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Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:28 am
by Kyre

I think I have hit on the problem... our mana is being drained. I am so tired, some people I have seen are just gone. WHERE are Orren, Jakob, even Fooser? I haven't seen Aswe and don't know if she got her memory back, WHERE IS THE OLD MAN? Occasionally I see Caswir thank Nargun (and he is still wonderful!).

Aly has been gone then back just enough to tell her my plan for the bond removal then gone again, hopefully thinking it all over. People have simply lost their energy, gradually or is it all at once? Is it the column draining us?

I'm too tired to write any more. How to get more energy into town? Hopefully Deanna's plan will work!

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:58 am
by Kyre
There is loss of mana, more then one mage seems to have succumbed. I'm going to write before it gets too hard to hold this pen.

History (may need to add more later),

I suspected the bond was gone at least for the human side not knowing well what bonds and humans can accomplish.. so removed it totally to see what was left. I found out at least on his side, nothing. No love, no regret, no emotion except to tell me to go home and be with the children while he went to the tavern to have fun and be with another. I was so depressed I wasn't thinking straight and knew there was love still for the children so felt they would be safe yet didn't realize the hate for me that existed would keep my children from me and I wouldn't see them for a long time much less share in their raising. Through my hurt and pain, I got the sitter, kissed them goodnight in their sleep and left to beg Nargun to please help me.

Nargun took me at my word and it became months before I woke up in a cave with none of my learning, and most of my memory gone. When looking around the town confused, I saw Caswir whom I barely recognized yet had this feeling he was a person I could trust. He mentioned was thinking of moving to Runewick saying he had been talking to Deanna. I didn't know why but told him I was following. The town of Galmair looked ugly and cold to me even though I had forgotten most things in it.

The pen made a large blob on the parchment as if the witch was simply too tired to hold it any longer.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:26 am
by Kyre
The writing is abruptly neater, cleaner as of old...


We were late coming to help Deanna in her cauldron plan. I'm not sure about Caswir but I was definitely too weak and could barely get out of bed. Suddenly however, I felt energy slowly return, my mana was no longer draining! Walking to town I saw the columns were gone and wondered if all this was illusion, coincidence, or real?

I found Caswir and we both decided to go to Letma and see what was happening. S'rrt was very busy and would give instructions for everyone yet.. it seemed like the monsters were back two-fold. I wondered if they went to Letma rather then Runewick which was a blessing not in town. S'rrt eventually felt we were in a trap and it did seem like that so we all went back to the teleporter. I missed seeing my friend Aly and hope she fared well. Caswir and I decided it was best to go home so I didn't get the opportunity to personally thank Deanna and all the people that got rid of those awful columns. I hope to do that in the next coming days, but now just want to take a cleansing breath and thank Nargun for my luck.

Only one thing disturbs me, the poison and that strange stone that managed to forum in town. Right now the barricades are around it but how safe and strong are they depending on what is there if anything... will something come out and if so will the barricades stop it or them? I'm hoping the Archmage will evaluate it since it is in town. I think we need to put a guard there come Mas if still around.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:23 pm
by Kyre
A page is torn from the dairy and a parchment is left on the bar of the Red at Yewdale..

Love, I don't know where you are but be careful coming home.. poison gas is near!


Oh.. Aly and Eli recommended getting water and taking our baths at Cadomyr and I have grabbed a few bottles of your wine.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 12:44 am
by Kyre

I was happy to immediately contact the druids, Eli saying I knew Yridia best and got her ideas and suggestions which I reported to the guild. As a positive note, the clouds so far haven't spread to Yewdale but I still need to check the town. Positively the people are remaining calm and most have some water stored yet stare undecided at the baths. I'm hoping the guild can be available when needed, Caswir remaining steadfastly in charge. I pray to Nargun every day for everyone's safety.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 4:00 am
by Kyre

Keeping track of the clouds, there seems nothing in Yewdale except what we saw offshore and I'll trust everyone's word there were five poison clouds even though I only saw two. I suddenly passed a man wearing a damp cloth over his face and felt naked wondering what I was breathing so copied his example. Seeing no change in town I turned north and passed well sheep though the trees and plants could be wilted. Not being an expert on them I'll leave up to the alchemists. Going as far as Henry Darter I saw nothing at sea nor land however as most can tell you mages are basically blind. Running into strange monsters, like walking dead near the slimes makes me hesitant to go far. I hope Eli can get the help from the lizards yet, the poison in the fields, the monsters and other strange occurrences like the stones makes me wonder if that isn't all the problem?

