Perilous Facts II - the present events

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Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

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With a heavy heart she did still wait for Galmair to call on her about Sammy's trial.
She did ask Sammy again what he probably remembered, if he had could recognize his wrong doings.
But he wasn't much of a help. At least he was again in full health, the antidote had erased finally any poison or poisonus influence now.

Tired to the bones she tried to reach Ushara's shrine, but some creatures wont let it happen.
Frustrated she did gave up - running back to the Inn and to safety.

Sitting on the log at the fire she just dozed off.

Wake up my love the whisper was nearly audible to hear, but this voice !

She would always recognize this voice -where are you Thae ? I can't see you !

I'm here with you and will always be. But I am also dead since a long time.

A tear trailed down her cheek, glittering in the moonlight
I did so long search for you my love. Please come back to me.

You know with your heart I can't. It was good to safe your life and I did welcome Cherga's embrace in peace

The hushed voice caressed her cheeks, or was it only a soft breeze from the river ?
For your own sake you have to let me go, let US go my heart. It is time to look forward for you. Not even our race is meant to stay alone. Hush now
my second half, my heart, my everything.I'll always love you

The voice did fade more and more, she tried desperatly to get a hold on it, but it was a hopeless case.
Fully awake she stared into the crackling fire a long time. Finally she took of her wedding ring and stored it carefully in her bag.

I'll never forget you Thae, but I'll learn to live again, I promise it by Ushara my love she whispered

She was about to went back to the Inn as a red flower on her side draw her interest. A single beautiful Heart Blood ...
Last edited by Yridia Anar on Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Borgate I need a stiff drink !

The last words she heard before closing the door quietly.
As Tyan told her he wanted to know her better, she felt utterly confused, to put it mildly.
But she couldn't deny the upcoming sensation in her feelings towards this man.

They did met some days later, talking and suddenly she was aware what happened.
Despite her fear, despite the fact she was of elven blood and he human - she did fall for him.
And she was willing to take the risk !

The romantic hours did stop abruptly - Oxiana, a stern knight, armed to the teeth, and Countess Katharina
seeked her out about a serious matter - Sammy.
He was caught by a guard to talk to this Gray creature, speaking of poison, beheading the Countess.
It was a shock, her thoughts circling about all Sammy did say and tell to her.
That wasn't the Sammy she knew, nor did anything add up.
Still the guard had observed the matter ...

The next day she wasn't herself -oh no- she was furios.
Bottle after bottle did break at the wall, or crashed to the ground.
What did hurt the most was the feeling of being used, betrayed, lied to from one of her oldest friends.
A friend who did even claim to love her, talking about how he hated weapon and war !

Tyan could calm her down just a bit as he embraced her, whispering that she looked so damn beautiful, even if in a furios anger.
Kraex did hear the events - and by all means and Ushara - he did rage on even more. She never had seen him like this before
He looked menacing - roaring into the air "I go find his ass, dis can't be right! This outrageous! Meh go find him!
Kraex marched to the teleporter and banged his hand on the scroll yelling, "Galmair!"
If she thought she was angry, this raging Orc did tell her otherwise.

She did take Tyan by his hand and moved with him to the fireplace near the docks.
Starting to talk a lot again - only to be interrupted by a dove with a message

Meet me at Hemp Docks, only yoo ~Kraex
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Tyan Masines
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Tyan Masines »

He held the slim faintly glowing dagger up at the end of its hilt with two fingers. The tip of the blade was resting on the rough wooden tavern table Tyan was sitting behind. He idly watched the dagger spin around when he flicked his finger against the blade, again and again. It was a Malachín dagger Salathe had made for the guild some twenty years ago.

While sitting there and watching the blade spin, Tyan had a feeling long unknown to him crawl up his spine: a feeling of being powerless, a feeling of being afraid.

Upon the sea journey back from Gynka he had lain awake for many nights, restlessly rolling around in his hammock beneath deck. Not touching drink – he simply had not felt like it – on the journey home lead to clearer thoughts than usual and must have done its part as well. He wondered about what he had seen while drowning and tried to arrange that with reality somehow.

Nearly dying, he had seen images of the past, he was certain of that, but they had only been negative ones. He had long pondered why that was so and eventually concluded that notwithstanding if the visions had been godly intervention or just the much-cited life-flashing-before-ones-eyes-thing, the reason for him only seeing dark and twisted images was due to his own thoughts being constantly dominated by them. Unhealthy nostalgia, remorse, guilt, anger, and self-loathing had been Tyan’s steady companions for a long time, slowly eating away at him, consuming him from within.

In Gynka, while meeting old friends - family even - and finding some new ones, all in some distance to Illarion, had brought Tyan further back towards himself. There, something had begun which was finally completed when he set foot on dry land again at the Hemp Necktie Inn harbor: he had forgiven himself each and every transgression, all the acts of neglect and embarrassing outbreaks.
It was time to move on, to truly move on, and if this feeling, or even this life would only continue for a year, a week, a day, it would be worth moving on in order to get the most out of it, to have the chalice half full rather than half empty, to cherish every moment.

Like he used to. Like he was supposed to be.

Now, even the unfamiliar emotion of true fear towards the man Jefferson Gray, who Tyan had once called comrade and perhaps even friend, was feeling more real than it would have had he not moved on. And although Tyan was both afraid for people he cared about as well as for himself, he was ready to face that fear.
After all, fear, like love, is the the relinquishment of logic, the willing relinquishing of reasonable patterns. We yield to it or we fight it, but we cannot meet it halfway. Without it, we cannot continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality, Tyan remembered a quote he had picked up in a book in Runewick’s vast library some day.
Recently, he had yielded to love and was now set on fighting fear. There was no other way for him.

Risking love had to be a conscious decision; the druid had told him. And the night of the first kiss, Tyan had hesitated, something he had never done before in a situation like this. He had not only been afraid of the likes of Jefferson or similar threats, but he had also been afraid of himself: too many times he had let people down and made them miserable in situations like this and he never wanted to be responsible for something like that again. Inherently though, such thoughts were of a selfish nature and diminished the self-determination of ones opposite. It took two to dance and both had to be equal parts, sharing equal parts of risk, responsibility, love.
What was left for Tyan to do was to take the risk, remember what he had done wrong in the past, and do his utmost to do better. Come to think of it, that was all which could reasonably be demanded of anyone, ever.

Tyan stopped spinning the dagger and left it on the table, not paying it much attention now. Instead, he grabbed his lute which was leaning against a leg of the table he was sitting at. He played the calm unobtrusive yet fundamentally cheerful and positive tune he had come up with on the ship and the lyrics he had been searching for finally came to him as well. Momentarily stopping the tune, he ripped out a piece of vellum from his notebook, grabbed a small piece of coal, and playing on the lute with one hand, he began to hum and scribble away pieces of a song.

‘Hmm.. I hear rainfall on the palm / Of the hand that will hold mine …’ He hummed on, writing some more down in silence. ‘And I listen, yeah I listen / Yeah I just lay there with her and listen / Drop down afternoon, drifting afternoon / Afternoon, afternoon spray.’

And finally, after he was done with the chorus and an intermezzo, something that was axiomatically in line with what he had come to terms with earlier.

