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Trade/exchange window

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:07 pm
by Charlotte-ate-wilbur
As a pretty new player, I want to say one of my biggest pet peeves about this game is that in order to trade or exchange items you have to drop the desired items. My biggest trepidation then is a troll or just anyone walking up and taking my transaction. This can be a turn off and make the game appear a little too clunky even by indie standards to a newcomer.

So then the proposal is to add a secure exchange window for character to character trading.

Re: Trade/exchange window

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:11 pm
by Estralis Seborian

Re: Trade/exchange window

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:27 pm
by BjarsTale
I agree with the idea.

But yet, i never saw some one taking your Items "dropped" on the ground, my Chars never say #me drops the ores infront of XY, he hands them to the person.
If another Char would grab it, its kind of force RP.

Its just hard sometimes to reach the bag/basket or engine dropped things on the ground, so this maybe would make it easier.