you have a favorite god?
Aswe: "Favourite" seems a rather.. flippant way to say it. But i follow Ushara.
Shireena'il nods and reads the next question: Favorite again, I am sorry.
Shireena'il: What's your favorite weapon or tool?
Aswe: The quill.
Shireena'il spents her a smile.
Shireena"il: Ah this one, What event on Illarion, you liked best?
Aswe: Very difficult to say. But i would have to say i have enjoyed my own one.
Shireena'il: Can you discuss that a little bit?
Aswe: There is not much to say. I have given a talk. and people have listened to me.
Oftentimes it feels as though my words are unheeded.
Shireena'il: And that is your most liked event?
Aswe: The talk which i recently gave
Shireena'il: I see, yes that was interesting. I agree.
Shireena'il: last one...
Shireena"il: What would be your whish, except more wishes, if there is one for free?
Aswe folds her arms and leans back, looking thoughtful: I think i will have to keep that to
Shireena'il: Best answer!
Shireena"il: Finally, do you have a comment or question about why I didn't ask a
particular question?
Shireena"il: By that particular question, I mean something I'm sure you've been asked
many times before
Aswe chuckles gently: No, no comments.
Shireena'il: Thank you so much Aswe
Shireena'il: Hereby I close the interview

The Circle

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:55 pm
by shireenail
She leaves Galmair with light luggage that she carries in a backpack. Lost in thought, she slowly but purposefully approaches the Necktie Inn. Her thoughts are with her teacher. She was no longer sure of the relationship between her and Clairette. Was it her neutral attitude toward the towns, or did Clairette have other reservations about her? Was it perhaps the contact that developed recently between Sarangerel and her student? Perhaps Clairette sensed the growing rift between her and Shireena'il. Their last meeting was not very harmonious. Shireena'il is adult and has been wandering on her own for many years. She has received a strict but good education from her clan. However, she appreciated Clairette, liked her somewhat cranky nature, but not that she wants to teach her rules of etiquette like a child. As a crowning humiliation Shireena'il considers that she wants to reward her last successes with cookies. For Shireena this means a great humiliation.
At least they could agree on a new task. Shireena likes to be challenged professional, and even if this task is only a skill exercise, it brings her closer to her core interest - the magical ritual.
By now she has arrived at the Necktie Inn. She stops and looks at the tavern building, its superstructure jutting slightly over the boundary wall. No one is in sight. The occupation of the Necktie Inn had recently been announced. She didn't know the background or these people any better, and wondered if she should dare to take a treasure map stored there, for which she had found an interested party in the meantime.
It is silent around the building, and nothing can be heard from the inside except for the creaking of the open door, which moves slightly in the wind.
She has no interest in getting involved in this matter, so she decides to move on. Besides, the strange luggage in her backpack could lead to unpleasant questions. She continues on her way and passes the inn with as much distance as possible and then quickly crosses the bridge to the south.
Again, she has to be careful not to run into the bony arms of one of these skeletons. She slowly feels her way east along the edge of the mountain, scanning the area for skeletons and other hazards, at the same time eyeing the rocky escarpment of the mountain. In her first attempts at this task, she doesn't want to be surprised by a chance visitor. Finally, she stops, takes off her robe, and rolls it up into a compact ball, which she hides in a crevice in the mountain. She takes a piece of chalk from her pocket, rubs it on her palms, stows the chalk piece again, and chooses an entry point right next to the crevice where she hid her robe.
Slowly and steadily, almost like a spider, she climbs up the rock face. Again and again she pauses briefly to look around. Velcro-like, she then clings to the wall and moves up again until she finally reaches a mountain plateau. With a soft groan, she pulls herself over the edge and rolls onto the plateau. For a moment she remains laying on her back, looking up at the sky. The sky is almost cloudless and there is almost no wind. The fact that there is very little chance of rain makes her smile briefly. She could not use rain now. Finally she rises and walks further into the middle of the mountain plateau. She walks around a bit to find a suitable spot, then puts down her backpack and takes some things out of it.
In a small crevice she hammers a nail and ties a rope to it. Then she tightens the rope slightly and makes a loop at a distance of two steps. She puts the piece of chalk into this loop, tightens the rope and draws a circle on the rock floor as if using a compass.....


Re: Magic Homeworks of Galmair ((Open RP for Galmairs mages and their students))

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 9:24 pm
by shireenail
The first circle is drawn. Shireenail stands up and walks back a bit to look at her work. Because of the rough ground, the rope chopped a few times, but the circle seems round enough. She looks at the circle from different perspectives and then nods with satisfaction.
Finally she opens the loop on the rope and makes a new loop with a slightly larger radius and begins to draw a second circle around the outside. She now makes sure that the extended rope does not get caught, in order to keep the distance to the inner circle even. As the work is done, she removes the rope and the nail from the center of the circle. One more time she rises and looks at the two circles. A loud screeching hawk flying overhead to the north makes her look up. Her gaze follows the hawk flying away, finally she sees the Necktie Inn in the distance. Wasn't there movement behind the tavern? Obviously, the people have returned. Checking, she looks down the slope she had climbed, searching the area. She finally turns her gaze back to the Inn, and it seems as if something was moving behind the windows now and then. She decides to make her way back via Runewick, and from there to Galmair to find Clairette. In no case she want to run into the arms of these strangers. Her thoughts lingered for a moment on Runewick. She heard that there were mages there who worked with rital magic, and she even heard of demon banishers. Finally, her thoughts turn to the conversation she had with Clairette and Sarangerel. She feels eager to learn more from them.
Shireenail goes back to the circle drawing and picks up a few wrapped sticks and branches that stick out almost halfway from her backpack.
A unicursal hexagram it should be, according to Clairette's clue. Shireenail had already thought in advance how she could draw unequal legs of the star nevertheless evenly. She now puts on an old skull stick so that it touches the inner circle twice. Then she puts a dye stick in extension to a contact point of the skull stick in such a way that another contact point is created.


