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A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:19 pm
by Azure Lynch
Married azure thinks. As he looks for a place to build the distillery. Azure smiles as he watches his sister Camilla aggravate bre.

Azure get this child or I'll have her arrested for interfering with my duties. Bre explained.

Azure grab Camilla and the go sit by the campfire near the apple tree.

So az any luck with finding that clown. Camilla asks.

I have leads in the meantime I need you to avoid a few people so I don't have to worry. I need you to avoid dread and his friends. Caswir is around if you need help. But other than that stay clear of them. Azure told her in a stern voice.

Do you remember what I taught you. He says.

Yes she replies.

Azure sends Camilla on some errands as he waits in the shadows looking and watching.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:55 pm
by Azure Lynch
After some long nights of gathering supplies azure has completed his task. As he looks over the drinks he had made he smiles. A good start for the distillery. Plus he has extra bottles for Sam. Know he must start gathering material for another job 200 each shall be no small task. Azure sits and watches Camilla play still refusing to return home. Azure worries about her. Hopes nothing bad ever happenes. Azure thinks with everything going on would it not be better to force her home. His issues with dread he hopes are squashed. But this clown azure might have to kill him. Depending if he will listen to azure when they meat. Azure received a weird note saying who this clown is. So we shall see. Azure loses sight of Camilla. So he gets up and starts to look.for her

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:30 am
by Sammy Goldlieb
Sammy was baking some pies, as he notices a sniffing sounds. He blinks confused, looking around. Then, out of the edge of his eyes, he notices a little girl, half hidden behind the wine barrels. He chuckles secretly and says aloud: "Uhh, I need anothe' place ta put this delicious pies fer coolin' down! It is so full over here!"
Once said that, he notices the small girl hide further behind the barrels. He chuckles to himself again and takes some pies, putting it at the nearby table. He thinks about laying cutlery to it, but a small girl would hardly use cutlery, so he leaves it be. Once he turns back, the small girl walks ducked over to the pies and stuffs her face with one.

He laughs: "Hohoho, I hope ta lil' mouse likes my pie! Wan' a honey milk ta it?"

First the girl looks shocked, guilty, but on Sammy's question, the girl gets a huge smile and nods vigorously. Laughing again, Sammy pours the girl a honey milk in a small goblet (he has made especially for kids), himself a Goldbrew, the housemade beer of his family and sits down to the little girl.

"Wha's yer name lil' one?", he asks while eating himself a pie. "Camilla", comes the respond shyly, "And you?"

"My name's Sammy, Sammy Goldlieb. But ye may call me uncle Sammy, like ta most here do", answers Sammy and grins.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:55 pm
by Azure Lynch
Uncle Sammy Camilla says oh your the one my brother mentioned. He said your a good person.

Camilla seems to be less shy as she realized who he is. She smiles with pie all over her face.


Azure is looking everywhere for his sister. Finally he gives up and thinks when she does not want to be found she won't be found. During his search he sees his lovely wife and his sister Evie. They talk for a bit. And tyan shows up and the decide to go treasure hunting. All was going well until a dragon showed up. They fault well but azure got severely burnt and was sent to cherga. But her grace that told him it was not his time and sent him from her realm. Sam showed up and started tending to his wounds. After a few days Camilla had not turned up. Azure not wanting to worry his wife. Went to look for her one last time. Before they left on there honeymoon. To no avail azure returns to the inn and starts to pack and then gets back into bed to rest. Most of the pain has fled. Being burnt is something azure has grown used to. Just then Sam returns and she talks about the attack by bala but then about their adventure in runewick.


Camilla talks some more to Sammy tells him if her brother Az comes looking she wasn't here. She tells Sammy that he is thinking of sending her back home and she likes galmair to much. And before he could reply she jets off. She comes to a figure she can't quite make out who or what it is so she hides in the bushes and watches this figure closely.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 1:54 pm
by Azure Lynch
Azure and sam make there way to the ship. Azure thinks damn women what else did you put in here. Azure seesnthe ship and looks to Sam

So how does it feel knowing soon you will be able to use your magic again.

Azure looks at her as they reach the ship and smiles at the beauty that stands before him.

So you ready did you get everything.