‘Nothing has to live forever / Nothing has to hold together / Nothing has to be remembered all the way. …’
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Turning and tossing around, restless, she gave up to seek sleep.
Maybe she should have stayed with Tyan, maybe working out her stress in a physical way ...
with the thought she felt growing the heat inside her.

Her mind did circle over and over again, Sammy, her beloved Druids, and Jefferson Gray.
His presence was unatural, like a vein of pain. But she couldn't help him, he was already dead.
No power or prayer to Ushara could change that.

A soft smile crossed her lips as she touched the Firnisblossom, laying on the pillow.
Tyan Masines, I wont run away, not from you nor if the demon or whatever he is, shows up.

With a sigh she did rise from her bed and started to make simple bandages.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

She did wake in his embrace, carefull movements to not wake him up, she started to trace the lines of his face and features with her eyes.
The sun just raised early fingers through the sky, a rose golden promise for the new day.

Her smile was deep and tender as the events of the last night hit her in the mid of her heart.
A moment - for both, like a small eternity, a moment to behold.
The sensational feelings of two bodies starting to know each other.
It did fill a void in herself, she had not even knew it was there.

Her whisper was of elven tongue followed by taking out of her bag a Heart Blood Blossom.
Carefully she placed it beside him, on top of the swordhilt.

I'll never forget this moments.There will be not always good days, but there is always hope.
Hope for a better day tomorrow, hope for a future. Once a stranger not long ago, now you start to be a part of me.
Sleep well Tyan Masines

Before she finally rose from the resting place she put her lips gentle on his hair, barely touched it.
With a last gaze of the sleeping man she went towards the small port to seek out her praying spot.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Crossing her hands behind her neck she stretched her legs, and body, with a soft sigh.
The room was pretty comfortable but after the Chimney burned out it was chilly.
She didn't feel about to go up, not yet. Tyan has left a while ago, not before kissing her deeply,though.

The surprise he had for her, after the rather quick evacuation from the Necktie, showed so much to her.
Four flowers, topped with a Firnis Blossom. Ice Leaf, Fire Root, Flame Goblet and a Water Lily in a bouquet.

You are like the elements, at day and ... at night He said with a cheeky grin.
And she did show him last night what fire was supposed to be

Still, the evacuation was a serious matter. It seems Gray was planning something.
The encounter with him did still linger on her mind like a bad smell.
So she decided quickly to split the druids in a more flexible way.
Azuros would stay in Runewick, Horace and Cay in Cadomyr and she, with Sammy as support, in Galmair.

Her heart was thankful towards Sir Oxiana, she wouldn't have left the Necktie without Sammy.

Time to get your butt moving Yridia ! And to tell Sir Oxiana how we handle the situation - and my gratitude.
Maybe he can even give permission to use the tools in town. To sit idle in a spot is not really my way to live.

She did grab her cloth, taking the little bouquet with a loving smile I need to find a vase for it
she mutters, before leaving towards the marketplace.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Caynwyn »

The time was slow and dragged on when I was here by myself at the Inn then when the druids finally met I just couldn't believe my luck! The day was perfect and sunny, the light wind just enough to send a cooling breeze across the area where the glyphs were. I kept looking at the large man called Horace with his mutton chops wondering if he was as impressed as me with the company we were a part of. The tall, calm Azuros always seemed so stately and knowledgeable as he sat next to me on a log. Yridia was gorgeous and I kept staring at her knowing in my heart her looks and voice portrayed the exact druid of before..of the times read about in the books, someone I always desired to be. They made me nervous so I tried to be my best and naturally accidents happened. The hem of my skirt fell in the fountain, one of my shoes squeaked for some unknown reason, and I noticed later there was a dirt spot on my nose. Hopefully no one noticed but me!

We all voted for Horace after he left, as his wish to become a druid was genuine..knowing he would be a perfect addition to our group, Then divided his classes between us though I wondered if best I don't teach much being the youngest and not as learned. Another person to arrive was this cute dwarf.. a little shorter then me and didn't demand I strain my neck looking up! He was definitely a talker giving me a hug and smile. How did he know the name Felix called me was "rabbit"? I was so shocked I barely heard the words discussed about him so really need to find out another time. I could see that little mischief in his eyes when he glanced around. The kind you see some people have when slight secrets abound and also the genuine laughter, and excitement in life. I immediately liked him and wondered if he was going to be a druid or not.

In preparation for Mas, we divided by towns to help in the hospitals and I went to Cadomyr. The Queen wasn't too talkative, but I spoke with the Countess who was very helpful and showed me the hospital. The town was fine except for sand managing to get in unmentionable places. I believe there may have been sand even in my bed and the food had a slight sandy-gritty consistency... or was that my imagination? There are plenty of supplies and even an exam table of which I was excited to see. I feel we are ready for the worst of Mas this time but cross fingers and toes we won't be needed! I'll pray to Ushara all will be well at the end of this horrible time!

While getting dressed for bed at the Cadomyr Inn, I heard a scratching at the door. Telling the Countess I would leave the door unlocked made me wonder who or what was there and when I opened it had to duck as something.. some bird flew over my head! It dropped a parchment at my feet as the flight returned, but didn't leave then proceeded to enjoy walking around on my bed. Reading the parchment hastily left a warm place in my heart before I looked at the owl called "Twig" and climbed in bed with the letter in order to savor the words.

Sammy you are so sweet!

Hoot, Who!

With eyes closed as Twig settled near as if to cuddle, I whispered to her..

Twig, we'll try to visit him for our daily hug soon!
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Mas was finally over, she could breath more easy again.
Last night, as the attack started, Tyan and Jacob went out through a portal, she didn't know to what place.
Since then silence, but she had confidence in him not fighting alone against Gray and Prea.

Arriving at the Inn even Borgate gave her a wink and sort of a friendly smile - Home, yes this Inn was her Home.

Still - this small shrine on Galmairs ground was peacefully. For contemplation and meditaion it was a beautiful spot.
She left also Medical treatments back there for fast help, if the need would arise.

In her mind did still linger the encounter with Melisai. She had shown a strange unnutural flow - and why wanted she bite Master Travinus ?
She could lose the grip on her clouded mind, then put her to sleep. This Elfess did something heroic with Eli Travinus, putting those portals down.
This was a problem she couldn't solve, it was like a one-way road. Maybe she sould speak to her as soon as possible about, cause there was something strange around her.

The druids had provided during Mas help and potions, Sammy running back and forth between the battlefields 'til he was wounded heavily.
Hopefully it will count for something in the trial to come.

Lets pray for some peaceful days now - we - IIlarion could need it
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

She was pretty exhausted - so she went upstairs to the Balcony for some peaceful moments.
She took out of her bag the black feather with a smile. A interesting man named Ehxen had give it to her.
In his homeland all healers got one as a symbol.

The events did cost her a lot lately, draw a lot from her.

First the brave Knight Sir Exelous - she knew her healing power will be drawn from her own lifeline,
but as an Elf she didn't pay much attention. One or two years less - she didn't even bother with the thought about.
The burning wounds looked terrible, even if good healers or medicos had treated it right.
Ushara did grant her the power to smooth a lot out of it, still it would be seen what had happened to him at Mas.
She nearly fell unconscious after the process, her body covered in sweat. But it was done and he would be
able to live a good life and continue his fight against the Fallen.

