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Bring Drathe back to the council!

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:28 pm
by Kyre
A Parchment appears on the town board placed in the dead of night by a witch wearing a cloak too large for her.

Let's talk Drathe into coming back to the council, the town needs him and he would add so much to the works in progress!

The Witch

Re: Bring Drathe back to the council!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 1:21 am
by Dragonlord Atarka
Sardon and Ka'shas supports this.

Re: Bring Drathe back to the council!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 2:16 am
by Karrock
Orion supports this too.

Re: Bring Drathe back to the council!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 3:17 am
by Dubigalosch
i would also support it.

Re: Bring Drathe back to the council!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 7:46 am
by Sammy Goldlieb
Drathe has requested it and now will be interviewed by the archmage. We will see what he decides.


Re: Bring Drathe back to the council!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 11:44 am
by Drathe
Hard working towns folk I thank you for your votes of confidence and for taking it upon yourselves to show it publicly.
I appologies for letting you all down and leaving the post. While I knew my presence on the council had a rejuvinating effect on the town, I did not know you had taken me to heart and the support I had from you on my leaving was galvanising. I had reasons for my actions, some of which are probably showing them selves to you now.

Sammy is correct, I am awaiting the Archmage for talks about returning to the council and continuing to be the voice of you, the common folk, the hard working life blood of the town. But I fear it will not be made easy.

This right here, gives weight to your want, my cause, to be treated fairly, honestly and like the good people you are. I am of you. You know my history, my reputation, I've never tried to hide what I am but learn to use it as a strength to better us all. Learn and grow from you and with you and better the town as a whole. People can work together and make great things happen for us all if they let their egos settle, wake up their reason and learn to trust.

A balanced, trusting, open, honest and communicative, small council pulling the rope together rather than against could be a strength, not a weakness.

I would like to thank Sammy and Caswir both having verbally stated their vote of confidence to me the other day.


Never expecting to be served but always at your service

~Drathe Blue~

Re: Bring Drathe back to the council!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 10:56 pm
by Dubigalosch
I heard Drathe has disappeared.

Any investigations going on ?

Re: Bring Drathe back to the council!

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 6:43 pm
by Drathe
A small scrap of parchment has been pinnned to the board.

My good Dwarf and townsfolk, I have not disappeared. But it is with heartfelt sadness that I must stay my course as before and take my leave of the council of Runewick. I can not reprisent your interests fairly and honestly while I have other persuits that pull my attention else where.
Forgive me.

I leave you in the capable hands of what I believe to be the current council of Caswir, Shiba and Deanna.

~Drathe Blue~

Re: Bring Drathe back to the council!

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 11:55 pm
by nathi
Someone seems to have pinned a small parchment, which was obviously transmitted by a dove.
Dear Runewikans
Perhaps one or the other has noticed that I am no longer available to the council in Runewick. This is the case and it will remain so, active offices I resign. The rank I see longer only as a title of honor. It has been made clear to me, and I have understood, that the citizens do not like my manner and intentions of running the city.
The decisions I have made before are to be followed up by the remaining or newly appointed council.

A explanation of the ban I have placed on Bidukan.
Before Bidukan last left Runewick for an extended period of time, he publicly disagreed with and called for even invited to resist with a regulatory order in the matter of Cadomyr issued by Councilor Caswir. I wanted to file a charge of high treason against Bidukan, but this did not happen due to his departure. Immediately after Bidukan's return and although he was informed that I was again a member of the council, he used a comparably pejorative wording against me as he had once used against Caswir. More out of despair than out of careful consideration I gave Bidukan the choice to leave Runewick, otherwise he would be banished at the beginning of the next day, and would have no access anymore. He chose banishment.
Despite the time spent in thought about this case, the outcome of this matter did not show any logical consistency for me. We belonged to the same community, we had the same opponents, we were looking in the same direction, but apparently we were focusing targets at different distances in the same direction.
I leave it to Caswir to decide what he intends to do with the ban, and wish him a luckier hand than I had.
