Harvest Festival #60 Planning

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Juniper Onyx
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Harvest Festival #60 Planning

Post by Juniper Onyx »

((open RP - feel free to post ideas))
Bernie was sitting at a table with various parchments around him checking his supplies and making plans at the Hemp Necktie for the upcoming Harvest festival.
Foods - check - Apple pies, cherry cakes, muffins and Banana bread
Drinks - check - Beer, wine, schnapps, Mead, etc.
Onions - check - I have 15...maybe need to grow a few more

Games and activities....

It was here the halfling had to think a bit. What would people like to see? A contest of strength? A running game? Maybe display their prize crops or baked goods for a prize? Hire a Musician to play some ballads? Maybe a "Battle of the Bards" like in the old days? Besides Onionball, he wasn't sure yet what to offer people to do.

For that matter, what would people like as prizes these days? Bernie thought through his treasures. Gold? Glyphs? Pure elements? There's many choices and he had plenty to spare.

Trying to ponder the answers to these questions, he sat at the table, looking at patrons coming and going from the Inn, occasionally waving to some he seemed to know and striking up a friendly conversation with those he didn't.
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Re: Harvest Festival #60 Planning

Post by Juniper Onyx »

~Bernie Pulls out a copy of the Farmer's Almanac and looks at the weather forecast~

"Oh no! Weather for the 1st of Olos is expected to be severe rain!" Bernie exclaimed and read some more. "Hmm, the weather looks beautiful on the 3rd. Ok, we'll just have to postpone the Festival to then."

With a sigh, Bernie put down the Almanac and started making notices.

~Here ye, here ye!
The Day and time for the Harvest Festival #60 has changed! It will now be held on the 3rd of Olos at 9am!
Thank you!!~

((7pm Server time))


"Bernie zieht eine Kopie des Farmer es Almanac heraus und schaut sich die Wettervorhersage an.

"Oh nein! Das Wetter für den 1. von Olos wird voraussichtlich starker Regen sein!", rief Bernie und las einige mehr. "Hmm, das Wetter sieht schön am 3. Ok, wir müssen das Festival nur auf dahin verschieben."

Mit einem Seufzer legte Bernie den Almanac nieder und begann, Hinweise zu machen.

'Hier ihr, hier ihr!
Der Tag und die Zeit für das Erntefest #60 hat sich geändert! Es wird nun am 3. Olos um 9 Uhr stattfinden!
Danke!! ~

((19 Uhr Serverzeit))
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Re: Harvest Festival #60 Planning

Post by Juniper Onyx »

~Bernie talked to several patrons and starts to compose a schedule of activities~

3rd of Olos
9:00 - Welcome, Introductions, Praise to Oldra and Selection of Judges ((7pm server time)) - We will need 2 impartial and fair Judges ((Old & New Language)) to help me Judge the entries and contests.

9:30 - Farming Show ((7:10 st)) - Bring your best Cabbages, Hops, Sugarcanes, Tomatoes, Onions, Tobacco, or other crops and tell us why it is the best of all!!

10:00 - Livestock Show ((7:20 st)) - Bring your best chicken, pig, sheep, cow or other livestock and tell us why it is the best of all!! ((RP'ed of course!))

10:30 - Baking Show ((7:30 st)) - Bring your best Pies, Cookies, Cakes, Breads, Stews, Soups, Dishes or other Foods and tell us why it is the best of all!!

11:00 - Brewing Show ((7:40 st)) - Bring your best Beer, Cider, Mead or other brews and tell us why it is the best!!

11:30 - Glittery Mine Race! ((7:50 st)) - A Contest of speed as warriors race to the Glittery Mine, survive and return!

12:00 - Onionball! ((8:00 st)) - There can be only 1 champion of Onionball!! Single elimination of all opponents until only 1 is the winner!

12:30 - Feast, Dancing & Music at the Inn ((As Onionball finishes)) - Join us in the Hemp Necktie Inn for Music, Dancing and a feast of food and drink!