Camilla followed this figure all outside of town. What could then s person be doing she wondered. She still couldn't get a good look. Maybe I should move closer she thought. And just as she gets closer *snap* she steps in a twig.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:08 am
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam runs through a checklist in her mind as they walk to the harbour, trying to think of anything they may have forgotten. Azure had surprised her by planning the trip and packing their bags. She had tried not to offend him by thoroughly checking them, just a quick peek as she packed a few other necessities. A comb, her two new dresses, some sib paste for the burns that he swore were fine, some tea in case virgins weed was not a common plant on the island... little things.

She smiles, the excitement building as the ship comes into view.

"I honestly didn't have much experience with magic before, love. Couldn't hold a teacher's interest long enough." she shrugs. "But it will be nice to feel the rush again. Perhaps I'll see if I can heal those burns a bit more..."

She grins, tilting her head to look up at him. Something in his gaze makes her blush, and she smooths her dress nervously.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry that basket of tea?" she quickly looks towards the ship again. "At least until we get on the ship. We might be waiting a few minutes."

She scans the small gathering of people, anxiously waiting for their journey to begin.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:55 am
by Mephistopheles
From a distance a huge figure eyes the two newlyweds for a long time seeing them off, cold mismatched eyes appear contemplative. Shortly before the passengers finally board the ship a helmeted Ulquiorra turns away mumbling to himself...

"You may live, for now.. Azure. But don't think we will forget."

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:13 am
by Azure Lynch
Azure smiles at her.

No I got it.

The huge ship pulls in and lowers the docking ramps. People start getting off and then they start loading the new passengers. Azure and Sam quickly hurry aboard. They are shown where they can keep their stuff. This ship is designed different then most it has rooms for their VIP guests. Which azure paid extra for. As they get to their room. Azure looks around. It has a single bed and a desk. But other than that it is quite plain. Azure smiles and places the bags down by the bed.

Might as well travel in comfort. So Sam do you want to go topside and watch galmair disappear into the horizon.


Camilla follows this figure. But it soon disappeared in the night. She looks about and decides to wander about. She wanders what is going on in the tavern. Just then a large growl can be heard.

Oh I'm hungry

So she hurries to the tavern to get her a bite. Maybe uncle Sammy is there with his pies. She thinks. On her way she bumps into a tall man with mismatched eyes.

Why don't you watch where you are going she bosted.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:22 pm
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam shivers gently as they watched the harbour fade into the horizon. Unsure if it was a chill in the air, or the anticipation, she leans against Azure.

"I'm trying to remember how far until we're out of the dead zone." she murmurs. "I suppose we'll know when I sneeze and singe your eyebrows."

She giggles softly, tilting her face up to look at him. As the shore slowly turns into a tiny speck in the distance, she begins asking more questions about where they are going. She notices people staring at them from time to time. Most with a soft, knowing smile on their lips. She wonders if it is that obvious that they are newlyweds. The attention makes her blush a bit, and she turns her body towards him more, trying to ignore the rest of the world. A brief glimpse of an elderly couple makes her smile. The woman winks at her as they stroll past hand in hand, and Sam can't resist the urge to stand on her toes and brush a kiss across Azure's jaw. She sighs contently before continuing their conversation.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:43 pm
by Azure Lynch
Smiles as he is kissed azure chuckles a little.

Well this place is a small fishing village. It was under attack all the time and. after I met the prylers and learned there is hope for redemption. I decided to defend the people from moshran. I helped hoister their defense and we with stood the attacks until eventually the hordes left. I told them who I was and what my purpose was and why I betrayed moshran. They didn't care about my past only that I saved them. So it is a place of relaxation. So we can do lots of things swim, fish, relax in the hot spring. And watch the locals do a dance with fire that is a sight to see.

Azure looks at her when all of a sudden a voice slightly familiar to him calls his name.


As azure turns around he is greeted with a fist across his face. Knocking him off balance he looks at the attacker and smiles. He motions to Sam it is all right. Right in front of Sam stands a giant of an orc missing his tusks and in gentleman's clothing. He hands his jacket to an orcess that is fully armed.

Azure this gonna hurt me more than you. He says very proper as if he has some education.

I don't know my jaw hurts pretty bad. Just as azure said that he charges the orc and tackles him to the ground. They wrestle for awhile before the start laughing. On lookers are shocked but not even the crew interfered with these two beast where fighting. They help each other up.

Sam come here I want you to meet an old friend. Sam this is Malkin Bloodfist. And that his his daughter Uslin Bloodfist. Mal this is my wife Sam. Azure says.

