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House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:13 pm
by Annabeth
The house is one of the three houses of the royal court,
and the fifth house in a line of houses that has been
founded in Cadomyr.
The insignia of the house is the desert fox.

While only the proven may join the house, any whom
are without house may seek out the head of the house
for guidance and assistance, just as the members
themselves may. The house takes in initiates who
wish to prove themselves worthy to become full
members of the house.

The patron God of the house is Malachín, the God of
battle and hunting, as it is the God whom the head of
the house is a devotee of.
Regular hunting expeditions are held by the house.
The house does however also show favor to Zhambra,
as unity and friendship amongst the ranks is important.
It is expected of members to remain faithful and show
all other gods favor when appropriate.

The words of the house are "Honor lies in honest toil".
It is of the house's belief that if you devote your life
to doing honest and good work for the realm, that
is the greatest honor one can achieve.

Be you a crafter whom follows Irmorom,
a hunter of Malachín or a devotee of Zhambra,
no matter the God you follow, lest it be the
unnamed one, you shall be given a chance
to prove your worth to the house and join its

May Cadomyr forever prosper.

Member roster

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:15 pm
by Desert Fox
Active Members of the House /Aktive Mitglieder:
  • Countess Katharina Brightrim

  • Sir S'rrt K'shire, Patrician Knight of Cadomyr, Head Knight of House Desert FoxThe noble's adviser/Ratgeber der Adligen, Oberster Ritter des Hauses Wüstenfuchs
  • Lady Amanda Brightrim, Alchemist and the Noble's assistant/Alchemistin und Assistentin der Adligen
  • Sir Krukk Krakash of Fireshine, Knight of the House/Ritter des Hauses
  • Kaeso Lartius, Mason of the House / Steinmetz des Hauses

Currently inactive / Zur zeit inaktiv:
  • Anton Somers, Page of the House
  • Roland Ross, House Mage of War Magic / Kampfmagier
  • Fiona Melatrice, House Sorceress Apprentice
  • Lyrica Elmswood, Knight of the House / Ritterin
  • Lafadiel, Knight of the House / Ritter
  • Abdul, Servant of the House / Diener
Fallen comrades / Gefallene Kameraden:
Countess /Gräfin Annabeth, ex-Noble of the House / Ehemalige Adlige des Hauses
Allies of the House / Verbündete:
~Allies of the House are trusted with co-coordination in combat and societal/economical efforts to improve quality of life across all Realms.~
~Die Verbündeten des Hauses werden mit Co-Koordination im Kampf und gesellschaftlichen/ökonomischen Bemühungen vertraut, um die Lebensqualität reichübergreifend zu verbessern~

The Galmair Militia / Die Miliz Galmairs, Defenders of Galmair / Verteidiger von Galmair
Clan Blacktusk, band of orcs based in Galmair / Orkhorde aus Galmair
Friends of the House / Freunde des Hauses:
~The abilities and wisdom of any Friends of the House deserve the full trust of all House members.~
~Die Fähigkeiten und Weisheiten eines jeden Freunds des Hauses verdienen volles Vertrauen von allen Hausmitgliedern.~

Falyame, Woodland Druid / Druidin aus der Wildnis
Evie and Uhuru Pryler of/aus Galmair
Alrik, Vitus and Riniao of/aus the Bearers of Fire/Die Träger des Feuers
Tialdin, Elderking of Silverbrand, Galmairian who dug the Nobles from trouble / Galmairer, der den Adligen aus der Klemme half
Teptoc of Teptocs transportations / von Teptoc Transporte
Camarisa, Carpenter of Galmair / Schneinerin aus Galmair
Celegail, Mage from Runewick / Magierin aus Runewick
Caswir Drakull
Drugar Stonesmasher
Enemies of the House / Feinde des Hauses:
~Enemies of the House can be legally struck down by House members on Cadomyrian, and neutral, ground. Seizing and bringing these individuals to the House Noble directly is considered a heroic deed.~
~Feinde des Hauses können legal von Hausmitgliedern auf Cadomyrischem und neutralem Boden niedergestreckt werden. Das Ergreifen und Ausliefern dieser Individuen an den Adligen des Hauses ist als heldenhafte Tat anzusehen.~

Any "Kings" and their known accomplices / Die "Könige" und ihre Verbündeten ((link))

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:16 pm
by Desert Fox
Chronic of the house: ((Red marks events that have yet to take place))

10th Ronas 46.
The house will be holding an expedition the 10th Ronas 46.
It will be an offensive strike at the lair of Akaltut.

