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Cadomyrian Wine Festival

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 8:30 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
People of Illarion,

In celebration of the end of the harvest a wine festival shall be held in the Cadomyrian tavern on the 16th of Adras ((May 24th, 7pm Est//May 25th, 1 am GMT +2)). Wine from brewers all across Illarion shall be enjoyed. Should you find a well aged bottle of wine or two hiding at the bottom of your depot, please do bring it to share. This celebration is open to all comers, no matter your rank. Please come and join in the day long revelry to only be rightfully ended by all of us staggering home drunk!

Meanwhile, any brewer interested in contributing their wine, please come find me or send me a dove. For each bottle, up to the amount of ten contributed, I shall in return give a crate of ten empty bottles.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Knight of Cadomyr


Alter Sprache übersetzung kommt später. Ich muss zuerst Bailey mit eine Bierflasche bestechen bevor sie wollt eine übersetzung machen. Bis dahin musst du meinen armen Alter Sprache lesen.

Re: Cadomyrian Wine Festival

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 8:56 pm
by Desert fire
Einwohner Illarions,

um das Ende der Erntesaison zu feiern werden wir ein Weinfest in Cadomyrs Taverne am 16. Adras ((May 24th, 7pm Est//May 25th, 1 am GMT +2) halten. Wein von verschiedenen Braumeister aus ganz Illarion können an diesen Tag genossen werden. Solltest du ein oder zwei gut gereifte Flaschen in deinem Depot entdecken, bringe jene doch mit. Die Feierlichkeit ist allen offen zugänglich, ganz gleich welcher Rang. Kommt vorbei und nehmt den ganzen Tag lang an der ausgelassenen Feier teil, bevor es betrunken nach Hause geht!

Zwischenzeitlich, jeder Braumeister der daran interessiert ist seine Weine beizusteuern, möge mir bitte eine Taube schicken. Für jede Flasche (bis zu zehn Stück) bitte ich im Gegenzug zehn leere Flaschen.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Knight of Cadomyr

(Übersetzt von Bailey Marescot, die sich gerne jederzeit von Alkohol bestechen lässt.)

Re: Cadomyrian Wine Festival

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:29 am
by Dantagon Marescot
Less than a dwarven day until the Wine Festival. Once again the festival will begin at ((May 24th, 7pm Est//May 25th, 1 am GMT +2)) in the tavern in Cadomuyr. Festivities shall continue until we all stagger home drunk or Serverus throws us out! ((~Midnight Est//6 am GMT + 2)) All are welcomed to attend. Though to avoid any accidental drunken duels, I ask that all people leave their weapons in the depot next to the tavern. Please feel free to bring wine to share if you so wish. If not, myself and my friends in silver cloaks will be serving all night.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Re: Cadomyrian Wine Festival

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:00 am
by Dantagon Marescot
The candle's warm glow in the tavern fades and darkness descends within. Revelers stagger out, arm in arm. Half drunk bottles of wine slosh in their hand, burgundy liquid spilling out as the bottles were left uncorked. They wander home, following the lamp light and drying ire from the night watchmen. Behind them follows an older man, carrying a case full of empty bottles. He sways, as unsteady as the rest. He watches the revelers with a satisfied grin. A night of fine wine and festivities. After briefly careening and attempting to keep his balance, he too turns and shuffles in the direction of his bed. He drunkenly attempts to whistle a merry tune, forgetting what phrase he is on and repeating the stanza every couple of steps. He looks forward to his pillow and sleep, unwary of the hangover awaiting him upon daybreak.

Re: Cadomyrian Wine Festival

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 11:46 am
by S'rrt
The next day, a heavily armored and crimson cloak-wearing lizard steps into the tavern. The sight of Linda finishing up cleaning from last night makes the lizard smile as he breathes out a gentle greeting. The attention of the lizard turns to the barman Severus as he leans to the bar.
"Fun night? I hope they didn't give ya too much of a hard time. Ya would let me know if there were serious offencess made, eh? 'Courze ya would. Now, I'd like one of Ssir Dan'ss bottless if yer hidin' any back there, and a sshot from my perzonal sstassh."

The barman reveals a short frown as he brings out a half full bottle of wine and another bottle whose contents he pours an inch of into a glass. The lizard downs the shot, puts some silvers on the table and leaves with a smile and a bow of his head.
"If ya ssee Ssir Dan again, Sseveruss, let 'im know the Baron' apologizess for not being able to attend hiss 'wine tassting'."