Brightrim Apothecary

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Brightrim Apothecary

Post by Brightrim »

I, Amanda Brightrim, knight of Cadomyr and alchemist of house Desert Fox, am now taking orders for potions by messenger of choice.
Messages with potion orders can be delivered to Villa Annabeth in Cadomyr.
Any deliveries of potions will normally take place between ... ((2pm - 9pm server time)).
Below I will list the types of potions I can provide.
Common potions
Potions in this category are ones that can be mass produced, and thus can be ordered at any time.
Should you want a variation not listed below, feel free to contact me, however any customized orders will need payment up front.
The potions sold are all of high quality!
Amethyst brews
Health potion 90 Silver.
Everyone should be familiar with this one.
It recovers superficial wounds in an instant,
and hastens your rate of recovery.
A true life-saver in your most dire moments!

Mana potion 90 Silver.
They're like quivers - but for mages!
These potions will instantly recover a portion of a mages mana.
But wait, that is not all!
They will also increase a mages affinity with the mana around them for a short while,
thus increasing the rate of which they recover their lost mana!
It's genius, isn't it?

Basic Antidote 90 Silver.
The most common antidote, something anyone should carry at least one of at all times!
Why? Because it cures poison, of course!
Any common poison will find itself cured in a heartbeat when faced with this marvel!

Diet potion 90 Silver.
Want to lose weight? Tired of chewing?
Or perhaps you want to lessen your load when out adventuring?
If so, these potions are perfect for you!
Lightweight and non-fattening;
these potions will provide you with the energy you need!
Disclaimer: Should not be used to substitute food long-term.
Ruby brews

Learning brews
The potions listed in this sub-category are all intended for novices of their chosen profession.
These brews help in the process of learning, and some even have additional benefits!

Novice Craftsman potion: 90 Silver.
((+4 dex, +4 int))
The dream of every beginning craftsman out there!
This brew will sharpen your mind and aid in coordinating your movements!
Better results; Less Effort; Less Time. Who wouldn't want such results?

Novice Gatherer potion:
90 Silver.
((+4 con, +4 int))
Just like the Novice Craftsman potion, but for gatherers!
Whether you gather herbs or mine ores, this is the one for you if you're just starting out!
Not only does it sharpen the mind, it also enable you to stay at your top condition for longer while gathering!
Genius, right?

Novice Warrior potion 1 Gold.
((+4 str, +4 agi, +1 int))
This is the first variation of learning brews for our aspiring warriors our there!
Harder, better, faster, stronger!
Not only does it sharpen your mind slightly, it also increases your strength and speed!
Is this not the kind of learning brew you're looking for? Don't worry, there are several more variations!

Novice Archer Potion 90 Silver.
((+4 per, +4 int))
Whether it's a sling, bow or spear, if your choice is to learn a ranged weapon, then this is the brew for you!
Improved eyesight and a sharper mind, what else could you want for when learning how to aim?

Novice Berserker potion 1 Gold.
(( +4 str, +4 agi, +4 con, +4 int, +1 per, -4 ess, -4 wil))
The favorite of aspiring warriors,
A potion for those that want an overall boost, but are still learning!
It makes you stronger!
It makes you faster!
It sharpens your mind so you learn more!
Whoa, it even makes your eyesight a little better on top of that!?
How does she do it!?
Well. There is a sacrifice:
Your other mental faculties will decrease somewhat.
Warning: A reduction of mental faculties will leave you more vulnerable to magic.
Disclaimer: May cause those of weaker minds to turn berserk during battle.

Novice Mage potion 90 Silver.
((+4 int, +4 ess))
The potion best suited for a mage in training!
Not only does it sharpen your mind, it also increases your affinity with the flow of mana!
Now isn't that a good deal?

Eagle-eye Potion 1 Gold.
((+4 per +4 agi +4 int -3 ess))
Another learning brew for archer, but at the price of a lessened connection to the spirits,
it has the benefit of allowing you to shoot faster than your normal capabilities.

Battle brews
This sub-category consists of potions meant for actual warfare, not just practice.

