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Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:25 am
by Estralis Seborian
Dear Illarionites,

It has been two months since our last update. The next update will bring some fundamental changes to the game, changes that need thorough testing. We therefore would like to ask you for a public beta test of the next update. Here are the main points to be tested with test scope:
  • Crafting quality distribution
    • Craft items from various levels while changing your own skill level. See if the received quality follows a binominal distribution and always results in a proper quality display, even for extreme values.
  • Improvements to gathering
    • Gather various items (ores, herbs, wood, sand,...) and change your skill level. See that you always receive proper items. Pay special attention to "random events" giving you the correct item.
  • Broken items
    • Try to break items in every way imaginable (dying, using tools, fighting,...). Think about non-obvious ways to break an item. See that the broken item is not useful at all for any action, including unrelated systems such as alchemy.
  • Fix of Fairytale quest
    • Try to finish the quest of John Smith in Runewick. Within the process of solving the quest, use and look at a skull item.
Please create a character for the devserver or use your local server for testing. If you need any assistance in the process, please contact a developer on Discord.

Post all bugs, including spelling mistakes, in this thread. A bug is defined as a situation where the game does not behave the intented or expected way. If you want to make proposals or suggestions for feature changes, please use a separate thread on the Proposal forum.

Thank you very much for your help!



Liebe Illarioniten,

seit unserem letzten Update sind zwei Monate vergangen. Das nächste Update wird einige grundlegende Änderungen im Spiel bringen, Änderungen, die gründlich getestet werden müssen. Wir möchten euch daher um einen öffentlichen Betatest des nächsten Updates bitten. Hier sind die wichtigsten Punkte, die getestet werden sollen:
  • Berechnung der Crafting-Qualität
    • Fertig Gegenstände aus verschiedenen Leveln und verändert eure Fertigkeitsstufe. Überprüft ob die erhaltene Qualität einer Binominalverteilung folgt und immer zu einer korrekten Qualitätsanzeige führt, selbst bei Extremwerten.
  • Verbesserungen beim Sammeln
    • Sammelt verschiedene Gegenstände (Erze, Kräuter, Holz, Sand,...) und änder eure Fertigkeitsstufe. Achtet darauf, dass ihr immer die richtigen Gegenstände erhaltet. Achtet besonders auf "zufällige Ereignisse" und ob ihr den richtigen Gegenstand erhaltet.
  • Zerbrochene Gegenstände
    • Versucht, Gegenstände auf jede erdenkliche Weise zu zerbrechen (Sterben, Verwendung von Werkzeugen, Kampf,...). Denkt auch an nicht-offensichtliche Möglichkeiten, einen Gegenstand zu zerbrechen. Überprüft, ob der zerbrochene Gegenstand für keine Handlung nützlich ist, auch nicht für Systeme wie die Alchemie.
  • Märchen-Quest
    • Versucht, das Quest von John Smith in Runewick zu beenden. Benutzt während des Quests einen Schädel und schau diesen an.
Bitte erstell einen Charakter für den Devserver oder verwendet euren lokalen Server zum Testen. Wenn ihr dabei Hilfe benötigt, wendet euch bitte an einen Entwickler auf Discord.

Postet alle Bugs, einschließlich Rechtschreibfehler, in diesem Thread. Ein Bugs ist definiert als eine Situation, in der sich das Spiel nicht in der beabsichtigten oder erwarteten Weise verhält. Wenn ihr Vorschläge oder Anregungen für Funktionsänderungen machen möchtet, benutzt bitte einen separaten Thread im Vorschlagsforum.

Vielen Dank für eure Mithilfe!


Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:25 am
by Slightly
To create an item to use / materials / coins / anything else you might need:

!create [item ID] [number] [quality/durability]

Item ID can be found here -

Quality / durability is given as a three digit number.
Quality is represented by the first digit as 1-9.
Durability is represented by the second and third digit 1-99.

So to create a perfect sickle: !create 126 1 999

Or for plenty ready to break: !create 126 100 901

To vary skills / attributes of your character you will need the lockpicks tool:

!create 99 1 999

To adjust skills:
Use the lock picks > Char settings > Me > Change skills > select skill > new value

To adjust attributes:
Use the lock picks > Char settings > Me > Set attributes > select attribute > new value

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:53 am
by Alytys Lamar
First tests for Update

Gathering = seems to work well.
But even in areas you get normally, silk, maps, shard, wax etc = Zero - not a single item

Breaking tools
Glass / Bottles / Buckets do not break even if created in lowest quality
Sickle did break QL perfect. Repair worked
Sickle break QL horrible. Repair increased it to bad ( should probably stay horrible )
BUT = a repaired sickle stays brand new no matter how much you gather / harvest, tested it with QL perfect and horrible/bad

Will add more if I have time for further testing

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:21 am
by Alytys Lamar
I want to add a personal meaning to the testing above.

