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Erpressung und Morddrohung

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:49 pm
by Cedrik_Rosgul
*Opale kommt zum Schwarzen Brett und hängt ein Pergament auf mit krakliger Schrift*

Zum Gruß Mitbürger Galmairs,
ich wollte ein Verbrechen Melden und hoffe das dies der richtige Weg ist.

Ich war in der Erzmine in Cadomyr und habe beobachtet wie ein rotbärtiger Zwerg in voller Rüstung und schwer bewaffnet einen neuen Bürger Cadomyrs belästigte, der Name des Bürgers ist Lando Lynxear. Der Zwerg wollte 1 Goldstück erpressen oder von Lando Lynxear in die Stadt geschmuggelt werden. Da ich den Halblingsfreund beistehen wollte stellte ich mich zwischen beiden und griff zu meinen Dolch und forderte den Dummzwerg auf Ihn in ruhe zu lassen und zu verschwinden. Daraufhin drohte er mir mit meinen Leben und forderte nun ebenfalls 1 Gold von mir.

Wir beide suchten Zuflucht in Cadomyr und trafen dort Alerich Goldauge. Ihm haben wir den Zwerg beschrieben und er erkannte anhand der Beschreibung und den unzwergischen Verhalten das es ein sogenannter Hew war.

Ich bin auf dem Schwarzen Brett auf ein Urteil gegenüber diesen Hew gestoßen. In diesem Urteil heißt es wenn der Dummzwerg weiter Leute aus Galmair bedrohen sollte, was ich bin, würde er für immer Verbannt werden.

Lando Lynxear wird dies gerne bestätigen.

Was für ein Dummzwerg muss das sein der andere Leute und seinesgleichen nach dem Leben trachtet.

Bitte seid vorsichtig und meidet diesen Dummzwerg.

*krakliger Unterschreibend*

Opale, Einwohnerin Galmairs

Re: Erpressung und Morddrohung

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 3:03 pm
by Kyre
Kyre takes her time and attempts to carefully translate old language into new, thinking she has the gist of the complaint her eyes narrow as she writes in hurried cursive.

Thank you for your detailed report. This citizen Hew is of Runewick but remains banned from the town of Galmair. It was very brave you assisting the other miner and he should speak with the Queen in Cadomyr. I would highly recommend the Queen and nobility discuss the issue with Runewick as I will, this is unacceptable a dwarf from another town attacking our citizens yet welcomed with open arms back into town, are they protecting him?

Do citizens represent their towns or not.. is Runewick turning a blind eye to those that even attack Chancellors inside their town? What kind of place are the mages there encouraging allowing their citizens to run amok yet expect other towns to handle the issue?

Feel free to contact any Chancellor of Galmair and the Captain of the Guard Azure Lynch. Perhaps it is best to ask for a guard when mining since this dwarf has a tendency to hover around and find someone to attack as if nothing else to do.

Chancellor Kyre, angry witch

Re: Erpressung und Morddrohung

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 6:39 pm
by Mephistopheles
I will take care of the capture of Hew personally. Yet I may ask something of the ambassadors to both of the towns to get them involved. There needs to be a collective sentence so we can have this dwarf punished fully for his actions. Ambassador's please send me a dove when your availability is so we can discuss this further.

I shall do my best to see that no more Galmairians are harmed by his Hew Keenaxe

~Bob, Patrician of Galmair

Re: Erpressung und Morddrohung

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:22 am
by Ufedhin
Dear chancellor Kyre,

Runewick is unable to do anything with the crazed dwarf ,please do not rely upon any action of any kind from that town ,
other than hot air .In the time I dwelt there I found nothing but total incompetence (and the place was falling down).
For the safety of Galmairians the mad dwarf in question might even safely be hunted down even inside the town of
Runewick its self, without causing anything but a limp wrist being waved in agitation . It is likely that the dwarf in question
is actually ruling the town at the present time.

Ispaghul Stonewort Alchemist & merchant of Galmair.

Re: Erpressung und Morddrohung

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 8:45 am
by Felbion Lijawyn
Several weeks ago, when I had just returned from Gobaith, I was attacked by Hew in Runewick, at a time when I had no ties with the town itself. After I had alerted the townspeople, I received swift reply and a meeting with the council to discuss Hew Keenaxe's punishment was called within less than two days. Furthermore, Runewick apologized for the incident even though it was entirely out of their control, paid me back what the dwarf had stolen from me and listened to my opinion on the chosen punishment. After that, at a time at which I still hadn't become a citizen of Runewick, I was regularly offered protection by the guard when I traveled from or to Runewick.

I realize that there have been some animosities between the two towns and their people, but please Mister Stonewort, do try to stick to truth and factual observation, instead of stooping to dirty slander.

~Felbion Lijawyn

Re: Erpressung und Morddrohung

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:54 am
by Ufedhin
Dear master Felbion Lijawyn,

Personal observation and experience is ones own truth and quite factual actually, as for speculation it is just that speculation ,not slander as no one is named . As to you being attacked in the town by this mad dwarf well...need I say more ,the act of letting a known murderer and bandit to harbour in Runewick also says plenty? In any regard I am merely offering my opinion to a Galmair chancellor I have not yet had the good fortune to meet and not to idle gossips and supporters of Runewicks enfeebled Autocracy.
In fact my good Lijawyn in reality your words are your own truth and somewhat slanderous towards me .

Ispaghul Stonewort.

Re: Erpressung und Morddrohung

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 11:46 am
by Hew Keenaxe
Felbion be a liar! I aint never stole from him or noone others. But have been a victim of theft in Galmair. A fine weapon and armor. Did I hit this sorry lot? Maybes. Can't rightly remember. I have on two occasions tried to turn meself in to Galmair an was rejected. I did this by the suggestion of Djironnyma. I dont trust Galmair law, but tried to put meself forth. Aint doing it again. You know where to find mes.As for Ruinwick paying soom fine in my name? Ya be fools. I aint never stole from that Felbion or noone other. And I will smack him again for lying about me in such a way.


Re: Erpressung und Morddrohung

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:51 pm
by Lia
Hew ,
Keep your dirty hands off Felbion .
You've made ​​all three towns to your enemy.
When you realize that your aggression not take you further ?

Nobody likes you . Nobody wants you in his presence . Everyone is happy when you're gone .
Is that really what you want to lead the life ?
Lonely, an outcast for ever...?

~ Sefja