It may be best if I stay here for awhile and keep an eye out for changes.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:05 am
by Kyre
A very brief message is written...


Another love has taken my place.. the love of power, and as I feared has brought out cruelty. I'm staying up north of Runewick for now yet may take Aly up on her invitation to go to Cadomyr temporarily.
I'll add more history when I can stop to think, maybe after whatever is taking place in Runewick is over, or even after Mas.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:48 am
by Kyre

Yewdale seems fairly safe.. I didn't see anymore poison and saw live fish in the water. Some of the poison on the road outside town seems to be covered with dirt and can be cautiously walked over though there are still some areas of poison ready to catch a runner. I can't tell if more has spread in the water though the dead fish can attest to the toxicity of it. The town appears quiet. I have been blaming myself though how can someone put a protection spell around town to cover poison is beyond me. I need to experiment with spells more and try to encompass more for the town. Going back north to work on that but I'm keeping an eye on the date... Mas is here soon.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:49 pm
by Kyre

I saw some bubbling in the sea as I packed up my things from the Red though still no poison. It was good to visit Aly and Inara in Cadomyr yet I'm afraid my sadness transferred to Aly and hope I am forgiven but I couldn't stay. Back to the greenery of Runewick, even avoiding the poison seems better! Cadomyr with the sand and no trees... I guess some like the town, but it seems so harsh. I returned to my place up north of Runewick, past the pigs and cows and will be fairly safe for Mas up high as long as I avoid the orc warrior. I'm sure the old man and other mages can help the town and he knows how to find me if needed.

Another thought is quickly added...

I only joined the guild to support one person. Does it really help the town to still be in it or would it be best to follow my heart and leave since not many are active anyway? More ideas to think about and talk to the old man.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 6:16 am
by Kyre

Not much new with me, I talked to the old man and he is frustrating not telling me what to do though what more did I expect. He is definitely wise. I also talked to Caswir and realized we still care for each other, so things will remain the same for now and yes, I am happy.

As far as what is happening in general.. the poison is still around but hasn't spread, Eli is going to try to settle the mana therefore, we are crossing fingers and using lucky apples that nothing more will happen during the upcoming Mas. Well nothing more but Jefferson Gray and his ilk. Yes, sadly that evil person is back and has already hurt Yridia of the druids. I heard she is fighting and hopefully getting well but if someone can show that man.. yes, I am for revenge! There is some kind of meeting at the neutral Inn eventually to discuss a possible friend of Gray's which I hope to go but a lot from the guild and fighters should also attend, I'm worried Gray will show.

Not usually seeing her everyday but am curious where Aswe is. Did she go back north, did she get her memory back? I'll see if someone knows. Speaking of someone missing.. another person asked me about Sammy. I haven't seen him in awhile either. I'm guessing I have been just too long hunting though it was enjoyable.. perhaps I'll try again after Mas. I'm holding off on adding more history until after Mas, there is too much going on now. I have a lot of hexes to make and one large one I'm working on for Eli to use.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:21 am
by Kyre

The start of Mas saw us at the quiet of Cadomyr with Aly and Inara after all was least for awhile. While I waited at Cadomyr we saw a poor lizard pass a few times, hope he managed the night. Caswir left to buy potions in Galmair but ran into Jefferson and didn't do well saying the man/demon was much stronger now then before! Caswir decided to get more gems so we went to Runewick along with Orion not seeing Aly to wave our farewells. Runewick was also quiet until suddenly Jefferson and his accomplice showed up. I forgot his name but recognized him from Runewick. Caswir and Orion immediately prepared to fight and I stood back debating whether to run or try to stay and help. Grabbing my wand my eyes widened seeing Jefferson avoid Orion and Caswir to run past all and come directly toward me. ALRIGHT, problem solved RUN!

