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Raging Bull

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 1:43 am
by Aegohl
The Rage

20 Ushos. Year 44. Market Square, City-State of Cadomyr. A finger traces the sharp edge of a dagger. The old characteristic ring of merinium.

"See? Finest Merinium. Will you be purchasing it then?"

Lono placed the blade back down on the market stall and allowed a yawn to escape his lips. As he backed away into the busy crowd he was surprised by a tap on his shoulder. Swinging around half expecting a knife in his back to follow he saw there a short man with a ring of uncut hair sticking out from above his ears, the top of his head bulbous and bald.


The man lost no time, blurting out, "You're Lono, right?"

"Yes. What do you want?"

"I knew it was you! They said you were a big fella'! They weren't wrong. I have here a letter for you," the man was obviously very proud of himself for having found his recipient.

Taking the folded note by the corner he shakes it open with the flick of his wrist. The note was scrawled in haste and he recognized the hand. Finley.

Just thinking about her reopened an old wound. He loved her... loves her. He knew that, but he let her get away.

"I was told there would be a reward for delivery," the bald-headed man became impatient.

Lono ignored him and continued to read. All of his fears had come true. Finley had been taken away by Chaol. He felt the chill of cold sweat on his forehead as the world around him became a blur and spun around him. The voices around him became distant.

"Sir? Sir?! Are you alright?!"

"I'll take three."

"Fresh catfish!"


"This cheese smells!"

"I think he's passing out!"

"Watch out!"

Lono awoke in the arms of three merchants, each struggling to hold up his considerable weight. Pushing himself up on his feet he pulled his himself free of the arms of the men forcefully, sending one unprepared fishmonger onto the ground.

The anger started in the pit of his stomach and radiated out increasing in temperature as it reached his neck. His face turned the red of a ripe fruit as he charged through the messenger and into the crowd, which parted as the large man charged through, men grabbing their wives and children and pulling them aside.

Taking a scroll from his belt he spoke the ancient words written upon it, his voice more animalistic growl than that of a man. White-blue glowed the luminescent portal and the large man charged through without hesitation.

For a singular moment there is no Lono before he materialized outside the gates of Galmair.

"Isn't that Lono?"

"He's not supposed to be here!"

"Guards! He's here again!"

"Get him!"

Lono continued out the barricades and accelerated first into a sprint and then into a furious run. He darted into the nearby tunnel. A few of the more brave citizens followed close behind.

"He's running away!"


"Get him!"

The crests lining the walls became streaks of gold and black. Only now could he feel the burden of his heavy breastplate and shield. As he exited the tunnel his lungs felt as if they would burst as his lungs struggle to breath in the cold mountain air. Reaching the dock he fell onto his knees, exhausted.

On the horizon a lone object so distant and small it could only look like a ship to one who knows what they're looking for. Lono's arms betray him and his body goes limp. The men who now surrounded him almost as if in unison drew daggers from their belt.

The sound came from Lono like a exorcised spirit starting from somewhere deep inside him uncalled for and burning his throat on it's way out, a howl never meant to come from a man. It rang against the distant mountains shaking debris loose and echoed through the nearby wood causing birds to evacuate their nests. The men, shaken by the sound, leave Lono alone. Broken.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 7:09 pm
by Aegohl
The Unsure Path

22 Ushos. Year 44. The Hefty Harlot, a cog on the Great Ocean, 160 Nautical Miles South of Illarion. Waves crashed like hammers against the moldering hull of the timeworn vessel sending it lurching unsteadily across the blue-green expanse as it made it's way towards Albar. Atop the bridge deck stood the hulking man named Lono, his knuckles white as his hands clamped on the crumbling railing.

"Captain, I've changed my mind."

Captain Killane was a drunk and a lout, but he was the only one who could be hired on short notice and less coin.

"What now?"

"I've changed my mind. We're going a different way."

Limping up the deck towards the larger man, Killane gestured wildly.

"No. No. No! We don't change routes once we've shipped off! That's impossible."

Lono turned to face the man, over a head taller than him, drowning him in his shadow.

"We're not going to Albar. Our new destination is the Gynk port of Rusted Axe."

Lono knew that the Moreaus would be expecting him; moreover, they would expect that he would go alone and directly, blinded by rage.

The captain was not yet convinced.

"That'll take us an extra three days! We don't have the rations to make it!"

Lono's hand grasped the hilt of his blade, allowing the blade to slide only some inches out of it's sheath, glowing a vicious magical red.

Lono grunted, "Half rations from here on out."

Captain Killane swallowed hard. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead. He spun around and rushed down the stairs, the tail of his long jacket flapping behind him. Some moments later Lono heard the howls and groans of the sailors as they heard the bad news.

Lono closed his eyes as he did the math in his head. He knew if he was careful he would have just enough gold to orchestrate his plan and make it home again, but only if everything went exactly as planned.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:50 pm
by Aegohl

13, SIros. Year 44. The Wet Wyvern Tavern, Rusted Axe, Gynk. 66 miles from the Albarian border. Lono blew into the tavern like an unexpected winter storm in the balmy spring of Gynk. His cloak was still drenched and his boots left puddles in their wake as well as the distinctive smell of saltwater. The old wooden boards creaked under his feet. The locals turned and watched him as he closed the distance between himself and the bar before going back to their drinks, games and song. He'd been here before, years ago, and nothing much had changed in all that time.

