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The Journey Home

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 12:47 pm
by Camarisa
Far away from Illarion, on a small island overlooking a lizard settlement, Cam takes her packed bags and her baby girl, kissing her adoptive parents goodbye.

"I love you too, Chichi," she tells her mother-lizard, "But I miss home, and Bren is the only baby here. I want her to grow up with her friends and her aunt and uncle back in Illarion."

"Ssshe cannot sstay for her hatchling'ss birthday? Iss only two sshort moonsss." her mother replies. But the male lizard with dark blue scales takes his wife's hand and shushes her.

"Sss landling-daughter iss ssafe, they did work hard for thisss. Illarion isss her home now." Then, with a last hug, he pushes Cam and baby Brenna onto the ship where the nanny awaits, and waves.

The almost one year old waves and blows kisses, grinning and babbling to the lizardfolk until her mother hands her too the nanny.

"If you can watch her for a while, I have some letters to send." She continues to a quiet corner of the ship and begins to pen out some notes on parchment.

"Dear Evie and Raina,

I'm coming home. By the time you read this, I'll be almost there. I can't wait for you to see Bren, she's gotten too big! I hope to see you all soon!

Love, Cam"

The girl addresses similar letters to her Ma, Kraex, and Kathy, then sends them all off with some sea birds, then takes her daughter back and readies the two of them for their first night on the ship.,

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:04 pm
by Zelphyra
Far away from the small Island in a desert oasis called Cadomyr, one lizardess sticks her head though the surface of the river, connecting the temple to the Palace. Right next toher a giantic turtle head emerges with two clicking hatchling on its head.

[liz]"It is enough now you two. Let mister Turtleton rest for a bit!", Zelphyra says to her hatchling. The two hatchlings climb from the turtle's head to the Sand on the palace's side,

"[liz] Can we go to Ember to Play with her? We have a Picture left unfinished!", Chi asks, what leaves the lizardess clicking, "[liz]But dont include your brother in the picture again like last tine!", hissese Zelphyra and nudges the hatchling gently.

"[liz] But mom, he just was in the way!", Chi answers. Choac's usual calm voice remarks with a hint of Humor "[liz] I like to make myself a picture." All three begin to click while walking out of the town to the teleporter.

"[liz] When does our landling sister and Bren do come back?" Choac asks calmly. That makes Zelphyra sigh. After a while she answers: "[liz] I don't know. I think she forgot us, didnt even get a letter from her."

All three together stand still a Moment, then they hiss together "[liz] Landlings often do Forget things."

Just then, a messanger from the temple Comes with a message. After reading it, Zelphyra hisses cheerfully "[liz] It is from Cam, she comes back!"

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:20 pm
by Camarisa
It is just a few short nights in the ship when pirates arrive on the wake of a storm. Cam is helping clean up the deck when the pirates are spotted and she rushes to the hold.

"Amira, keep Bren safe!" she calls to the nanny, as she runs back upstairs with her bow and arrows.

The fight is long and harrowing, and the ship falls to the pirates.

In the brig, away from any windows or daylight, Cam comforts her squalling daughter.

"Amira, we must find a way to get a letter back home. Surely someone there can help us."

She searches for days for parchment and quill, and a messenger, but comes up empty for a time.

((to be continued))

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 10:13 pm
by Camarisa
Cam wakes to the sound of the guards murmering. She listens closely, hardly dating to breath, holding tightly to the piece of coal she manages to snatch when it fell from a lantern that morning.

"Captain says we be heading to an island... Name of Illarion. Says his cousin was there a while and never returned home."


"Yeah holed up outside a town in the desert a while. Not sure of the name." They both pause, eating their rations, then -

"Said we should come into a place they named 'Pirate's Cove" by sundown in one dwarves week."

Cam flinches, thinking of all her friends back in Cadomyr, and with Amira, she devises a plan.

Calling the guard over, she points out that Amira seems to be feverish, and points out suspicious black spots on her hands. She herself claims to be weak and sick, and though the plan is far from foolproof, it is enough for the guard, who moves them all the way to the back cell, away from himself.

Once in the cell, Cam pens out a note on a torn scrap of her skirt by the moonlight peering through the tiny window.

"Ship taken by pirates. Headed for Illarion. Dock in pirates cove in a dwarves week. Be ready. -Cam"

She addresses the note to Raina, Ma, and Kraex, then sets some crumbs on the windowsill. When the first hungry gull arrives she ties the note to his leg and sends him back towards land.

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:14 pm
by Camarisa
The ship has docked in Pirate's Cove and Cam and the other prisoners were lead deep into the caves.

Amira cries that there's no hope of rescue now, but Cam shushes her as she bounces her fussy child.

"There is always hope, Amira. Now we are back in Illarion. All we need is one of my notes to reach the right person..."

She pens out another few letters on scraps of cloth and ties them to the mice and rats that roam the caves.

"Help. Prisoners in Pirate's Cove. -Cam"

"Maybe these will reach Cadomyr. Galmair even, perhaps," she mutters, watching the rodents scurry out of the caves.

