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Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:56 am
by Evie
Have you ever been playing the game and thinking what would be really cool right here is a dungeon hole with XYZ monster inside? Now is your time to pitch your idea. If you like tinkering with map editor you can email me your map design at If you don’t like map editor, but you have a wild creative side that is needed too! You can post your idea here or send it in a pm to me. We have various small covered holes and portals around the map right now with no use. I would like to change that.

For an idea of what kind of “hole in the ground” dungeon I speak of, refer to the underground base of the bandit camp in Elstree. Its relatively small and can be handled solo or with two people easily. These ideas won't have to be as elaborate as a large scale map and may or may not include an npc. Content and item descriptions is always welcome as is things that trigger when you walk over them like informs or monster spawns.

I want to give you, the player, a chance to give a creative influence to the game. A few disclaimers. Not all ideas may be incorporated in the game. It may take time for these ideas to become available to players. For example, the Akaltut’s remodel took Quirkily and I well over a year. If you think you want to be on the map team, this is a good starting task! and great practice. The only compensation that you will receive if your idea is chosen is the personal satisfaction of something you thought up getting in-game. Your idea, if implemented may not get implemented identical to what you submit, due to game rules, and restrictions of client and graphics, though every attempt would be made at keeping the artistic theme of the dungeon.

Happy Creating!

Evie, Head Mapper.

(German translation is appreciated./ Deutsch Übersetzung wird geschätzt.)

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:55 pm
by Janislov Blythe
Evie wrote:Have you ever been playing the game and thinking what would be really cool right here is a dungeon hole with XYZ monster inside? Now is your time to pitch your idea. If you like tinkering with map editor you can email me your map design at If you don’t like map editor, but you have a wild creative side that is needed too! You can post your idea here or send it in a pm to me. We have various small covered holes and portals around the map right now with no use. I would like to change that.

For an idea of what kind of “hole in the ground” dungeon I speak of, refer to the underground base of the bandit camp in Elstree. Its relatively small and can be handled solo or with two people easily. These ideas won't have to be as elaborate as a large scale map and may or may not include an npc. Content and item descriptions is always welcome as is things that trigger when you walk over them like informs or monster spawns.

I want to give you, the player, a chance to give a creative influence to the game. A few disclaimers. Not all ideas may be incorporated in the game. It may take time for these ideas to become available to players. For example, the Akaltut’s remodel took Quirkily and I well over a year. If you think you want to be on the map team, this is a good starting task! and great practice. The only compensation that you will receive if your idea is chosen is the personal satisfaction of something you thought up getting in-game. Your idea, if implemented may not get implemented identical to what you submit, due to game rules, and restrictions of client and graphics, though every attempt would be made at keeping the artistic theme of the dungeon.

Happy Creating!

Evie, Head Mapper.

(German translation is appreciated./ Deutsch Übersetzung wird geschätzt.)

Hast du dir beim Spielen jemals gedacht, was hier wirklich cool wäre, wäre ein Dungeon voll mit Monster XYZ? Dies ist der Moment um deine Idee vorzustellen! Wenn du Spaß daran hast, mit dem Map Editor zu experimentieren, kannst du mir dein Karten Design an schicken. Wenn du nicht gerne mit dem Map Editor arbeitest, aber eine verrückte, kreative Seite hast, wird diese ebenso gebraucht! Du kannst deine Idee hier posten oder mir in einer privaten Nachricht zuschicken. Zur Zeit haben wir zahlreiche kleine, versiegelte Löcher und ungenutzte Portale auf der Karte und das würde ich gerne ändern.

Um dir eine Idee davon zu vermitteln, was für eine Art von Dungeon ich meine, wirf einen Blick auf die Untergrundbasis des Banditenlagers in Elstree. Sie ist relativ klein und kann relativ einfach im Alleingang von einzelnen Spielern oder auch zu zweit bewältigt werden. Deine Ideen müssen nicht so ausgefallen oder aufwendig wie eine rießige Karte sein und können einen NPC enthalten, oder auch nicht. Inhalte und Gegenstandsbeschreibungen sind immer gerne gesehen, genau so wie Nachrichten mit Informationen oder Monsterspawns, die ausgelöst werden, wenn man über eine bestimmte Stelle geht.