Wife, well Mrs Sam you are far to lovely to have married this fool. Malin says laughing.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:48 am
by Azure Lynch
Feeling ignored by the big man Camilla makes her way to the tavern. She finally slides down the ladder. She starts ordering food left and right. After settling the bill she sits down to eat not paying attention to her surroundings. She just sits down and stuffs her face. And chases it down with juice. Finally she sits back and looks to see if anyone else is partaken in these meals. Just your everyday riff raff. So finally she sits there wandering what will she do next maybe go knock on everyone's door than runaway. Or go bug bre she is such an easy mark. She sits there wandering this not paying attention to anything else.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:39 am
by Samantha Stoneridge
A startled cry escapes Sam's lips as she watches Azure get hit. She had already begun to feel a familiar tingling, but knew that she would never use that in such a crowded area... even if she was certain she'd have perfect control of it. Her relief at Azure's smile is short-lived as she watches him charge the orc.

"Azure! Your bur-" she sighs, pulling her coat tighter around herself as she waits for them to stop. A quick glance around the gawking passengers makes her wish the coat would swallow her whole.

She hurries over when Azure beckons her, mumbling about treating bruises on top of burns. The thinning crowd casting a few curious glances at her. A polite nod and a timid smile are given to the pair of orcs as the introductions are made.

"I see you have been hit on the head as often as my husband." Sam chuckles, adjusting the coat around her plump figure again. "It is a pleasure to meet you Mister Malin and Miss Uslin. I only hope your display of affection does not get us all kicked off the ship, or confined to our rooms for the duration."

Her tone is more teasing than chastising as she reaches for Azure's hand.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:04 pm
by Azure Lynch
They talked of past events and present. Sam learned of all the horrible things he used to do in the name of moshran. But she also learned all the good things he done to defy moshran. Malkin used to follow moshran until azure showed he could be more than a mindless orc.
After what seems like days of talking azure and his old friends part ways. Sam and azure have reached the island. Azure showed Sam the building they where to stay in. It was made of bamboo on the outside but bricks on the inside. It had a sitting area with table and a a big bedroom. It over looks a waterfall and lake.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:47 am
by Samantha Stoneridge
Just for fun, Sam uses her magic to "hop" to the bed, nearly missing. She laughs as she catches her balance and seats herself properly.

"I could barely do that when I was practicing every day... don't know why I thought I'd succeed now."

She looks around the room, her eyes lingering on the windows for a moment. Her excitement is evident as she studies the water. Finally pulling her eyes away, she yawns softly, laying back to stretch out on the bed.

"Sea travel always exhausts me." she turns her head to smile at him. "The room is lovely darling. I can't wait to explore the island... maybe after a small nap?"

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:31 am
by Azure Lynch
Azure watches her nap. He decides to lay beside her and hold her close. After a few hours it was late afternoon. Azure went an got some fish. And azure started to cook. An auroma of fishe. Potatoes and mixture or other vegetables filled the air a smell so good the gods themselves would stop by to sample. Azure finished cooking and set the table. Fish fillets filled one plate. Baked potatoes pilled next to them. And cabbage carrots tomatoes onions and some other vegetables pilled in a bowl with hard boiled eggs cutt up inside them. Azure back is turned as he is still cooking what smells like cheese and rolls.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:47 am
by Samantha Stoneridge
Shuffling her feet a little so she does not startle him, Sam slips her arms around his waist, placing a gentle kiss in the middle of his back. She stands there for a moment, turning to press her cheek against him.

"You could have woke me if you were hungry, love." she mumbles sleepily. "Or woke me so I didn't sleep our honeymoon away."

She gives him a gentle squeeze before pulling away and moving around to the side of him. Grabbing a piece of tomato and popping it in her mouth, she smiles up at him.

"Can I help with anything at least? Maybe we'll finish eating with enough time to take a walk before the sun sets."

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:54 pm
by Azure Lynch
He should shi Head.

No I. About done. As he finishes the rest. He turns around and gives her a huge hug. That picks her up off the ground and then he sits her down. They begin to eat. After they earn they take a walk. They first walk along the lake path. The lake water is so clear you can see the bottom and the fish swimming. As the walk the path it leads them to the top of the waterfall. There they can view their hut, the village the docks, the ocean

This is a good place to watch the sun set.