I managed to turn partially around only before a heavy, painful something hit the side of my chest then side toward my back. As I was immediately and involuntarily twirled around managing to step back defensively I think Jefferson again hit me but I'm not sure, everything by then was a daze. Did it just take two hits? Am I that weak? The armor I wore that Caswir had reminded me to put on earlier in the evening might have helped with one, made the hit lighter. As I fell I saw Caswir finally catch up to Jefferson obviously surprised also at the move yet the last thought I had was hoping he wouldn't get hurt before I landing in Cherga's realm. Was that my imagination she looked me over and frowned then whispered in my ear....

"You aren't ripe enough yet witch"

... then kicked me out. Sadly that was when the pain really started. I also missed my metal hand. Caswir ran to the cross and helped me to the hospital then handed me some things dropped but no metal hand. Did Jefferson get my hand!? That just made me not only hurt but angry!

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:12 pm
by Kyre

I wish I could draw the beautiful metal hand Caswir made. He put pure fire like the old one but also added pure spirit in it! It has an orange sheen to it now yet I need to teach the muscles in my arm and wrist how to lightly move the fingers again like in my old hand. I plan to learn quickly.

We talked of a plan for Jefferson, Caswir is out for revenge and Sammy and Eli are working on a plan. My new project is making hexes for use against Gray and his followers also.

Sammy still looks ill to me yet denies he is. I should talk to the druids about him. Hoping to see Aly soon and should stop writing to get to work!

PS Diary.. I am very happy!

(( viewtopic.php?p=714774#p714774))

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:05 am
by Kyre

It is the middle of a dark night, only one moon showing and I'll have to admit I lost the card game to Caswir. I decided to quietly sneak out of bed and pull on the loot (my clothes) because I can't sleep.

Did I just dream or did I really get a message from my girls? I would wake him but he looks so peaceful after our discussion with Deanna about Jefferson. I like her plan and hope that wasn't a dream.

If I really got the message and was able to send one in return, this is the first time in years someone could convey what my babies wished. The entire message wasn't understood by the bearer, yet I knew what my witchlets said. I fully understood and was so happy I cried. Now sleep eludes me while waiting to ask Caswir.. was it really a dream because I yearned so much or did it really happen?

While I wait for him to wake, I think I'll hide his loot and tell him I won!

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:30 pm
by Kyre

It's time to write another letter to my girls that their Papa won't let me bring home to visit...

Dear Teilra and Branwen,

I'm counting the days until you are old enough to not be stopped from coming to stay. I hope you will wish to visit for awhile but it will be your choice whether to stay or not. No crying because you miss me my daughters...I may cry just to see you, but they will be happy tears.

Your Mama,

One day I hope to show my letters to my little witchlets and they will realize how much I still care for them. On another subject, we may have a plan for this Jefferson, if agreed on. And the old man is suddenly very busy, I simply hope he doesn't get hurt. Aswe is angry at me though I can't understand why yet hopefully she will change her mind one day.

I have lost track of history at the moment but will try to catch up at a later date.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:34 pm
by Kyre

This is what was decided between all I talked to, and I can only hope this will be accepted. I don't believe either will ever be capable of friendship any more as Deanna suggested, however I don't see why some agreement is allowed to be reached for the sake of the children. Eli will bring the parchment written and the only thing lacking is security which won't go over well with Caswir at all, but I think is the best answer. First a copy of the parchment Eli will give:

The letters are painstakingly written and easy to read.

