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Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 5:54 am
by Vern Kron
No one uses the arena system really. Maybe we could lower the price to make it a little more accessible?

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:53 pm
by Tialdin
Der Meinung bin ich auch, die Arena ist zu teuer.

Vielleicht wäre es auch gut, zusätzlich zur zufällien Auswahl nach Level der Monster.
Direkt Monster auswählen zu können.

Bei den Hochstufigen beenden magisch Begabte Monster den Spaß sofort.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 8:40 pm
by Lia
Ein wenig günstiger könnten die Preise schon sein.

Aber man sollte sich keine Gegner aussuchen können, das erhöht die Spannung.

Schön wäre es aber wenn alle Mitspieler von einem besiegten Gegner provotieren können.

Heißt Spieler 1 kauft ein Monster. Spieler 2 kämpft mit Spieler 1 gegen das Monster. Beiden wird der Sieg gut geschrieben.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:22 am
by Achae Eanstray
I know loot was removed, can anyone list the rewards offered in the arena? That may help with the total picture of price.

My character has only fought once there, mid-level demon skeleton costing approximately 2 gold or more and received no loot, no reward. At the time didn't feel like it was worth it and elected not to fight more. However I am not familiar with the rewards and when receive.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:14 pm
by Brightrim

Code: Select all

 -- give a reward at 50, 150, 350, 750, 1550, ..
    if  currentPoints >= pointsNeededForNewReward*((2^(numberOfRewards+1))-1) then
From what I understand here the rewards are given at the points listed 50, 150, 350, 750, 1550, and then onwards at 3150, 6350, etc since from the pattern it seems to be previous number *2 +50. Quoted the code as well although I do not understand it, just in case my understanding of the pattern is wrong.

Code: Select all

-- reward[x] = {y,z} - x = reward points required, y = item id , z= amount of y
local reward = {
    {61,15}, -- gold coins
    {446,69}, -- sapphire powder
    {447,103}, -- ruby powder
    {448,52}, -- emerald powder
    {449,69}, -- obsidan powder
    {450,103}, -- amethyst powder
    {451,52}, -- topaz powder
    {452,42}, -- diamond powder
    {2551,1}, -- pure air
    {2552,1}, -- pure earth
    {2553,1}, -- pure fire
    {2554,1}, -- pure water
    {3607,1}, -- pure spirit
Those are the rewards listed. From what I understand the same amount(15 gold, 69 sapphire, 103 ruby powder, etc) will appear for you to choose between at each reward marker (50, 150, 350, 750, 1550, etc).

Though from my perspective the rewards are not supposed to be equivalent with the cost, since this is a gold-sink designed to lessen the amount of gold in the player economy. People who fight there are people who either want to practice against a monster without the danger of being surrounded by them, and have the excess gold to do so and can't find other players to spar with instead, or the more common reason, people who want to show off their name as one of the top 20 Arena champions as a form of prestige.
Every month you see the high score list change a little, meaning people are still using it after all these years, and some are even up in the thousands of points, meaning plenty have been throwing gold at it. Doesn't this mean it's working as intended, as a gold sink?

I'd be more worried if it never saw use, but right now in August there's been 300 points earned total. The total since the high-score system was made, not counting deleted characters, is 25164 points among all three towns. This is the 68th month since the high-score system was made. That's an average of 370 points per month, meaning the 300 points of this month is just below average. Given the statistics, it seems to be functioning pretty well. So unless Vern is suggesting that no one has ever really used the arena system..

Not a lot of people using it isn't important if the ones with big-wallets do, since that is what a gold-sink is aimed at. The rewards, the monsters, the potential RP from it, everything can be arranged or found elsewhere in the game, the only thing left is the prestige from the high-score. Even in the arena itself, given Galmair Arenas history with GM events (Sons of mountains, anyone?).

On another note, a separate arena or dungeon where you pay an entrance fee then face off with monsters until you fall back and get teleported out for safety, then get a high score and rewards based on that, could be a cool idea for those that want to rank their actual fighting capabilities and not just their wallets like the current arena. Either dungeons where you crawl through and face stronger and stronger monsters, or just an arena (less dev work) where you face off against stronger and stronger monsters, maybe several at a time later on, until you fall back and a script sends you outside. Add an option to go in as a team, and you got yourself a dungeon that will be revisited if the higher scoring rewards are attractive enough. Of course limitations on potions, gems, etc, might be needed depending on the devs design of it. Just an idea, though, since in the current arena, with enough gold, you could get the top score from killing level 1 creatures.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:54 pm
by Katharina Brightrim
Brightrim wrote: Those are the rewards listed. From what I understand the same amount(15 gold, 69 sapphire, 103 ruby powder, etc) will appear for you to choose between at each reward marker (50, 150, 350, 750, 1550, etc).
Yep, just tested it.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:14 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Thank you @Brightrim, very helpful and I like your other idea of the arena also.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:10 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
Alright, so the arena gets used. It averages 300 points a month. Great. Did anyone check the other half of that 300 point statistic in that only 6 people generated those 300 points? And out of those 300, one person alone did 246 of it?
Faction Character sword
1. Cadomyr Sefja 246
2. Cadomyr Slader 27
3. Cadomyr Katharina Thorstar 12
4. Galmair Oxiana 8
5. Runewick Amanda Brightrim 6
6. Cadomyr Guir 1
Then look at the high scores. It isn't like every single person is in the thousands. Only the first six people have scores of 1000+. Sure it is still being used as a money sink. But it isn't being used as a money sink by everyone. The other question is why? Why don't more people use it? Is it because the cost is too high? Is it because of the lack of a reward? Do people not realize it exists as a training tool? I would also figure that perhaps 370 is the average over 68 months. But what do you want to bet that the actual has been diminishing over the course of those 68 months.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:18 pm
by Jupiter
Remove/lower the rewards and lower the costs.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:01 pm
by Katharina Brightrim
I think the arena misses something where people say "Hey wow, the arena gives me oppurtunities the wilderness doesn't."

