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Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:17 pm
by Clairette
((closed rp for now, I guess))

19. Malas 65, a tiny white bird brings a message and then hops around expecting to get some food:
Dear Yirdia,
I would like to ask two things.
First, for the research on the stones: Would you write down the vision you saw in the stone in detail, for me?

Second, for an experiment, can you show me how to make a healing potion and teach and help me create one?

Your help is always appreciated.

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:21 pm
by Yridia Anar
Dear Clairette,

I will send you my report with the exact details soon.
And for the second request - I can show you how I make the potion.
But without knowledge of Alchemy you wont be able to create your own.
Its a process you have to learn - and being creative.
We can discuss this further on a later date.

May the night protect you


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:22 pm
by Yridia Anar
Faen, Yridia's little snow owl, brings another parchment.
Dear Clairette,

here follows the report of the vision.
At first I wondered if I would see the same thing in all 3 stones when they are connected.
(which still needs to be tested)
There was only absolute darkness at the start.
Then I saw a woman, an elfess, pursued by a corrupt creature. Then I realized that the elf woman resembled me.
I asked the stone what it was trying to tell me, because at first I couldn't remember being pursued by such a creature.
Then the vision became sharp and clear. It was the undead Lord Gray and his attempt to murder me.
I not only saw the vision, no, the pain, thoughts and feelings were within me - I felt and sensed them completely again.
Also that I was very very close to death at that time.

Then the vision faded away.

I hope this will help you and seek me out for the potion.

May the night protect you


PS.: Faen loves cake crumbs 

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:35 pm
by Clairette
Claire's little white bird brings a message.
Dear Yirdia,

I have spoken with the Shaman, and with Left Hand Oxiana.
Left Hand has said that the "visit" to the Temple is better kept between us. He is afraid that someone might say I am going there to pray.

The Shaman was very helpful. The Bearers of the Fire fought the dragon Zaras.
Djironnima left behind a warning or something. I have attached a copy of that.

I think we should go to Runewick soon and look in the library there.
I suggest we don't tell our suspicions at all, so that the dragon - if it is one - doesn't know what we know. If we are sure, we can always make plans.

~ Clairette
Zaras is defeated.

Perhaps not everyone is aware of how heavy these lines weigh. What are the consequences of his death? Why was he so powerful? And what had been Zaras actually?

When the time was still very young and the Unspoken One still walked around freely, but was already corrupted, it turned out that he was envious of the noble and powerful dragons of our Lord Brágon. So he stole five young dragon eggs from the ever-burning realm. These and other deeds, of the now corrupted nature of the once brave ancestor led to his incarceration deep in the womb of our world.

But the Unspoken One took the eggs with him, taking them with him and corrupting them. The false tongues of the Lord of Darkness poisoned the minds of the dragons over the centuries and when the time was ripe and they hatched, their souls were hateful and corrupted. Yet without stopping, the Unspoken One continued to drench their thirsty young souls with the corruptions and evils, until they were loyal only to him and the suffering itself.

One of these five corrupted was Zaras. The second-born dragon of the Unnamed was filled with false, blind hatred for all mortals. He sought nothing but their sorrow and destruction to avenge his depraved master. On his way he lost his fleshly form, at the brave resistance of those who carry the fire of the Lord. To regain it he came to our lands. But Brágon, his child Erakul and the many brave mortals who followed them, were able to accomplish the incredible and destroy one of the five great dragons of the Unnamed.

But where one fell, four will roar to lament his death and swear cruel vengeance. These lines warn you, who have followed the call of the righteous, who have fought and conquered, and who carry the teeth of Zaras with you.

I warn you about Efarel the Golden. The eldest of the dragon children, chosen by the Unnamed himself to lead his hordes, she is as strong and dangerous as she is proud and arrogant.

No less dangerous is her blood-red sister Sedusa. Hatched after Zaras, she became the greatest of the unholy dragons and her voice is as cruel as it is mighty. She is the dooming herald, the shrieking voice of the blood god, and her cry proclaims doom.

Although he does not obey his sister Efarel but only the unspoken itself, the youngest of the dragons, Obon, is no less dangerous. The green-scaled one roams the lands in blind frenzy. He even wanted to eat his siblings once, so they say.