As Lono approached the bar, a lizard with a hunched back and tiny pair of wireframe spectacles tailored to his lizard facial features hissed as he greeted the man, "Can I pour you sssomething?"

Lono's eyes scanned the bar until he saw what he was looking for and replied to the lizard "No. I'm here to see the list."

There at the end of the bar nailed against a filthy wall was a long list of names and organizations, some crossed out in red. The list was a roster of mercenaries up for hire. Many names Lono recognized. Some of them were old friends whose names had been blotted out, greats and not-so-greats who had since died in battle, and others were unknowns who had since risen to take the place of the old, experienced soldiers and presumptuous children alike. There were groups and individuals, each listed with information about their specialties and fees. Lono recognized one familiar name and couldn't help but chuckle under his breath:

Veteran of the Salkamarian Legion,
1 Gold per Dwarven Week + Board
-Presumed Dead-"

He continued down the list, his finger tracing the sentences as he read them.

"The Howling Band
Serinjah Riders, One Dozen Strong in Number,
5 Gold per Dwarven Week"

Lono tapped the posting and looking to the lizard he inquired about it.

The lizard bobbed his head and explained, "I have heard good thingsss about thessse newcomerssss."

"And are they available?"

The lizard adjusted his glasses and scanned the room. He answered Lono's question with a flick of his clawed finger in the direction of a corner table. There sat three men in armor made of long wooden beads and furs puffing on long, intricately-carved pipes. Surrounding them were half a dozen sellswords in similar attire standing quietly as the leaders chatted, each well-armed and at the ready.

Lono had made his decision.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:26 am
by Nahimana
Jillian was by no means the leader of this merry band of riders than Rowtag was, but she felt a certain sense of responsibility for making sure things were being done. Several members were at work, one digging a latrine, three more taking care of the horses and bedding them for the eve. Rowtag was off doing some obscure task she’d given him, one to keep him out of trouble and out of Lono’s way. She didn’t like the look of the man who had hired them, his large hulking frame and gruff tone making her wary. His constant pacing made her nervous, a feeling she wasn’t accustomed to these days. Normally she had an idea if people were trustworthy, but she still couldn’t truly decide about Lono. It seemed like he was hiding something, but it’s not like she was privy to everything.

She knew little about their target, only some of what she’d overheard. Some Albarian stole this man’s woman, taking her off to be put into servitude. Sneering, Jillian closes her eyes for a few minutes, recalling her own time in servitude, slavery really, but what did it matter in the end? She wanted to get the woman back more than she cared to admit.

There would be no tents, for their journey needed to be swift, and carrying a tent took up too much weight on their horses. Jillian was no more disappointed than the next; she was just as used to sleeping on the ground as the rest of the band, perhaps even more so.

Many years of sleeping on hard dirt or wood floors had prepared her for a life on the road, constantly moving from one place to the next. Honestly, she preferred a bedroll and the ground over a feather mattress any day.

Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Jillian surveys the finished work of the group. A fire crackles in the center of the camp, bedrolls spread out around it in a ring. She spies Rowtag bounding toward her, a happy-go-lucky grin on his face, nearly knocking over another rider who pokes at the fire with a stick. What is his name, she muses to herself, a grim expression overtaking her.

“Rowtag, you almost knocked him into the fire.” She waves her hand in the general direction of the man who now stands, growling in irritation. Jillian fixes the man with a determined look, almost daring him to say something. He eventually turns back, pulling out various cooking supplies from a pack situated next to the fire and begins to prepare a meal for the riders.

“It’s not like I meant to! Perhaps he shouldn’t sit so close to the fire.” He raises an eyebrow, hands curled into fists resting precariously on his hips.

“He’s cooking your food, you know. He could very well poison it if he wanted to. You… ah damn you, Rowtag.” A faint grin tugs at her lips, but she pushes it away, shaking her head.

“Just be careful. We need all the men we have for this assignment.” Jillian lowers her voice to a whisper, her mouth close to his ear, her warm breath tickling his ear. “I don’t trust this Lono much yet, so be careful.”

She gives him a knowing look and shoos him away. It was going to be a long evening. Jillian unpacks her bedroll and spreads it out next to Rowtag’s. Someone needed to watch over him, and it might as well be her.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:52 am
by avitaris
Indulala stood there Brushing one off the horses and beds it down for the eve. As she walks back she sees Rowtag almost knock the man into the fire. Indulala goes and sits next to the fire chuckling at the look Jillian gives him and he sits back down. Indulala stares into the fire think of her past.

I was just 6 when my parents were murdered. That was the day she met Talula. She was ama-shoon but was banned from the tribe. Apparently she killed some one in a duel and had no remorse. She never told her why. But the years went by and she was trained to use a dagger and a bow. she found her self a natural at horse back riding. eventually Talula passed of old age. It wasn't long when Indulala met Jillian and Rowtag. And she joined The Howling Band Serinjah Riders.

Indu looked at everyone each one had there own past but each one was here. This was the closes thing she had as a family. And did they ever at like one. but push come to shove each one will protect the other.

Indulala, wake up are you hungry the man cooking had poked her to get her attention.
uh, yeah you didnt piss in it did you she said.
No not in yours any ways. he laughed

Indu just shakes her head and starts to eat. she watches Jillian and Rowtag talk. Then she sees this Lono, grabs a bowl of soup and walks over to him and offers him some soup.