If you intend to take away Maps, Shards, Silk and so on - players will go mad ! very mad
Please consider such a step very carefully.
I mean it is perfect fine to get less junk like buckets, bowls, clay mugs and sickle handles.
BUT - the maps are loved by the players. They go together treasure hunting, they share the profit with the map owners ...
Silk and shards are needed for some very good crafters...

Just an advice from a old player. Do not take this out of game or make the dropping rate horrific low.

Ich möchte dies hier auch in deutsch übersetzen.
Meine persönliches Fazit für den ersten Testlauf

Wenn ihr wirklich in Erwägung zieht die Schatzkarten, Glyph Scherben, Seide und so weiter aus dem Verkehr zu ziehen - die Spieler werden sauer sein, sehr sauer
Bitte erwägt solch einen Schritt vorsichtig.
Ich denke es ist völlig in Ordnung weniger Müll, wie z.B. Schüsseln, Eimer, Sichelgriffe usw zu bekommen.
Aber die Schatzkarten werden von den Spielern geliebt. Sie gehen zusammen Schätze jagen, teilen den Profit mit den Inhabern der Karten usw.
Seide und Glyph Scherben werden von den guten Handwerkern benötigt ...

Einfach ein Rat von einer langjährigen Spielerin. Nehmt das nicht aus dem Spiel oder reduziert die Droprate wie verrückt zu einem kaum wahrnehmbaren level.


Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:02 pm
by HaselNuss
Die persönliche Meinung meinerseits habe ich Estralis auf Wunsch schon mitgeteilt. Aber gerne nochmal hier offiziell:


Immer wieder passiert etwas beim Sammeln, sehr cool, sehr großartig aber teilweise etwas ausbalanciert, wie viele alte Sichelgriffe man beim Kräuter sammeln findet ist nicht normal, als ob die Druiden die Natur als Müllhalde benutzen. Ebenfalls völlig overpowered ist das Finden der magischen Steine. Die Seltenheit der Steine ergibt sich durch die Spieler Bereitschaft der Städte, wo weniger spielen, gibt es weniger Steine. Aber wozu sollte ich mit anderen Städten in den Tausch gehen, wenn ich die Steine auch so finde? (Vielleicht bin ich da ein Glückspilz aber mein Maximum waren bei 500 Kräutern 6 magische Edelsteine und die Kräuter hatte ich sehr schnell zusammen). Elemente sind großartig, sie wären sonst sehr rar, daher eine schöne Belohnung beim Sammeln. Der ganze „Ramsch „ist da mehr störend, ich muss keine 100 fackeln beim Bergbauen sammeln, ich brauche keine 50 Tonkrüge und auch keine Sichelgriffe und niemand hängt Schafen so viele Amulette um den Hals. Besser bezogene Rohstoffe wären da sinnvoller und animieren mehr zum Sammeln, oh zwischen den Sonnenblumen ist ein selteneres Kraut gewachsen? Oh, das Schaf hat ein wenig Seide im Fell hängen, ist es an einem Busch entlang gestreift? (Ja die Seiden Diskussion nehme ich hier nochmal auf, da es wirklich ätzend ist IG als Schneider an Seide zu kommen, vor allem bei der Spielerzahl und dem bisschen Erfolg, den man mit 100 Seide (und das ist sehr sehr viel) erzielt. Ansonsten könnte man da auch die Preise beim Händler anpassen, 50 Silber für 1 Seide ist nicht verhältnismäßig) oh, die Kohle Ader ist durch eine kleine Gold-, Silber-, Eisenquelle durchzogen? Usw. da gibt es genug Möglichkeiten. Glyphen und Schatzkarten finde ich passend, etwas anderes und vor allem am Anfang ein guter Nebenverdienst! Monster spawnen finde ich diskussionswürdig, da sich das aber bisher immer im Rahmen hielt finde ich es okay.
Die gefundene Ware sollte definitiv balanciert werden, das ist klar. Statt sie zu entfernen würde ich sie eben anpassen. Schatzkarten sind ein sehr wichtiger Bestandteil, ich freue mich über jede Schatzkarte, die ich finde. Entweder bringt sie mir Geld oder ein Abenteuer. Beides ist mir sehr willkommen. Seide war schon etliche Male Thema im Forum und immer noch ein allgegenwärtiges Problem. Es sollte nicht entfernt werden, um die Schwierigkeit und die Rarität zu erhalten, aber die Fundmöglichkeit muss angepasst werden. Seide steht halt noch in keinem Verhältnis zu Merinium oder Hartholz.