All Cadomyrian citizen and friends of Cadomyr are welcome to join in on this expedition,
as long as you are ready to fight and aware of the risks involved when facing these drows.


The expedition was a success and many drow were slain today.
Thank you to the house of the sea serpent for their attendance,
as well as Rakaya from Runewick and Sammy Goldlieb from Galmair,
our own local alchemist trainee Camus, and grandmaster S'rrt K'shire of the Crimson Order.
Another thank you goes to Shiba of runewick for providing potions for the expedition,
I would warmly recommend for people to purchase potions from her as they are of excellent

19th of Bras 46.

A festival of immolation was held in honor of Bragón. Two contests took place that day, the victors Baron Ssar'ney and Ambassador S'rrt K'shire.

4th of Eldas 46.
A new expedition will take place on the 4th of Eldas 46.

The expedition will lead into the depths of mount Letma, to face the golems and monsters that reside there.
We aim to retaliate upon them for preying on our citizens and innocent travellers.

All Cadomyrian citizen and friends of Cadomyr are welcome to join in on this expedition,
as long as you are ready to fight and aware of the risks involved when facing these creatures.

10th of Malas 46.
At the 10th of Malas an expedition in honor of Malachín will be held by
the fifth house.
The expedition will be a treasure hunt, where several treasures will be
uncovered and their guardians fought.
The treasures will then be auctioned off to everyone who took part in the hunt,
and what remains in the end, be it gold or items will be donated to the treasury of Cadomyr in the name of Malachín.

As usual, both citizen and friends of Cadomyr are more than welcome to attend.
Leads will be provided by the house, although anyone who attends are more than welcome to donate their own leads if
they wish to.

19. Adras 46
A new expedition will take place on the 19. Adras 46

The expedition will lead once again into the depths of mount Letma, to face the golems and monsters that reside there.
We aim to retaliate upon them for preying on our citizens and innocent travellers.

All Cadomyrian citizen and friends of Cadomyr are welcome to join in on this expedition,
as long as you are ready to fight and aware of the risks involved when facing these creatures.
2. Siros 47
A crafts fair is held in Cadomyr by the house, where people of all towns are welcome to attend.

14th Bras 47.
The house will be holding an expedition the 14th Bras 47.
It will once more be an offensive strike at the lair of Akaltut, to weaken their forces again.

All Cadomyrian citizen and friends of Cadomyr are welcome to join in on this expedition,
as long as you are ready to fight and aware of the risks involved when facing these drows.


02nd Olos 47
Training session where all realms are invited to attend to prepare for the battle against the elder lich.

08th Adras 47

Arms practice to prepare for the elder lich.

14th Adras 47

Expedition to the pirates den.

20th Adras 47

Trade fair with contests.

02nd Naras 47

Collection of donations for the temple of Malachin to be renovated.

08th Naras 47

High council hosted by the countess.

24th Tanos 48

Battle against Phelmon the elder lich threatening Cadomyr.

Concluded. Victory is ours.

06th Ushos 48

The house squire Priaxie will hold an event in honor of Zhambra.
The event was held and was most enjoyable. More events as such will come.

21st Siros 48

An expedition is held to mount Letma.

12th Ronas 48

The house squire Priaxie will hold a gathering in honor of Zhambra.

24th Bras 48

The house squire Priaxie will hold a gathering in honor of Zhambra.

48 until Tanos 54
Baron S'rrt K'shire's time
22nd Tanos 54
After being named Baron S'rrt K'shire's succesor, Baroness Katharina Ross is officially approved by Queen Rosaline Edwards. She is the third noble of House Desert Fox.

6th Ushos 54
The former house hierarchy gets replaced by a system of equality. House members will get personal tasks which are as important as the tasks of other members within the hosue.

5th Findos 54
Baroness Katharina Ross of House Desert Fox introduced the "Contest of good ideas" to improve Cadomyr even more. No ideas were presented, so it was canceled.

