RP Search Button/GUI

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Gibble Thibblebum
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RP Search Button/GUI

Post by Gibble Thibblebum »

We have a system in place so that when new players join it announces it and players can warp to them to help out.

I think it would be nice to have something similar for players that want to RP. A lot of times I check the characters on line and several people are there. I'll even check on discord but no players are currently looking at Discord because they are doing their own thing. It would be nice if there was some sort of RP button ('r') that brought up a GUI that allowed you to select a button saying you are searching for RP and show a list of others doing the same thing. You could choose from the list and either warp there or have a quest marker appear leading you to them.

A simpler solution might be to reuse the GUI code for the new player warp and you can press 'r', get a confirmation message (so folks don't bump it all the time) and send out the new player warp request screen to everyone except it says that you are looking to RP. Problem with this is that it could possibly get annoying having that screen pop up all the time. Of course you could also put like a 10-15 minute timer on it so people don't abuse it too much.
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Re: RP Search Button/GUI

Post by HolyKnight »

Like it.
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Katharina Brightrim
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Re: RP Search Button/GUI

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

I don't like it as proposed. Warping to other chars is VERY immersion breaking and so would a quest marker be. Plus I see a huge risk of abuse, if people see secret connections between chars through this and then use this ooc-info IC.
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Re: RP Search Button/GUI

Post by HolyKnight »

Sorry I mean I like the idea of sending a message that your are looking.
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