Ich möchte dir als Spieler die Möglichkeit geben, kreativen Einfluss auf das Spiel auszuüben. Einige Dinge die zu beachten sind: Nicht alle Ideen können ins Spiel eingebaut werden. Es kann einige Zeit dauern, bis die Inhalte für Spieler zur Verfügung stehen. Zum Beispiel brauchten Quirkily und ich für den Umbau von Akaltuts mehr als ein Jahr. Wenn du denkst, dass du gerne im Map Team wärst, ist dies eine gute erste Aufgabe und eine perfekte Übung! Der einzige Lohn für deine Arbeit, sollte deine Idee übernommen werden, ist, dass eien von dir persönlich erdachte Idee ingame eingebaut wird. Dein Vorschlag wird vielleicht nicht genau so ins Spiel eingebaut werden, wie du es konzepiert hattest, auf Grund von Spielregeln und begrenzten Möglichkeiten von Seiten des Clients und der Grafik, aber wir werden alles versuchen, um das künstlerische Gesamtbild des Dungeon so gut wie möglich zu erhalten.

Frohes Schaffen!

Evie, Chef Map-Designer.

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:50 pm
by Evie

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 8:08 pm
by Uhuru
Just thought I'd give this thread a bump! Any ideas or thoughts? Something grand missing from the game? That ultimate dungeon ride?

We want to hear all about it.

You don't have to write up a complete dungeon plan, with maps and all the trimmings. Just have a general idea. What's it about? What's the concept? What monsters are there? Who uses the dungeon? Single player or huge hunting parties? Unfortunately, we can't make new monsters or it would be even more great! But we are open to hearing from you!

Send Uhuru or Evie a PM!



Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 9:29 pm
by Matron
Well, I'd generally just enjoy a dungeon which is sort of a ladder. Like.. several caves linked by tunnels and in each cave you get monsters of different strengths. From weakest to strongest of course, so it makes for a fine training place, however I suppose that is not what you want. :P

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 9:59 pm
by Evie
Something similar is being worked on. An area for all skill levels

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 10:21 pm
by Rakaya
Somewhere i have the old plan for the pirate-island (60 955 0) for Flinn.
I can rebuild it.

Gem Spider

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:16 am
by Banduk
I had a gem spider in mind.
8 arms, one entrance and 7 gem arms, at the end are 1 to 3 rocks to dig with a total gem output of about 20 each arm. Each arm has another gem.
Some longer ways, narrow parts etc. Entrance could be east of Hammerfall where the way signs lead to a nonexistent mine. Some trigger fields like “You stumble and sprain your ankle” -10%; “You hit your head at a stalagmite” – 5%.
In general more slime, and medium spider on the way to make it not a mine where you go, dig and leave. Respawn time of gem rock larger to avoid chars living there and collecting gems only.
Passing the entrance might trigger a chance to call guards from the nearby Hammerfall castle.
Digging might be even more critical because you can release some lesser and higher monster (Golems, spider, waking up an dwarf warrior or mage).

Wolve or fox cave

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:21 am
by Banduk
A real small thing.
I contains just a pack of wolves, a family of foxes or some spiders.
This is not so much training or resource grinding; it’s some flair to talk about.

Maybe even without any light source.

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:13 am
by Q-wert
Halls of the Heroes

Not too large underground complex in the north-western proximity to the Queens grave. Small, half-ruined building on top hinting at the entrance. Old stone, sand, marble, rotten wood, partially flooded.
Split in new ('western'/'Albarian' honour hall built in the early days of the Edwards) and old (Egyptian inspired tombs from the ancient settlements prior to Cadomyr) section.

New part containing wall-paintings and writings on the settlement and building out of the early days, some few references to player-stuff as the founding of the Crimson Order right at the entrance. Old part connected by broken down wall, barely readable chiselled picture-inscriptions showing fragmented parts of a civilisations downfall.

Higher level monsters in both areas, new part containing spiders, the darker reaches of the old part occupied by shadowbeasts and beholders.

I'd offer to do the map, if the concept would be approved of.