12th Zhas 57
Baroness Katharina Ross married Knight Amanda Brightrim. For several reasons, they agreed the family name to be Brightrim.

14th Olos 59
Her Majesty Queen Rosaline Edwards raised Baroness Katharina Brightrim to the rank of a Countess. She is the second Desert Fox noble to hold the title of a Countess.

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:16 pm
by Annabeth
An immolation festival!

Soon the month of Bras is upon us, and the fifth house is taking this opportunity to spread some light among our citizen, by hosting a festival here in Cadomyr. Both citizen and friends of Cadomyr alike are welcome to attend this.

Aside from the traditional respects given to Brágon, contests will be held during said festival.

One contest will be for cooking, where the topic will of course be grilling. The people gathered will taste and judge for themselves the food of any chefs that wish to attend this contest. There will be no entry fee but the food you bring to serve people.
The victor will be announced at a later date.

The second contest will be for entertainers, where the nobles present will be the judges. Any type of entertainer may partake, be they jugglers, tricksters or bards. Again, no entry fee but entertaining the people gathered with your talents.

Both contests will award prizes including but not limited to magical gems.

The festival is likely to be held at the 19th of Bras, and will be held at the Cadomyrian marketplace. ((7th August 19:00CET ))
It is possible that the date will change to an earlier day, should something arise.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:16 pm
by Annabeth
The festival has come to an end!

The victor of the entertainers contest was Ambassador S'rrt K'shire, both for his talents as a bard and as a knife juggler!

The runner up was the Cadomyrian alchemist Camus, with his act of chemical wonders mixed with comedic relief.

The victor of the chef's contest was our very own Baron Ssar'ney of the house of the sea serpent.

On another equally joyous note, Camus has joined the rosters of the house as our very own alchemist!
He is henceforth under the protection of the House of the Desert Fox.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:16 pm
by Annabeth
The expedition in honor of Malachín was a success!

I'm joyed to say that not only did several Cadomyr citizen attend, but also did we have attendance from Galmair citizen to aid in this expedition!

The resulting donation from the expedition totaled 67 gold 3 silver and 27 copper coins, despite many dead end leads.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:17 pm
by Annabeth
New Member
Cadomyr's ambassador to Galmair and knight, S'rrt K'shire, has decided to join under the banners of the house.
Due to his previous service under the house noble in the now suspended Crimson Order, he will take on the role as Praetor of the house of the desert fox.
As Praetor, he will be acting as the champion and highest commanding unit below the house noble herself. A leader and rolemodel in the house.

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:17 pm
by Annabeth
Two steps ahead, one step back.

We made progress at the expedition today, alas the enemy forces proved too strong in the end.
Though fear not, there were no casualties and next time we will strike back even harder!

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:17 pm
by Annabeth
Crafts fair!

The house will be hosting a crafts fair on the 2nd of Siros, as per the wish of her majesty.

It will be split into three parts.

A market day. The first hours of the event will consist of a market day where merchants of all realms may present their goods for sale.

A contest is held. Craftsmen around the realm may pick out one of the objects they themselves have crafted to show off to the judges.
The judges will be the town leaders themselves, her majesty, the Don and the Archmage. Who else could be more trustworthy to pick a worthy victor?

The reward for first, second and third place will be to have their object shown off in the marketplace of Cadomyr for the next month to come before being auctioned off to the highest bidder.

And last, a feast in the tavern, celebrating the trades of the day and victors of the contest with cold beverage and warm meals.

The event will start with the market day outside of the town gates as per tradition, and continue with the competition inside the gates by the marketplace before moving into the tavern at the end.

~Countess Annabeth



Auf Wunsch ihrer Majestät hält das Haus eine Handwerksmesse am 2. Siros 47 ab.

Die Handwerksmesse wird in drei Teile geteilt sein.