Not really recoverd to her full strength, Oxiana called urgent for her help .

It was Mirai and a proud orcess named Sarangerel.
Oxiana tried to keep Mirai safe, talking in his calm manner to her.

So she payed attention to Sarangerel. Her legs seemed not working properly and after some discussion - well she was an orc after all - and Yridia an elf,
she did show her a terrible spear wound under her belly button. The spear had hit through her body, and for Yridia was clear as water it was near her spine.
Maybe through the fall after or as a result of removing the spear something there was blocked, something crucial for moving her legs.
She was pretty blant to Sarangerel -

Two weeks, two hours a day, split in two one hour blocks, you have to walk slow and steady around, not running, just slow walking.
Your decision - be a cripple or being a proud orcess again

Sarangerel's protest she would be mean, brought a soft smile upon Yridias lips.
Ushara granted her again the power to help Sarangerel, something slipped at the wounded backbone into the right position.
A test showed Sarangerel could already wiggle her toes again. Yridia ordered some rest and did again remind her about the exercise.

Mirai on the other hand was a special cause. Yridia had seeked out Eli Travinus about already, Her theory was that Mirai got a cut off the
natural manaflow as the blast of the fiery explosion did hit. Now she was searching for Mana, dreaming of blue lights, being delirious
and hit on Mages to draw the Mana from them. Eli and her found a solution to restore the flow, but they needed warrior to accompany,
maybe another Mage and a Druid, too. Rabans Grove seems perfect for it, though.

Obviously she did hit on Sarangerel for Mana, which freaked even the Orcess out.
After telling Oxiana her theory they decided to bring Mirai, for her own safety, to the Tree with the magic well underneath Galmair.
And her theory was proofen - Mirai did draw from the Mana nearly immediate - awoke from her stasis.

She did talk to her, made clear she needed to stay a while here, to be sustained from the magical place.
Mirai agreed and Oxiana provided books, food and blankets.

She left the two and went to the small shrine to meditate - but she was also tired to the bones.
The meditation failed, again and again.
Back at the Inn she wanted not even talk to the gathered people there, and now she tried to stay calm at her beloved place.

She missed Tyan , he was heavily occupied in Runewick, did visit her only briefly.

But this was life - right. Nothing to complain, just need to recover my strength - she thought before she went to bed.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Time was passing so fast and another year gone.

The Druids are established now and she felt happy and confident with it.
Still a lot of unsolved problems did nag on her.

Was Riniao still alive ? Or did he flee and Cadomyr wont tell about ?
It would ease her mind if she could be sure about what happened.

Melisai was in Galmair and they did well care for her.

And Gray ? She started to care less about him since he didn't was seen since Mas.
Something in her heart told her that he was still a threat, though.

The relationship to Tyan worked out well for both. He showed her always how much she meant to him if
he was coming for a visit. The lovesong he had made and sang for her was so beautiful and showed so much
more of his feelings towards her then any words. She considered herself lucky to have him.

As she looked at the calendar she blinked - it was her birthday.
But had this even a meaning ? In her Clan it didn't.
Though she was intrigued about the human culture to celebrate this date every year.
Maybe the lifespan was the difference.

After writing down some recipes and thinking about the unpredictable, unforgiven temper of her old friend Sammy
she watched the sea from the balcony, pondering if some people of her clan were still alive.

The breeze tucked into her long golden hair and she started to pray to Ushara for another year of happiness.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Three months, three months on Illarion without battles.

The High Priestess did walking around,gathering some herbs let her thoughts wander freely.

She was deeply concerned about the tensed realms, hoped that it wouldn't come to a fight over ressources and wealth
The few parchments she did read during her travels gave her a bad feeling, though.
But she knew also it was the *normal* state of politics, harrassements and a lot of wounded pride.
She never doubtet her way she had chosen, staying out of politics, being a neutral party as a Druid and HighPriestess,

The matter at hand which deeply saddens her was Liel. The arcane technique which was used on her elven sister
did resist any attempt to restore the natural order, it was beyond her abilities. It was always like a defeat for her not be able to help, though.
Every time she did pray to Ushara this elfess and Eli were included, Eli for a safe return and find a solution, too.

Sammy didn't show up anymore, he had not even said g'bye to his oldest friend. Sometimes she heard rumors he would be on a research.
However, he had acted strange before he stopped visiting.

Looking up the sky the elfess did stood in the moonlight, her golden hair almost a dark silver. The sadness in her eyes vanished and after a deep breath
she did move slowly back to the Inn, knowing the man she loved so deeply would soon come to rest in her arms.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

She still had not her full strength back.
Aswe's injury was severe, it did nearly take as much out of her as the healing of Exelous's burned skin.
She was glad her new student Esmara and Azuros were present, to help.
Without Azuros support she would had need even more strength.

Now it seems Aswe was slowly back and healing, regarding to Amelias report.
She decided to visit the Galmarian Hospital soon, to check on Aswe.
She wanted also have a look at Mirais well being, hopefully the rash on her arm did heal.

The whole event left her uneasy... uneasy about a human and a orc.
Sir Kraex was, to put it mildly, in a near hysterical state and Bidukan did disappoint her deeply.
She didn't want to judge both, but they treated Mirai poorly and cruel, without knowledge of the situation.
They hindered her to speak with Mirai, Bidukan even had suggested to knock her down.
Mirai wanted only back to the well and both , nor Kraex or Bidukan, wont listen to her, without knowing the facts.
Especially Bidukan was without respect, she had to remind him that she was a HighPriestess of Ushara.
She was shocked of his behaviour since she had helped him start over, back then he was a friendly and respectful human.
Mayb he had some trouble's ?
Oxiana did apologize for him, saying his enthusiasm gets the better of him sometimes and he has to learn.
She accepted.

This both events took a great ordeal of her.

There was still the problem of Riniao - she wasn't sure if he was still in Cadomyr ?
Or has he fled on a hidden place ?
She would really like to help him with the knowledge provided from Tyan.

Time to meditate and look for the one in need, she thought, setting her bare foots on the soft mossy ground of her beloved woods.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Now... You die

Gray !....firing a arrow right into her chest, standing over her ....

This words echo in her head as she drifts into Cherga's realm.
Sounds around her, voices ?
Pain, burning in her chest, her heart ...

"Tyan ??!! .. Tyan you are here ?"

No ... it wasn't his voice.
But it was peacefully now. She did spot a figure with her tired eyes, trying to move, yet she stuck at one point.
The grey figure was drifting closer to her ....

Cherga did open her arms wide *Welcome*
All of sudden she was free, could move again.
Bowing her head she showed the respect for the grey mistress.

So my work is done ? There is still so much left and so many in need of my help Goddess ...

She detected a soft light, coming from a corner in this realm, as a elderly, black-haired, dark-skinned woman dressed in dark colours approached.
Her voice was gracious as she spoke towards Cherga

Her work isn't done yet. You have to wait Cherga. The people need her. She presents hope, faith and she is my priestess.
Not many of her kind left...

Yridia did gaze both, astonished, humbled ...

The grey mistress Cherga let sink her opened arms, watching the other Goddess as if pondering.
Turning around she vanished into the grey fog, silently.

Come my child... heal... you are needed

The goddess moved towards her with a stern smile, embraced her with all the warmth nature can give.