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 9:44 pm
by Zelphyra
"Ssshe iss here to free her daughter.", Zelphyra says to the pirate on front of her. Cam's hope wasnt lost. She waited for Cam and as she didnt come, she swam around. There she did find that message.

The pirate only laughed and attacked. Hissing a sigh, Zelphyra dodged easily and with the hilt of her sword, she hit the pirate's temple. The pirate fell to the ground unconcious and the lizardess waddled forth, deeper in the cave hissing angrily "Never come between a mother and her hatchling."

On the way to the ships, she did submerge into the water. It was a good thing the pirates didnt have lizards with them, so she dived to a small cove that couldnt be seen from the outside but you could see outside from the inside. And so she did observe the happening on board of the pirate's ship. Most of them were already drunken. She could easily kill the remaining pirates but most of them wasn't heretics, they did believe into the Grat Mother, in their twisted way, but they did.

As a priesstess she swore to protect the believers of the Grat Mother and in a way, she did protect their lives. If her male would find the message she left behind, their lives would be forfeit.

Silent as a predator nearing its prey, she did swim closer to the ship. Her armor did hinder her a little but swimming was her nature so she got it. She halted fot a moment and listened, then she climbed the ancor chain to the deck. Only one guard, that was nearly asleep was standing some feet before her. Silently, she shook her head and did appear behind the red haired pirate only to his in one of his ears. His head whipped around only to meet her sword hilt. Soon she was unsciousness on the ground like the one before and he entered the inner of the ship.

Once inside, she listened again and sniffed. As a lizard, tracking a human by scent is quite easy and she did find Cam and another woman quickly. She whisper-hissed: "Cha cha Cam-youngling. Hass ssshe oredered a resscue-lizzzard?"

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:01 am
by Raina Narethil
Raina comes to the area known as the Pirate's Cove after getting the message from Cam, Moving quietly she looks for the ship her bow ready for any pirates she may run in to. As she looks around she notices the tracks of a lizardfolk and begins to follow them seeing the cave entrance and the unconscious pirate a red mark over his temple showing he was hit by something. She takes a few moments to tie up the unconscious pirate, stuffing a balled up piece of cloth in his mouth to keep him. Dragging him to spot away from the cave so not to alert any other pirates who maybe guarding the area.

Seeing the set of lizardfolk tracks going inside the cave, Raina stays hidden watching the entrance of the cave to stop any more pirates from going inside as she waits to see what is going on.

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:09 pm
by Camarisa
Cam grins as she heard the mother-lizard speak, and whispers back, "Ma! You came!"

She looks around the cell and then to the sturdy iron door. "I'm not sure if we can escape without the key. It's at the guard post in the first hallway."

Seeing the lizardess knows what she means, she readies herself and Amira for whatever comes next.

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:16 pm
by Zelphyra
"Sssurely ssshe came. Ssshe wont allow her youngling to stay in thisss Company", the violet scaled lizardess replies, looking around in the ship.

Then she looks at the lock and click: "Hasss ssshe really learned nothing from her? When there iss sssomething that lockss her down, jussst ignore it."

Open inspiring this rusty Thing, everything on it appears rusty and old. But what can you expect of a pirate ship? With a sharp hit on the lock, the lock breaks and she opens the door.

"See? Ssshe ignored it. Ssshe would like to postone the hugging and nudging until they are back at Cadomyr-dryplacce. They come?"

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:03 pm
by Camarisa
Cam supresses a relieved and joyous giggle as she motions Amira, with Bren, to follow the lizard, and tiptoes herself in the rear. They make good time as they move silently out of the dungeon, and Cam is saddened to see that the other cells are now empty.

'Perhaps they found buyers... I will have to speak to someone about the slave trade making a possible resurgence in Illarion.' she thinks silently to herself, mentally noting the others who were on the ship with her.

When they sneak past the last guard, Cam nudges her Ma and motions to the water, whispering, "How shall we cross with Bren, Ma?"

She looks to the toddler then to the trail to their left, which leads past some pirates - gambling and eating as always - and on to the far mouth of the cave. "Perhaps we could sneak very quietly by them - Raina!"

She manages a smile and a scowl simultaneously when she sees the elfess hiding alone in the shadows.

"Did they capture you too?"

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:49 pm
by Raina Narethil
Raina notices the woman with the small child and lizardfolk off in the distance, smiling when hears the voice." No, I am here to help I got your message and found a guard at the entrance of the cave and wanted to see what was going on so not to make matters worse instead of better."

Then looks to the lizardfolk smiling bowing her head " Thank you for coming to help her too.and saving her. What do you need me to do? "

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:33 am
by Zelphyra
The lizardess bows her head politely to the elfess in the shadows: "Honor to the mother, Raina-elfling. Sssurely ssshe helpsss her youngling and her grandhatchling! What a mother wuold ssshe be if ssshe would not?"

Waddling forth, with her trademark tailwag she instructs Raina: "Ssshe would like to lead them back to Cadomyr-dryplace, while ssshe sssercuress the back. Ssshe may bring themall in the guesssthoussse "Ssseahorssse" in the upper room. Sshe come asss ssso asss everything isss sssafe."