But the most dangerous of all five is the fourth, Panos the Grey. No servant of the unnamed has walked our lands longer than Panos, none knows mortals and their needs better, none knows how to manipulate mortals better. Panos purrs into our minds with sweet voice and pointed tongue. He is the prophet of the inferno, of death and suffering. It was he who seduced the once mortal warriors of the Golden Legion and they are now his undead faithful. Relentlessly he draws the weak souls under his spell and to the feet of his master. Without ceasing he poisons the souls of mortals. I warn you most of all about Panos, he fights where neither blade nor shield can help.

One is dead, four will follow him.
We will not obey Efarel, but only the fires in our hearts.
We will not listen to Sedusa, but only to our conscience.
We will not succumb to Obon, but steadfastly resist.
We will not succumb to Panos, but only praise the honorable.
We will build what they destroy,
we will slay them all
and even if we perish, our children and grandchildren will fight them until it is said:
Five are dead, none will follow.

for the bearers of the fire

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:44 pm
by Yridia Anar
Yridia's snow owl comes back with a message
Dear Clairette,

these are interesting news.
I agree with Oxiana - we should keep this trip to ourselves.
Djironyma's write-up is enlightening, giving us a
better knowledge about these dragons. We should do further research in the Runewick library.

In the meantime, I have also received an answer from the old elf library.
My two friends have researched and investigated as well - such
Stones are unknown and have never appeared anywhere before.

Tonight I will probably have a meeting with my other druids,
to discuss the stones and other issues. However, I will not
mention the trip.

I shall look forward to our next meeting

may the night protect you

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:45 pm
by Clairette
Dear Yirdia,

I would like to invite you to a masked ball being held in the main hall of Galmair's Crest, on the 24th Tanos 66 at noon.

We gather to celebrate completion of my apprenticeship under the shaman, Sarangerel, giving formal recognition as a fully trained mage.

Food, drink and music will be provided, with dancing encouraged.
Guests are expected to wear appropriate attire for a masked ball, meaning costume or at least a mask should be worn as disguise.

~ Clairette

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:46 pm
by Clairette
Dove carries a little letter to Yridia, then the small white bird flutters around happily:
Dear Yridia,

the Shaman and I examined the stones. It seems they are dangerous.
The stones can alter the way the people are or what people are who look into them.
The Shaman said it alters the very essence of people, I fail to really understand what it means, but I prefer to stay as I am.
So hereby we advise you to only look into the stones when having set up proper protection.

If we find time, I'd appreciate to meet and talk,


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:52 pm
by Yridia Anar
Dear Clairette,

thank you for this information. We are planning to help the mages in Runewick and have also done our own research.
That these stones are dangerous was never a question for me.
But we really should discuss this in person.

I will send Faen to you as soon as I have some time ?

May the darkness protect you

~Yridia Anar~

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:53 pm
by Yridia Anar
Soon after:

Faen finds Clairette

Dear Clairette,

shall we met in a couple hours ?


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:57 pm
by Clairette
And the owl returns with a handwritten note:
Dear Yridia,
I'd welcome a meeting.

I shall meet you at the Hemptie Inn.

~ Clairette

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:59 pm
by Clairette
Another day, again dove carries a message to Yirdia.
Dear Yirdia,
I hope you are doing well.

Due to political circumstances I shall have
to refrain from examining the stone in
Recent events reminded me of Left Hand's
advice to stay out of trouble and there-
for away from Runewick soil.

I would have liked to meet you.
For now, though I am looking forward
to hearing you share your tale of what
will have happend today.

I wish you all the best and success for
this endevour!

Stay safe,

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:03 pm
by Yridia Anar
Faen comes back rather quickly
Dear Clairette,

I see your situation, even if I think we all should work together to solve things threaten us all.
Will miss you.
And I try to  stay safe Clairette - I promise.

You get the tale then from me and what we discovered - if we discover something.
For the benefit of all realms.