1. I wish to have an ongoing relationship with my daughters.

2. They are to be allowed to visit Runewick and stay for at least a dwarven week at a time every month.

3. I will promise not to leave Runewick with them except to bring them back to Galmair.

4. We both promise not to mention the other and if the children ask will politely steer them away from the topic.

5. This agreement will be in writing and signed and approved by both parties.

6. Security will be arranged in a separate agreement depending on the safety required at the time.

Now my problem will be Caswir who will disagree with my plan.. but am hoping to talk him into it so Nargun, I again need your help!

There is nothing I want more then the safety of my daughters!
Caswir, Eli, Aly and whomever else volunteers will bring the children to Runewick after we go to meet them.
I will go first back to clear the way and make sure Jefferson is not hovering near the Runewick teleporter.
If he is, he'll be busy attacking me while the children can be whisked to town safely. If not, then we are clear to go the rest of the way to town.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:17 pm
by Kyre
The writing is hurried, not as neat as usual possibly filled with some frustration also..

Nargun, these old men are going to be the death of this witch one day! While waiting for Eli to give my parchment in Galmair, I met another old man that I knew from Gobaith named Merung. Why and how did he extract a promise from me I don't know.. could it have been a hex, or spell? I am now promised not to kill anything unless it attacks me first. However this is only for the life of this human old man, not that I'm waiting for Cherga to take him for the long trip, I'm not that evil even if a witch. I will however keep an eye on him and in the mean time no matter what I do I can't seem to get the cows, sheep or pigs to attack me. Maybe a hex?

I have been hiding lately... not only from Jefferson and his ilk but from everyone being sad and missing Caswir however the parchment sent found me and added some light to my final mission of training my wand. Caswir is up north and very busy, I didn't get an idea of what, just that he missed me and will try to come home soon. I must tell Deanna and let her know also. In the mean time I sorely miss Aly and need to find out what is happening with my best friend. I hope to see her soon.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:44 pm
by Kyre

Why am I so surprised the head of both other towns show up at a citizen only town meeting? I really shouldn't be! Feeling sorry for Deanna trying to have one.. however the next town meeting I will simply know to avoid.

The best part of the day however was finally seeing my best friend. I didn't tell her but Aly seemed busy, distracted and dare I say a little lonely? I should go to visit her soon, maybe bring some of my apples. It was fun to catch up on the gossip. We have so much to talk about and hardly any time! I will try to do better. Witches honor!

Am hoping to see the halfling with my arrows soon. I missed him so far. I have seriously debated closing this diary up.. rather not writing in it for awhile. Am still considering....

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 4:30 am
by Kyre

I have this feeling something is coming.. it isn't a good feeling either. Whatever it is, is malicious. I seem to be just walking gently on eggshells and waiting, unable to even mention it except a witch's conjure? I have walked slowly and carefully for a few days hoping to get more information, even experimenting with hexes. All to no avail.

Yet I did accomplish one thing after talking it over with Aly. I admitted my lie and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Perhaps he changed his mind? Hopefully will find out soon. I also told Aly about my decision.. wait, did I? We were interrupted by someone I knew and was very wary of in the past. I don't trust she has no plans and shouldn't trust her past accomplice either yet why did I? That is one conundrum needed to be explored. Perhaps the old man will help, he likes puzzles!

I will start a to do list:

1. Check the shape of the forest and find out from Aswe what she meant.
2. See the opinion of another person.
3. This should probably be first: Find out what is causing this feeling.. and do I really need to be cautious?

Another scribble was just added:

4. Why was Aswe protecting me from herself?

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 6:51 pm
by Kyre
Dear Diary,

Isn't that the official way to address a diary...dear? Caswir says that yet I never know what it means. I am very happy and forgot all about things to come in the personal plans of us both. He floored me with his words and actions last night so much I forgot to tell him anything else regarding a trial or Eli and Fooser. Sneaking out of the bed in order not to wake him.. it took an hour to find all the paraphernalia thrown haphazardly all over such as clothes, bags, armor, empty cups, and I'm pretty sure missed a few things. I finally found a couple of articles of clothes under the bed so the trick was to very quietly crawl under then use my wand to pull them toward me, how they got there is beyond me! Anyway. I need to talk to a druid, or Aswe if she remembers her vast medic knowledge.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:49 pm
by Kyre
Dear diary,
It's good to finally see you again and be home after being so ill. Thank Nargun Caswir was with me to help after the accident! I believe the experiment is a dud for now and may have to try it later. I'm not writing much due to my injuries but hope to add more later. This will be in a secret place for now and a blood bond to ensure it remains closed.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 10:38 pm
by Kyre
I can use my wand sparingly but somehow both arms seem weak and I only broke one. Nargun I'm sure is laughing constantly at me!