In the moment training in the wilderness is

1. For free
2. Has the same danger to it
3. Gives loot instantly
4. You can fight more monsters

The rewards are okay, but I would like to have a feature like being unable to get ghosted while fighting a monster. It should just disappear when somebody stumbles back -> Safer

So in general I see the arena more as a prestige-thing than as a training tool.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:10 am
by Jupiter
Katharina Ross wrote:So in general I see the arena more as a prestige-thing than as a training tool.
I think that was the intention. Maybe we should go more into that direction. We could create special fighting pit scenarios (e.g. flames, traps), and improve group fighting. The idea of not being able to be ghosted might be interesting to investigate in that regard. The arena could be a place where people meet and watch others fight in fanatstic battles. It should not be the place you go to push your skills, but rather to show off what a bad ass you are.

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:41 am
by Falyame
Ich bin auch dafür die Arenapreise zu senken. Selbst für das Prestige ist das ziemlich viel Geld, was man investiert. Was das "Angeben" angeht, zeigt die "Bestenliste" dennoch nicht an, welche Referenzen ein Kämpfer wirklich hat. Denn man kann 1 Millionen Punkte mit vielen kleinen und schwächeren Monstern sammeln um es unter die Top 10 Liste zu schaffen (auch, wenn man als Kämpfer überqualifiziert ist). Als Kämpfer macht man aber nur wirklichen Eindruck, wenn man große und starke Monster bekämpft. Also, wofür dann noch Prestige?

Die Idee mit den Fallen und dem Gruppenkampf find ich gut. So kann man in der Arena Spieltaktiken erlernen.

Eine Idee von mir, die ich gerne reinbringen will: Wie wäre es (oder vielleicht ist das schon so, weiß ich nicht), wenn das Geld, was in den Arenen gesammelt wird, der Stadt zugute kommt in Form von mag. Edelsteinen (oder was anderes) für die Bürger der jeweiligen? Frage ist nur: gibts in jeder Stadt eine Arena? Ich weiß es leider nicht :oops: :oops: :oops:

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:04 am
by Alrik
Ja, jede Stadt hat eine Arena

Re: Lower the price of the arena

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:55 am
by Sammy Goldlieb
So eine Art Kampf Parcour in der Arena, dass wäre wirklich mal was, wo ich sagen würde: Wow, das gibt's sonst nirgends. Ich wurde mir da etwas mehrschichtiges vorstellen, so ähnlich wie bei den Spielen von Illarion vor ein paar Jahren.
Zum Beispiels o: We nach Schwierigkeitsstufe gibt es für leicht z.B. 2 ebenen, mittel 4 und schwer 6. Diese Ebenen sind übereinander aufgebaut und sind über ein Portal, zu dem man Zutritt bekommt, wenn man alle Gegner getötet/Aufgaben erledigt hat Zutritt. Wenn man das Letzte Portal durchscheitet kommt man einfach wieder auf die Ebene der Weltkarte. Wenn man vorher aufhören möchte, geht es durch ein Portal am Startpunkt wieder zurück auf die Weltkartenebene (auf jedem Stockwerk).
Auf jeder Ebene gibt es verschiedene Aufgaben zu lösen, die natürlich irgendwas mit kämpfen zu tun haben, bei manchen muss man aber auch seinen Kopf einschalten. So wird das Teamspiel nochmehr gefordert, rp, evtl Diskussionen um das nächste Vorgehen usw. Natürlich sind auch auf jeder Ebene eine bestimmte Zahl Fallen versteckt, die das vorankommen hindern. Wenn eine Ebene 'gelöst' ist, bekommt jeder Spieler z.B. drei von diesen Arenapunkten. Das ganze Variiert je nach Schwierigkeit. Man konnte z.B. auf eine kleine Belohnung einbauen, wenn man das ganze Ding durchlaufen hat und wieder auf der Weltkartenebene angekommen ist