I am Indulala, are you hungry she stated and asked.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:31 pm
by Aegohl
Lono's thoughts were full of dread and anguish. He knew he should be thinking about the mission, but his mind always turned back to Finley. Is she hurt or in trouble? Will she be there still when he arrives? And all these questions were answered by a secret thought from a deep, dark place: That he hoped she wouldn't be there so she would never know what he would do to them.

He was shaken out of his violent contemplation as one of sellswords approached him. He didn't realize that he had been pacing until that moment. His first instinct was to shoo Indulala away until he realized she was only offering him some food. Embarrassed, he lowered his head and accepted it.

"Thank you" is a phrase that seldom passed Lono's lips, but that time he said it in earnest.

As night fell on the camp, Lono sat wordless with Indulala as the two drank from their bowls while the bright gibbous moon cast long shadows and the fire made them dance. Only some whispers and the crackling of the fire interrupted the sounds of the surrounding marshlands. The peace was soon broken as one of the scouts rush past the fire to where Jillian and Rowtag speak. "Finally, some reconnaissance from the border" Lono, thought to himself, but his hopes were in vain.

As everyone gathered to await the horsemen, the three rounded the bend in the road in a steady trot. Atop three steeds of purest white there were no men but women--amazons. On each side were horse-archers and in the middle was a tall woman in a dress of white, red, and turquoise wearing a fur cloak. She stood taller than Lono and imperious like the statues in a Salkamarian temple with raven hair that flowed down her back uncut. There in the night she looked luminescent and for a moment Lono believed he was seeing a ghost.

"Chu'si! Please join us by the fire!" invited a voice from somewhere behind Lono. All of the mercenaries seemed to know and be fond of this woman. The woman dismounted with the grace of a dancer and walked into the camp with a pleasant smile on her face, but her eyes never left Lono's as she stared as though she looked through him and into his soul.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:35 pm
by Nahimana
Perhaps it was her innate nature to detest the sight of such women and their perfected beauty, but Jillian couldn’t help but stare as the three Amazonian women walked through the camp, greeting each rider personally. Chu’si remains fixed on Lono, however, watching him with a look of fascination.

After a few minutes of murmured conversations around the camp, Chu’si turns her attention to the center of the camp. Rowtag repeats the offer to have her join them all at the fire.

“It will rain soon, so I will not stay for long.” Her voice always surprises Jillian, it being lower and huskier sounding than one would expect for a woman of her beauty. Jillian looks up at the night sky, and not seeing any clouds, then looks dubiously to the witchwoman.

“What brings you to our camp, Chu’si? You don’t usually seek us out.” Rowtag speaks up, his tone playful and warm.

“I came about your employer. Findari has spoken to me about him and I now need to satisfy my new curiosity.” Her gaze turns onto Lono once more. “If you like, we have tents that will protect you from the coming storm. Otherwise, I fear you will be soaked through in the next few hours.”


Gasps can be heard around the camp. Had he just dared to defy the witchwoman so openly? Jillian didn’t always accept her advice willingly, but knew that Chu’si was considerably wiser and happened to have the help of Findari and Malachin, or so it was said.

“Perhaps you’ll reconsider, Lono.” Her voice is louder now, but is smooth like velvet, wrapping around Lono and the riders like a cloud or blanket. “We have many things to discuss. My camp would be the best place for such conversations. I’d hate to see your new band suffer on because of your rash decisions.”

Jillian fights the sound of her voice, blocking it out by thoughts of her childhood. She found out a year ago that this was the best way to resist Chu’si’s coercion and keep a clear head. The witchwoman always got her way when she used this special power of hers, and this would be no exception. Her words were heavy with power that clouded your mind, making you believe that her way was best, though nine times out of ten it was.

“I suppose you are right.” Lono spins around, addressing the entire camp. “Pack up!”

Sighing with irritation, Jillian packs up her belongings and moves to saddle her horse.

This whole journey had best not be like this.

Thankfully, Chu’si’s camp wasn’t far from their own, only ten or so kilometers away in another area of the open plain. By the time they arrived, clouds had started to cover the night sky, blocking the light of the moon and the stars so that the only light they did have was that of a few torches.

Chu’si’s tents were enormous, able to accommodate more people than were currently present. They began the process of bedding the horses once more, and from the corner of her eye, Jillian watches the witchwoman lure Lono into her private tent with a single finger beckoning him to follow in a curling motion.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:04 pm
by Aegohl
"I know what you're doing here and I'm not interested, woman, so if I could just go and turn in for the night.."

Lono suddenly realized he was sitting. When did that happen? The woman sauntered gracefully under the sheer fabric of her dress across the tent, lighting one brazier and then another across the room. The sweet aroma of unknown herbs were carried on the curling smoke.

"I see that you suffer, " she said in her husky whisper.

Lono wanted to stand up and leave but one look from the woman's eyes made Lono still.

"There is no cure," she continued, "but I will calm the symptoms."

The woman let her gown slip to the ground and stepped over it toward Lono. He covered his eyes, looking away.

"Listen, witch. I know what you're doing and.."

He could feel her hand on his cheek. Her body pressed against his armored chest. The dexterous fingers of her free hand were at the buckles of his breastplate, undoing them.

Her whisper was little more than a hiss, "It has already begun."

Lono felt lost in the fragrant clouds coming from the brazier. As she removed his armor forcefully and set it aside he fell back onto the pillows. The naked woman crawled over him, her probing hands at the buttons of his breeches.