She marks these points of contact with small pieces of branch. Now she alternates between the skull stick and the dye stick until there are finally six branch pieces as marks on the inner circle.
Between these marks she now draws connections with the chalk piece so that a hexagram is created. Because she had used different distances between the marks, the desired unicursal star in light chalk now stands out against the dark rock background.
Satisfied, she packs up her things and looks again at the drawn base for a ritual circle. Then she takes out a parchment on whose head a ritual circle inscribed with runes can be seen. She compares the drawing on the rock with the one on the parchment. Her gaze wanders for a moment to the chalk residue lying on the ground in front of her. For a moment it seems as if she wants to pick up the chalk, but then she shakes her head vigorously and walks to the edge of the mountain plateau. After a last look at her drawing, she climbs down to the place where she climbed up before.


Re: Magic Homeworks of Galmair ((Open RP for Galmairs mages and their students))

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 11:22 pm
by shireenail
Presentation of the draft task for the mage ritual exam by trainee Shireena A~
Master Mage: Clairette von Liakir, Galmair

Investigation of the glitter phenomena in the Elstree Forest

The glittering phenomena that can occasionally be seen in Elstree Forest seem to be of an obviously magical nature. The Elstree Forest is known as a mystical place. There are no known records of previous investigations of the nature of these glitter phenomena, their origin and where they get their energy from. From a scientific point of view, this investigation should take place as a final examination within the framework of the training for Rital Magic. The purpose of the finding ritual is to determine the location of the energy source or the energy source itself.
The glitter apparitions always appear in groups at different places in Elstree Forest. They have been observed near the river that separates Elstree Plain from the East Land, mainly between Lake Elstree and the mouth of the river in the east.

Occasionally, but rather rarely, a Pure Element can be found in conjunction with the glitter phenomena. A Pure Element should therefore serve as the search object for this. If the glitter occurs in the air, but near the water-bearing river, either a Pure Element of air or of water should serve as a search object.

The ritual shall take place directly south of Lake Elstree.
The aim of the test is the magically correct planning and execution of the ritual, irrespective of a possible finding success which is considered a magical-scientific achievement.

16. Ronas 70, Shireena'il

Re: Magic Homeworks of Galmair ((Open RP for Galmairs mages and their students))

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 9:05 pm
by shireenail
Addendum to the draft task of 16 Ronas 70

When using the finding ritual, the element shows the right direction if successful.
In order to find the point sought, a second finding ritual must be performed at a different location.
If this ritual is also successful, the element again points in the right direction.
The point sought must then lie at the intersection of the two directions shown.
Enclosed is a sketch with a suggestion for the procedure, with a request for the examination and acceptance of the master magicians.

7. Bras 70, Shireena'il


bloody altar

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 7:40 pm
by Caswir
Drakull strolls throughout the town bored. Its MAS and no one in site. Just those wretched coffins. He decides to leave Runewick and check the other towns. Caswir winds up in the Galmair mage house. One of his old favorite hang outs. He recalls when Evie and the other mages from Galmair were building it. They had used a group of mages in a circle to together cast the portal spell to the second floor. Caswir is kicking himself now for now paying more attention but then again he didnt know magic then. Caswir snaps out of his flashback and starts to snoop around the mage house looking at the desk and around the bookshelves. There setting on a stand a book that looked like it was placed there recently. He examines the book, Magic Homeworks of Galmair. "Oh wow Shireena wrote this journal".

"...and there is a map.."

Caswir knew this was the perfect opportunity. It looks like the map is to a ritual site. He had been feeling regret this past week, since he had apparently mismanaged an important ritual request from Shireena, which she wanted to have in Runewick. "Perhaps she wanted someone to find this map..."

"I think Ill check it out. I have nothing else going on. And I gotta stay sharp." He says as he takes the map. And follows to the elstree forest, where he stumbles upon a Dungeon. "This cant be it can it?". Upon the clues journal, Caswir seems to have found Shireenas spot.


"I remember this place..." When Caswir had battled with Jefferson, we had found him hiding out here. But Caswir had no idea of the evil here. "I cant say how many times Ive passed this mountain, and I never knew.. about this altar to the unspoken." He shutters. Caswir climbs up top the side of the cliff onto a plateau. "And this must be the ritual site." He says as he looks down over some chalk drawn out in a hexagram. "What was she attempting...?" he ponders to himself, before climbing down and making his way out of the dungeon.

Caswir returns to the Galmair mage house and looks over the journal once more. He adds a parchment to the journal.
