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Visit Runewick - Live in Runewick.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 8:40 pm
by Drathe
Visit Runewick

During these times of uncertainty and miss spoken words I would like to reassure those from other fine townships that all who promote good trade, fine socialising and enjoyable company are welcome to frequent Runewick as has always been the way. As with any town, keep to the simple rules of common civility and the Rangers whos duty it is to keep the town and surrounds safe, will greet you merrily.

Live in Runewick.

Need a home? Not a citizen of Runewick? We have cheap apartments to rent, guaranteed cheaper than any other town or double the difference!! You do not even need to be registered town folk, keep your Gal or Cad town rank but live in Runewick! Beautiful on the eyes and easy on the purse. Should you stay and become one with us, your next years rent payment will continue to be cheap!

Look forward to seeing you in Runewick!

~ Your favorite Councilor, Drathe Blue ~