Berserker potion 1 Gold.
((+4 str, +4 agi, +4 con, +4 per, +4 dex, -4 int, -4 ess, -3 wil))
Now this is the real deal!
Need that extra bit of power to push through in an otherwise impossible situation?
This is the potion for you!
Once more coming at the cost of reducing your mental faculties a little,
the Berserker Potion will increase your overall combat prowess to the utmost of what a potion can do!
Perfect for those who mastered their weapon and armor, and footsoldiers that only need to obey commands.
Warning: A reduction of mental faculties will leave you more vulnerable to magic.
Disclaimer: May cause those of weaker minds to turn berserk during battle.

Mage potion 1 Gold.
((+3 int +3 will +3 ess))
A balanced battle brew for a magicians use,
raising every aspect of your magic use.
It sharpens your mind, strengthens your will
and increases your affinity with mana,
all at the same time!

Warrior potion1 Gold.
((+3 str +3 agi +3 con))
A balanced battle brew for a close combat warrior.
It makes you more sturdy, faster and stronger, all at once!

Archer potion1 Gold.
((+3 str +3 agi +3 per))
A balanced battle brew for a ranged combat warrior.
It makes you stronger, faster and improves your aim!

Witch Hunter's Strength 1 Gold.
((+4 str, +4 con, +4 agi, +4 will, +1 perc, -4 int, -4 ess))
A potion that boosts both your fighting prowess and resistance to the arcane!
Comes with a slight loss of thinking ability, and a minor loss of ones ability to cast the arcane.

Rare potions
This category consists of potions of limited availability.
All potions are of course of top quality as always.
I may be able to provide potions not listed/not in stock if a messenger is sent with a request.

Houndsblood 10 gold.
Do you love our four legged animal friends? Maybe even to the point of wanting to be one?
Well now you can! This potion allows the consumer to shapeshift into a dog for a limited duration.
In stock: No.
Disclaimer: Contains no actual blood.

Race & Gender Changers 10 gold.
Ever want to know what it is like being of another race or gender, or both at once? Well you can, for a limited duration, with these shapeshifters!
In Stock: Elf(Male, Female), Human(Male, Female), Lizardman(Male, Female), Halfling(Male, Female), Orc(Male, Female), Dwarf(Male, Female).

Explosives 5-10 gold.
Causes an explosion upon impact when lit and thrown at a location.
Precision of the explosion ranges from impacting a big to a small area.
Prices: Small - 10 gold, Medium - 7 gold, Big - 5 gold.
In stock: Big, medium and small explosives.

Mana Annihilators 5-10 gold.
Causes the mana stores of individuals in an area to be annihilated upon impact when lit and thrown at a location.
Precision of the explosion ranges from impacting a big to a small area.
Prices: Small - 10 gold, Medium - 7 gold, Big - 5 gold.
In stock: Big, medium and small annihilators.

Slime Barriers 5-10 gold.
Causes an eruption of alchemical slimes in an area, upon impact when lit and thrown at a location.
Prices: Small - 5 gold, Big - 10 gold.
In stock: Big and small barriers.

Nutrition Annihilators 5-10 gold.
Causes the nutrition stores of individuals in an area to be annihilated upon impact when lit and thrown at a location.
Precision of the explosion ranges from impacting a big to a small area.
Prices: Small - 10 gold, Medium - 7 gold, Big - 5 gold.
In stock: Big, medium and small annihilators.

Language Potions 8 gold.
Hate reading books and taking the long route to learn something? Well when it comes to languages, this is the solution for you!
For a set duration these potions allow you to fluently understand and speak a language.
In stock: Ancient, Human, Lizard, Elf, Orc, Dwarf, Halfling.

Dragon Breath 6 gold.
Want to show off to your friends? Or maybe you fancy being like a dragon during battles? Dragon Breath is here for you!
Drinking this potion will make you spout a breath of fire, just like a dragon.
In stock: Yes.
Mystery Potions
A randomly picked potion from the rejects pile.
Price: 20 silver
In stock: Yes.
End note
House Desert Fox members will be prioritized, as well as receive a discount on common potions, otherwise what is written below takes effect:
Orders are normally prioritized in the order they are received, although smaller ones may receive priority over larger ones.
Speed of delivery depends on how many orders are currently in place, as well as the size of the order.
Custom orders for potions not listed in either category are welcome, though no guarantees can be made as to whether they will be possible.
Feedback is welcome.
Last edited by Brightrim on Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:42 pm, edited 28 times in total.
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Re: Brightrim Apothecary

Post by Brightrim »

Purchase of herbs / Alternate forms of payment
My stocks of rare herbs are sufficient for now, meaning I will no longer purchase them at a set price.