Yridia felt suddenly pain again, the smell of honey, voices, familar voices, hands ...
All she could do was to make a small effort, to show this voices she was fighting, but it took a great deal of her strength, strength who wasn't there.
The echo of Ushara's words still lingered in her mind, as she allows herself just to give in.

Not knowing how many time has passed she felt another presence... a druid near her, spending healing warmth.
Whispering comforting words, grab her hand... Cay has arrived.
She knew Cay will stay, without interfering, probably avoiding all the others.

This time as she drifted away it wasn't a grey realm, it was a garden, filled with flowers ...

((all who are involved feel free to post ))
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Caynwyn »

Cay was shocked at the condition of her mentor, sister, friend. She awoke the next day having slept at Yridia's side sitting on the stool with her head laying on the bed holding her hand tightly trying to convey all the druid warmth she could. Slowly Cay removed her hand without disturbing her hopefully then peeked under the covers to make sure the bandages were dry. Knowing she had to leave and get a few things including the druid healing tea, not being able to find them in Galmair she decided to go to Runewick and let Azuros know how Yridia is, then get some tea before worrying about her torn clothes. Her plan was to be back by night to again keep her company and hold her hand after all had left.

Ushara, please watch over her and help her heal in body and mind.

Leaving Yridia with a prayer, Cay silently parted before anyone was around.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Amelia Rotholz »

When Amelia returned to the hospital, no one else was there. It was late at night and she finally found the calmness, to do what needed next. She brought her ‘medico bag’, along with a bucket of water and a basket, filled with fine woven, clean cloth. Lighting up the room, she set up some water at the fireplace, adding squeezed donfblades and sibanac leaves, along with some heath flowers, then adds some pieces of clean cloth to soak in the hot brew.

“Hello Yridia. I’m here to help again. I’ll be careful and gentle, don’t worry. But I need you to help me too. Stay strong, will you?”

She spoke softly as she approached the bed. She could just hope, Yridia would not feel any pain in her state. Carefully, she took away the blanket and folded it so she could bring it under the druid’s upper body to bring her to a half sitting position. This was necessary to wash the honey out of the wounds, she had applied earlier.

Taking out a bottle of boiled water, she had cooled down in the snow all day, she carefully removed the bandages. The cold water, carefully poured to the wound, after removing the tamponades, washed out the honey along with anything else that should not be there.

No signs of infections and the wounds already had started to close from within.
A good sign! She sighed with relive.

“Very good, Yridia! You’re doing very well.”

She whispers, as it was time for new tamponades, now. The brew cooled down enough and she wrung out the cloth, rolling it tight and carefully bringing it into the wounds. Then she made a paste of sibanac leaves and heath flowers to apply around the wound edges before covering all with clean cloth and fixing the bandages. Doing it alone, it took quite some time especially since she was as gentle as possible.

“Now, I hope that feels better”

Finally, she laid her down again, trying to make it as comfortable as possible for her. She covered her with the blanket and placed her hands on top of it, making sure, the crystal of pure earth remained in her hand, just as Inara suggested.

Then she sat down besides the bed, for a while, humming a calm but happy melody…
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Caynwyn »

Seeing later that Yridia's dressing had been changed and approving the wound was healing well after peeking underneath, Cay holds her hand and whispers softly while leaving a druid healing tea by the bed...

You seem to be in good hands.. I'm moving to another town before Mas to help others.

Silently, Cay closes the hospital door feeling her job done yet places some items in the depot in preparation of coming back if needed, then at the teleporter flips a coin waiting for the answer..

Heads, Runewick to help the Archmage and Azuros or tails, to help the Queen and Horace, for those at Cadomyr. Cay pauses at the teleporter and smiles before speaking..

Cadomyr please.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Kugar »

the day of the incident...

"Well well well..."

Mines... Farms... Places of foraging... This was how the mortals would relish. These are the locations that would sustain them. After all, armor that needs forged must have it's ore; where animals with meat on their bones do roam, the cook will go and, one day, Ushara's gifted herbs that sprout from the ground would discover hands to pluck them. It was by following these simple facts of life that would allow for the undead lord to finally capture the druid by herself.

As Lord Gray exhaled a low hiss, he stared grimly through his cataracts at the elfess to watch her turn deathly pale.

"You..." the druid uttered with a hushed voice. "I knew we would meet again" Cornered and taking a deep breath, Yridia came to realize that she had found herself in a quickly escalating situation.

Lord Gray scoffed. In his mind, the inevitability of the their meeting was obvious and yet his disdain for mortals of all creeds overshadowed any confidence that existed within him that this powerful druid of the Eternal Grove was telling the truth. Had she known that the lord would find her, why was the risk taken of making the upcoming ritual such a public spectacle? To heal the lands of Runewick, in the wake of the recent plague since unleashed, would contradict the lord's plans and he would take it upon himself to make sure that it did not happen. Perhaps Yridia was tired of this life, he surmised.

"I can't heal you, whatever you are..." Yridia explained, as the lord drew closer with two heavy steps. Gray's armor and the skulls attached by chain clinking on his person cut like a knife through the unsettling silence that surrounded them. Hurriedly looking behind her for an escape route, the druid would find none.

"Chsk... Oh... Don't fear, long'ear. I abandoned that path long ago." lord Gray replied. Straightening herself, Yridia the druid stood her ground "By Ushara, state your business then".

"How unfortunate it is, the fate you have chosen for yourself. As the new world emerges, you work tirelessly to stop it." lord Gray proclaimed, drawing his bony hands to point with long claws at the druid. "It is the work of Ushara not mine, I'm her servant and priestess" Yridia retorted.

The undead lord leaned his head back to glare at the druid, exposing the large, pulsating scar that circled his neck. "Ushara... Indeed. Yet now the plague has arrived to rid old flesh and you are powerless to stop it. We are all tools of the gods... Our work lasts as long as it is needed".

Unrelenting, the druid met his gaze "My faith will not falter, especially not from the word of a ... undead...". Exhaling a pained breath through his weeping throat, lord Gray glared from the druid to the glowing drow bow by his hip. "Fanciful words... Brave, even. Yet... it seems your work is over, druid".

The power struggle of faith that stood in conflict between the druid and the undead lord was palpable. Neither were about to concede to the other. Not when there was so much at stake between them. "And you decide it?" The druid questioned his authority.


Suddenly, a loud shriek would escape Gray's lips before he quickly raised his glowing bow. Birds scattered from the trees as a flurry of wind arrows were set loose to rip through the wind. "You wont succeed even if....Ahhh!" Yridia's words were cut short as the arrows found their target. Soon, she would fall helplessly among Ushara's herbs to drape them in red.

"Ushara..." Yridia called out to her god, drawing her hands to one of the many arrows now embedded in her body. Time was running out for the druid as Gray drew closer to this prey, gargling some gunk in his undead throat as his eyes stay fixated on her. Helpless, the druid's eyelids fluttered to find her focus, her deep brown eyes soon observing her coming fate with a calm, knowing fear.

"So be it... but you will be stopped" In a final moment of acceptance, the druid would warn the lord of his fate. Her words would be met with silence as a final arrow found it's home in Yridia's chest. The animals, Ushara's children, could only look on with tears in their eyes and listen to the sound of her final cry.