My first introduction to magic was Samantha and her imagination spells. I liked her making gusts of wind, friendly animals, and food the most. My goal was to be able to make all but after I learned ancient. So, in my most recent experiment, the goal was to first start with animals, maybe bunnies or mice, rats or cows even, knowing the old spells no longer worked.

I started out methodically writing every spell I could think of down and even combining them. I had tons of patience even for a witch then, and Caswir was there to give me that extra support.

I'll write later after my arm is rested. It takes as long to get and open this diary as it does to write, so this latest experiment may take awhile to write it all down.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 7:35 am
by Kyre
Dear Diary,

Yes, I found my red pens finally! I still wear the sling but am not feeling as bad. I have talked to a few who plan to run for Runewick counselor and won't digress here with their plans except to say all seem to have the town's well being at heart.

Now to my experiment. I REALLY believe I found the spell to make constructs, at least the easier ones like rats and rabbits, cows etc however... and this is a big problem! I can't remember the spell. I'll write here exactly what happened and won't let anyone else read it.

Will rest a little before I pen the incident.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 6:05 am
by Kyre
I'm not wasting this diary's pages by going through numerous plans and spells of what I tried. Sometimes I even thought a construct was finally made only to see it bleed when attacked by another. My rituals, even the older ones with sacrifices and black candles were detailed and time consuming. I don't even know where we were, leaving that detail up to Caswir who would go off on his own experiments.

Long walks in the rain which blessed with barely a drizzle cleared my head some yet to write everything down in order to be clear how I tested was so frustrating I gradually stopped. In the end there were days spells were accomplished without remembering exactly what was attempted. Allowing the water to drip off my hair and clothes, not bothering with a cloak I finally stared at something that looked like a rat but I knew wasn't. The weather forgotten as I wracked my brain attempting to find the final spells because I had made a construct!

I knew it would eventually disappear and hesitated to get near yet finally reached out my good hand yearning to touch. Just when I did, it ran in front of me, I then tripped and lost consciousness hitting my head on a rock. When I woke, it was gone and I was not only left with a broken arm but worse the nagging thought...did I make one or not? Nargun was definitely laughing.

The painful process of repairing my arm, then getting it placed in a sling took minor precedence over my one question, if a construct then how? I go through days now of slowly healing but my thoughts are in other places. Most view me as a totally distracted witch.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 10:24 am
by Kyre
Dear diary,

I have more questions then answers today. Like why does breaking one arm make every thing so difficult to accomplish? I can't even concentrate on the construct question though salves help me move around best. My mind goes back to Lennier's discussion ... I think instead of bond mate I should have simply said guild member which I will in the future. In the mean time the harder beds over the tavern seem to support my arm best, especially if I grab a few pillows from other empty beds. They will probably stay empty since most people don't want to stay long in the same room as a witch. Drathe pointed out a lot are scared of me, hopefully Guir didn't pay much attention to that! Of course Drathe still thinks I am a hag from that one time in Galmair I showed him a very good illusion of my "hag side". Remembering the entire incident made me laugh. He could even describe my "hag" with bent shoulders, moles and a cackle for a laugh swearing my looks now are illusion!

There goes my shoulder again! Maybe one day it will get better and I can write more!

