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A Parchment is nailed to the boards in Galmair

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:25 pm
by Cynthia
Galmarians !

Now is the time to show what we are made of.
Just right now is the time to show our respect, trust and faith into this community and its leaders.

As I arrived, the Left Hand did support me, did help me to get on my feets. He never spoke ill, or false, behind anyones back to me.
Time to repay his help.

Cause I have to witness that people start to doubt him, question his leadership, even undermine our great community.
They do not see, that the greater goal is Letma and Gray.

They do not see that history repeats.
Jefferson was once a Galmarian, did put his own ambitions over the Don and Galmair.
What is he now ?

Someone who threatens our lifes !
I wont live forever in fear to work on the field - nor being protected from others.
But if we divide ourselves now, exactly this will happen !

Show the Don, his Left and Right Hand, the community what color you are.
Lets unite again !

Hereby I pledge myself to the Don, to Galmair and his announced leaders.
I will -with all I am able to do- support the community, the Left and the Right Hand, in their tasks.

~Cynthia Carlotta Elise Threndosian~
Bard of Galmair

Re: A Parchment is nailed to the boards in Galmair

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:47 pm
by Custodio
A pink haired elfess walk up to the boards with a slow gait, smiling in amusement upon spotting the parchment before leaving as slowly as she came. A while later, the same elfess returns, only to pin a small note of her own beneath the parchment.
There will always be rumors about those in charge, spouted by petty, jealous people who want their power as their own. I do not believe there is any reason for concern, as any such person is hardly capable of dividing Galmair. Any such person will at most temporarily lead some foolish people astray, but naught more. Personally I do not even believe I have encountered such fools, so as to spout falsities about our Left Hand. Perhaps you should re-assess your social circles, miss Cynthia?

That said, I do appreciate the sentiment and loyalty shown here for our home realm. Hence, I shall follow your lead.
I will personally, as a patrician of Galmair, attest for the character of our Left Hand, Oxiana. He has by far proven his splendid leadership over the decades spent serving the realm as the Don's left hand. People have no need to doubt him. The Don did appoint him and keep him in such a trusted role for so many years, after all.

It is by far more important we look away from any such clowns seeking to garner attention by defaming our leadership, and instead put our sights onto the threat of Letma and what can be done towards that agenda. As Cynthia stated, the greater goal is to defeat the demonic forces of Letma. For those not already aiding in this endeavor, whom also did not attend the last meeting for this purpose, it is no secret that the Left Hand is seeking donations of rare herbs, magical gems, pure elements and glyph shards that may aid our researchers. Perhaps the time of some of you would be better spent aiding in the search of such material?

*at the bottom of the parchment there is a large bright pink signature using what appears to be some kind of special made ink*

Neia Custodio
Patrician and Researcher of Galmair

Re: A Parchment is nailed to the boards in Galmair

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:41 pm
by Bidukan
A tall man stops by and reads the Galmair's board. As he reads Cynthia's parchment shakes his head and sighs, muttering to himself:"Bard and now fool.".

Re: A Parchment is nailed to the boards in Galmair

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:03 pm
by Amelia Rotholz
Amelia walks towards the town board, reding through the postings. As she reads the parchment, she shakes her had with a sad sigh.

“You did not understand a thing, it seems…”

A few moments later, she adds a carefully written reply.
Dear Cynthia, no, my dear fellow Galmarians,

It saddens me to read these lines. For all I can say, I always stood and stand true to my beloved Galmair and Oxiana. But this can’t be the right way. You can not accuse people to divide us by seeding mistrust with the same hands. It does not help, to stir things by implying, some of us would turn on Galmair and Oxiana, or jumping on conclusions. You only add oil to the burning darkness and hand a sharp blade to the hands of the enemy.
We need to work together, that’s the only truth that counts!

~ Amelia Rotholz
“Please, Sirani, open their hearts, to open their eyes…”

With a sad gaze, she walks away then.

Re: A Parchment is nailed to the boards in Galmair

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:08 pm
by Liel
A response is written in childish block letters.
Oxi is a good man. A truth sayer. A protector. A great smith.

Bidukan is evil. A liar. Deceiver. A thug. A fake knight. A bully.

Make Galmair safe again! Away with Bidukan!