I will however accept rare herbs as an alternative form of payment for potions:

10 rare herbs for 1 common potion
50-100 rare herbs for 1 rare potion

Other alternative forms of payments I will accept:
1 latent magical gem/ pure element for 1 common potion
5-10 latent magical gems/ pure elements for 1 rare potion

Treasure maps - how many potions they can be traded for depends on the expected value of the resulting treasure
Last edited by Brightrim on Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Troubled by witches?

Post by Brightrim »

Then here's a brew for you!
Introducing the Witch Hunter's Strength, now added to the list of available potions!
If there's a witch in your life causing you trouble, and you need that additional boost, then order a bottle of Witch Hunter's Strength today!

For more information, refer to the list of available potions in the battle brew section.
Felbion Lijawyn
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Re: Brightrim Apothecary

Post by Felbion Lijawyn »

I have a large bag of assorted herbs that I am keen to sell. Would you be interested in purchasing herbs still? If so, should I pop by Cadomyr or reach out to Katharina?

Please let me know!

~Seamus Blackknuckle
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Re: Brightrim Apothecary

Post by Brightrim »

A response is left on the same parchment as used to pose the question above.
I still purchase herbs at the prices listed, and will continue doing so in the foreseeable future.
You may find me in Cadomyr for any such business.

A. Brightrim
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Re: Brightrim Apothecary

Post by Brightrim »

Another note has been added to the board.
The rare potion category has received an overhaul, some prices have been adjusted and some more potions have been made available.

A. Brightrim
Posts: 143
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Mystery Potions

Post by Brightrim »

Another parchment is added to the board.
As most know by now, every potion sold by Brightrim Apothecary are upheld to the highest of standards.
While this leaves satisfied customers who can be assured about the quality of the potions purchased, it also leaves a lot of rejected potions.
These rejects still serve their purpose, but with the strength of their effect or the duration below the high standard I uphold.
However, since there are no actual harmful side effects to these potions, I'm introducing the concept of Mystery potions as a third category on the list of my wares.

It's simple, at the price of 20 silver each, you will be given a random potion from the rejected potions pile.
This could be a potion from the Common Potions list, such as Health potions with a slightly weaker effect; making them unfit for life saving purposes, but excellent for bruises gained during training sessions. Or a potion from the Rare Potions list, such as a shapeshifter with its duration shorter than the standard, making the duration unpredictable but still making for a fun experience.

These potions have now been listed, and will be sold as long as there are any in stock, just like with the Rare Potions list.

A. Brightrim
Posts: 143
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Re: Brightrim Apothecary

Post by Brightrim »

A fresh message has been added more prominently before the main parchment.
All rare potions have been restocked again.
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Pausing Sales

Post by Brightrim »

Brightrim Apothecary will be indefinitely pausing sales.
Existing orders that were accepted by me, or on behalf of me by my wife, will be delivered as usual.
However, I will no longer be taking any new orders for the foreseeable future.

House members and close friends will of course still be able to rely on my potions.

A. Brightrim
Posts: 143
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Location: Gallifrey

Re: Brightrim Apothecary

Post by Brightrim »

Brightrim Apothecary will once more be accepting potion orders.

Orders may be placed via letter, speaking to me in person or speaking to my wife. Cluttering my section of the notice board with requests will see said requests removed.

Brightrim Apothecary is not affiliated with Runewick and does not follow Runewick's nonsensical labelling "standard". All potions being sold here are top quality to begin with, and detailed descriptions as to the effects of the potions that correspond to the labelled name are listed here on the primary parchment that lists potions that are for sale. If you insist on potions labelled following the nonsense of Runewick, go elsewhere.

A. Brightrim
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