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:36 am
by Kyre
Dear diary,

I hope I can write what is in my heart because it is a time of celebration and caring. A long time ago I woke up from a cave hurt, frightened, angry only to see a tall elf standing in front of me. On the spur of the moment I moved with him to Runewick and there we lived in his place for many years. He told me he wished his independence but was also lonely so started a guild for mages early. I helped as much as possible but gradually things began to change in my mind yet not in his. Pretty soon we grew apart yet still had respect and caring for each other. I'm very sad to finally leave Caswir and will always remember how sweet he has been to me, wishing for more yet fully understanding his wish still for independence. Perhaps one day he will find what he desires.. yet I can no longer wait and am sure he prefers me not to. He will always remain in my heart as one of giving, love, caring and attention even going so far as to help me get stronger again. I can only wish for him the best. His expressed desire for me to rejoin the guild is noted yet I can't at the moment having joined it specifically for him only. Perhaps if something comes up to spur me on I will. Reading the parchments he sends gives me a warm feeling and I pray to Nargun to treat him well and not to laugh at him.

My shoulder is protesting again as I slowly write but I push to place this on paper before I stop ... I am a better person due to Caswir and will always be grateful.

The Witch

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:08 pm
by Kyre

Dear diary.

That is the word used for non dramatic, unemotional, careful what is said and when? That was the case when I returned the guild key. So many things I wished to say and didn't. Did he feel the same or was it simply a time to get over? Does this mean I'm maturing or falling back on hard times? I meant to ask Guir as we traded stories and neglected to. Silly me got too emotional and he advised me to wait. A sweet man, or part elf. Guir's last words that I am not mean still makes me smile.. he doesn't know! Oh well... it is nice to have someone think I am alright, though I'll have to remind him not to tell others what he thinks.

I wonder though about Aly.. is she right? We should avoid love, perhaps that would be the final answer though I wish she had someone close despite her wishes. I should talk more with her soon, we should decide this once and for all. Something else to consider... is it just the female in us wishing and being disappointed in romance?

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:15 pm
by Kyre
Dear diary

I’m much stronger now and ready for what will come! Orren, Aly, Aswe and Sammy have my gratitude for their support along with Guir and his correspondence I really worry about him and sent some good luck spells for him and his family with his town at war.

Anyway I finally have peace. No further jumping in with spur of the moment romances that may mean something to me but isn’t returned. I’m not sure I’ll be like Aly and spurn all... but will at least for years to come and feel a better witch because of it!

Ill hunt my red pen again but had to get my thoughts down.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:38 pm
by Kyre
Bags seem to be packed and ready for the harbor as the witch gives coins and cookies to a halfling to carry them into the ship. She looks back at the town stayed in for awhile and sighs muttering....

Maybe one day.

Laying a parchment from Aly wishing to urgently see her, there is a sadness in her heart as she leaves one next to it.

My dear friend, I will miss you on my journey and hope you can find help from others. So many of the ones I know have gone, or are busy with other things I feel now is a good time to search for the village I grew up in. I am not sure how long the trip will last nor if I'll be able to write much. Yes, I know you and Sammy were going to accompany me but both of you are busy and I can't see much interest in traipsing around the jungle looking for villages or ones that have died away. Please apologize to Sammy for me.

The parchment left unsigned was handed to the halfling to deliver and the diary sealed then hidden in a secure place.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:19 am
by Kyre
Dear Diary,

Some people won't be happy but I'm finally back, the trip was too long and filled with adventures too long for me to write at the moment. Hopefully I will eventually.

Re: Diary ((CLOSED))

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:04 am
by Kyre
Dear diary,

Thought I didn’t have much to write about yet when I started to ponder... I am very much over the lost connection of two I had but do I want one that is medium only? Without the strength of a pair?
Aly seems very happy. Would I be or am I better as simply this business arrangement? Something I need to figure out. Then if partial, who? Though I DO have some ideas!

As far as the rumors, perhaps I should work on the assumption they’re true, at least for now. After all, that Halfling seemed very sure of their information. Hence I'll evade partially the long talk I had with Aly at Yewdale for fear someone will find this diary and manage to open it using my blood.

The guild is nice to be in again. I hope to meet the others soon, especially Orren. I'll try to write more often but no promises!