The tent was filled with ghosts, familiar faces of the long dead. They stood in one corner of the tent like perverted observers. Lono breathed in deeply and attempted to cry out but all that came was a low moan. In another corner was Finley. Her expression was pained and perplexed. He couldn't stand to see her look at him like that. He closed his eyes and there in the darkness was a black bull with red eyes. Lono could feel the heat of it's breath on his face.

Terror and ecstasy became one and then there was blackness.

When Lono awoke he was alone. Chu'si had left without her tribeswomen in the night. He rose from the bed with a yawn. His mind was possessed of a clarity it hadn't been in many years. Something had changed.

Lono stood up and pulled on his loincloth. As he left the tent he could feel the stares of the mercenaries. It was only some moments later that he knew what caused them to look. Lines of red were painted with a finger below Lono's eyes. Battle paints. A necklace of wooden beads was tied around his neck and his hair was shorn into a single long strip in the center of his head. Lono looked like the plainsmen he once was and would be again.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:47 pm
by Nahimana
There was no stronger bond than one between a Serinjah plainsman and his horse. The amount of time they spent together in each other’s company was exponential, only increasing as the years passed.

Jealousy overwhelmed Jillian as she watched the other members of the group speak softly to their horses the morning after arriving at Chu’si’s camp. They treated them with the utmost respect, as if they were their own flesh and blood. Which, she supposed, they were. It was a feeling she had never gotten the chance to experience, sadly. If she had remained with her tribe all those years ago, she would know, but unfortunately life had a way of changing on one and upsetting everything that was planned. The jealousy in her twinged for a moment as she looked to her own steed.

Maybe one day.

A hoot and a holler sounded from north of the camp, and Jillian turned, a hand at her brow to see what the noise was all about. Finally the scout, Ukar, had returned. He galloped toward the camp, the great horse he rode panting from exertion. Having reached them, Ukar lept from the horse’s back, landing with a thud on his feet.

“Ukar, what news do you bring?”

The horse was not his own. This beast was a dappled grey color, with an ash colored mane unbound and free of ornament. Jillian wanted to press him, but knew that that was for another time.

“I found a way. It won’t be easy, and we’ll have to time it just right, but we’ll be able to get across without so much as a fly noticing us.” Ukar bowed his head as he spoke quickly, his voice gravelly and low.

“Sit, eat, and then we’ll talk.” Jillian ordered the man, stalking toward Chu’si’s tent. It was then that Lono stepped outside of it, dressed in a loincloth and decorated with red war paint. All activity in the camp froze, attention on the plainsman now. He now looked every bit the part of Serinjah as the rest of the group, even more so than those that had lived with their tribes all their lives. Jillian was impressed. She had thought that he would remain the hard-faced Salkamaerian warrior that he had appeared to be up until this point.

It was settled then. There was no doubt in her mind that Lono hiring them was a coincidence; the ghosts of his past drove him to the group of mercenaries, not only to destroy some other man’s family, but also to return to his roots, as she herself was trying to do.

He did not speak as he walked through the camp, simply nodding in acknowledgement as he made his way to his horse. Lono whispered quietly to the steed, petting its neck, and grooming it. The horse seemed enthralled by the attention, a look that Jillian had only seen between bonded Serinjah and their horses.

Even Lono had that connection now; so why didn’t she?

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:24 pm
by Nahimana
An hour later after Ukar ate and rested, he gathered the entire camp to talk about what he had found.

“There is a weak point near Brynn, just a few kilometers east. The entire town has been evacuated because there have been too many attacks by bandits. Lucky for us, the Albarian forces stationed at the checkpoint nearby were ordered to escort them to the capital about a week ago. They’re most likely on their way back by now. If we can get to Brynn before the week is out, we can slip through the town and into Albar without so much as a bloodied knife or spear. We’d have to ride hard, and we’d have to leave in the next few hours.”

He paused, rising to his feet and pacing around the fire, hands clasped behind his back. Ukar was a humble man, one of the best Jillian knew, and she trusted his word more so than any others.

“Once across the border though, it will have to be slow going. Anyone travelling faster than a caravan are under the king’s suspicion and they are hunted down ruthlessly by his guard. Nor will we be able to be armed to the teeth like we are used to. It might be best to even dress differently. I don’t doubt that there is clothing left in Brynn that we could use.”

The rest of the discussion passed quickly as the group figured out the details, Lono watching over with crossed arms, standing silently. The hulking man had not spoken to the mercenaries since last night when Chu’si took over his mind with her power.

Arrangements were made for the journey and the riders began to pack their things once more, stuffing spare knives and other weapons into their packs. Crossing into Albar would be risky, and being covered in serrated edges wouldn’t help their case one bit if they were caught.

Jillian pulled Ukar to the side, putting an end to his work. In a hushed tone, she asked about what happened to cause him to ride in on a different mount.

“Some estranged group caught me on my way to the border. They killed him, Jill. It was all I could to not give up then. There was so much blood, I.. I killed them all. For what they did. I think they knew what he meant to me. I stole one of their horses so I could finish scouting. I would have been back sooner if not for that… Ten years we were together; now I have to start all over.”

He sighed, looking toward the stolen horse.

“He was my best friend.”

