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[Runewick] Alchemical Helper WANTED

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:21 pm
by Shiba
In soon anticipation of the months of Mas and the uncertainty about the duration of the undead attacks, I hereby request help with certain alchemical preparations. EVERYONE can help. EVERYONE will benefit. Every helper gets potions or money as compensation. All other potions made will be for the defence of the city. Private purchases of the potions are also possible and their prices are heavily reduced for the upcoming months.

I would like to thank Deanna, Drathe and Dugibalosch for their excellent support so far.

So WHAT can be done?

1. Herb gathering - ANY herb is needed
2. Wood chopping - potions need bottles, bottles need glass and glass needs wood
3. Sand digging - glass needs sand!
4. Glass making - it's so easy, EVERYONE can do that
4. Bottle making - EXPERTS needed
5. Gem mining/cutting - amethyst and rubies are in dire need!
6. Potion brewing - any recipe that helps with *defending* is welcome. Tutoring about simple potion recipes can be arranged

Current stocks

** Ingredients **
4000 coarse sands
4000 naldor wood
400 quartz sand
1520 Glass Ingots
345 Empty bottles
900 amethyst gem dust
400 ruby gem dust

** Products **
60 "[Shiba] Mana - High" Potions
11 "Mana - Medium" Potions
13 "Mana - Low" Potions

31 "[Sammy] Healing NM - High" Potions
9 "[Sammy] Healing NM - Medium" Potions
10 "[Sammy] Healing NM - Low" Potions

all potions follow the new standard for labeling potions ((viewtopic.php?p=716675#p716675))

I will keep record of every single volunteer who helped and display their service to the public:

** The city of Runewick **

1. donated 2000 naldor wood
2. donated 2000 blackberries for muffins and potions
3. donated 274 coarse sands
4. donated 551 potashes
5. donated 100 glass ingots
6. donated 14 venison dishes
7. donated 17 steak dishes

Any unused goods will be returned to the storekeeper of the city after Mas.

** Dugibalosch **

1. cutted 1000 amethyst stones
2. donated 1400 quartz sand
3. donated 260 glass ingots
4. turned 1000 pieces of naldor wood and 1000 bags of coarse sand into 1000 glass ingots
5. donated 38 trout fillet dishes
6. donated 28 mushroom soups
7. donated 56 wooden plates
8. donated 135 soup bowls
9. donated 4000 arrows

** Drathe **

1. donated 260 glass ingots

** Sardon **

1. donated 5000 coarse sands and 5000 naldor wood

** Sammy **

1. donated 100 empty bottles
2. donated 50 venison dish
3. brew 50 healing potions

** Runewick Mining Party **

We were able to prospect 246 amethysts and 306 rubies. These gems will be used to support alchemy apprentices.

Signed by
~ Shiba
Alchemist and tradeswoman from Runewick

Re: [Runewick] Alchemical Helper WANTED

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 11:31 pm
by Dubigalosch
I`m happy to announce that another 520 Glas Ingots are ready to use.

Drathe contributed the required potash to make this happend.

Re: [Runewick] Alchemical Helper WANTED

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:07 am
by Dragonlord Atarka
Dear Shiba and Drathe,

Please see the Sardon about all of your resource needs. The Sardon has sand and even more naldor wood. The Sardon will immediately offer five thousand naldor wood and sand. In the meantime the Sardon will be cutting gems for use.


Re: [Runewick] Alchemical Helper WANTED

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 12:58 pm
by Shiba
Dear Sardon,

your offer is for sure welcome in these difficult times! Let's arrange a meeting as soon as possible. I will try to provide a large compensation for your generous offer!

In humility

Re: [Runewick] Alchemical Helper WANTED

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:29 pm
by Sammy Goldlieb
The Sammy of your trust can fullfil your bottle needs and has 100 more Health potions (for warriors) to add.

The Sammy