15:00 - Awards Ceremony and end of Festival ((9:00 st)) - Join us in the Courtyard to recognize all the winners of the Shows and Contests, and then continue the dancing and music as long as you desire!

((*Times may vary depending on attendance and roleplay))

The 4 Harvest Shows - 1 Pure Water each or 10 Gold
The Glittery Mine Race - 1 Pure Earth or 10 Gold
Onionball - 1 Pure Air or 10 Gold
Best Dancer - 1 Pure Spirit or 10 Gold
Being a Judge - 1 Pure Fire or 10 Gold


"Bernie sprach mit mehreren Gönnern und beginnt, einen Zeitplan für Aktivitäten zu verfassen.

3. Olos
9:00 - Willkommen, Einführungen, Lob preisende Oldra und Auswahl der Richter ((19 Uhr Serverzeit)) - Wir brauchen 2 unparteiische und faire Richter ((Alte & Neue Sprache)), die mir helfen, die Einträge und Wettbewerbe zu beurteilen.

9:30 - ErnteSchau ((19:10 st)) - Bringen Sie Ihre besten Kohl, Hopfen, Zuckerkanes, Tomaten, Zwiebeln, Tabak oder andere Kulturen und sagen Sie uns, warum es das Beste von allen ist!!

10:00 - Viehschau ((19:20 st)) - Bringen Sie Ihr bestes Huhn, Schwein, Schaf, Kuh oder anderes Vieh und sagen Sie uns, warum es das Beste von allen ist!! ((RP'ed natürlich!))

10:30 - Backschau ((19:30 st)) - Bringen Sie Ihre besten Kuchen, Kekse, Kuchen, Brote, Stews, Suppen, Gerichte oder andere Lebensmittel und sagen Sie uns, warum es das Beste von allen ist!!

11:00 - BrauenSchau ((19:40 st)) - Bringen Sie Ihr bestes Bier, Apfelwein, Met oder andere Gebräue und sagen Sie uns, warum es das beste ist!!

11:30 - Glitzernde Mine Ausführen! (19:50 st)) - Ein Wettbewerb der Geschwindigkeit, während Krieger zur Glittery Mine rasen, überleben und zurückkehren!

12:00 - Zwiebelball! ((20:00 st)) - Es kann nur 1 Champion von Zwiebelball geben!! Die einmalige Eliminierung aller Gegner bis nur 1 ist der Gewinner!

12:30 - Fest, Tanz & Musik im Inn ((Zwiebelball beendet)) - Begleiten Sie uns im Hanf Necktie Inn für Musik, Tanzen und ein Fest mit Essen und Trinken!

15:00 - Preisverleihung und Ende des Festivals ((21:00 st)) - Begleiten Sie uns im Hof, um alle Gewinner der Shows und Wettbewerbe zu würdigen, und setzen Sie dann den Tanz und die Musik fort, solange Sie es wünschen!

((*Zeiten können je nach Anwesenheit und Rollenspiel variieren))

Die 4 Ernteshows - 1 reines Wasser oder 10 Goldmünze
Die Glitzernde Mine Rennen - 1 reine Erde oder 10 Goldmünze
Zwiebelball - 1 reine Luft oder 10 Goldmünze
Beste Tänzerin - 1 reine Spirit oder 10 Goldmünze
Richter sein - 1 reines Feuer oder 10 Goldmünze
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Juniper Onyx
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Re: Harvest Festival #60 Planning

Post by Juniper Onyx »

~A halfling rises inside the tavern onto a table and announces the end of the Festival~

Thank you all for coming! It was the best Harvest Festival we've had in many years!!

Thanks go to Sammy, Cynthia as judges and our winners:
Farming: My Carrots
Animals: Lady Elizabeth for the Dark Knight Beetle
Foods: Jakob for his excellent sausages
Brews: me for my elven wine
Glittery Mine Race: Lady Elizabeth
Onionball: Kelri
Dancing: Jakob, breaker of many hearts!

Others who came: Oxi,Merung, Hur, Era and others I may not recall....

Thank you all for a great time!! May Oldra bless and ripen your Harvests and may they be bountiful!!
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