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Beauty for Ashes

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:18 pm
by roleplayerr

"An old wail, that hath endured and prevailed,
A cold nail, that hath ensured that we failed,
Footprints on forgotten graves, the mockers now got more slaves,
Their souls pale, our wrath is cure when we wail"

~ Albarian field worker song, Author unknown

The wind can blow cold at night in Albar. To some it causes slight discomfort. The fireplace inside a nobles mansion might flicker, or extinguish even, causing the warmth and the light in some lords comfort resort to dim for a moment of time, until, at the very last, after some shouting and threatening a servant might find his way through the darkness and rekindle it.
To others it may remain a simple reminder of the moving tides, the ups and downs in climate, the way of life. They may choose to follow it or gain guidance and orientation through the observation of it's currents.
And then there are people in this world who feel a cold wind like a gentle touch of a familiar friend. For them the wind is an expression, a mirror image if so pleased, in which you understand and embrace the absence of warmth of that moment, as it is something familiar, something experienced many many times before.

And yet, we all know, the wind visits each one the same, also at this particular night. What appeared most unusual, though it was just one of those nights where many of these kinds of people were gathered in the same room, all about to share the experience of a most common human event: a human birth.

The parents, their names relevant and known to only a handful of people, were property of an Albarian Noble whose name was relevant and known to many people. The midwife attending this birth had also delivered the noble himself, and also served as property of the Lord. The only present man bearing arms at this time was a soldier, in service of Albar and the noble, earning his bread by following orders as a free man, but still somewhat regarded as property nevertheless.
There was a high pitch scream...
"It's a boy.." announced the midwife, with a mixed tremor in her voice, her pale face was smiling at the father, before coming around the bedside to hand the baby to his mother. As she passed her master, she gave him a troubled look for a moment, then lowered her gaze to the naked child in her hands, and showed it to him. The noble grimaced and his eyes widened for a short moment as he layed eyes on the child. There was nothing odd about this child, except that he was awfully quiet for someone just being born. His eyes were open already, and there was plenty of hair on his head, and apart from being covered in blood from his mothers womb he looked healthy and breathing. He nodded then and left the slave hut with a mumbled "Congratulations..", and with the soldier following close behind him.
They walked silently for while, passing more huts like the one they just emerged from, improvised constructions build out of random left over wooden boards, pieces of deconstructed furniture held together by nails and some muddy clay, the doorway only covered by a cloth. Once they got a little further away from the huts and closer to the walls of the nobles estate, he would halt and turn to his servant.
"Go and fetch one of your comrades. Then you two take the baby. Any resistance ...- you cut down anyone who gets in your way." He paused for a moment and examined his servant hesitantly who had already began to frown in discomfort at these orders. Adding more authority and malice to his voice he continued, losing the distance between them, almost barking the words into the soldiers face: "You bring the baby down to the riverbank south of here and drown it there. Don't do this anywhere else or any other way, do you understand!?"
The soldier lowered his gaze. Killing a little child? But what choice did he have, orders were orders, right? He nodded. "Aye.."
The nobles threatening stance eased and as the tension faded he placed a hand on his servants shoulder.
"After you're done, you come to me. And i'll make it worth your while. Time for a promotion.. for your discretion and loyalty."

Beauty for Ashes II

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 12:46 am
by roleplayerr

Just a couple of minutes later the soldier arrived at the estates barracks, where he could find currently idle guardsmen, that weren’t already posted or ordered elsewhere. At this time of the night most of the soldiers were asleep. As he entered the building, the air smelled of strong wine and ale and sweat, loud snoring was one of few noises in guards quarters. He was surprised to find a soldier sitting in the common room, and looking half awake, under his full visor helmet. Probably one of the new recruits, all geared up and eager to see action.
“On your feet, soldier we got work to do!” he ordered. Both of them were simple guards, but being on a mission for the noble Lord himself placed him on a higher rank in this situation, and this one would take full advantage of it. And so the helmet rose with a grunt and complied.
For almost the first half of the walk back to the slave huts the marching sound of their metal boots and the rattling of their chainmail uniforms was the only comfort during the freezing silence.
“So, where are we going.” The helmet asked finally, his voice tinny sounding under the closed visor. “Back to the birth I was attending. We… The Lord gave ‘the’ order…”
The soldier released a moan, ringing from under the metal. “Again..? It’s the third baby this year, already isn’t it? And we are just early in Ushos.”
The soldier shrugged it off, trying to sound unmoved:
“Orders are orders…”. Unsatisfied by that answer the helmet kept prodding: “Yeah, but don’t you find it a waste?” They halted.
“What are you saying?” The helmet looked over his shoulders left and right. His tinny voice moderately lowered he explained. “Well, I’m all about doing a good service to my country you know? And I’m wondering, if this is it? I mean I am fine with raiding villages and taking prisoners and even domesticating them to proper use. I can see the benefit in that... But killing infants after birth... Seems a bit eccentric don’t you think?”
Yes, he did, but he didn’t like it too much. He didn’t like to think much on the whole. We are not in the position to judge that.”
The helmet gave a somewhat clankingly snort.Speak for yourself… I mean do you know the market value of an Serinjah newborn these days? It’s quite a fortu-“ – “Listen, greenhorn, we get paid for following orders, not asking questions. The crazy old Lord wants a Desert Vermin less upon this earth? I’ll gladly do him the favour – ‘cause it pays in good silver and pleases my conscience. Now, shut the hell up and let’s get this over with.The helmet fell silent after that. Much to the pleasure of his companion who could now focus his mind fully on dreaming about his reward, that he was to collect by himself.