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Mücken zu Elefanten! / Molehills to Mountains!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:10 am
by Dagbladden
Beinahe 5 Jahre mache ich jetzt Dagbladden. Leser quälen sich durch mein grenzwertiges English, bloß um zu wissen was los war. Woche für Woche gibt es mehr Zugriffe auf die Zeitung, als wir aktive Spieler haben (derzeit 225 Zugriffe / Ausgabe - 80 Spieler).
Danke und entschuldigt bitte, dass ich keine deutsche Version anbiete!

Häufig genug habe ich nichts, was es lohnen würde, veröffentlicht zu werden. Also blase ich diverse Kleinigkeiten auf. Seid doch mal selber kreativ und macht die Mücken des Rollenspiels zu den Elefanten der Berichterstattung. Es gibt nur 2 Regeln:
- Es beruht auf einer wahren Begebenheit.
- Es hat in irgend einer Form Einfluss auf Andere.

Bitte schickt Euren Artikel per PM an Dagbladden. Bitte nicht hier posten! Es darf auch mehr als einer sein! Er darf nicht mehr als 100 Worte lang sein und sollte Überschrift und Untertitel haben. Dein Char wird dafür magische Steine gewinnen, die ich mit Salathe über die Jahre erworben habe.
Ich bin gespannt, was so Interessantes in Illarion passiert, von dem wir nie etwas mitbekommen würden.
Euer Salathe du Le'Terre

For almost 5 years I make Dagbladden now. Readers agonize due to my marginal English knowledge but want to guess what happened last week in game. The weekly number of accesses to the news exceed the number of active player (225 accesses / issue - 80 players).
Thank you and sorry for the poor language!

Often enough I know nothing worth for the news. So I have to blow up some gewgaws. Please become creative yourself and make a molehill of the roleplay to a mountain of the reporting. There are 2 rules only:
- It based on a true occurrence.
- I influences other player in any way.

Please send your article to Dagbladden per PM. Don't post it here! There is no limited number! It must not be longer than about 100 words and should have a headline and a subtitle. Your char is rewarded with magic gems I earned with Salathe over the years.
I'm waiting for your interesting stories, events we never would had heard about without the news.
Your Salathe du Le'Terre

Re: Mücken zu Elefanten! / Molehills to Mountains!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:13 pm
by Dagbladden
I've got the question about rumors.

A newspaper reports events. What a person think about, stays open.
There are 2 rules only:
- It based on a true occurrence.
- I influences other player in any way.
A young girl gave birth a child and was last seen went into the wood. Some found a bloody baby trouser later.

Not acceptable:
The reporter heard in the tavern a talk about a girl killing her baby and herself.

Be aware, rumors based on something people watched but took the wrong (or maybe right) conclusions.
So basically what a char had seen in reality (erm IG!).

What I did in the past:
Watching a training fight with a lot of cries and clashes ==> Brawl in front of the gates
Someone lured a lich into Cadomyr (accident or not?) ==> Undead attacked the queen

Salathe du Le'Terre

Re: Mücken zu Elefanten! / Molehills to Mountains!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:39 am
by Dagbladden
All Player, who earned gems have to hurry to get the gems from Salathe:

Rewards are open for:

Please contact one of my char IG or find me in IRC.

Re: Mücken zu Elefanten! / Molehills to Mountains!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:21 am
by Dagbladden
Dagbladden wrote:All Player, who earned gems have to hurry to get the gems from Salathe:

Rewards are open for:

Please contact one of my char IG or find me in IRC.
The last two winner added:

Rewards are open for: