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Seeking long term Alchemist

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 3:36 pm
by Dragonlord Atarka
The Sardon would like to make known his search for a personal Alchemist assistant to help the Sardon further his studies and to supply him with all manner of potions. The Sardon asks that the Alchemist keep business confidential and solely for the Sardon and the town of Runewick (with some exceptions).

What can the Sardon offer?

The Sardon is a master of battle, training of any kind can be offered as well as protection from any manner of beast or mortal.

The Sardon frequents the most dangerous of mines for large amounts of gemstones which can be crushed into powder for the Alchemist. All of this can be done regularly or upon request.

The Sardon has quantities of gold and other valued resources, wealth is not an issue and as such the alchemist will want for naught.

The Sardon is no stranger to hard work, he is capable of supplying herbs and given time to learn to blow glass the Sardon would also make bottles. The Sardon will use his own coin to procure rare herbs if needed.

Should the alchemist decide to stay in business with Sardon after an introductory period, the Sardon will offer to pay for one small apartment for their lodging.

Requests can be made of anything, if the Sardon can provide it. What Sardon wants most out of anyone is mere loyalty. Loyalty will be most generously rewarded.

WARNING: Do not betray. Consequences may include but are not limited to burning, drowning, being eaten, blunt trauma, one thousand cuts, impalement, flaying, loss of influence, or loss of legal protections (outlaw)

~Sardon Last of the Great Atarka

Re: Seeking long term Alchemist

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 3:44 pm
by Shiba
Close to mastering my alchemical studies, I'd be happy to provide you any kind of potion that you will ask for. Confidentiality is taken for granted. As my fortitude doesn't allow me to seek riches in the distant caverns, I'd be also glad to purchase any kind of raw gems (or gem dusts, as you prefer) from you.

Looking forward to meeting you in person

In humility