- Der Markt. Über die ersten Stunden hinweg können Händler aller Reiche ihre Waren zum Verkauf anbieten
- Der Wettbewerb. Handwerker können eines ihrer selbst hergestellten Werkstücke einer Jury präsentieren. Die Jury besteht aus den Stadtführern, ihre Majestät Königin Rosaline Edwards, dem Don Valerio Guilianni und dem Erzmagier Elvaine Morgan. Niemand anderes könnte vertrauenswürdiger sein, einen würdigen Gewinner auszuwählen.
Die Handwerksstücke des ersten, zweiten und dritten Platzes werden für den nächsten Monat auf dem Marktplatz ausgestellt, bis sie in einer Auktion an den Meistbietenden versteigert werden.
- Tavernenfest. Lasst den Tag bei kühlen Getränken und warmen Essen ausklingen. Feiert die erfolgreichen Geschäfte und die Sieger des Wettbewerbs.

Die Veranstaltung beginnt traditionell mit dem Markt vor den Toren Cadomyrs. Der Wettbewerb wird innerhalb der Tore auf dem Marktplatz stattfinden. Zum Ausklang geht es dann in die Taverne.

Gräfin Annabeth

((Translation provided by Rakaya))

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:18 pm
by Annabeth
The crafts fair is now over!

The items of the victors of the contest can soon be seen on display on our marketplace.

The results of the contest are as follows:

Tied first place:
Elynah with a total of 26 points. 9 from Queen Edwards, 9 from Archmage Morgan and 8 from Don Guilianni.
Deanna with a total of 26 points. 8 from Queen Edwards, 9 from Archmage Morgan and 9 from Don Guilianni.

Second place:
Artimer with a total of 25 points. 7 from queen Edwards, 8 from Archmage Morgan and an overwhelming 10 points from Don Guilianni.

These three make the victors and their objects will be shown off in the Cadomyr marketplace for the month to come.

Honorable mentions:
Tied third place:
Rakaya and Riniao with a total of 24 points. Both received 9 from Queen Edwards, 9 from Archmage Morgan and 6 points from Don Guilianni.

Fourth place:
S'rrt with a total of 23 points. 8 from Queen Edwards, 8 from Archmage Morgan and 7 from Don Guilianni.

Fifth, and last,though not less honorable, place:

Ranwyln with a total of 15 points. 3 from Queen Edwards. 4 from Archmage Morgan and 8 from Don Guilianni.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:18 pm
by Annabeth
The house will be holding an expedition the 14th Bras 47.
It will once more be an offensive strike at the lair of Akaltut, to weaken their forces again.

All Cadomyrian citizen and friends of Cadomyr are welcome to join in on this expedition,
as long as you are ready to fight and aware of the risks involved when facing these drows.


Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:18 pm
by Annabeth
Expedition into the lair of Akaltut

The expedition into the lair of Akaltut was a great success!

Not only did we severely weaken these demon worshippers forces,
but the expedition also ended in a donation of 83 gold 61 silver and 57 copper as a result from what we looted off our enemies corpses, a treasure all Cadomyrian citizen will have the pleasure of as it now lies safely in the royal treasury.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:19 pm
by Annabeth
Several matters have been brought before the queen today in paper form by the house and await her decision.
Some of these, it has been decided will be presented publically for transparency, to let the people know where the house stands on these matters.

The assault on Fooser
The countess was approached by chancellor Artimer of Galmair regarding this incident, and it was brought to the attention of the baron to hear his statement.
The baron does admit to assaulting Fooser whom was unarmed with only a pickaxe, after Fooser had called him "slime". The baron justifies this by saying her majesty ordered a manhunt on Fooser, naming him an enemy of the house Edwards, before she later gave the Don the responsibility of the punishment of these 'free men', including Fooser.
The baron says that as long as Fooser is named an enemy of the house of Edwards, this still stands.
Her majesty has been asked whether or not this is true, as the countess was instructed that the punishment of the 'free men', again, Fooser included, was to be arranged by the Don.

The house does furthermore use its authority to place Fooser under its protection on neutral ground. It will not assure Fooser's safety in Cadomyr, but until the matter is resolved it will not allow attacks to be made on Fooser's person by Cadomyrian people on neutral ground unless in self-defense.
The house does await her majesties response to whether or not a manhunt is on for Fooser's head, and if it is, he will not be under it's protection and further arrangement between Galmair and Cadomyr should take place in regards to this matter.

The Independent service of Zhambra's temple
The countess has taken offense to the order inserted by the baron, and to be lead by Titus.

Due to the following and teaching of albar ways that this group claims to do, and that they only accept male humans as members, the countess has requested that the order is denied access to our altar of Zhambra unless they change their ways.
The baron has requested she let the queen decide on this, and so she will.

