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Albarian guild/Farmers guild

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:34 am
by Karrock
As you may notice I have created recently new guild the Society of Farmers. It was my intention to become as Titus real nobleman who has own folk to rule. And my second intention was unite at least two guilds in one to make easier playing with no try to create very own guild what claims terrain and chase everyone others who uses it. The Society of Farmers is a trick how to join albarians as woman/not human without joining the Fellowship and in the other hand it gives possibility to play at least two guilds using same place and have similar goals. I point that I don't want to force others to become mindless serf oog. So I give you this topic for comments. And I point that it will looks albarian only IG, but OOC if you PM to me I will listen and answer every question and if you have ideas we can discuss them together. If I would have a stupid idea, please tell me also. OOG farmers guild will be ruled in democratic way with most of votes. I know none want to be forced so it's not possible to work in classical way.

Re: Albarian guild/Farmers guild

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:15 pm
by Karrock
Some people asked me for what exist system of ranks in farmers guild. There are two causes. First my char is lawful and loves to create hierarchy. It has feudalism background. But without special rights they are only titles. There is second cause. After housing system depends on rank char will have right to build/rent own house. If of course we will have own land with right to build new buildings on it.

Farmhand -> No rights to build or rent
Farmer -> Right to rent house
Yeoman -> Right to rent house, build house and rent to other char
Supervisor -> Same rights like yeoman but additionaly duties/rights

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:17 am
by Karrock
Playing slave, serf, servant or lord.

Most players wish to play free-men. Free workers, free crafters, free mages, free warriors. Generally free persons who decide for self. Especially most of them choose because of this cause Galmair. It's okay that exist place for them. Actually in other two towns freedom doesn't exist. If your char doesn't have special rank in Cadomyr and especially is not a member of any House then everybody ignores him/her. In Runewick is similar. Only Academic Council have right to create law and none is choosen to become member of that council by voting. Actually others are more or less slaves. But this is mechanic or smart policy. Most chars who are not in academic council or are not nobles in Cadomyr consider themself as free-persons.
Please tell me why people don't want rp slaves, servants or serfs and what should do someone who try to play as lord? Actually I see more work oog for someone who play lord than servant. And I don't look for players who would work to make my char rich. I agree that seeking someone who would be really slave (play a lot with mechanic to give char who is lord virtual money) is weak. In the other hand I ask these who play as servants why they choosen this style of playing?

Re: Albarian guild/Farmers guild

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:29 pm
by Azaline

well, this Character is as close to beeing a slave as possible.
And on occasion i find playing this quite fun.

The in character reason is mostly, because this rather stupid one fears his master to turn her into a snail or something like that.
And the main services for the master are a little bit of work, but mostly acting as a experiment object for studies.

I remember when this orc ran into Kraex once, who right away offered her help...
and in the end left them exasperatedly, when he met the "little" master and realized he could do nothing in that matter.