Jillian frowned in reply, unsure how to respond. After not growing up in the tribe she was born into, she was unsure of some of the protocol of being Serinjah. This was a learning experience for her as much as it was an extension of education for Rowtag. She placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to show her sympathy, because she clearly couldn’t empathize with the pain he felt.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:34 pm
by Nahimana
Days later, riders were near the border, two kilometers from Brynn. Jillian had ridden ahead to make sure the town was as truly deserted as Ukar had said. It didn’t hurt to double check. The town looked as if it was inhabited by spirits. Window shutters were fastened closed and the eerie silence gave no hint of inhabitants.

Jillian scoured the town for signs of living, and after finding no hints, rode back to the mercenaries. She gave the all-clear signal and beckoned them to follow her, returning to the town. They raided the homes, borrowing clothing of rough cloth. Jillian shut herself into a room, wedging a chair under the handle so none could enter without force. Stripping quickly, she dressed in a pair of coarse breeches and a homespun, billowing black top. Slipping her boots on and tucking her shirt in, Jillian was ready for the next stage of their journey: crossing into Albar.

She was the last to return to the center of town; everyone else was dressed in borrowed clothing. Rowtag tugged at the breeches he wore, scratching his shoulder occasionally in discomfort.

“Now for the difficult part. The Albarians could be back now for all we know, so if it comes to a fight, be careful. We can’t afford to lose any men.” Ukar spoke loudly, his voice strong and clear as he addressed the band of riders. With a hard, tight lipped look, Jillian glanced around, settling on Lono. He met her gaze, their pairs of dark eyes meeting. Eventually she had to look away, forcing her eyes to the ground.

“Move out!” Jillian called, making her way to her mount. They rode fast and hard toward the checkpoint, Ukar at the head of the riders. One by one, they slipped through the abandoned checkpoint, continuing their fast pace for several more kilometers north.

At long last they were in Albar.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:36 am
by Aegohl
As night fell again they trotted on a seldom used road flanked on both sides with swampy water and gnarled trees. The sounds of the insects and frogs formed a cacophonous symphony in the shadows. This would be the worst possible place to get ambushed, but so far Ukar was right; no one had been here in months and certainly no guards. Up until this point there was plenty of conversation and Lono began to feel something of a bond with the Serinjah, but the gloom of the swamp at night was oppressive and the only sound the band made was the rhythmic clip clop of the horses' hooves.

As they rounded a tall tree they come across something they hadn't expected. There in the roadway was a heavily armored man in polished armor and red and gold livery. He raised his hand calling the party to a halt. As Lono pulled the reigns back his horse reared and whinnied.

The man's voice echoed inside his helmet, "Halt! Identify yourselves!"

A knight errant. Lono remembered that these had become common the last time he'd passed through Albar. Courtiers would trade away all they own for a suit of armor and a dull blade to gallivant on quests for the attention of a noble. Most of them ended up dead. This lad would be no exception. Lono looked back over the other riders, unsure what to say.

It was Jillian who spoke up, "Our business isn't yours to know."

The knight was indignant. His sword came from his sheath in a flourish.

He barked orders, "Everyone down from your horses! Let's see what you've got here!"

The boy knight didn't see that Lono had rolled up his horseblanket to reveal a blade and was taken by surprise as the firesword went through his breastplate and out the other side, burning him internally. There was no blood as the fire cauterized the wound instantly. Lono planted his foot on the man's stomach and kicked his corpse into the nearby mossy water, liberating his blade.

"So much for going in quiet."

He pulled his horse around to face the others. He allowed his horse to trot slowly in front of the sellswords as he told them his plans.

"That knight looked like he was alone, but I'm not willing to risk being caught before our mission is through. Disposing of the body will only slow us down further. We're not far from Stathford and the ranch is just beyond."

Lono pointed in the direction of their goal with his flaming sword. His eyes lit up in its' wavering light, his face still painted.

"If we ride hard we'll arrive there by morning. Prepare yourselves for battle. We hide no longer!"

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:40 am
by avitaris
Indulala rode up next to Lono.
Didnt get to say this earlier but we are glad you got rid of that nasty salkmarian armor. A serinjah should be serinjah. It is not something you try to be or hide. You just are serinjah she said point to her heart.

After they exchange words she rides back. Smiling and noding to jillian. Indulala thinking she needs to let go as Well. Maybe after this she would tell her.

Indu you what do you think of him. The cook asked
He is a good and stromg warrior and he will learn what it means to be serinjah real soon.She said
As they stop because some tin soldier is question lono. Then the boy is struck down. Indulala laughed at this boy trying to play warrior. As they rode pass, Indulala spat at the boys body.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:40 pm
by Aegohl
The party arrived moments before the sun came up on an unseasonably cold Siros morning. The secluded ranch was only a thin brown line on the horizon. Rowtag dispatched Ukar to skim the outskirts of the ranch and come back with reconnaissance. Ukar returned shortly after, drawing the layout of the plantation in the dirt with a stick, x's where guards were posted.

"Moreau must not have believed I'd come. This will be overkill," Lono whispered. He almost seemed disappointed that there wouldn't be a real fight. Lono gathered the mercenaries close as he took the stick from Ukar and marked down their strategy over Ukar's drawing.

"Here's the plan. Ukar, you will go ahead on foot with two others. Utilize the heavy morning shadows to take the guards by surprise before they have a chance to blow the horns. I want to be banging down their doors while they eat breakfast, unaware. Once enough time for Ukar to complete his mission has passed, Jillian, Rowtag, and three others will come with me for the frontal assault."

He gestured for Indulala to come closer.

"Indulala, you will lead the rest around the rear of the estate house and make sure no one gets away."