"Now... You die" Gray whispered in a hushed tone. Removing his boot with a dry cackle, he would finally turn to the minion that watched the acts of his master.

"She will die with the rest of these pigs."
Last edited by Kugar on Wed Oct 07, 2020 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Sammy Goldlieb »

*unnoticed by most a Eldan dwarven oak stands in the corner of the hospital. It has the figure of a known dwarf, yet he doesnt wake or opens his eyes, only the sound of soft breathing can be heard - If you try talk to him, no reaction. If you try to poke him - no reaction. Only the soft russtle of leaves can be heard, yet there is no wind too cause it. So he continues is silent watch over the wounded priestress. Maybe he wakes, once the prietess is healed? Maybe not? Who knows? Only Ushara does.*
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Yridia was finally able to talk, to talk to Oxiana, giving him information about what happened.
And Oxiana told her who did safe her life in the first place.
Deanna, Sammy and Allesandra - and later Oxiana, Reyor and Era..
Her sister Deanna had removed the arrow near her heart, they even managed to get her to safety.

Amelia did sleep at the side of her bed and she watched her for a moment.

She is a gifted medico with a warm heart. We will help her learn...

She did also remember and still feel, the presence of Cay. How she did care for her, watching,
her gentle hands soothing her pain.

But the most surprising thing was Sir Exelous.
As Oxiana told her he had even watched over her she did send a warm gaze to this man, towering over her bed.

Still, she couldn't neglect the feeling she had failed, failed the people of Illarion, to heal during Mas.
She had should know Gray would get to her, knowing Tyan wasn't here, to protect her.
Never she had should make it public that the druids had planned a ritual to heal the earth.
And now -??
Gray had failed, too. He failed to murder her and she was sure Ushara want give her the strength to continue her work.

Tired, with a hand on Amelias head, murmuring a prayer to her beloved goddess, she did fell in another deep sleep.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Sitting in her bed in Galmairs Hospital she is closing her eyes, apposing her hands before her face, head in a light bow.

Yridia's Prayer

I can't be at your shrine, nor can I bring you a offering, but you know why.
You did embrace me during my darkest hour, saved me.
My work is not done yet, your humble servant and faithful priestess accept this
from the bottom of her heart.
I will thank you with even more effort from my side. Help the helpless, heal the wounded,
honor the earth and the nature.
The undead Lord will not succeed - he has already failed.

I can not oppose him with weapons, but with my unbreakable will and faith.

So - now I beg you , my beloved goddess - help the people stand against him.
I know it is a lot to ask, maybe even arrogant - but if he destroy's this world
there is nothing left to do for me, for the Druids ... to continue my work.
You didn't safe me for nothing, I am sure of it.

My heart burns in fear for alle the people...
I can offer you my love, my respect, my faith - my whole person is your vessel - and always was.

"tears trailing a blaze down her cheeks as she finish her prayer, but also there is hope in her eyes.
Hope - this time Ushara may help and then she could start to heal the world again"
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

She was finally back, back in her woods, back at the Inn.
Despite Amelia suggested to stay in Galmair she decided against it.

What a priestess would she be if her faith would falter ?
What a sign would it be for Illarion if she would bow to Jefferson Gray and his minion, locking herself away ?
It was out of question !

She was sure that he never would be successful, Ushara did hold her hand over her, protected her.
Her message to all people of Illarion would be hope. hope this undead Lord can fail.
If he can fail he could be defeated.

Her heart was heavy for all the losses and wounded at Mas.
Her heart did yearn to see Tyan again, but he had left no trail or sign, nor a message for her.

She did look forward to see finally her druids again, embrace them and feeling the strength she always got if they did stay together.

With a soft smile on her lips she did wander around her woods, seeing Ushara's blessings and work in every little flower, butterfly and tree.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Wandering barefooted over the soft ground, of her beloved woods, she let her mind free, going from one event to another.

She felt humbled, she felt joy in her heart that the gods did hear the prayers of the people,
granted her a bit of success with the removal of the poisoned air around Runewick.
Maybe it had could be even more powerful with Cay or Azuros on her side ?
Both weren't able to assist ...

The voice she heard, what a curious event it was. She still felt sad, that it did go silent so sudden.
This Mountain spirit was awoke from the failed experiment in Runewick, she didn't feel any evil or ill will.
The spirit was bewildered and startled - and it was unavoidable that a Mountain will rise before Yewdale in the near future.
So more questions then answers were given ... She felt sorry about, sorry not being able to answer the burning questions.

Her heart did feel with Deanna and she did pray she could've given her the most needed support.

Guir.... after all this long years she did met him again. She still rememberd the love they had for eachother, 'til his halfbrother
destroyed all. It was good to see him, see him well and at peace now.

I miss you so much Tyan... where are you ? I could use your love and strength so much. But it is selfish to think on me ...
Forgive me Ushara ...

A shreak above her head did interrupt her thoughts all of sudden.
A falcon did dropp a message for her from Amelia. Reading over it she did gasp, especially as she did read over the added note.

She need to safe Allesandra's life... all caused by Sammy. Why was he so careless risking lifes with unproved informations ?
She couldn't understand her once trusted friend anymore.
Allesandra's life was all what mattered now !
Making haste she did run to the Inn to grab some medicine, some rare herbs, a prayer on her lips ....
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

They found the plant, Amelia did prepare a bathtube with it, exactly as Deanna had adviced her.
Yridia, after watching Allesandra the most of the time, came in, greeting Amelia, who also had watched over Allesandra.
Amelia told her about the plant and how she has to use it, so the druid simple needed to test the temperature of the water.

Eli was still sitting beside Allesandra, but for now he had to go out.
It was time to start the healing process and pray it will work.

Eli? No man shall enter Amelia said
In fact no one should enter least you require something.
Eli tried to control his breathing.
Gods with you both.
Then he left with shaky haste.
Have faith my friend Amelia added.

Both women lifted Allesandra into the bath, which was rather easy, Allesandra was light as a feather.
Yridia did tell Amelia she wanted hold her hands over Allesandra, giving her strength and creating a protective shield.

take all your faith in it Amelia ...close your eyes and let your god guide you
Amelia did nod slowly, and it was to see how she did focus.
The hands of both women did build sort of a roof over Allesandra
Yridia did start with a ancient elven chant - the melody was simple and warm.
Menno o nin na hon , Menno o nin na hon
May the blessing that was given to me
i eliad annen annin, i eliad annen annin
be sent from me to her
hon leitho o ngurth, hon leitho o ngurth
that is my gift to you

Amelia picked up the tone, hummin softlly, also Han Sun outside did hum.
The priestess did well feel it, continue the chant as the air glowed softly, surrounding the women.
Ae ú-esteli, esteliach nad
you mustn't falter now
Ú i vethed nâ i onnad
its a new beginning
Ushara - your humble priestess beg you to heal her fully, let a bit from me a part of her
wake up child, wake up
Menno o nin na hon
i eliad annen annin
hon leitho o ngurth
thats my gift to you
so be it ...

Allesandra made some tiny move, lips parted and finally a low groan was to hear.

Yridia finished the chant, letting Amelias hands go.
Her hands started to wander over the body of Allesandra slowly, just as is she would draw out her pain.

