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Lizard tail

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:16 am
by Ohiyesa
Hereby a tribal hunt for lizardmeat particularly the springy tails (a traditional and time honored Serinjah delicacy) is announced.

An especially high bounty has been set aside for that monster fish Teptoc Transportation's juicy tail.

When we have the tails, there will be a campfire dance of all nations to celebrate and a delicious potroast!

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:52 am
by Anamosa
Teptoc is a friend I'm not sure if he will remember me but his tail shall not be hunted. There are wild liazard in the lake of life. But I will not endorse a hunt of a friend.


Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:32 am
by Mephistopheles
I encourage Ohiyesa to stop this violent behavior at once. Otherwise you will be stopped.

Ulquiorra "Bob" Dreadhart

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:25 am
by Anamosa
Fear not Bob. Anamosa will take care of her people. No need from outsiders to get involved.

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:47 am
by Vern Kron

I apologize but we have had to place a punishment on Ohiyesa. He struck two lizards, one who is a citizen and one who we are still tracking down. I am simply informing you of this, in case you wish to take further action in response to Ohiyesa. His behavior of recent has been very erratic.

Thank you,

Chancellor Artimer Fault.

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:07 pm
by Fooser
I will skin this human and then use the skin as protection against the elements.


Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:41 pm
by Anamosa
The punishment from artimer was accepted. But then the lizard fooser threatened him and tried to provoke a fight. But instead of fooser getting punished ohiyesa gets punished for doing what he was told and not causing trouble. So if the punishment of imprisonment is not lifted then I shall leave 1000 tails at the gate of galmair for each rock and coal he is forced to collect. Raina says it is to protect him. I say it is to get free labor. You say you are against slavery yet you force a man following the law in prison. He was punished for his crime by being sent to meet cherga and make potions for compensation. You change the punishment afer it was already agreed upon.


Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:11 pm
by Vern Kron
Dear Anamosa,

If you harm any of the lizards of our city, you will be joining Ohiyesa.

Chancellor Artimer Fault

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:18 am
by Mephistopheles
He attacked three, he was punished by Teptoc, but he was not punished for his first two attacks. He was asked to leave because of his provacative behavior claiming that this so called hunt was only delayed.

You halfwits need to understand cause and effect, when you act this way you get treated in kind, especially after I tried to reason with you lot for awhile, and got nowhere you expect to just be forgiven.

500 rocks is nothing, one more complaint about the sentence and I'll kill all of the howling band for threatening my friends and city. Or I'll watch contentedly as someone else does it for me.

-Ulquiorra Dreadhart

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:01 am
by Raina Narethil
*sighs reading the post as she goes to post one of her own to commend the people of Galmair. Taking her quill out once more she adds to the note the man left before her.*

To Mister Bob and to Amamosa. This will end now....If anyone is hurt, The Tribe or any lizard citizen it will come back to both of you. If anyone attacks the Tribe you will be held Mister Bob accountable... and Any lizardfolk citizen you harm miss Amamorsa will fall to your tribe. You spoke that was fair to me when you spoke of taking mister Ohiyesa's place in the mine.

I have had my fill of this matter and of the disrespect some have for others.

Chancellor Raina.

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:49 am
by Fooser
I would like to point out the disgraceful manner in which this ordeal has been handled. Lizards comprise a sizable number of Galmairians, many good members of the city including myself, Tak'Zel, Ka'Shas, Szara, Qoa'tl'quet, Purple, and too many further to name them all. They also put a high price on Teptoc, one of Galmair's top trading partners. We have had to suffer the indignity of finding a written call for a hunt of our kind posted publicly in our own home. I was then told by a number of people that I should calm down because the lizard hunt was "postponed". Why would such a thing be "postponed"? The meaning of that word is that the event is merely delayed. It should be canceled and banished. And further this night I was injured after being ambushed by drow on the road northeast of town. This individual took advantage of my weakened state to ambush me in town in front of two other lizards. I was able to grab my weapon and force them to flee the gate.

The chancellors ignored me when I warned them multiple times that this human was still demanding lizard meat even after his "punishment". Instead it was decided that they would allow these worshippers of false idols to run wild in our city. I will not agree to any terms about how this human will be treated the next time the lizards see them.


Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:08 am
by Anamosa
First off mister f. You where misinformed. I ordered the event cancelled. It is a dead tradition no longer practiced.. Second I would like to talk to these two witnesses. If ohiyesa attacked you again. And you have proff. I will order his hunt. And the lizard tails I speak of are from the fallen cultist that I killed in the lake of life not citizens. I do not and shall never reaction an attack on a friend. Like you and teptoc. I don't know if you remember me. Buy I was the shy little girl of the tribe that returned with Lono. Even though I distrust Lono for abandoning us. You are a friend. I did ask for some kind of punishment to be brought up against you cause I had the situation handled. He has a big mouth that will and has gotten Him in trouble. So would you like to speak. I will come unarmed and you can bring anyone you want.