Lono marked an x over the drawing of the plantation.

"Armed guards are to be killed. All others are to be captured, if possible. And if you see a small servant with wavy, red hair and burn scars on her arms she is to be escorted to safety. If she is hurt in any way it will be considered a failure of the mission. Understood?"

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:20 am
by avitaris
Indulala nods at the orders she is given. and reassures Lono.

Dont worry if she comes our way no harm will come to her

This is the first time she would lead a few of the riders. The respect her strength and power especially her speed with the bow. She took the riders that was left and went to the back and waited for the fun to begin. As she looked at the men. She noticed they were focused as she was. she decided to say say a few words

Remember we are here for this woman. So if you see a small servant with wavy, red hair and burn scars on her arms she is to be escorted to safety. If she is hurt in any way then we fail and serinjah riders do not fail. So when this kicks of they will now what it means to be serinjah. Now if you see any armed guards kill them. and the rest we will detain. is that understood?

As they all smile and nod. She gets in position bow at the ready. waiting for the main assault to commence. She is calm breathing slowly. She is determined to show Jullian. That she exists. And then maybe she could help her learn what it is to be serinjah. Just maybe.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:24 pm
by Nahimana
Ukar and his two fighters slipped through the shadows of the oak trees that lined the path to the front of the house. Four guards stood at the door, two on either side, still rubbing the sleep from their eyes. It wasn’t until the last absolute moment that they saw Ukar and the two other Serinjah coming, knives sliding across their throats in one swift motion.

Jillian’s eyes followed the whole ordeal, waiting for Ukar’s signal for them to advance.

“Stay close, Rowtag.”

Lono nodded his head once, his dark eyes alight with a fiery vengeance. He dashed toward the door, Jillian, Rowtag, and three more riders following behind. Taking two steps back, Lono then raced forward, kicking down the door with one strong kick.

Chaos ensued. They stormed the house, sweeping each room, slaughtering each guard they came across. Jillian surged forward, wiping blood from her eyes as she raced down the hallway to what she’d find out was the dining room. There sat three people. A frail woman, and two men, one weathered in appearance, the other grey-haired and in good health.

“Please! Don’t! We’ll give you anything you want!”

Lono entered, roaring.

“Where’s that bastard nephew of yours?”

“Chaol? He… he hasn’t come down yet. What you do want with him?” The woman cried out, sobbing hysterically.

“It’s… You! The one I sold that girl to!”

“I came back for what is mine.”

“I- I sold her! She’s at a farm, north of here, just past Wincome!”

“And Chaol?”

Jillian paused, knives at the ready as she watched Lono. So they were here for a girl? A servant by the sounds of it. And one that Lono used to own. He dared to keep that secret from them? From her? If she had known that they would be stealing a girl from one master and delivering her into the hands of another, she would have left this band of riders long before they made it this far.

“He’s gone.” The weathered, soldier of a man speaks up. “Left in the middle of the night.”

Jillian heard Lono curse under his breath. In the blink of an eye, his sword was protruding from the man’s chest, blood seeping from the wound and onto the floor. The rest of the room jumped into action, Rowtag firing two arrows into the other man’s neck. Jillian lept forward at that point, stopping before the sickly looking woman.

“Please… don’t do this! You don’t have to do this!”

“Oh, but I do.” Jillian whispered, sinking her knife into the soft skin above the woman’s breast.

“All clear! Rowtag, check the upstairs and report back. I want to make sure that they’re all dead.”

Rising, Jillian slid her knife from the woman’s body, wiping it clean on her trousers. She had managed to slip a small vial of one of her explosives into the waistband of the pants she’d borrowed in Brynn.

Once was all said and done, they watched as the house burned to the ground, embers floating to the ground in the sunrise.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 1:36 am
by avitaris
They heard the screams. And a few armed guards came out the back. They appeared to be escorting a few people out. As Fast as they saw the guards come out. Indulala. Shot them dead. That is when they moved to coral the people. They looked for the servant girl.

Do you see her. indulala shouted

No. We don' shouted

Well we will take them to Lono she said

Indulala watched for any sign of trouble. And just then the place was on fire.

Move them to the front we will let Lono sort them out she said

She went and gathered her arrows. One soldier was still alive.

Please don't kill me. She said

Indulala took out her dagger noticing the x under his eyeand put the point on his throat.

Tell me are you albarian member of the elite ten that 24 years ago killed a village near the steepe. and left a six year old girl dying. she asked

The soldier answer with one word.


She thinks to herself one more. I thought they died maybe i can still get my revenge. and then the spirits of my parents can rest
One of the riders taps the cook one the shoulder

What is she doing

Just watch. It like an art form. I seen her do this once before dont know why. the cook said.

Indulala moved the dagger and slowly slit the soldiers throat and while he was still a live pulled his tounge out the slit and cut it off. she then pulls out a knecklace and attaches it where there are 8 other tongues. She put the necklace in a bottle and turns and leads them to the front of the house.

Lono, here are the ones you asked use to detain. Indulala stated

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:30 pm
by Aegohl
Lono 's mouth dropped open in shock as he saw the suffering of the guardsmen as they gasped for their dying breaths. He narrowed his eyes on Indulala as he pulled a dagger from his belt. He looked to Jillian and Rowtag's faces. Is this the sort of thing they condone? He could tell by Jillian's wide-eyed expression of horror that it was not. Turning back to Indulala he gestured with his dagger as he spoke:

"We kill when it is necessary, but we do not torture needlessly. Not while you're paid by me."

