In game bulletin board/Increasing rot time on written parchments

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rakust dorenstkzul
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In game bulletin board/Increasing rot time on written parchments

Post by rakust dorenstkzul »

So, quite often, someone will have to dip out from RP due to RL stuff (Cat being sick, horse kicking over the TV, stuff like that) and there's no way to let the the person IG know because they ran off to the depot, or to kill a dragon, or whatever.

So i have a couple of propositions

1. An ingame bulletin board

This will let people hold a note on it, maybe one note per person, with a max timer (Maybe an RL week?) which can be overwritten.
This should let people put notes up without the need to make a forum account, and let people put notes up quickly for things that they don't think they really need a forum post for.

2. Longer rot time on written parchments

So this one is a little more straightforward, increasing the rot time on parchments would let a character scribble down "Heading over to Lor Angur for 15 to pick up the golems" to let the other character know that they haven't been abandoned, especially if they're lacking in any OOC means of communication
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Achae Eanstray
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Re: In game bulletin board/Increasing rot time on written parchments

Post by Achae Eanstray »

I like both ideas.

As far as timing, the board for each town possibly set in a certain place in the town would allow 3 messages from different chars with a max of one or two sentences and last an in game week (three days). But am open to other ideas. I don't think it should last very long and would like to allow more then one character to place something there. We can even allow the head of the towns to make sure the board messages remain good for the town with ability to delete if needed.

This of course depends on how easy it is to script.

The parchment idea may be the simplest. Increase the rot time of a parchment that has writing on it to last several in game hours (possibly one or two RL hours before rotting).The ideal would be to allow another character to pick up and hold until rot is complete. This might prevent misuse of parchments.
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Katharina Brightrim
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Re: In game bulletin board/Increasing rot time on written parchments

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Estralis Seborian
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Re: In game bulletin board/Increasing rot time on written parchments

Post by Estralis Seborian »

Achae Eanstray wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:49 pmThis of course depends on how easy it is to script.
Increasing the rot time of parchments is trivial. Two lines of codes. Please be reminded that Illarion is open source and you can even make such changes yourself! ... issues/124

A bulletin board is also possible but not with the character oriented parameters. Our database does not support unlimited, persistent free strings to be stored. But we can have e.g. six "slots" in each realm for messages. For the slots, constraints may apply (e.g. just one message per character, expiry time of a week, cost for posting, restrictions on rank etc.). Those parameters need to be defined.
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Re: In game bulletin board/Increasing rot time on written parchments

Post by Jupiter »

Bulletin board would be nice.

On the rot rate in general: Rotting should have a very high value. When characters are around, rotting should not take place at all. If that causes a mess, it's up to the chars to solve that.
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