Hopefully see you soon

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:03 pm
by Yridia Anar
Some days later

Faen reaches Clairette with a short message
Dear Clairette,

it would be good if we can met soon. I will share all informations about the happenings around the stone in Runewick,

May the darkness protect you
~Yridia Anar~

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:07 pm
by Clairette
Some time after Mas, a tiny white bird carries a letter to Yirdia.
Dear Yridia,
how are you these days?
Did Mas go well for you?

I spend my days with research on spells, portals and the magic bottle
with the pupped I named Creepy, as well as making plans for the masked
ball and looking after the pets.
All this keeps me pretty busy. And so I did not manage to visit you at
the Hemp Tie Inn, even thought I would appreciate very much seeing you,
sitting somewhere on a log and sharing stories or just keep your company
when you brew potions.

So, I decided to at least take some time and write you this letter instead...
How was your beginning of the new year?
Winter will soon become spring, right?

While writing I remembered, that I once read the druids sell drinks.
Do you think I could order some for the ball next month?
What would you recommend as appropriate for such an occasion,
that should be dazzling and glamourous?

I hope this letter finds you well,
while I shall wait eagerly for your reply,


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:10 pm
by Yridia Anar
Yridia smiles and feeds the tiny white bird some crumbs of fresh baked cookies.
Dear Clairette,

It is nice to hear from you.
Mas was rather quiet - at least for me. I'm meeting with my fellow druids soon to hear how they fared.

I have already missed you and our conversations. But it seems you are making good progress in all ways.
Every season has something special, winter is the time of rest for plants and animals - but you can already feel a hint of spring.

Because of your demand, yes, we sell drinks.
For your ball, I would suggest elven wine, mead, beer, as well as juices and water.
It would be an honour to provide the drinks for you.

I hope you are not only very busy, but also in good health and spirits.
But your letter does not suggest otherwise.

Nevertheless, I look forward to seeing you again soon.

May the darkness protect you

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:14 pm
by Clairette
Claire's little white bird brings a letter:
Dear Yirdia,
how have you been recently?

Here, things could be better.
I guess they could be for Amelia as well.
Some days ago, I learned that Amelia got
sold as a slave to some Albarian nobles...

No others news. I'm am still busy with magic
and also planning a new fighting training event.
Being busy helps me.

Perhaps we could meet soon?
I guess, I'd appreciate company.

Be safe and may the light shine for you!


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:15 pm
by Yridia Anar
Yridia's little Owl returns
Dear Clairette,

I am shocked, such horrific news!
Is there anything we can do to help ?

How do you and Inara holding up ?

And for sure I will met you as soon as possible Clairette.
Maybe bring Inara with you ?

I will write a letter to her.

May the shadows protect you


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:22 pm
by Clairette
The answer is a rather short note:
Dear Yirdia,
there is nothing we can do.
I try to keep busy as it helps to distract me.

Let me know if and when Inara and you want to meet.


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:26 pm
by Clairette
Dove carries a letter, the pet seems proud to deliver a heavy letter and hops around a bit showing off.
Dear Yirdia,
Good news: Amelia has returned!
She's back in Galmair, well and healthy.

I can not phrase how relived I am to see she's back.
Left Hand was happy as well, Inara, too.
I appreciate seeing them like this.
I admit, I worry Amelia could be poisoned and soon begin to
suffer, I wonder if it is just my brain that refuses to accept
good news...

At our last talk with Inara, I might be mistaken, but you
seemed to have left in a hurry?
You told me I should choose wisely, but I should explain
why I have no choice.
I am the last of my house and it will fade to darkness,
if I do not reconquer it. The same would happen to all
of my house, my ancestors and to me. I rarely talk about
this. I admit, it is very embarrassing and honestly I do not
appreciated to think about what failing this task would mean
for my fate. Yet, I do not dare to hope that this Cherga
goddess would send me back again and again - always.
So please understand, I can not ignore my ancestors' demand.
The price would be too high to pay, so I have no choice.
I am not happy about this, I would very much prefer to stay
on the surface, living a more or less carefree life in
Galmair as a mage. Yet, considering what I wrote before,
you will come to understand I have been making plans and
I am working towards my goal ever since I found myself
on Galmair's market place.
This does not mean I can not appreciate the time I spend here
and things I learn, while I am preparing.
And when I have reclaimed my house, I shall gladly
come to visit Illarion when time allows. I'm doubtful if I
could invite others to visit me?
It could be to dangerous, wouldn't you agree?
Anyhow, unless I figure out how to actually get back under the
surface and where the ice lake and white stone caves are located,
all of this will happen some time in the future.