However, the countess does not intend to allow a group that teaches albarian culture, a culture that says women can not be rulers and that deems goddesses less worthy of respect than gods, including the patron deity of Cadomyr Sirani and even Tanora herself, stay in Cadomyr and teach such ungodly teachings under the guise of being followers of Zhambra.
This too, the house awaits a reply from her majesty on.

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:19 pm
by Annabeth
The Zhambra Temple
In her wisdom, her majesty has declared none that dare defy the beauty of Sirani and the worth of women to be welcome in the realm.
The Baron Ssar'ney has already dealt with this matter, as the one who welcomed this cult of Albar men into the realm, upon the request of the countess.

The former baron Fooser
As to the former baron Fooser he is no longer under the protection of the house, as the house no longer sees it as needed.
Her majesty had declared that Fooser is only to be slain on Cadomyr ground and that she did not announce a hunt for his head.
The house does by the information it has, believe there to have simply been a misunderstanding between her majesty and the baron, and that the baron acted in the way he meant honourable, albeit it is not what this house would consider so.
The house does not know whether anything is owed to the former baron for the attack, although it has it doubts given that the former baron is named enemy of house Edwards and the majesty herself.

Honourable capture

The house does further announce that should any of it's enemies encounter an enemy of Cadomyr such as the former baron Fooser on Cadomyr land, in the same unarmed condition he was in when found by the baron on neutral ground, they are to apprehend him and bring him forth to a noble or her majesty for his reasons of being there. There is little honour in attacking an unarmed man, and the house would advise others to follow the same example.

The temple of Sirani and the temple of Malachín facing renovation
As the temple of Sirani is seeing renovations in it's near future, the countess deems it fit that the temple of Malachín is not left in the shadows. Therefore she has begun the planning of a renovation of the Malachín temple as well. Blueprints have already been sent to a master builder for proper inspection, as the restructuring of a temple to a god is no jesting matter but to be taken utmost seriously.

Relations with Galmair

As a last notice, the countess does make the chancellors of Galmair aware that she wishes to speak with one, or both, of them in the near future, for the better good of the relations between the two realms.

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:19 pm
by Annabeth
New Member
The house welcomes knight Kraex'ju, former leader of the crimson order, as a knight of the house.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:20 pm
by Annabeth
Preparing for battle!

The house of the Desert Fox prepares Cadomyr for battle against an elder lich whos underlings have been assaulting the realm.
The elder lich by the name of Phelmon has agreed to keep his underlings at bay until the battle, and upon Cadomyr's victory will leave the lands for good.
For this endeavour the house calls upon the willingness of it's neighbor realms to aid in this battle.
The bearers of fire and the merinium syndicate or citizen belonging to no particular group alike, the house bears no grudge towards these and wishes for all the aid it can get in this endeavour.
The date for this battle and more information will come.

A training session

To prepare for this battle, a training session will be held by the house at the 02nd Olos 47
Everyone is invited to this session, and Galmair should not feel unwelcome in the least just because some in our realm carry grudges towards them. Not all do of us do, and speaking for the house the countess can say the house does not carry grudges towards Galmair. The only exception to this invitation, would be Fooser whom is still not allowed to enter the land of the realm.
The countess looks forwards to seeing whom consider themselves allies of Cadomyr, both in this session and the battle to come.

A trade fair

A second trade fair will be held at the 20. Adras. 47. by the house.
The fair will have at least one competition of goldsmithing, the rules and more details will follow.
More competitions may be announced at a closer date, once a reply has been received from Runewick.
It is however asked that each of the neighbor realms appoint a judge for this date.
The queen herself has appointed the countess for the task of being judge for the contest(s) we will host on behalf of Runewick.

Hostilities towards the realm and the baron
The countess asks that anyone whom has hostilities towards the realm or the baron send messengers with details to her, so that she may resolve any conflict the best way possible in order to achieve peaceful relations and good trade between the realms.
This is wish to solve conflict, not a hunt for the barons head in any way.

