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Hen house plans

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:13 am
by Kyre
Our poor chickens have no home. As if I don't enjoy a good meal, it seems nice for them to have a home before we remove the eggs, get chicken for dinner, or even sacrifice for rituals.

Where is a good place for a hen house, how many, any idea of a design and how much work or cost it will be? Is Galmair interested even?


Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:42 am
by Mr.Oldie
Try to minimise the destruction of flora around Galmair if any new construction is made.

And the plan below seems to be the best possible place for it in that case.

For Zzrracck "Purple"
~Lar Able~

Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:09 pm
by Ultoris
Als Zwerg würde ich sagen , die Hühner müssen auf alle Fälle innerhalb der Stadtmauern untergebracht werden
um im Fall einer Belagerung zugriff auf sie zu haben .

Ebenso würde ich es mit den Kühen und Schweinen halten .


Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:14 pm
by Lord Arcia
I will fully fund this venture. If there is further interest from the citizens, please send a dove, and I will organize a work force to be compensated for their time and efforts.

In the Dons name,
the Council and Galmair
~Chancellor Arcia~

Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:03 am
by Evie
*A note is pinned by a short red haired woman*
Any update on a time table this would be implemented or if it still will? I have several chicks that would love to call this area home.

*The woman walks away laughing*

Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:47 pm
by Kyre
The witch starts gathering boards of apple wood muttering..

Need more contributors, get those irritating things out of the road.

Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:06 pm
by Lennier
Ich würde mich freuen dieses Projekt unterstützen zu können.
Ich bitte um die Aufstellung: Welche Werkzeuge und Materialien werden benötigt?
Wird es einen allgemeinen Arbeitstag dafür geben?


I would like to can support this project.
Please tell, what tools and ressources are neeeded?
There will be a common working day?


Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:44 am
by Kyre
A parchment is added to the board:

I have 400 boards of Naldor-Kyre

Needed: Hammer, pens, soapy buckets of water to clean the egged walls.

Other supplies?

Food and drink provided by Arcia to all work parties. Please see Oxi for other supplies needed.

A small message is posted at the bottom of the parchment.

The culprit throwing the eggs on the outside wall of Galmair out of sight of Bre will be arrested if caught.

Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:39 am
by Tialdin
Der Rat von Galmair hat entschieden den Hühnerstall zu bauen.

The council of Galmair has decided to build the Hen House.

Kanzler Tialdin Elderking

Geschäftliche Projekte & Unternehmungen
Ökonomie und Handel
Lager- bzw. Vorratshaltung und Versorgung
Gebäude und Renovierungen
Organisation von Veranstaltungen

Chancellor Tialdin Elderking

Business Ventures
Economy and trade
Storage and supply
Building and renovations
Event organisation

(( Little OOC addition: ... 08#p691708 ))

Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 3:52 pm
by Kyre
A small parchment is placed on the board by a halfling:

This project has been delayed since before the present council due to the absence of one of the supporters and the finishing of the flats and Inn. It should be started up soon, a list of materials and tools can be obtained by Kyre or Oxi. Thank you for patiently waiting until the witches return from her short trip which should be in two dwarfen days if there is a good wind in the sails.

~Horace Greentoe~

Re: Hen house plans

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:43 am
by Kyre
A large parchment is placed over all the others.. it has simply one word on it.