Spiritual leader of the howling band.

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:29 am
by Ohiyesa
The waning sound of the cow hide drum echoes the transience of all things
The fading colors of the flame goblet blossom reveals the truth that the rich must grow poor
The judges do not endure; they are like a Vision on a spring night...
The strong fall at last, they are as dust before the Wind!

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:22 am
by Mephistopheles
Pathetic how the Council has dealt with this, once again caring nothing for it's citizens and demanding peaceful resolution.

There once was a woman who, while working by a river came across a wounded snake, she took it in, fed it so it became strong and recovered. Then the woman came back from working only to be bitten by the snake, she cried out "Why have you biten me snake?" then the snake reared it's head and said "Look dumbass, you knew I was a snake."


Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:42 pm
by Fooser
It should also be noted that a separate incident occurred as well, involving a crazed brother. I had to duel the lizard and he fled. I learned after this was another person Galmair made a "deal" with.
Raina Narethil wrote:A bargain was struck by myself and with mister Gray present at the time as well.For mister Nokh'tar not to draw his weapon on a Galmair Citizen or to attack them. For a donation to the Mother Tanora and lake of Life.

I personally made the donation as did mister Gray donated as well.

The Lizardfolk Nokh'tar can come inside town and the surrounding area to preach the ways of Tanora. If any attacks on any citizens happen please let me or mister Gray know at once. The Lizardfolk mister Nokh'tar was ask to do the same if any Galmair citizen attacked him as well.

I ask for peace and understanding now, as we try to work forward. To better our relationship...and to gain an understanding between us all.

Raina Narethil
What was left out was his teachings are, as witnessed by four others:
1. Impure must be cleansed (usually by sword)
2. Lizards who adopt landling ways are rebels
3. One can serve Zelphia or the Don but not both.

So Galmair gave a donation, presumably items of value. What did we get? We got nothing. The lizard reneged on his promise. He preyed upon a lizard female named Qoa who we may lose as a citizen because she couldn't bear the harassment anymore. I had to duel the lizard to get him to flee. He vowed the impure will be cleansed. It is a dark time for lizards in Galmair.

Some grumbled last eve about the lack of respect toward Galmair. We are now paying to allow treason to be preached within the walls, why do we deserve respect?


Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:07 pm
by Ohiyesa
I presume this is Fooser. Fooser has been aggressive and out of control. He has attacked me in the past for mere words. He asked me why I hunted lizards I said for lizard tails. Most likely F attacked the other lizard for mere words as well under pretext of a "duel" and likely breaking the peace. I thought there is freedom of speech within Galmair? Treason is a bit rich.


Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 6:27 pm
by Lord Arcia
We certainly have the ability to do or say what we wish with the life given to us by The Five. We must also live with the consequences. It seems so many would think that their words should be protected while also condemning the speech of others.

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:38 pm
by Raina Narethil
To the unsigned one please remove your head from your bottom so we may know who wrote the note.

To mister Fooser. Mister Ohiyesa is now in the prison mine. We the three chancellors will decide what fate to give him for the recent attack on you. as soon as we can meet together

For now he sits in the prison mine to work off his issues.

I wish to thank Bre and her guards for capturing him.


Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:36 pm
by Lord Arcia
My opinion is neither irrelevant nor is it condescending to any unless they choose it to be so.

The lizard Nohktar is quite vocal in his opinion that unbelievers should be cleansed. What exactly that means, I am unsure. What I am sure of are his unwarranted attacks against the citizenry.

Ohi has also attempted to incite violence.

Both of those mentioned have been punished for their actions. And rightfully so.

I fail to see how a warning to those who think that being free allows one to do or say what they want without repercussion could be perceived as bullheaded.

~Common sense~

Re: Lizard tail

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:14 am
by Mephistopheles
The point is the citizens were condemned for defending themselves while the council humored these violent hooligans. And only through repeat offences were both of these individuals punished.

Stop being pansies and punish those that hurt your citizens swiftly and justly, Stop letting them reoffend and then shout for peace when the citizens raise arms against the hooligans. Why does the council even consort with these hooligans and preach about peace, are they in fact hiring these hooligans to incite fear into our citizens because that certainly doesn't work, not with those weaklings at any rate. I want to know, I want the three chancellors to explain why they let this happen for such an extended period and then demand that their very own citizens be peaceful with these violent people, one of them outlaws.

There are many whom are close to leaving, those few have money, but perhaps instead Galmair could use a new council.

If the chancellors can't explain, and if such actions continue and prove to be a detriment to the people, they should be aware a Coup D'etat is coming.