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:41 am
by maryday
Unterirdisches Wespennest (in einam Wald gelegen; 3 bis 4 Ebenen; max. Durchmesser etwa 10, 15, 20, 30...;
Ein Ausgang/Eingang auf der ersten Ebene und etliche (nur) Eingaenge auf die darunter gelegenen Ebenen;

Sehr einfache Wespen, aber viele, die Koenigin lebt auf einer mittleren Ebene
Je tiefer unter der Oberflaeche, umso kuerzer die Spawnrate + je tiefer unter der Oberflaeche, um so geringer die Gesamtanzahl der Wespen auf jeder Ebene;

Sehr interessant waere es auch 4-12 ((oder mehr)) Wespen an der Oberflaeche zu haben, welche zwischen dem Eingang und bestimmten "Bereichen von interesse" patroullieren, etwa: Obstbaeume, Straeucher, Kadaver;
Es koennte 6 bis 10 "Patroullienrouten" geben, welche zufaellig von den Wespen auf der Oberflaeche begangen werden koennten.
Die max.Entfernung zwischen dem Eingang unde den angesteuerten Punkten koennte etwa 50 Felder betragen.
Patroullienrouten koennten von Wespen von beiden Seiten her begangen werden, vorwaerts und rueckwaerts.
Patroullienrouten muessen nicht gerade sein, und sie koennen auch ueberlappen.

Der Haupteingang koennte von einer verschachtelten Bodenplatte umgeben sein, welche Wespen auf der Oberflaeche spawnen koennte, falls ein Charakter den Bereich betritt
z.B.: Durchmesser 20-17= +1 Wespe, 16-13= +2 Wespen, 12-8= +4 Wespen...und so weiter.
Wespen innerhalb des Bereiches der Bodenplatte begeben sich nicht auf Patrouille sondern kaempfen gegen Charaktaere im Bereich.

Die Anzahl der Wespen koennte sich im Laufe des Jahres je nach Monat veraendern. Im Winter wuerde nur die Koenigin uebrigbleiben.
((=>Sicher, falls es ein Bienenstock waere, waeren im Winter keine Bienen an der Oberflaeche und alle im Nest.))
Auch Jahreszeiten abhaengig koennten bestimmte Flugrouten mit unterschiedlicher Haeufigkeit beflogen werden.
Beispiel: Fruehling=>Bienenstoecke in der Nachbarschaft, Herbst=>Obstbaeume vor der Stadt...Mas=>Alle Wespen aller Nester patroullieren nach Galmair...und so weiter.

Wespen auf Patroullie koennten weniger aggressiv sein, als Jene welche sich im Bereich des Einganges befinden.

Viel Spaß.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Subterran wasp hive (located in a forest; 3 to 4 levels; max. diameters like 10, 15, 20, 30...;
one exit/entrance to level 1 below ground and several one-way entrances leading down to the levels 2 and 3..;

very easy wasps but many, the queen lives on the middle level;
the deeper below the ground, the shorter the respawn rate + the deeper below the ground, the lesser the total number of wasps on the level;

very interesting would be to have also 4-12 ((or more :twisted: )) wasps on the surface, which "patrol" between the main entrance and "points of interst"=>like fruit bearing trees, scrubs or corpses;
There could be 6 up to 10 different "patrol routes" which woud be randomly accessed by the wasps on the surface.
The maximum distance of the "points of interest" to the entrance could be about 50 tiles.
Patrol routes could be accessed by wasps in both directions, forward and backward.
Patrol routes do not need to be linear and they can overlap.

The main entrance to level 1 might be surrounded by an interlaced triggerfield that could be able to spawn wasps on the entrance, if a character enters it,
for example: Diameter 20-17= +1 wasp, 16-13= +2 wasps, 12-8= +4 wasps...and so on. wasps within

The triggerfield will not start to patrol but fight against any char in the triggerfield

the number of wasps could be changing, depending on the month of the year. in the winter only the queen would remain.
((=>Sure, if it was a beehive, in winter there where no bees on the surface at all but ALL below the ground.))
Also depending on the time of the year, specific patrol routes might be accessed with different intensity.
Example: Spring=>bee skeps in the neighbourhood, Autumn=>Fruit trees infront of town...Mas=>all wasps of all hives patrol to on.

Patrolling wasps could be less aggressive then ones located within the triggerfield.

Have fun.

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:05 am
by Evie
Q-wert wrote:Halls of the Heroes

Not too large underground complex in the north-western proximity to the Queens grave. Small, half-ruined building on top hinting at the entrance. Old stone, sand, marble, rotten wood, partially flooded.
Split in new ('western'/'Albarian' honour hall built in the early days of the Edwards) and old (Egyptian inspired tombs from the ancient settlements prior to Cadomyr) section.

