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Sammys potion shop

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 11:49 am
by Sammy Goldlieb
SPS Runewick

Sammys potion shop hereby opens its doors!

Healing potions for warriors and mages - 70 - 90 Silvers (varies with requested quality)
Antidotes - 50 silvers
Mana potion - 1 gold

Strengthening potions:
Bersekers rage (engages the strength, endurnce and speed of warriors) - 1 gold
Mages Wisdom (engages the inteligence, willpower and essence) 1 gold
Archer's potion (engages eyesicht, speed and endurance) - 1 gold
Sammys special warrior potion (engages strength, endurance, speed and willpower) - 2 gold
Sammys special wizard potion (engages inteligence, willpower, essence and speed) - 2 gold


Big bomb - 5 gold
Middle bomb - 7 gold (compressed field for stronger effect)
small Bomb - 10 gold (more compressed field for strongest effect)
Hunger potion - 5 gold

Buying or trading:

All rare herbs and potions bottles
For much needed herbs - 50 silvers

All herbs and potion bottles can also be traded for potions, talk to me for closer details

Much needed herbs: life root

~Sammy Goldlieb