Allesandra's body slowly started to relax, but the pained groans continue, though less frequent.
As the pain subsides, her eyes very slowly open again, this time they remain half open.
So it started, and it was a long way for the three women 'til Allesandra was finally ready to respond with a squeeze of Yridias hand.
They had lifted her back in the bed, carefully rubbed dry with towels, put on a warm nightgown.
They started to tread her with drops of healingpotions, let the detox work.
Amelia did warm up a bit water, giving her drop by drop, slowly, patient.
After a while Allesandra was able to speak, hushed and with a raspy voice.
Just two names... Ex..E.. and E..El..i

Yridia did go to call Eli inside and it was heartbreaking to see the old man and his relieve.

A bit later Aswe also joined in to see her. Yridia made sure Allesandra wanted to see her with asking and let her squeeze her hand as response.

Amelia left, very tired after a long day and the also exhausted Yridia did sit in the corner, watching over Allesandra.
Aswe left after talking to Yridia "I do not have much knowledge of Suphur weed. Do you know if any other treatments would be safe at this juncture?"
Just let do the detox working. She will need some water and a bit healing potion inbetween - any other treatment will bring her out of balance
Aswe lets out a soft, gentle hum, a very pleasing sound, overall.
I will be staying in the inn next door. If there is any change in her status, come find me. the medico said

Yridia was grateful to know this, also Eli wanted to stay the night to watch over Allesandra in this crucial hours to come.

Yridia was sure Allesandra would survive, they all saved this woman and she felt proud of the people of Illarion.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Sitting with Azuros and discuss all the happenigns was always a pleasure.
His calm and thoughtful nature was like treatment in troubled times.

But all of sudden she felt a shiver in her backbone... and heard noises she had hoped she would never hear again.

Someone exhaled a low hiss, then the sound of creaking bones.

do you feel this... Gray... she whispered to Azuros

She looked back straight in the undead Lords face

His sagging eyebrows strain to raise as a hint of shock crossed his vile face.
Chsk... It cannot be

RUN ! ... and Azuros and her did just that, also moving in different directions
so he couldn't follow them both.

You are supposed to be DEAD! he shouted and snarled

Arriving in Galmair she did met Bidukan, breathing shakely and shivering.
He did at once armor himself and called for Drugar.
Amelia tried to calm her, and it helped. A dove did found her from Azuros, with deep concern.
So with all haste she went there and found him in full health, they did comfort each other.
Then they decided to go back to Galmair to help the brave people if something happened.

Another dove reached her ... and with a deep shock she did read it
I was able to hide in the hospital
and was not found by Gray.
But there is no way out!
Dragons and undead everywhere!
I don't know how long I can hide.

Her student was in deep trouble. Again Bidukan, Drugar made a plan - also Inara and Jakob Maren joined to rescue Esmara.
Azuros, Amelia and she did pray for a safe return .. and the gods where with them. Drugar did look a bit battered, but all others seemed unharmed.
Bidukan said the words and her shock got even deeper The Necktie is taken by evil forces. Sorry to inform.

All her ressources, all what she needed to brew potions, all the materials for the Hospital...
Azuros and her decided to give up at the Inn for a while- searching refuge.
The three did went to Runewick first - maybe the leaders there are willing to give shelter and Azuros was at home there.

After all three did pray at Ushara's shrine there, two names flamed up in her mind.

CAY !!! -- HORACE !!! they are missed...
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

She did wake up from a breeze and the whispering in the Eldan Tree above her.
On her side Exelous did still sleep peacefully as Eli Travinus in front.
A gentle smile appaered in her face and she did caress the bark of the tree.

Thank you Eldan, thank you Oldra, thank you Ushara
she whispered and her lips did move in a silent prayer before she did rise to her feets.
Looking over the remains of the ritual circle made from the mages, her mind did wander back to the events last night.

Mirai was indeed sort of possessed, but she was sure it did happen not from the beginning. There she was just hungry for Mana.
It didn't matter anymore. The problem was, she did draw mummies, quite a lot, and Yridia was thankful for the warriors who did
take care of. Exelous did lead as she did know him, determind and firm.
After Wynter did lay the unconscious Mirai in the Ritual circle, she observed the mages, simple standing at the holy Eldan Oak with Azuros.
Eli Travinus, Sarangerel and the elfess called Yasna did start to chant and raising their wands
We call upon the power of the five Elements, RA! CUN! JUS! SOLH! PEN! Sarangerel started
Inversed and banned shall be all evil that emerges from inside! Empower this circle with the power of PEN TAH LUK!
the other mages did repeat it and then Sarangerel did change into the old arcane language, shouting demanding.

The only thing that happened were even more and powerful mummies outside the grove and Mirai did get agitated as she awoke.
She couldn't crawl out of the circle and Yridia was very concerned about her, starting with Azuros silent prayers, as she felt Mirais pain.

Power of the unspoken you have no power to wield over the blessed and chosen. You are bound to this circle, yee spirit or fiend or unholy magic.
Eli chanted, focusing on Mirai. Be gentle, Mirai, hear my voice dear, only mine for the moment. I am Eli Travinus,
this is my name, no power of hell lord's over you dear Mirai.

Mirai denied : uhh... no...... looking right through the people with a look of horror in her face.
dont.... go.... she whispered in a desperate tone, fixing her eyes on Sir Exelous

Eli and the other two mages did increase there efforts, shouting 'til they were exhausted as the situation was about to go out of hand.
Mirai Belisai suddenly did grip at her wand from her belt... bringing it between herself and Eli. He did try to deflect all what Mirai could do
as she started to whisper in ancient arcane. Sarangerel eyes rushes to Eli for a second, then she intensifies her efforts to provide the barrier with power.
You don't want to cast anyhthing inside there spirit! Eli demanded, beckon Sir Exelous near.

After some whispered words the knight did call out for the young elfess Inara, meanwhile tried Mirai to reach Yridia somehow, falter to her knees,
obviously bewildered while staring at Exelous with horror in her eyes. Yridia started to calm her with her voice, speaking to her in elven, singing an
old elven lullaby to get Mirai out of the terror she felt inside her.
give me the wand my sister ...
Sir Exelous tried to reassure Mirai aswell, saying they aren't here to hurt her, but he whispered also to Inara.
The young elfess did raise her bow, closing her eyes for a second - taking a deep, calm breath she did aim at the wand in Mirai's hand.
Yridia did hear her whisper "Brágon guide my hand ... then she opened her eyes releasing the arrow.
Mirai screeched in surprise and terror as the wand was shoot out of her hands masterful.
Wynter did grab the wand fast out of Mirais reach.
After this situation, which was indeed very dangereous, Eli did beg Sir Exelous to offer a prayer for Mirai and the knight delivered it
with a booming voice, raising his hammer.
O Malachin! Stand with us this day, draw your sword of justice toward this vile presence that has taken the shape of our friend!
Cast it back to the darkness whence it came, as it cowers before your might and the bravery of those who follow in your steps!

then he did rip the book with the wolf emblem from his belt, showing it to Mirai.
The Mages started to help him, chanting over and over, whilst Yridia did had her hands on the tree, listening to the nature itself.
O Malachin... Denounce this beast! We stand with you, O Malachin, lighting the candle to spite the evil that lurks among us!
the Knight shouted powerful With the burning fury of Brágon, you are his sword, O Malachin! Release our dear friend from this terror!
United we shall defy this unholy scum! Release!