Generell konnte ich die Beta aus zeit gründen noch nicht testen, werde es aber definitiv noch machen!

Leider nur auf Deutsch gerade :?

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:34 pm
by Estralis Seborian
Thank you very much! Here are some comments.
Alytys Lamar wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:53 am But even in areas you get normally, silk, maps, shard, wax etc = Zero - not a single item
I'll have a look at this. Random findings of "junk" items has been reduced significantly but not down to zero. Please note there is a minimum skill requirement of 60/80 for maps and elements.
Glass / Bottles / Buckets do not break even if created in lowest quality
What action did you perform you expected to break the items?
Edit: Clarified on Discord; breaking of glasses etc. is fully random and not linked to durability.
Sickle did break QL perfect. Repair worked
Sickle break QL horrible. Repair increased it to bad ( should probably stay horrible )
BUT = a repaired sickle stays brand new no matter how much you gather / harvest, tested it with QL perfect and horrible/bad
I need to check this; repairing is not the easiest system to work with. I understand it right repairing improved the quality? On durability, please note that tools are supposed to last much longer than you are used to. I'll still check this one out for any bugs.
If you intend to take away Maps, Shards, Silk and so on - players will go mad ! very mad
That's of course not the intention of the changes. Gathering will change and some items will enter the game in a different way but by no means is the intention to take away stuff. Gathering will focus on the actual gathering action a lot more and bycatch will be reduced; still for every chance lowered or item removed, there'll be a new and hopefully better way to get the item. Example silk: Instead of having to cut weeds as a tailor and being lucky once or twice a day, there'll be distinct sources where you can gather silk without any bycatch, using the same skill as for gathering wool.

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:04 pm
by Yridia Anar
Glass / Bottles / Buckets do not break even if created in lowest quality
What action did you perform you expected to break the items?
solved - stacking items do not break - thx for the answer @Estralis
Vanish is random

Even with the full gemmed sickle 12 % I did get absolutely nothing in around 6 hrs farming/gathering

So where do we find maps then ? and the glyphs ? Or will be the glyph crafting completely removed ?

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:54 pm
by Yridia Anar
Tested :

Fishing = no bug / rod breaks as intended
Skills 0 / 25 / 50 / 100

Cooking baking = no bug discovered
Tools break as intended
Skills 0 / 25 / 50 / 100

Wax/candlemaking= no bug discovered

However if you repair a broken tool QL horrible the quality goes up to bad // not sure if this is intended.

Again 1,5 hrs spend with gathering/ farming (( with the suggested skills and attributes ))
only 1 Map and a bucket.
I still think if someone has the wrong attribute ... is he screwed ?
Its imo not really balanced yet, I would even say it doesn't work at all.
Cause all IG testing hours together I needed 6+ hrs / 3 with a gemmed sickle and bonus - to get a meager map and a bucket
And honestly who does ever gem a sickle :?

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:56 am
by Estralis Seborian

thanks again for all the testing. Did anyone test the fairy tale quest yet?

Can you elaborate on this statement?
Yridia Anar wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:54 pmIts imo not really balanced yet, I would even say it doesn't work at all.
What needs to be balanced against what? If you refer to the amount of maps, I’ll highlight the changes:

-Finding maps requires level 60 and finding elements requires level 80 in the gathering skill. So testing at skill 0 / 25 / 50 should not give any map nor pure element.
-The base chance to find maps has been reduced a bit but the resulting chance depends now on attributes, tool quality and gems in tools while it was a constant change before. So with a good tool and high attributes, you should not experience any change. Of course, with bad attributes and a bad tool, the yield is reduced.
-Random items (sometimes referred to as “junk”) are significantly reduced.
-Base chance for pure elements has been increased and the same boni as for maps apply; so elements should come much more frequently and also more often than maps.
-Glyph shards will be gathered in a different way, balancing work on this is open but the system is already in place.
-Magic gems have been removed from gathering. The alternative methods to get gems will be balanced, this is still open.

Generally, the observation is correct that there is much, much less bycatch. So if you cut a tree, you mainly get wood. Gathering as it is now in the game gives you a random item every two minutes or around 30 per hour and this needs to be reduced from my perspective.

What you do not see yet is that some materials will also come in tiers. So to find diamonds, you’ll need high mining skill. There’ll be much more use of the skill and the attributes as well as the tool quality, so gathering will become much more variable in itself without providing piles of random items. I know it is difficult to assess a work in progress state but in this review, I am esp. looking for implementation bugs.