For honor and loyalty,
~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:20 pm
by Annabeth
In reply to the baron's words

The countess only agreed to let the elder lich spread his teachings in the deserts, not our town, upon his victory.
She does however not doubt that it will be a victory for Cadomyr.
Upon victory it was agreed the elder lich and his underlings were never to return to these lands, not only Cadomyr but the entire realm of illarion.
The countess never specified that she only meant Cadomyr.
She also had the elder lich agree that upon his victory he would only be allowed to teach if he did not spread teachings of Moshran or of necromancy that bends the deads will to ones own.
Although again, she sees no way that the lich will win this battle, and therefore sees that the realm and the allied realms will all be safe of this 'threat' in the future, despite the elder lich only preaching peace and teachings.

Further answers are awaited from the queen herself to resolve this conflict between the barons house and the countess house, although the same as the barons house the countess' house will express it's disappointment with the barons house and it's fanatic ways. Being so clouded by anger against this elder lich so called heretic, that he can not see the value of this tactical withdraw for a future battle where allies are called upon, is truly a disappointment to the countess in regards to the barons wit. So is this public outlash against the house of the countess on the boards, though if it is a battle of words he wishes the countess shall not hold back either.

The countess believes in a honorable fight. When the elder lich approaches with talk of teaching and peace, she will not see him ambushed by the baron and his underlings. Nor does she believe this would be wise given the powers this lich possesses in summoning undead, sand and wind to his will. The elder lich offered a battle to solve it all, the countess agreed for the better of the realm so we can resolve this conflict.

However the house is grateful that the baron still agrees to meet up for this battle, just as the Countess' house did for the battle against the "free men" despite not being part of this grudge that was fought out back then and having sought out a peaceful manner of solving it beforehand.

For the better of the realm and it's safety,
For loyalty and honor,
~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:20 pm
by Annabeth
The house expresses its thanks to those who attended the training of last eve.
It also will extend it's wishes to Chancellor Pryler for a speedy recovery, after her misfortune when facing the blade of her commander.
Another training with slightly safer conditions will be held in the future, where both our allies of Galmair and of Runewick will once more be invited to attend.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:20 pm
by Annabeth
Arms Practice
The next arms practice by the house will be held the 08th Adras 47.
Once more the house of the Desert Fox invites Cadomyrians, Runewickians and Galmairians alike to partake in the arms practice.
The arms practice will this time take place at the Cadomyr Arena, where the attendees will cooperate to take down foes in order to improve cooperation in combat for the coming battle.

Should someone perform extraordinarily well, they surely will be rewarded for their hard work.

The house of the desert fox invites people of all realms to attend an expedition to push back the group of pirates invading Cadomyr lands from the east.
These pirates have lately grown more arrogant, harassing our miners, and need to be taught a lesson.
The expedition shall meet up at announced time at the 4th Adras 47, near the gatehouse of Cadomyr, and leave from there some minutes after.

Perhaps there will even be a celebration with Rum to honor the dead despite their actions in life, afterwards, should be be done soon enough.

Malachin Temple Renovation Donations accepted
As the house of the desert fox do not have as many resource collectors as the house of the sea serpent, it asks for those who wish to aid the temple renovation of the Malachin temple to donate to it.
Mostly what will be needed are stones, sand, clay, bricks, boards and logs.

However, it shall not ask for this for free.

On the day announced the countess herself will be ready to receive any and all donations willing at the depot by the Cadomyr tavern, where the top three donations will be rewarded with Cadomyrian magical gems at the end of the day. Any donations at other days will be accepted, although the promised reward will be given as incentive for those who donate at the day given.

Furthermore it invites everyone to stay at the tavern and socialise, where the first round of drinks will be paid by the countess this day.

~Countess Annabeth

An additional parchment is soon hanged below.
The house also recommends the attendance of these activities in Olos:
The runewickian combat training the 14th of Olos.
The auction in Galmair at the 20th of Olos hosted by merchant Banduk. Who knows what valuables one might find there?
The Sirani service hosted by priestess Renoah at the 23rd of Olos. A good chance to see the temple before it gets renovated.
The guard drill hosted before this by Galmair at the same date of Olos.
And as the Countess has been invited, the banquet hosted by Starling at "halfhung Brian'"s tavern the 2 Adras 47 6:00 shall also be recommended. In good faith the countess shall attend this banquet to honour the friendships between realms, letting past be the past.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:21 pm
by Annabeth
Trade fair