Grabbing the first guard by the hair he stuck his dagger deep in the man's chest. A mercy killing.

"Your suffering is over."

Another sellsword followed suit, dispatching the last of them. Lono wiped his dagger off on the dead guard's tunic before sheathing it back in his belt. He pulled himself up on his massive steed. He yanked the reigns, pulling his horse around to face the now-masterless servants.

"You're free! Go where you like, but if you tell anyone what you've seen here I will feed you all to Indulala."

Turning back to the sellswords, Lono commanded, "Get on your horses! We ride! There is only so much time until all of Albar knows we've been here and follows our trail and our job is not yet done."

Lono pointed in the direction that Moreau indicated.

"Ride fast but steady! Stay in formation!"

As Lono road next to Jillian he couldn't help but notice that she was averting her eyes. She'd been acting strange ever since the assault.

"Is there something on your mind?"

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:04 pm
by Ukar
Ukar followed in with the main group riding quietly and with space around him. The looted gelding he now rode had been adequate but the castration of the animal had taken the fire from its spirit, it was placid mostly but at times twitchy to movement alongside. This was simply an animal to ride not a warrior beast, a spirit brother with bond like his now dead horse and his heart ached as he mourned for him so. To the red and white paint he would adorn his face with before adventure or battle, he had taken to banding dark ash over his eyes and dragging the fingers down under each. A gesture of respect and remembrance of the tears that stained the dark hair of his fallen horse.

He kept quiet self council from the others of late but he had heard of what Indulala had done to the guard at the rear of the house - as he and two others held the front. He had heard of the necklace of tongues and words had been spoken amongst a few of her being the keeper of screams. For the most the group had lived and fought for their coin well together, this mixed band of sell swords, spears, bows and daggers. He would do as bid and play his part for the good of the party and in doing so making greater the chance of fair reward for all, but what then? With no true horse or pull to any place.

He chewed on a strap of dried meet as he watched the large Lono ride up alongside Jillian ahead. He was still unsure of the man, his sometimes odd ways and behaviours. A heart and a soul at odds with one another but what was his true blood? He chewed on the meat as well as the thought as he rode in silence.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:12 pm
by Nahimana
“Is there something on your mind?”

Was it that obvious that she was avoiding him? Jillian had tried to remain neutral, neither divulging nor hiding her thoughts or feelings, but perhaps she wasn’t as practiced it at is as she once thought.

“There are lots of things on my mind. For starters, I just want you to know that what Indulala did is not supported by me or many of the other riders. I’m not sure when she started doing that, to be honest…”

“I could tell.”

“I’ll have someone talk to her. Perhaps provide some guidance? As much as I hate to say it, now would be a good time for Chu’si to show up again, though she wouldn’t dare come this far north.”

“I think that’d be wise. But, you said ‘for starters’?”

“This girl you talked about. You bought her.”

Jillian glared at him, the anger in her rising up once more.

“I did. Why is it of your concern?”

“I don’t like servitude. Or slavery.”

“Mm. Any specific reason?”

“I knew too many that suffered at the hands of it. Is that not enough?”

Lono looked at her again, eyes guarded. What was he thinking? No doubt that she was hiding something, or that she was a lunatic. He’d never know the truth though, that she too had been bought and sold like a horse. That is, until she was pushed to her breaking point. Nobody knew what she’d been through, and Jillian wanted to keep it that way.

“I freed her you know. Finley. That’s her name.”

“If you freed her, then why are we here?”

“To free her again.”

“I know we’re just a group of mercenaries you’ve hired, but when we rescue your girl, you had best bet that I’ll be asking her side of your story. And if you so much as lay a hand on her in the wrong way, you won’t have a hand anymore. Are we clear?” She voice was laced with a threatening tone as she gave her steed a quick nudge and they raced forward.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:40 am
by avitaris
Indulala realized what she did they might understood if she told them. But where to begin. How do you tell them that man was the man that ordered her parents burned alive. and the one she searches for know is their leader. He is probaly dead. but she will find out. Lono is pissed at her. "she does smile at the name keepr of screams. she hears. But the looks she was gitting from most of the other riders was bothering her. but she cant let it get to her. He was right but what does he know of loss. they ride hard and fast. She didnt realize there were a few riding with her. they seem to be ok with what she did. But what of jillian her face Indulala would never forget. the look of horror. thats it Ill just tell her the truth. she tought. But I will vow to never do it again. As long as i am following jillian.

Keeper...So keeper of screams. It suits you. Most dont get a chance to scream when your arrow hits them. But can i ask why you did that to that man. A rider asked.

Indulala told him everything. The rider just noded and smiled

Indu. Jillian would like to have a word a rider tells her.

Indulala hurries her steed uo to where the were waiting. Well ill tell her the truth.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:26 pm
by Aegohl
Meanwhile as the riders were closing on their destination some few miles away, a herald baring a red pennant bolted across the fields towards an ominous black stone tower. As he arrived he was greeted by two sentries in matching red finery. Their shields bared the same crest as the pennant: a massive coiled snake devouring a man whole. The two sentries escorted the man into the massive tower, their polearms each held off to one side. The man is lead down into the basement via a spiral staircase carved from stone and then down another similar staircase into the sub-basement. Signaled by the sentries clapping their polearms on the stone floor another set of guards opened a massive door, the hinges squealing under the weight of the massive portal.