Some of the warriors, the exhausted mages did fall in, shouting the "Release!"
Mirai did whimper, beating with her hand and bloody fingers into the ground, for sure not exactly conscious.

Yridia felt already it was her turn now as Eli called Yridia... see if you can heal her body....
She did send a gaze towards the Knight, assure him with a plea that it will be alright.
Mirai, see to me now, turn to me now ! and listen - focus on me
Mirai turned her head toward the south looking vaguely into Yridias direction. still digging into the earth, violently, chanthing, murmering.
Yridia increased the tone of her voice, calm and steady, raising her hands slowly, palms up and open.
Focus ... focus on me Mirai
She tried to hold the gaze of Mirai as he started to sing her old elven chant

Ir Ithil ammen Eruchín ---- When the Moon, jewel of the firmament,
menel-vîr síla díriel shines ---- is on the watch for us, Children of the Gods

The Oak leaves sounding like a breeze took in, filling the air with the whipser of nature
si loth a galadh lasto dîn! ---- then flower and tree, listen in silence!
si loth a galadh lasto dîn! ---- then flower and tree, listen in silence!
Ae ú-esteli, esteliach nad. ---- you mustn't falter now

The Mages tried with all they had left to hold the ritual circle, but Yridia tried to send a gaze over to Eli ... it would be alright now...
Mirai did digging like crazy, fingers bloody, chanting something like *blood* - Yridia didn't mind.
athe anim nin muinthel o valasse --- heal for me my sister oh goddess
angol ata thala min qanda --- Magic shall be whole again
Ushara, Eldan, Gods ! Release her from her pain !

The air did fill with whispers, old tongues and the young elfess Inara did speak in elven to Mirai
Mirai...don't let that darkness are stronger then that!

Mirai had reached a smaller tree root now and her face did lighten up.
Yridia demanded again she should focus, focus on herself on Yridia...
Mirai did indeed react, focused on Yridia, gripping firmly the tree root.
Mirai sing with me ... Ir Ithil ammen Eruchín
and Mirai did fall in, with a weak voice Ir Ithil ammen Eruchín ...
They did fall together in the rythm of the chant, Yridias voice are strong and demanding
focus.. the tree and Ushara can heal you - sing ! si loth a galadh lasto din..

Yasna did fall into the chant a bit shy, but Yridia felt immediate the increase of power

athe anim nin muinthel o valasse --- angol ata thala min qanda ---

Mirai's face seemed the get more tranquil now, eyes closed murmer the ryhmes, following the song
slowly release the root

Slowly tendrils grow from the root, spreading along the forest floor

sing all with me ... help her ! -- and the most did fall in repeating the unknown words
as good as they could, it was thh mighty plea from people to heal Mirai's body and mind.

Yridia felt inside her the circle of life, birth and death, the calm and soothing voice of nature.
With a last effort she did release all her power into the air
then she did sink to her knees, trying to look at Mirais face.
And the face of Mirai was relaxed, her breath calm.

Yridia asked Eli and the mages if they could feel anything evil around or in Mirai, but they couldn't.
So she stepped into the circle to reach out a hand to help Mirai up.
First her sister seems to be quite fine, but spot Exelous she did stumble backwards.
Green sparkles filled the air, mainly above Mirai, but also over herself, the leaves of the holy tree did rustle, but there were no breeze.

Mirai's face turned into another horrified look, fixing on Exelous. he is ... dead... is he..
he looks so... gray.. and disfigured... like a...walking dead

and then it happened -
Exelous then staggered forward, barely able to keep his footing.
Uuugh.. falling at the tree

Yridia overheard things like *spooky elven crap* and a *yeah...* as Exelous stumbled forward, trying to grab someone, turned into a Zombie.
She did rush over to hold him, without fear Uuugh.. he turned his head to gaze her.
All reacted now more or less appalled, Inara assumed the fallen shard did infected the Knight.
Worst thing was they started to accuse Mirai - for turn him into a Zombie, but Yridia had no time to waste.
She knew what she had to do, the Zombie did fall to the ground, the tendrils started entwine around it.
Eli was in panick for his friend and Yridia had some struggle to keep him away from the tendrils and the Zombie.
Infact they all did panick, accusing Mirai again- in front Bidukan and Wynter, looking for an explanation.
It was always easy to look for the most easy way to find a scapegoat, but Yridia knew it better.

The tendrils did wind gently around the body as Eli tried again to interfere.
let them heal him not harm the holy tree she said quietly
Eli did look down at horror for his friend then at Yridia with searching eye, whilst Inara did sit aside Yridia, closing her eyes, laying softly a hand on the being.
The tree will not harm him Eli - believe me ! ... and let the tree do his work
Exelous's eyes opened quickly and he began to moan a bit.

Moving her hands over the tendrils and the now sprouting leaves she started to hum low, a strong confidence in her tune.
shhhh - child of nature, from here you come and it will heal you
Leaves now entirely covered Exelous, or the Zombie, it wasn't to see anymore.
Yridia felt he would awake now soon as his own again, she started to remove very gentle and carefully the leaves.
welcome back my friend she said softly as the knight did open his eyes.
All of the present were amazed as he asked what just happened and that he was so tired.
The young and so supportive elfess Inara did greet him back, aswell, giving his shoulder a little pat.

The roots retreated slowly back to underground now Thank you my old friend she whispered.

The most did leave the place now, only she and Eli stayed with the tired Exelous.
I... Will want a full explanation later. But.. For now? I need to sleep.
Yridia did lower herself beside him, Eli in front, all three tired.
Whilst caressing the tree bark she said quietly to Eli We made it ...
Indeed....A miracle twice over. Had she cast a spell inside that circle....
She didn't , a part of her did listen. Eli my friend - Mages know a lot but not all.
before she drifted to sleep she heard Eli saying You and the druids are a blessing

This will be something she wont forget, not in a thousand years.
She felt now the well known exhaustion in her bones after such a ritual, so she did cast herself a portal after walking some steps outside the place,
let the two men sleep undisturbed.
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Yridia Anar
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Clutching a straw hat near her heart, she did walk slowly back to Runewick.

The loss and murder of Horace did still fill her with grief and the Druids did mourn.
Cay didn't even show up - Yridia was concerned about her. The woman probably
did cry her eyes out.

But Inara had done something amazing.
Yridia was with her as she did pray at the temple of five, leaving a plea for Horace.
"This young elfess has so much faith in her heart ..." she thought as she did finish her own
silent prayer to Ushara, not wanting to disturb Inara.

This evening Inara did step by "I want to go with you to the hemp. You....have to see something."
She agreed with a heavy heart. To see the desecrate, mistreated corpse of Horace ...
But she followed Inara.
Before they left she did fill a bag, Inara has told her what was needed, and she could a lot of these things provide.

Inara did suggest to travel from Galmair by foot, to sneak in the region around the Inn.
As she passed the spot where the undead lord tried to murder her, she stopped. She had
avoid this place for some time ... and now the memory did swap over her with a brutal force.