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 1:07 pm
by Camarisa
Cam nod seriously and hugs the mother lizard. "Be safe ma!"

She follows the elfess around towards the cave entrance, and they sneak past one, then two, then a table of pirates.

Cam dawdles more than once with her heart in her throat, looking back As if to check on her Ma, and listening for the sounds of fighting. Finally she swallows hard and shakes her head, rushing to catch up to their little party.

As they reach the cave entrance and walk out into the warm dusk, Cam breathes a sigh of relief. They sneak under cover of darkness and the brush until they are almost out of the cove and into the desert when they hear two more drunken pirates roaming loudly through the sands.

Ducking with her party behind a group of bushes, Cam looks to Raina. "Have you an extra now and a few arrows? Just in -"

Bren begins to fuss lightly and the loud talking and singing of the pirates stops abruptly.

"'Ey! Who's 'ere!"

They hardly date to breathe and Cam prays that the baby will settle down again.

In the now quiet night, Cam looks again to the elfess. "Bow?"

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:31 am
by Raina Narethil
Nodding to the lizardess's words, Raina bows her head moving to the back of the group letting the lizardess lead the group out to safety" Of course miss Zelphyra lead the way. "

Raina shakes her head, offering her drow bow over to the woman when she asks again, in a very soft whisper" No, I only brought mine. But take it for now and the arrows it is best you fight from a distance with miss Bren" Her eyes look back to the pirates that are known and visible as she tries to spot any more that maybe hidden in the darkness with them. Taking out her magical dagger the blade covered wrapped in a leaf to prevent the light of it being seen in the darkness.

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:32 pm
by Camarisa
For some days they sneak and fight their way from pirates cove. Once past the pirates they encounter giant beetles and violent drunks. They can see the walls of Cadomyr on the horizon around the same time they run out of water. Brenna cries until her tears run dry, and she merely sits in Amira's arms, pale under all the dust coating her body. The adults are similarly covered with the sand that gets into their noses and mouths and eyes.

It's becoming dark and windy as finally, they reach the gates. Cam's cracked lips break into a smile. Stowing her bow and taking Brenna in her arms, she greets the guard and the company enters the town. They only briefly greet old friends on the way to the inn, but then they are all tired and surely will drop by to visit as soon as they have rested.

Once they are in the room Seahorse, Cam tricks Raina into helping her bathe Brenna and diaper her as Amira instantly falls asleep. After cleaning herself as well, and worrying some over her mother lizard she waves to the empty bed beside hers.

"Rest here if you like, Raina. Ma paid the room up through the next few days. At least don't rush home in the dark."

Unable to stay awake to listen to the response, she falls into an exhausted sleep beside her daughter, dreaming of home.

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:21 pm
by Raina Narethil
Tired and covered in sand, Raina lets out sigh of relief seeing the walls of Cadomry come in to view, she mutters to herself in tired lower voice " I hope to not see the sand for a long while to come", bowing her head as she passes the town guard at the gate, she places her magical dagger in it's sheath and enters the town following the others to he inn.

Not realizing she was being tricked from being exhausted in to helping with Brenna Raina helps Cam with her to get cleaned up and settled in for the night, nodding to Cam's words about the room. She settles in to a comfortable spot closing her eyes as she drifts off to sleep.

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:07 pm
by Camarisa
They sleep for nearly a full day, exhausted from their journey. When Cam wakes it is to a note from Amira telling her they went to find the lizardlings and some food.

Cam grimaces at the Elfess sleeping on the floor by the bed but decides not to disturb her until she has breakfast in hand.

Wandering down to the tavern, she waves to the merchants and any friends she may see there. She asks after her Ma, Zelphyra, but receives no satisfactory response. Finally she buys some apple pies and returns to the inn, where she places the hot pies on the table and stands over the elfess, hands on her hips.

"You know, Elfess, there's a perfectly good BED right beside you." She quips, grinning as a tired Raina raises her head and rubs her eyes.

"Apple pie?" She offers one as, still smirking, she bites into the other.

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:09 pm
by Raina Narethil
"Raina sits up stretching as she ties to wake up, as she happily takes thI unde pie taking a few bites before responding" I was just so tired the floor was fine, remember I can sleep anywhere " she teases the woman finishing her pie before getting ready for her day, then settles back down beside the woman. learning what is planned for today.'

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:28 pm
by Camarisa
For the next several months Cam can sometimes be seen out and about. She may be spotted swimming with her Ma and siblings and daughter, fishing with her friends, or tidying up and restocking the clinic. On rare occasion she may even be found hunting in the wilderness. However these all seem to be private moments and even if she's approached she will politely smile and excuse herself to go be with her daughter.

Re: The Journey Home

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:17 pm
by Fesig
The man... with gold hair, he steps from off the boat. With him only ropes and clothes he wearing. He make a way slowly, to market and buy foods, finding a man there he ask...
"Sir I look for a girl. She came this way some two or three years passed. She will have with her small child now, girl with black hair."
When questione he smiles but does not answer. Out of earshot... he send a crow with a note back to his home.

Sir, I have come to an island... Illarion. Your slave is here. I can feel it.