I hope my long letter could help you to understand my motivations.
I came to realize talking usually helps to understand why someone
does something. So, I'm looking forward for your letter, as well
as meeting you soon.

~ Clairette

Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:26 pm
by Yridia Anar
Faen delivers with a soft sound Yridia's answer to Clairette
*Dear Clairette,

I am overjoyed that Amelia is back and have immediately informed my fellow druids.
It will be wonderful to have her back in our midst.
That Inara and Oxiana - and I strongly assume you as well - are very happy about it, is out of the question for me.

Yes, you are right, I left our conversation rather quickly.
Somehow I had reached a point where I didn't want to listen anymore.
But before we keep silent next time or even avoid each other, we should talk.
I try to understand what you wrote, even if it is difficult for me - for various reasons.
To disregard the demand of your ancestors is certainly not in your nature.
You also could not know what you would find here, at the time you arrived.

Thank you for the long letter and the attempt to explain to me the hows and whys.

Let's meet soon to talk about it.


Re: Letters

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:12 pm
by Clairette
The answer is a note brought to Yridia by Claire's little white messenger bird:
Dear Yridia,
how have you been recently?
I am planting lots of grain, as I intend to bake cookies and muffins later.
It's good to be outside and take a break from studying from time to time.
The weather doesn't get much warmer in Galmair.
Yet, the sun is stronger in Siros is a sign of the summer beginning, I guess?

Please let me know where I shall find you at the Hemp Tie,
or if you like to meet in Galmair.

Looking forward to meeting you,

Re: Letters

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:26 pm
by Yridia Anar
Faen brings a message
*Dear Clairette,

thank you for the in depth conversation. It has been good and put some things in the right perspective.

We grew up very differently. Our cultures are far apart.
And yet I understand your points of view, can comprehend them.
If there's one thing I've learned in my long years of life, is to never judge - or condemn - prematurely.
Tolerance has taught me my high priesthood, humility my druidism.
I nevertheless found it very amusing that you consider my non-violence as "fluffy".

Hopefully we will see each other again soon, until then I wish you good luck in everything you plan and want to do.


Re: Letters

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:06 pm
by Clairette
A tiny white bird carries at letter to Yridia. Dove seems to be expecting to be fed with cookie crumbles, the animal is fluttering around happily.
Dear Yridia,
how are you doing?
It was nice seeing you at the secret picknick-bithday party.
I hope you recovered well from the role of the wicked aunt.
I certainly did recover and left all traces of being jester behind
- at least until I need to make use of such charade.

The last meetings with my fellow mages were not as fruitful as I hoped.
So, I guess we are still deep in researching and plotting.
Nonetheless I shall make time to visit you at the Hemptie Inn soon.

Be well and safe, and may the light shine for you,
~ Clairette

Re: Letters

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:31 pm
by Clairette
Claire's little pet dove carries a letter, the handwriting looks quite a bit shaky.
Dear Yridia,
how are you doing?
I hope all is well?

I haven't been able to write earlier,
since after an unlucky encounter with two spiders
at our training event I found myself in hospital.
Renar and Left Hand brought me there and
Amelia took and is taking care of me...
I know, it's embarrassing!

Worse is now I am stuck here in my favorite
place of all, the hospital of Galmair ...
I do not feel too bored, as I have my harp and
I sleep most of the time. Renar came to visit
and tossed some oranges at me. We talked about
family and past events a little. I wonder if that's
why I had odd nightmares of my older sisters
being angry with me.
I failed to do a prayer...

I fear I will also miss my own training event,
but I shall make a plan to keep people busy.

I'm looking forward to come to visit you at the
Hemptie again. But for now, I will have to stick
to writing letters.


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 5:03 pm
by Yridia Anar
Faen, the little snowy owl, brings a letter.
*My dear Clairette,

first of all, how are you? I am sorry that I have found so little time to meet with you.