New part containing wall-paintings and writings on the settlement and building out of the early days, some few references to player-stuff as the founding of the Crimson Order right at the entrance. Old part connected by broken down wall, barely readable chiselled picture-inscriptions showing fragmented parts of a civilisations downfall.

Higher level monsters in both areas, new part containing spiders, the darker reaches of the old part occupied by shadowbeasts and beholders.

I'd offer to do the map, if the concept would be approved of.

I like the concept though prefer not to spawn anything over a level 5 or 6 in dungeon areas on homelands. Monsters higher than that need to be out in the wilds as a general rule. How hight of a level monsters were you considering?

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 2:04 pm
by Q-wert
Evie wrote:
Q-wert wrote:Halls of the Heroes

Not too large underground complex in the north-western proximity to the Queens grave. Small, half-ruined building on top hinting at the entrance. Old stone, sand, marble, rotten wood, partially flooded.
Split in new ('western'/'Albarian' honour hall built in the early days of the Edwards) and old (Egyptian inspired tombs from the ancient settlements prior to Cadomyr) section.

New part containing wall-paintings and writings on the settlement and building out of the early days, some few references to player-stuff as the founding of the Crimson Order right at the entrance. Old part connected by broken down wall, barely readable chiselled picture-inscriptions showing fragmented parts of a civilisations downfall.

Higher level monsters in both areas, new part containing spiders, the darker reaches of the old part occupied by shadowbeasts and beholders.

I'd offer to do the map, if the concept would be approved of.

I like the concept though prefer not to spawn anything over a level 5 or 6 in dungeon areas on homelands. Monsters higher than that need to be out in the wilds as a general rule. How hight of a level monsters were you considering?
Actually I was thinking of 6-7 (Gynkese Widows, all forms of Deamonbeasts) to give single or small groups of fighter characters a place to go not halfway over to the Hemptie.
Right now figher characters, in difference to crafters or gatherers, have to dig in dungeons terribly far away from settlements, cutting them from any roleplay once they head out. Won't argue, if that is the intended state of the game.

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:52 pm
by Uhuru
Q-wert wrote: Actually I was thinking of 6-7 (Gynkese Widows, all forms of Deamonbeasts) to give single or small groups of fighter characters a place to go not halfway over to the Hemptie.
Right now figher characters, in difference to crafters or gatherers, have to dig in dungeons terribly far away from settlements, cutting them from any roleplay once they head out. Won't argue, if that is the intended state of the game.
Yes, this is intentional. Especially for level 7's. They are well hidden to keep noobs from tripping over them and dying right out of the gate. The area you describe is supposed to be a fairly safe area. I would hesitate to put such a difficult dungeon there. Even an entrance to one.

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:59 am
by Ufedhin
I would like to see a small hidden dwarf forge in the mountains some where in the main mountain range accessed by a long crooked one person wide tunnel with a hidden entrance.The forge will have some dwarven smiths and some warriors guarding it ,the forge to contain the anvil and forge but also an alchemy table to give the idea of the forge being used to make enchanted weapons , a small tunnel from the forge leads from the main work room to a small vault holding a chest that can contain ingots, smithing tools ,the odd element and rarely a dwarven weapon , the chest is guarded by some horror the dwarves have locked in with it(this can should vary from time to time) . The forge is to be sparsely lit with mushrooms only .

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 7:27 pm
by maryday
((Quoted below. Saved.))

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:17 pm
by Evie
Sadly we have no goblin monsters in game now, nor will they be coming.
maryday wrote:Goblin-Huehner-Hoelle ("kanibalistisch-goblinoider-Utopismus")

