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A figure stands in the woods (open to all)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:08 am
by Raina Narethil
A figure appears silently from the woods just before the town of Galmair, cloaked in a hooded black robe to blend in to the darkness thanks to the moonless night sky this eve. As the person approaches the Galmair gate the fire from the fields cast a flicking dancing glow on the fabric revealing a thin figure beneath the robe. The hood turns keeping the face of the person concealed in the darkness beneath it as it looks to the fire seeing if anyone is there before moving on toward the main gate.

Re: A figure stands in the woods (open to all)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:31 am
by Juliana D'cheyne
Quietly waiting in the dark for sleep to befall the citizens and candles to be blown out ending the long day, having a book of Grapes to return to the library, she watches the figure approaching. Juliana pulls the cloak over her head and silently steps further away from the flickering flames of the campfire while tilting her head in puzzlement..there was something familiar about the movement of the figure.. from the past maybe yet she couldn't figure out who at the moment. A brief glitter of pale blonde hair from an errant lock can possibly be seen in the double moon light as the cloaked figure turns from town deciding on caution over curiosity. The book return to wait another night.

Re: A figure stands in the woods (open to all)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:11 am
by Raina Narethil
The hood of the robe starts to return back to look to the main gate, not seeing the other soul who seems to have been hiding near by. Only to pause after a few steps, the sound of a long drawn in breath can be heard as it is taken in and let out slowly, before the figure begins to move once more to enter the town. As they pass by the town guard Bre, the figure turns to face her moving in to the light so they can gain passage inside.

With a nod of Bre's head the guard lets the robed figure in, then goes about her normal duties looking out for trouble makers and bandits. Slowly as though weighted down beyond their limits the robed figure walks through the town of Galmair once again staying in the shadows as much as possible, searching for someone or something or maybe just lost. the figure's hooded head looks around at the changes inside the town.

Re: A figure stands in the woods (open to all)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:47 am
by Juliana D'cheyne
A day of practicing and sparring..testing out the sling they made for the little one, getting it to fit comfortably next to her quivers had Juliana again at the gate while Grapes watched the sleeping babe in a cave near the town. Attempting to return the book before any cry of loss is heard from the loud Miggs, who seemed to know most everything going on in the town, got a simple exclamation of ...

It's about time.

With relief at the end of her errand, she leaves the library hurriedly carrying another book thrust onto her from the librarian, never feeling comfortable in town and especially without Grapes. Most of the town's people could be avoided however with a simple nod of her hooded cloak. Not too many even bothered to say anything if not in their homes preparing for sleep by now. Was that the figure from last night coming toward her also in the shadows...the almost familiar walk?

On a whim, Juliana stuffs the book in her bag and suddenly stops to lean against the brick wall. Placing one foot propped up behind her, hand not far from the dagger in her boot and allowing a push if quick movement is needed, she continues to keep her head down simply waiting. Suspecting that figure wouldn't be like the other citizens, but would notice her in the near dark had Juliana barely breathing in anticipation. Perhaps her curiosity could be assuaged if the figure stops also.

Re: A figure stands in the woods (open to all)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:25 pm
by Raina Narethil
Not looking for things to be lurking in the shadows with them, the hooded figure takes small practiced silent steps the hood opening looking to the center of town mostly. Seems not to notice the bump against the darkened wall, with a slight bump the hooded figure comes to a halt. With it's hooded head turning to see what was before them. It seems the Hooded figure was not alone in the shadows and now has run in to another their propped up knee now pressed against the hooded figures right leg.

Though with the little light where the two hide some distinguishing features can be seen beneath the hood to tell who it is after a moment or too, To the shadowed figured resting against the wall. the hood drops down after those few moments to concealing what lies beneath once more, A pale slender feminine right hand appears from the sleeve of the cloak covering the figure, to gesture as though placing a finger over ones lips to the bump in the wall. The hand then gestures in a way to for the shadowed figure to follow as the hooded figure moves down a side alley out of the sight where others may catch a glimpse or possibly hear spoken words.

Re: A figure stands in the woods (open to all)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:52 am
by Juliana D'cheyne
The barely heard sound 'snick' is heard in the night as the dagger is pulled from Juliana's boot. Ready to fight, the grin never leaves her face half covered by pale blonde hair and the hood only partially resting on the top of her head. Dark green eyes appearing almost black stares at the woman moving the hand to lips indicating the need for quiet. The dagger is slipped back in her boot with only a flicker of light from one of the moons on the blade at the same time she pushes from the wall then turns to follow the woman. As they find a less public place she whispers softly.

You remembered the Vine's right away didn't you....however, I waited too long to talk and must leave until after Mas or Grapes will tear down the town looking for me. Leave this with Borgate and I'll find you.

It was obvious Juliana had more she wanted to say and hear from the woman yet shaking her head with a sad sigh, she holds out the arrow with a ~J~ on the shaft and slips off into the shadows as quietly as her arrival.