Azure unfolds a couple of blankets for them to sit on.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:45 pm
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam leans against him as they sit on the blankets, a soft content sigh escaping her lips. She looks out over the island, in total awe of the beauty of it. They watch the fishing boats and a ship or two drifting into the docks while they talk quietly of home and family. She gives his knee a gentle squeeze when Malkin and Azure's past comes up again.

"I have told you before, I do not hold your past against you. I only care about the present and the future." she looks up at him with a tender smile, raising her hand to touch his cheek softly. "I love you. Even if I am reasonably sure you and your sister aim to get me killed most days."

She giggles, letting her hand fall back to his leg.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:01 pm
by Azure Lynch
Oh I know. But since you didn't care I didn't go into detail. I don't know if it is strange but I don't regret nothing I did or why I did it. I help others to repent but not for my sake but for our children's sake. I don't want them going through what I did. When people found out my mother was an ex moshran cult leader. And the way I was born."

Azure smiles as the sun begins to set. A magical setting of multiple colors and variations. Then explosions happen in the air. Not battle but a mixture of different colors. And the sound of music can be heard from where they are sitting. And green river of lights can be seen in the night sky.

It is such a peaceful and lovely place.

Azure looks into.Sam's eyes and kiss passionately and the gradually lay down while kissing.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:29 am
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam smiles softly, listening to the beating of Azure's heart. They lay together beneath the stars that had appeared some time ago. The view at night was even more amazing with the light of the moons dancing off the water. The occasional lantern shining dimly from the dock was the only break in the darkness below. It was pure tranquility. Reluctantly, she lifts her head to look at him.

"We should head back soon." the heat of her blush is likely easier felt than seen. "We don't want one of the villagers to wander up here..."

As if on cue, a slight rustling nearby startles them. Sam clutches the blanket, looking terrified as the sound gets nearer. Finally, a small rabbit darts across the clearing, vanishing into the night again. Sam laughs.

"What a wonderful time to realize that I broke a Pryler rule... never go anywhere unarmed." she chuckles. "I'm not sure I trust my magic enough to consider it a weapon again."

She brushes a soft kiss across his shoulder, shifting up onto one elbow and patting his chest gently.

"Come, my love. Let's get back down. Even I do not have enough padding to make this place more comfortable than that bed."

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:38 pm
by Azure Lynch
Azure laughs as he sees the rabbit come flying through. Even though he had his walking stick ready.

Yes a bed for what comes next would be more comfortable. Tomorrow we can tour the village. Unless your too exhausted to walk

Azure grins as the reach the room in the hut they are staying. Azure dims the lantern and closes the door.................................

They next morning azure rolls over to check on Sam.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:24 am
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam's side of the bed is empty, but a quick look around will find her seated at the cooking fire. Her hair looks like it was hastily pulled back into the ribbon binding it, and her figure is covered by a loosely tied robe. The air is filled with the scent of sausage, which can be traced back to two plates being kept warm near the flame. Sam adds a slice of bread to each, before turning to check on the eggs. The movement from the bed catches her attention, and she glances over with a smile.

"Good morning love. Did you sleep well? I found myself absolutely famished when I woke." she blushes, looking back to the eggs. "Almost ready. What would you like to drink? We have milk, orange juice, or tea... though that's more for me than you I suppose."

She chuckles, scooping the eggs onto the plates, and setting them onto a small tray. She adds a small pot of honey and two sets of silverware, standing slowly. She settles two cups and a bottle of tea onto the tray while she waits for his answer. Once he's decided, she carries the tray to the bed, settling it carefully next to him before climbing in on the other side of it. A relieved sigh escapes her lips as she slips her legs back under the blankets. Leaning over just long enough to brush a kiss across his cheek and grab the bottle of tea, she smiles softly.

"What are our plans today?"

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:16 am
by Azure Lynch
I'll try some of that tea.

Azure smiles as she bring breakfast in bed.

You know I could eat this off of something else

He says as he raises his eyebrows a few times.

I think we should head to the village and see what events are taking place.

After they eat they take a walk among the market. Everyone seems to be stopping and starring. Some are mumbling. It's him. When they reach the center of the market. They both stop and stare. There is a statue towering over them. It is a man standing over a dead orc. As this man is holding the head of an orc in one hand and his sword in the other points toward the sky. As the step back they both realize it is azure.