Shaking it off she passed after a moment, awaiting the other cruel view of Horace's dead body.
But... the air did smell fresh, the sign of a recent rain storm.
Inara did look at the sky and whispered "Thank you Tanora"
Narrow rivulets of water did trace between the cobblestones, and no dead body was to see...nowhere
"I knew your prayer and faith was and is strong... where ... was it ??" she did ask the young elfess on her side
"The days after that prayer...a fire burned right there in front of the gates, a flame and nothing could erase it."
"He will rest peacefully now - thanks to you Inara- I still hope Cadomyr will give him a gravestone-
to remember the people about this cowardly act"

"Look there .." *Inara pointed over the inn, where a hat seems buffeted by the wind
The hat drifted over the roof, dropping out of sigh. Both did start to search the surroundings for it.
Could it be really Horace's straw hat ?
Right before Adron's altar she spotted the hat, picked it up carefully, her eyes filled with tears.
"Horace ...."

"Yridia ... we must go ..."
Her gaze did travel over her beloved home, over the hospital... she was so homesick.
"We will take it back Yridia" The young elfess said with confidence.

They decided to pay a visit in Galmair to speak a few words to Oxiana, giving the materials.
At the teleporter she had to say something, it was needed deep out of her heart.
"You are the most amazing child I met - the Druids and I are in your debt."

Even if Inara denied it, it was a simple truth, there was no doubt inside Yridia that Inara was send by the gods,
to help so many people with her firm believes and faith.
They met Bidukan and Amelia in the mid of town, asking for Oxiana and showing the hat.

"Inara's prayer let the gods listen" she told both and showed the hat, holding it gentle like a precious jewel.
Amelias eyes did widen "You mean ... "
"The flame of Brágon vanished with the rain of Tanora and thet rain brings the ashes into the arms of can say..
And the wind of Findari..well "
Inara did point the the hat.
After a short exchange of words how amazing this event had unfold, they moved on to knock at Oxiana's door.

And he was at home, along with a Era moving with crutches.
She did make sure her sister was well and Amelia had done good work, she assured the couple to teach
Amelia further and soon. It will be needed for what to come.
Then she told them what Inara had done.
Both did smile "So he is at peace and perhaps you have a little comfort?" Oxiana said and she could simple nod.
"..I did what I have to do or what I can no one else got in danger by trying to recover his remains."
Inara mentioned in her shy manner. "That was important". the man answered.

With a few wishes for Era, to recover fast, all did went to the depot, to give the suppport items which are so sorely needed.

Then she left for Runewick

" I need to find Cay... !"
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

Horace had his worthy burial, many did speak touching words.
Stil, Yridia wasn't used to human rites at a funeral - the sad emotions around her overwhelmed her.
Thankfulness for the help of the Countess and especially Inara did fill her with warmth, though.
She needed to comfort the grief of Cay, holding her close.
Cay told her to take a break from the Island for a while, someone had invited her for a visit and she wanted to go there.
Horace would've approved, of that she was sure.

But Yridia felt lonely, with Cay gone, Azuros and Esmara always busy - all of sudden her heart was heavy.
Heavy and tired of all the violence, sadness and brutality.

There was no Tyan who did comfort her, telling sweet nothings, let her forget her burden to be a beacon of hope on Illarion.
No one would see behind her always warm and soft appearance - she wouldn't allow it.

She had heard the Inn was free again, but she wasn't sure if she should go back, but yes - she was so homesick.

*I must concentrate of making the potions for Lafadiel*

A little smile did appear on the elfess face - Lafadiel. A little bright spot in all this darkness.
She just did hope he would stay.
So with a last sigh and a prayer at Ushara's shrine she went to the rooms to brew the potions for him.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

A light slumber with heavy dreams in the hospital of Runewick ....

joy in her heart, feeling Cay's embrace again.
shock before... as Cay was missed

diffuse ...
her will to help an old friend

Drathe and Eleanor
the man suddenly healed - a mystery to her
the priestess
brutality she hasn't seen often in her long life
blood - deep stab wounds - a cross carved into flesh
broken bones overall
Deanna stitching a bleeding wound
giving her strength during the ritual
so much heavy pain

She did awake with a low cry, gazing the priestess Eleanor.
Dropping again some prepared fluid on Eleanor's lips, she noticed that some bandages needed to be changed.
Lack of bandages...
Still tired and worn out from the ritual she stepped outside

Yridia went to get fresh water, heat them up, donfblades, prepare another bottle of water.
She did thank Ushara and Cherga with some elven words, quietly spoken

"„Faer en Eryn, lasto nin! Ushara Naneth ilye cuile
O gam lín aníron ‘alu a vâl.
Presto na gam nín. No bith lín i phith nín.”"

Then she returned to the hospital, spotting a Firnis blossom, laying on the chest of the tortured victim.
A gentle smile and a name was spoken softly
"Amelia ... thank you"
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

The memories did flash up in her mind like lightnings -
the first kiss -
the ritual Djironnyma did -
the curse Guir suffered -
his runes and *Ravenshadow*
hunting her, haunting her, threatening her life.
It had destroyed all she had with Guir - but still she did care for him.

All began at Amelias festival of gratitude.
Talking to Clairette, making clear she was healed.
Mirai, the pleasure to talk to her, getting a unexpected gift.
It was a nice and relaxing festivity. She smiled and laughed and gave Ushara her offerings, prayer and respect.
A man did shovel food into his bag, shamelessly.
After a while he was even brash enough to snag all the food from the tables and running off.
Free food taken literally.
Amelia was quite upset.
Kaelyn singing this wonderful song, Drathe and her, flirting like lovers do.
She was content with herself and all what happend.

Very late Guir did show up - as always she did greet him with her bow and smile - but then ....
this presence ... dark ... unpredictable...
She did shake it off, but Guir's smile didn't reach his eyes.
His whole behaviour was - strange, to put it mildly.

After a while she did ask him to accompany her back to Runewick and he agreed.

The talk they had. It made perfectly clear to her what happened, her concern more or less valid.
She did offer him her help whenever it was needed.
Nearly 4 centuries between love and ... friendship, she stood again at his side in time of need.
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Re: Perilous Facts II - the present events

Post by Yridia Anar »

She left the basement room very pensive.
Perhaps after Mas she would take a trip to her old home, the Shadow Forest. Even if her mother was no longer alive -
she knew where to find the centuries-old scrolls. At least she hoped so.

After that, she turned her attention back to brewing the healing potions. The number of druids dwindled -
her student Esmara had been called home. Madelyn had withdrawn due to old age and Horace ... he had been murdered.
Azuros, she and Cay were doing their best - but it just didn't seem enough.
Amelia would be a good healer when she had finished her training. Maybe they should offer public medicine classes as Cay suggested today ?
It would somewhat close the gap a little

Inara - she was worried about the young elfess after the last talk and what she told her.
Yridia did hope that there are many enough to protect her, many who liked and appreciated her.
What could she do - simple pray for her well being.

Her thoughts returned to the initial topic.
Would it be possible to open such an old - long healed wound - and correct the inner injuries ?
She felt this woman was not only struggling with herself but also with old demons.

Her mind was made up, if she could help she would try, no matter the cost.
And she was certain it would take a great deal out of her.
Ushara had not snatched her from Cherga's arms to do only the small things, she had a task.

To heal beings, physically and emotionally.
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