Unterirdisch, 1-2 Ebenen, perlenkettenartig aneinandergereihte enge Raeume,
anfangs nur normale Huehner, dann mit steigender Anzahl aggressive Huehner (in Mischung mit unaggressiven Huehnern),
((Es waere sehr üntöressant, den Zustand der Tiere durch Auto-Emotes mitzubekommen, der mit zunehmender Tiefe des Verlieses immer schrecklicher wird.))
steigende spawn-Raten, Raum um Raum, (Ja, es ist beabsichtigt, am Schluss fast auf jedem Feld ein Huhn zu haben), eventuell selten einzelne schwache Goblin-Fernkaempfer,
im Letzten Raum "anfangs statischer" Goblin-Schamane, auf einem Thron "sitzend", Emotes wie folgend, etwa 3 ausgelöst (soweit nicht angegriffen???) von einem verschachtelten Triggerfield,
Entfernung: 12-8, z.B: "Neeeiiinnn! Was Iiiihr mit meiiiine Kleiiine getaaan?"
Entfernung: 10-7, z.B: "Das niicht guut! Hinauus!" (Hier faengt er dann wie bekloppt Fernkampfzauber auf die Charaktaere zu ballern, immer noch statisch stehend, Je mehr Huehner dabei verheizt werden um so besser.)
Entfernung: 8-6, z.B: "Waruuum!? Waaaarum?" (Hier loest er sich vom Thron und beginnt sich den Weg durch die Huehner im Weg in Richtung eines deutlich sichtbaren "Notausgangs" freizukaempfen. Desweiteren waere hier nun auch die Gelegenheit, Eine Anzahl von Goblin-Elite-Fernkaempfern zu spawnen, um den Rueckzug des Schamanen zu decken. Der Hauptteil der Beute stammt von diesen Fernkaempfern.)

Der Notausgang kann von Charaktaeren (bestimmter minimaler Koerpergroesse) nicht begangen werden. (("Du passt hier nicht durch, Du bist einfach zu groß."))
(Ja, hier gibt es die Moeglichkeit, Charaktaeren einer maximalen Koerpergroesse ein grausiges Nachspiel im "geheimen Boudoir" des "Goblin-Utopisten" zu erlauben).
((Bald muss ich dies`DEINER Phantasie ueberlassen...))

Sollte es einem Charakter, wider Erwarten, gelingen den Goblin-Schamanen zu stellen, waeren entsprechende Emotes denkbar, beispielsweise als "Todesschrei":
"Neeeiiiin, meiiine Kleeeiineee! Alles deiiine Schuld!"

((Vielleicht gaebe es eine Moeglichkeit, fuer den kleinen Char, einen Zugang fuer die groesseren Begleiter zu oeffnen, nachdem ES seine ZAEHIGKEIT bewiesen hat...))

Je mehr getriggerte Emotes, um so besser.
Viiiiiel Spaaß!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Goblin-Chicken-Hell ("kanibalisic-goblinoid-Utopism")

Subterran, 1-2 Levels, perl-necklace-like layout, tight rooms one after the other,
in the Beginning only regular chickens as spawns, then with rising number aggressive chickens (mixed up with unaggressive chickens),
((It woulda`be mostfully interesting to receive the condition of the animals auto-emoted, describing them more and more horrible, the deeper a char advances into the dungeon.))
increasing spawn-rates, room after room, (Yes, it is meant that almost on every tile there will be a chicken), eventually seldom weak Goblin-Rangers,
in the last room "initially static" Goblin-Shaman, "sitting" on a throne, emotes as follows, maybe 3, activated by a layered triggerfield:
Distance: 12-8: "Noooo! Whaaat diiid to miiiine?"
Distance: 10-7: "Thiiis noot goood! Get ouuuut!" (Here he starts to frantically use ranged spells on the chars, the more chickens get killed, the better.)
Distance: 8-6: "Why!? Whyyyy?" (Here he gets up from the throne and starts to fight through the chickens towards a clearly visible "Emergency-Exit". Also, here would be the possibility to spawn several Goblin-Elite-Rangers to cover the retreat of the shaman. Main-Loot comes from these rangers)

The "Emergency-Exit" can not be accessed by characters of a minimal body height. (("You do not fit in there, You are simply too tall."))
(Sure, here could be the possibility to allow a char of a maximal body height to experience a gruesome sequel in the "Secret Boudoir" of the "Goblin-Utopist".
((Soon i will have to leave this to YOUR phantasy...))

Should a char, against all expectations, be able to face and defeat the Goblin-Shaman, according emotes might be possible, maybe a "death-cry" like:
"Noooo, myyy tiiiinyyyy! All youuur Fauuuult!"

((Maybe there could be a possibility to make the smaller char open a passage for his taller party-members...after IT prove its TOUGHNESS.))

The more triggered emotes, the better.
Haave fuuuuuun!

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:44 pm
by maryday
Next goblinoid!