Well I'll be damned.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:42 pm
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam subconsciously moves closer to Azure as they walk through the market, nearly clinging to his arm by the time they reach the center. The stares and murmurs have almost driven her into a panic attack by the time Azure stops. She looks up at him, ready to suggest they go home,but something in his look makes her follow his gaze. A soft "Oh." is the only response she can manage as she looks at the statue.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:39 pm
by Azure Lynch
Well this is just weird

Azure says as he looks at the statue of himself. By then people have gathered around. An old man approached the couple.

Azure the saviour, you have returned. This is time for celebration.

Azure shakes his head.

Sir. I am no saviour I.....
Before he could finish a young woman in her twenties approaches speaking to interrupt azure on purpose.

Boo. You're right your no hero. The merciless azure a saviour.

Hush jack the old man said. Azure saved this village from the hordes of the bonelord.

What about my village he destroyed everything and everyone. Jack said.

Just then Azure looks at Sam a look that says trust him. As azure approaches the young woman. He kneels down to be eye to eye with the woman. And hands her a dagger.

Look into my eyes and if you see the murderer that I once was then stab me in the heart.

Azure takes off his shirt to reveal his burn scars and other scars. Jack looks into his eyes and she goes blank for a moment. Then drops the dagger and begins to cry. Azure holds her until she stops crying.

Why did you spare me that night. She asked

Azure says nothing but gives her one final hug.

Your still no saviour but you are not the monster from then. I have seen your future. Then she looks to Sam and tells her there will be a time he will need you the most. Don't give up on him. Then jack disappears in the crowd. Azure puts his shirt on.he gets up and holds Sam for what seems like a lifetime.

Azure looks at the man.

Have a celebration but not cause of me but because you are alive and well. As the crowd dissipates their is a platform where dancers have started to preform. As they sit and watch. They dance and tell a story of the day the saviour came from the darkness to bring the light. Azure puts his face in his hands then looks to Sam. With a look as it is up to you if you wish to stay and watch the performance. And for the first time blushes redder than her hair and even redder than evies.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:30 am
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam shifts uncomfortably in her seat, glancing around the crowd, clearly unsettled by the events of the day. She leans her head against his shoulder, murmuring softly.

"We can stay as long as you like, my love. I do not want to cause a revolt by dragging you away." she glances around as if debating the chances. "Perhaps they will understand a newlywed's desire for alone time?"

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:50 am
by Azure Lynch
Azure get up and picks up Sam. As they leave the crowd doesn't even notice. Azure carries Sam to an isolated part just outside the village. By now it has become dark and a bit chilly. Azure sits Sam down and pushes away some bushes. There is a small pound that has steam coming off of it. Azure takes his clothes off and walks in. Motioning to Sam to join him.

This is the hotspring I was telling you about. It is very peaceful and relaxing. I'm sorry about the events today. That was unexpected. And a little uncomfortable.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:32 pm
by Samantha Stoneridge
"Azure!" Sam watches him, wide-eyed and red-faced. "You can't just... what if someone... are you supposed to do that out here?"

She looks around quickly, blush deepening as he laughs at her. After much coaxing, assurance that it is accepted behavior, and promises that he will fetch her cloak from the tree and protect her modesty if anyone else arrives... she steps behind a bush. She carefully lays her clothes out on a nearby limb, and hurries into the water. It takes several minutes of her looking around like a criminal on the run before the water begins to relax her.

"This is nicer than the bath in Runewick." she smiles.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:53 pm
by Azure Lynch
He smiles as Sam enters the water and finally relaxes.

Don't worry from what I hear everyone is watching the performance.

He swims up to her and kisses her passionately.....................

After awhile. Azure looks up at he stars. It is a lovely night. Then looks at Sam but this is by far the best veiw in the world.

Azure splashes her a bit with the water and smiles.

Re: A New Dawn (open rp)

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:33 pm
by Samantha Stoneridge
Sam shivers as she exits the water, soaked from the springs and the water fight. She hurries to tug her dress and cloak on before wringing some of the moisture out of her hair.

"Goodness it got cold." she shivers again. "Perhaps a proper drying off and burying myself under every blanket in the room will warm me up."

She peers around, squinting in the moonlight to be sure they haven't dropped anything, before reaching for his hand.

"Care for a moonlit stroll back to our room?" she grins "I think I'll walk this time though."