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Weight Capacity

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:35 am
by Vern Kron
Occasionally, there are situations in which a characters weight capacity changes. For example, food, potions, or death. Could it be possible that a small label be placed on the weight bar that shows how much a person can carry?

For example, if it was red, it could say 2000/1900 which would indicate the person needs to drop 50 berries worth of goods. If it was yellow, it could perhaps read 1500/1750/1900. This would indicate that the person could carry 75 more berries, or needs to drop 75 berries to be able to run.

Just a thought. Feel free to discuss.

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:30 am
by Evie
I like this idea and have often wished for it!

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:11 am
by Mr.Oldie
Same here. Have thought about this tooo..
Even went as far as to think if an "auto-take for run" function is possible :D
because that is the issue here in my mind; to not want to keep checking with things to see if we can carry more or not.
i cant think of a way to execute that properly though.

Here is what i have till now :
'double -click' on stack to make it move completely to run capacity. (when low-green/yellow)
'double-click' again to max/walk capacity.(when complete green/red)

The only thing is this would make moving consumables.. welll glitchy.
Chances of using things by accident can happen.
Bind this function to 'shift + double click' ?
that way all moving functions will be related to shift then.

another problem would be moving unstacked things.
For this all i could think of was 'double-click'ing bag/basket.
But here -in comes the major problem.
What happens when the capactiy is at edge of it run/walk limit.
the rest of the items scatters near foot/inside depot with an emote " the bag you tried to carry was split open due to the weight" :D ?!

Or may be... auto-move the rest to another open bag? possible?

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:25 pm
by GolfLima
Vern Kron wrote:For example, if it was red, it could say 2000/1900 which would indicate the person needs to drop 50 berries worth of goods. If it was yellow, it could perhaps read 1500/1750/1900. This would indicate that the person could carry 75 more berries, or needs to drop 75 berries to be able to run.
:?: :?: :?:
sorry, could someone explain this a little bit more - i didnt understand it.

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:22 pm
by Vern Kron
Basically, this.


Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:29 am
by Nitram
Should be possible without many problems.

I look into it.


Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:41 pm
by Estralis Seborian
In another game I play, storage capacity is shown in numbers if you click on the bar (toggle). You could also show the number upon hovering over the bar. A permanent number display is also possible, but to me, personally, somewhat distracting.

I also did not understand this 2000/1900 and 1500/1750/1900 style. "Actual load"/"Maximum load" is the most comprehensive display.

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:46 pm
by Achae Eanstray
I would agree that the permanent display would be distracting for the immersion factor, possibly one you click the bar or hover over could be accomplished?

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:41 pm
by Annabeth
Estralis Seborian wrote:
I also did not understand this 2000/1900 and 1500/1750/1900 style.
The 2000/1900 is actual load/maximum load as well. It's just that if you get ghosted, you can actually have a load that's higher than your maximum load since your strength is low while recovering.

As for the 1500/1750/1900 my guess it was just poor formatting whilst listing off possible values for what yellow-color-bar weight could possiblybe.

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:24 am
by Vern Kron
The idea is that maybe you want to drop from yellow to green.

So the first number is the maximum 'run' amount, the middle number is the amount you have, and the last number is the absolute maximum you can carry while still walking.

It isn't very intuitive, I admit, but I couldn't think of a better solution to the possibility of wanting to know how much you can carry and run.

Also, the 2000/1900 is not just an incident that occurs on death. It happens if you eat food that buffs strength, or drink a potion.

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:45 am
by Justine Zinovia
Estralis Seborian wrote:In another game I play, storage capacity is shown in numbers if you click on the bar (toggle). You could also show the number upon hovering over the bar. A permanent number display is also possible, but to me, personally, somewhat distracting.

I also did not understand this 2000/1900 and 1500/1750/1900 style. "Actual load"/"Maximum load" is the most comprehensive display.
I give my vote for that!
If you need, to make it faster ;)

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:58 am
by Estralis Seborian
At one point, we might want to say goodbye to our current weight unit. To have characters talking about something having a weight of 700 feels a little wrong to me. To divide all weights by 50 and call the unit "stone" could increase the immersion a lot.

Edit: Or lump, rock, talent, schnuppi,...

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:58 pm
by Mr.Oldie
Thumbs up for "Stone" from me..
but i would say divide it by 100 or whatever is the current value of ores.(cut stone block itself.)

would be cool to RP "1 stone worth of herbs" etc etc. :D

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:08 pm
by Evie
Mr.Oldie wrote:Thumbs up for "Stone" from me..
but i would say divide it by 100 or whatever is the current value of ores.(cut stone block itself.)

would be cool to RP "1 stone worth of herbs" etc etc. :D
I like this as well. However how will we deal with items that are currently weight 10.. 1/10 of a stone.. would mean introduction fractions or decimals to our weight system.

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:14 am
by Nitram
half a stone
quarter stone

or we use pebble as 1/100th of a stone :wink:

Re: Weight Capacity

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:02 am
by Banduk
The point is, using IG stone, pebble, lump, tile or whatever we can do right now. There is no need to change the client or mechanics. Measures usually are what we make from and if a guild decides their standard weight is 77, nun it may be a little bit difficult but if everybody got killed who do not use it might work as well.

On the other hand a capability to see how much I carry compared to the weight limits of my character would be helpful, whatever the numbers are.

By the way we had a 'scientific' ;-) work from Vern Kron about Blueberries turned into a book with the help of some players.
The book got no proof, neither the idea to extend 2 existing merchant quests with items "Gynk Master Lump" (merinium ingot) and "Gast Standard Fathom" (thread) or any tile of the market place as "Standard distance" you can find on medieval market places see also