I am going on a longer journey, something I have been planning for a while. A few weeks, but I will surely be back before Mas.
Helping in the hardest times of the year is always my highest priority.

How are your studies going ? I hope it will bring you to your goal soon.
But is that ever the case ?
For me I can say - I will probably always have a goal, for me my way is the goal.

Maybe your answer will reach me before I start my journey.

May the shadows always protect you


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 7:29 pm
by Clairette
And then shortly after Faen's return, Dove carries a reply.

21. Olos 66

Dear Yridia,
how are you doing?
Where will you be travelling?

I am doing well. Besides some scratches from leaning against a cactus - I can not recommend to do so! - in the desert, I left the fighting scene near Letma unscratched. My armour was a bit roasted by a fire tossing undead, but that's all.

Cadomyr ran an military drill against the mountain's forces, especially their golems what supply them with weapons, and resources. We were a large group, during training we would have been split into two groups, I guess.
Amelia was there as well, as Medico. I appreciated it to see Fergro again, who had made himself rare in the past months.

My studies are coming along well, I guess. Before the drill in Kantabi, I met with most of my fellow Galmarian mages, to our surprise Caswir from Runewick showed up as well.
Well, we're about to do more experiments soon. The spell's design is decided and done by now and we're entering the phase where we're doing tests to see what minor adjustments are necessary to get the outcome we wish for.

All in all it was a long day, so I spend the next one sleeping a lot, and then went to the fields growing carrots and grain. I've am planning to bake more cakes or cookies. I'd try to create some jewellery, or rather search the mines for ores, yet I don't appreciate the long ways one has to walk from the mines to town. Wouldn't it be nice to have a golem to have it carry your things? I'd also feed it pebbles and ores to praise it for it's help. They do eat pebbles, don't they?

I'm looking forward to seeing you, and hearing about you adventures when you returned from your journey,
until then may the light shine for you and be safe!


Re: Letters

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:49 pm
by Clairette
A little white bird carries a letter.
Dear Yridia,
would you have time to meet me, so we can talk?

My voice returned and I would tell you about Linette - if you'd like to listen.
Amelia and Renar both said I misunderstood your attempt to cheer me up.
Amelia usually is right in such things...

~ Clairette

Re: Letters

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:24 pm
by Yridia Anar
The little white bird returns and brings a short note
*Dear Clairette,

I will try to find time to talk.
Also, I am glad that your voice has returned.

Whether Amelia and Renar were right remains to be seen.

~Yridia Anar~*

Re: Letters

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:46 pm
by Yridia Anar
Yridia's snow-owl flutters around Clairette, visibly excited.
"Dear Clairette,

terrible things happened during Mas. And I think you know nothing of it.
Inara was sent to Cherga ( I know it is not your goddess ) with the most serious injuries.
She was lucky - very lucky that none of her organs were affected.
I went to see her after a desperate short message and learned that Bidukan and others chased her around the city for several minutes, after they had already deceitfully and insidiously attacked the Countess, Lady Lamar and Sir S'rrt and apparently also injured them severely.
She is now well cared for. Reace is looking after her - and I have used my best healing skills.
Inara needs rest now and her trusted ones around her.

Besides, Bidukan has claimed the Inn for himself. I will not allow a murderer to take over our hospital! But that is a minor matter.

I wish and hope with all my heart that at least you Mas survived unharmed.

May the shadows protect you

Yours ~Yridia~"

Re: Letters

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:50 pm
by Clairette
Days later Dove carries a letter to Yridia, the animal flutters around and easily jumps here and there.
The tiny white bird seems to be full of energy.
Dear Yridia,
Mas passed without trouble for me. Galmair was calm.

It is very unappreciated to hear that Inara was injured,
as well as that Bidukan is causing trouble again.

Good to hear you are looking after Inara.
Reace will make sure she can recover, right?
Is she in Cadomyr Hospital?

It must have been quite a ambush, when then
all these cadomyrian knights fell for it.
I'm envious and unpleasantly surprised.

Did you talk to the half-hung Owner of the Inn?
How can Bidukan claim an Inn, that not belongs to him?
I'd assume a solution could be found.

May the light shine for you and
may you be kept from harm,