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:57 am
by Yridia Anar
What needs to be balanced against what? If you refer to the amount of maps, I’ll highlight the changes:
See - exactly what I mean. All under a certain level and attribute are screwed.
And who wants to gem tools like a sickle ? Maybe a smith hammer or pickaxe.
But to get the idea to gem a sickle is ridicolous and far to expensive
Did test with 80 /100 skill btw. AND a gemmed sickle.

Its a system not fair to new players. No money, maybe wrong attributes ...
Maps are a important way to have RP and gain money - so why reduce it to such a difficult height ?? its hard to reach for some.
All other changes are fine and okay - but I can't agree to this one. Not a bit since it just takes away fun and RP opportunities.
It will rather increase infact PG- which isn't what really is intended.

Please again, think over it.
Maybe let it happen at skill 50 - no attributes needed and for the sake of all - no gemmed tools please !

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:23 am
by Katharina Brightrim
The lower drop-rate will not increase PGing, cause it makes it less lucrative.

And why is it ridiculous to gem a sickle? Chars who are supposed to be crafters would of course gem their tools rather than an armor they rarely (if even) use. Besides, Estralis did not say at all, that you _need_ gems in your tools. Does it speed up the process? Certainly. And that is nice for people who dedicate their chars to crafting rather than just doing a bit of everything. They can sink their lvl 5 gem set into the tool of their choice and become better in said craft, instead of putting a lvl 1 set into the tool, another into the armor and the last into the weapon.

Another point I would like to comment is that it's not fair to new players. And that is - in my eyes - hardly a point. The attributes tell you what they are good for and if somebody accidentally makes a char with absolutely terrible attributes, I think I've seen GMs adjusting that one time per new char in the past (Not entirely sure, do not take my word for it). And new chars will _always_ be in a disadvantage compared to older chars, no matter what you do. Nobody is complaining about the fact that new chars cannot craft lvl 100 equipment from the scratch either or that they cannot fight the strongest monsters in the game after one hour of playing. Why is it such a big deal that new chars/players won't find maps until lvl 60 or elements until lvl 80? And by the way, it does not only concern new chars. _Some_ older chars do not have maxed skills either and won't be able to find maps or elements by cutting wood for example. It's simply a choice of skills, a new player can likely max out a gathering skill within one week, if they really want it.

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:02 pm
by Brightrim
Katharina Brightrim wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:23 am And why is it ridiculous to gem a sickle? Chars who are supposed to be crafters would of course gem their tools rather than an armor they rarely (if even) use. Besides, Estralis did not say at all, that you _need_ gems in your tools. Does it speed up the process? Certainly. And that is nice for people who dedicate their chars to crafting rather than just doing a bit of everything. They can sink their lvl 5 gem set into the tool of their choice and become better in said craft, instead of putting a lvl 1 set into the tool, another into the armor and the last into the weapon.
And it is also incredibly easy to swap gems from a weapon to a sickle and then back, for a small fee, so even dedicated warriors and so on can benefit from it if they want. Dedicated crafters just won't need to pay that swapping fee. And if you already have a full gem set, there is no way you won't have enough coins or the means to get enough coins to swap gems between tool and weapon.

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:04 pm
by Katharina Brightrim
Estralis Seborian wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:56 am Hi,

thanks again for all the testing. Did anyone test the fairy tale quest yet?

The easy answer is: Yes, works perfectly.

The more elaborated answer is a 1h long YT-video in which I solve the quest... x.x

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:06 am
by Katharina Brightrim
Tested some of the gathering as well, works perfectly without any glitches or bugs. I think the drop-rate of random items is low but reasonable.

The crafting distribution works properly as well.

When it comes to fighting with one broken weapon, it gets interesting. If you hold a durable weapon in the "shield"-hand and a broken weapon in the "sword" hand, you cannot attack. Placing the weapons the other way round works well. Things stay in the inventory if they are broken, no matter how often you try to force them to disappear.

Re: Request for public beta test of next update / Bitte um Beta-Test des nächsten Updates

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:47 am
by Estralis Seborian
I have noted the following potential bugs:
  • Repairing increases quality of broken items.
    Confirmed for quality 0 but considered intended behaviour as 0 is an invalid quality and therefore, the default value 3 is set.
  • Repaired items do not deterioate.
    Not confirmed. Note wear on tools has been reduced a great deal.
  • If you hold a durable weapon in the "shield"-hand and a broken weapon in the "sword" hand, you cannot attack.
    Not confirmed as written. True is you deal no damage as the "sword" hand is considered as your primary weapon.
As I have not changed anything about repairing or fighting that control the behaviour above, this will require a deep dive into those other systems in case a bug is reproduceable.