The trade fair is upcoming on the 20th Adras 47.
As I have not heard from Runewick yet, and there are few days left until the event, I shall announce the schedule now.
Just like the last time, the trade fair will start with trade. A marketday will be held outside the gates of Cadomyr as usual.
Afterwards there will be a competition to determine the best goldsmith in the realm, requested by the firebearers of Runewick in order to assist in the creation of a weapon to defeat the brethren of Zaras.
As with the previous competition, the craftsmen attending will be asked to register with the countess during the marketday part of the fair.
What will be judged is goldsmithed goods prepared in advance by the craftsmen competing.
The judges of the competition will be one representative of each realm. The countess has been selected by her majesty as Cadomyr's judge, the judges of the other two realms have yet to be announced, though letters have been sent inquiring about it.
Afterwards all attendees of the fair are invited for a cold drink at the tavern.

~Countess Annabeth
An auction

An auction will be held by the house at the 14th Naras.
Items that will be sold include an excellent one-handed drow-blade.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:22 pm
by Annabeth
Former Galmairian Cristelle Konigin has joined the realm and the house.
She will for the moment serve as an assistant to the countess.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:22 pm
by Annabeth
Due to the recent unplanned raid of the pirates hideout the expedition there is cancelled as action against them is no longer neccessary.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:22 pm
by Annabeth
The collection of donations was a success.

Hopefully it should be plenty to renovate the temple of Malachín.

The most generous donator was Kraex'ju. And as a token of gratitude he has been given a slight magical amethyst.

Following up were two generous donations from Artimer Fault and Evie Pryler on behalf of Galmair.

They have been given a limited magical amethyst each as a token of gratitude, that they are free to do with as they wish.

Others who donated were Zelphyra and Rakaya, whom have my thanks.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:22 pm
by Annabeth
The high council has concluded.

Preparations for Mas were discussed.

The house would like to thank Jerem of Galmair for his donations of healing broths for the upcoming Mas.

Citizen appear to have nothing but Mas on their minds, as there were no further concerns of petitions made.

Given the Barons absence and lack of petitions, the council was concluded swiftly.

The next high council will be hosted by the baron at the 03rd Zhas 48 in the new year.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:22 pm
by Annabeth
The auction held by the house later this dwarven day will be held at the city hall.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:22 pm
by Annabeth
Feeling under the weather lately, the countess has come to the conclusion that her house members S'rrt K'shire and Kraex'ju will be allowed to act in her stead should she not be present, as to not halter any activity in the realm. Messengers will still reach her, and citizens will as always be able to speak their concerns to her during high court.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:22 pm
by Annabeth
A new parchment replace the old.

Due to dishonorable actions against the house, Malrian is no longer welcome amongst its ranks.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:23 pm
by Annabeth
Battle against Phelmon

The battle against the elder lich Phelmon will be held outside Cadomyrs gates the 24th Tanos 48 and lead by the Countess.

For the glory of Cadomyr. Be there. Be prepared. Fight with honor.

Battle strategy will be explained before the battle, to avoid information being leaked to the opposing force.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:23 pm
by Annabeth
As should be well known, the 03rd Zhas 48 will hold a high council where myself and the baron will listen to petitions and concerns.

Should anyone however be unable to make it, yet have petitions or concerns to bring to attention, you are always free to send myself a messenger and I shall personally see that it is seen to on the day of the council.

~Countess Annabeth

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:23 pm
by Annabeth
The page Malrian has been disowned by knight Kraex'ju and is also due to the knights advise and lack of respect shown towards the countess and her house praetor knight S'rrt K'shire, no longer welcome as a member of the house.

Furthermore, due to his lack of respect for authority, insult towards her majesties regime, he is sentenced to be brought to the prison mine to serve a sentence of 300 stones. Additionally, due to later on soiling the infirmary with blood and troubling knight Kraex'ju with having this cleaned, 100 additional stones will be added to this punishment for a total of 400 stones to be mined before he be set free.

May this time in the prison mine serve to give this page time to think about the consequences of his words and actions, so that he may repent.

Due to his hard work and spirit in the past, he may still be welcomed back to the house should he show an improvement in attitude at a later date.

~Countess Annabeth