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No +2 Essence-Willpower Food

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 3:54 pm
by HolyKnight
Not sure of the heavy lift on this but I noticed there are two foods that give you the same perk/boni

Code: Select all

-- Elderberry Pie
foodList[3610] = {crafted = true, buffs = {willpower = 2, intelligence = 2}}
--Chicken Dish
foodList[1155] = {crafted = true, leftOver = 2952, buffs = {essence = 2, perception = 2}}
-- Chicken Soup
foodList[1152] = {crafted = true, leftOver = 2935, buffs = {willpower = 2, intelligence = 2}}
propose Elderberry Pie becomes Willpower 2, Essence 2

Re: No +2 Essence-Willpower Food

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 5:59 am
by Estralis Seborian

I've checked with Evie on this proposal. The current distribution of buffs is the result of an elaborated process that balanced the buffs of the various attributes over the levels of food items. It resulted in the (maybe unfortunate) fact that two level 100 items need to have the same buff. The suggested change would require to consider the complete buff matrix, not just two individual items. It is a bit like exchanging a brick in a wall with a smaller one, this will result in a gap in the wall somewhere.

A proposal on how to adjust the overall buff distribution would be very much appreciated and could be considered for implementation.

Best regards,

Re: No +2 Essence-Willpower Food

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:21 pm
by HolyKnight
Yes I noticed this on closer inspection. A more balanced system would require a larger matrix and expanding the boni on food to all cookable food items. Too much of a heavy lift for me at the moment but I have a spreadsheet placeholder.

Thank you Estralis.