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Trophy Shelf

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:41 am
by Pugnacious
Starting with the beginning quests, we get special items. A trophy fish, a robe or sword with a message attached to it. But the items have no use IG. Then later, we find items that also have special messages with them. I dont know how many exist. What I suggest is, a Trophy case in every rented room. Think of it like a book case. But instead of books, the renter can place only special items on it. Not tied to the depot system. As is, we cant build or decorate our housing, but this is one way of making it home. I also propose that if all spaces are filled, each with a separate item, one level of town rank can be gained. This helps justify why we rent rooms. We can't go in them, lay in bed, and gain MC. It doesn't work that way. We can lock ourselves in, but why? It is a RP game. I cant buy a table or lamp and place it where I want. This lets me decorate in a sort of way. I place an item on the shelf, then can look at it by hovering. No need to change graphics. I hate to see the work of those that did the special item descriptions be worthless, with no additional value. This gives those items value, and the room value. If the rent isn't paid, what is on the shelf is (lost,donated) to the town. As of now, we only have one reason to rent rooms, Pride. This gives us another.

Re: Trophy Shelf

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:05 am
by Mephistopheles
I don't know about other towns but for an added fee you can decorate your flat with whatever in Galmair. Gaining rank because of stuff you have though, I'm going to have to object to that. Also flats are used usually for rp purpose.

Re: Trophy Shelf

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:12 pm
by Pugnacious
Maybe Mephy ojuects to this, and maybe that means No.
I want to divide this proposal into two parts.
Part 1, Having the shelf. For some reason, I have, and keep on keeping all these odd items i find in the game. If they have a special description, I keep them. Not because I think they might have any sort of special value, but because they are unique. I would like to have a place to display them. Someone went to an extra effort to make them unique.
Part 2, I was spit balling here. It would be nice to have some extra benefit to spending several gold each and every month, to having a room. First, it is counterintuitive to RP. It promotes a place, away from all other RP'ers, behind a locked door, for a price. Yet I know most all of us want one. It is nice to say, "This is my home" . Maybe that is worth the buy in price alone. The rank suggestion, was just that, a way to offer more for the gold being paid.