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:42 am
by Kira
Uhuru wrote:
Q-wert wrote: Actually I was thinking of 6-7 (Gynkese Widows, all forms of Deamonbeasts) to give single or small groups of fighter characters a place to go not halfway over to the Hemptie.
Right now figher characters, in difference to crafters or gatherers, have to dig in dungeons terribly far away from settlements, cutting them from any roleplay once they head out. Won't argue, if that is the intended state of the game.
Yes, this is intentional. Especially for level 7's. They are well hidden to keep noobs from tripping over them and dying right out of the gate. The area you describe is supposed to be a fairly safe area. I would hesitate to put such a difficult dungeon there. Even an entrance to one.
An idea I came to think of just now, that will give people such as Q-wert a more RP central dungeon to go to that is not too far away from the town, at the same time as it is newbie safe:

It is a feature I came to think of that the game world of warcraft used to have; Atunement with a dungeon. Meaning, you have to do a questline in order to access the dungeon. I am sure it would be simple enough to require a specific quest progress on a quest ID in order to enter a dungeon. Either the easy way through an npc, or creating a script for it. (An example is Evie's "Praise zelphia" quest, however that does leave a lingering quest in your questlog.)

So, this way you can place a small atunement questline in say, the akaltut dungeon. Then you can place a dungeon near any of the towns that requires that quest-line to be done to enter. Now new players can not enter, and senior players do not have to travel miles to reach a dungeon of their skill-level.

Of course if the issue is also that you want players to have to travel far away from any RP hubs when they are higher levelled whenever they want to kill monsters at their skill levels, then this suggestion isn't valid any more.

Re: Have a small Dungeon Idea?

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:59 am
by maryday
((Written, saved, prompted at recorded time. This post is valid in bits and pieces.))


This might well lead towards some kind of NPC selling "tickets" to (further advanced?) players. No better possibility for money sinking imaginable.
There might be the possibility to create "dungeon moulds". Empty dungeons which would only be "temporary" populated by creatures depending on the "quality of the ticket".
Many different "preset sets" of mixed creatures of different kinds or difficulty would be possible.
The next step could be to also create "presets" for decorations.

A first goal would be to (create? = take parts of...) about a dozen small to medium sized dungeons, and the player entering would never know which one would be the next part of the current dungeon.
The "dungeon moulds" could be virtually stored and would not consume any engine performance at all, if not beeing used.
Any number of dungeons could be spawned from the "moulds" and be used at the same time.

A long-term goal could be to interlink (sensible) randomly populated / decorated dungeon parts (diced out by dynamically created "tale- or storylines"),
with ever increasing difficulty or intensifying story...or...or... ((I know you have been thinking about that before.))

((PS: Not a very good idea to have too much portals around, as they might cut off the possibilities of chars "not participating"... Yet there must be some kind of solution. Good night. I need to sleep now.))

Then include the possibility to collect some kind of "magic coins" ((or what else you call it. prefferably several different kinds of seldom items or antiquities)) wich can be used to "buy"
personalitations of items, certain other antiquities, or in later stages of the game development, certain static objects.

There could be dungeons composed to offer different levels of difficulties ((only accessible "ticket after ticket", OR only accessible if a certain numer of players gathered...))
OR affording certain antiquities to be collected and/or bought/traded from certain NPCs wich will grant further access.
((For example from the "especially hardened one-time-use-pickaxe-of-slaying-that-motionless-mountain-son" up to the "diamond one-time-dungeon-wide sickle of rooting-those-aggressive-poisonous-obstructing-yellow-mushrooms".))

(("Tickets" could bear the "exact imprints" of the dugeon / story, once visited, to allow returning to the last queststatus achieved. Full, unachieved status would not need to be "imprinted".))

"Tickets" could be items or fixed to a char. The same applies to collected "magic coins" or antiquities...
They could be collected in some kind of "scrapbook" which might be "located" at a certain place in each town, and could be shown to any fellow player.

It could not be lost. It would not encourage bothering lower level chars with "HEY! INSTANTLY TAKE A LOOK AT MY SUPERSOMENESS FUZZYBUNNY!"
The "magic coins" could bear "stamps" of certain gods...and no matter if the "coins" would have been spent on something else... the gods would never forget...
BOOM! ((We`ll all be pilgrims!))
*Pushes 10k Zhambra coins over the table to achieve the "Gauntlets of Never-nosepicking-again".
((Included in the package is: Merinium Halo of Constant Light +10%, 3 feet, item slot: head, not droppable))*