The room inside was lit only by two small braziers and a single candle on the dining table which stood in the center of the room, leaving much of the room in shadow. Delicacies from all over Albar were present on the long table: spiced pork belly, roasted swan, stewed lamb, a platter of custards and sugary crêpes, a massive bowl of red grapes, and several casks of wine were only starters. There was only one chair at the table, an ornate throne at the far end upon which sat a rotund man with a curly black beard wet with gravy and grease who was stuffed into a massive round breastplate. With one hand he stuffed a pomegranate in his mouth which he devoured, slurping all along. In the other hand a gravy boat, pouring the brown, steaming liquid liberally over meat and bread alike.

The herald charged into the room, kneeling at the foot of the table.

The fat man spit fruit onto the table cloth and let it out a long yawn, "Speak if you must, herald."

"Sire. Bandits have attacked the realm, looting and leaving an estate outside Stathford in flames and then turning Northward. They were closing on Wincome when I was sent to report. There were nearly a dozen of them on horseback, savages by the look of them.

The roly-poly man pushed up from his throne with some difficult,a silver platter was dashed from the table, clanging loudly against the floor, the greasy contents splattered as they landed.

"Savages?! Ready my mount!"

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:26 pm
by Aegohl
As they arrived at the estate in Wincome, Lono raised his hand bringing the party to a halt. He placed his hand to his brow and scanned the wealthy plantation the main estate building lined with shrubs perfectly trimmed into ovals. Placing his index and middle finger onto his lips he let out a piercing whistle to announce his coming then slid down the side of his horse.

"Rowtag. Ukar. Come with me and bring two of the largest men with you. Jillian stay behind with the rest. Bringing a woman to the doorstep of an Albarian house won't help us to ingratiate ourselves. If violence breaks out or you're signaled charge on the estate. Same orders as before."

Lono walked up the long paved walk flanked on both sides by the Serinjah. They were met halfway by a man in a particularly flamboyant hat with a long feather and his hand on the hilt of still-sheathed saber. The man waited patiently for an explanation, saying nothing.

Lono was the first to speak, "I wish to speak to the master of the house. There's been a misunderstanding over one of his recent purchases."

"And you expect me to trot him out here for you while you come here unannounced and armed to the teeth?"

Lono grunted. He unclasped his sword belt and handed it to Ukar to hold as well as more than one dagger he had tucked away. He raised his arms to display he was now unarmed and the hatted man placed a hand on his shoulder leading him to the door.

"The master of the house was already alerted to your arrival."

As Lono was brought to the foot of the stairway leading up to the manor he realized what a dangerous situation he's gotten himself into. He counted the armed guards. They outnumbered him five to one. At the top was Achille de Polignac with his hands on his waist and the most impatient expression.

"Could someone explain to me what this interruption is all about?!"

Lono reached for his waist. The men, expecting he was reaching for yet another hidden weapon, lowered their blades at his throat. Lono produced a small pouch that jingled with gold coin, shaking it so all could see. The men lowered their weapons again but still stood at the ready.

Lono shortly considered the irony of the fact that he was now using gold he was paid by Sarai in an attempt to buy Finley's freedom.

"You've made an unfortunate purchase. The woman Finley Flamard was procured illegally by House Moreau and, in fact, was purchased by myself first."

Achille didn't seem altogether surprised. Finley must have told him the same.

Lono continued, "The Howling Band and I, " he gestured to the sellswords off in the distance, " have already done you the favor of taking vengeance on House Moreau for their crimes and trickery. Here I have a handful of gold to pay you for your troubles. It's not likely as much as you paid for her contract, but it was not I who sold her to you and I have had my own expensive troubles tracking down Finley as you may understand. The terms are not negotiable, I'm afraid. Finley belongs with me."

Lono flung the pouch of coins up to de Polignac where it landed between his feet and waited, unsure of how this would go.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:47 pm
by Jen

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:18 pm
by Nahimana
“Indu. What were you thinking?” Jillian whispered in a harsh tone. “You could have lost us this job!”

With a hard glare, Jillian waited next to the tongue-wearing Serinjah woman. She cursed under her breath, shaking her head.

“I’m sorry, Jillian, I didn’t realize that it was that big of a deal, I guess. It’s.. it’s difficult to explain.”

“I don’t care for your explanations. I see that again, and you’re gone, do you understand?”

The Serinjah woman nodded, her head held high in an attempt to maintain her confident appearance. The rest of the riders milled about, waiting quietly. A sense of electricity raged through the group as they all fixed their gazes on the estate, eyes never wavering. Jillian stood, hands on her knives, curling in an anticipation. She hoped that they wouldn’t be needed, if Lono’s plan passed as he had suggested it would.

“Ambush! We’re being attacked!” The hoarse shout broke Jillian from her watch and she whirled around to face the rest of the mercenaries. A group of what looked to be a dozen men rode toward them, led by a portly man on a mount that seemed to loaf along under his weight.

“Malachin’s breath.” Jillian cursed once more. “To your weapons!”

Without further instructions, the group sprang into action, bows, staves and other weapons at the ready as they climbed atop their horses. A few more seconds and the Albarian warriors were upon them, heavy armour clinking at the joints.

“Leave none alive!” Jillian called out in the Serinjah dialect, the words foreign as they left her tongue. She rarely bothered speaking in their native tongue, speaking in common most of the time.

Indu fired her arrows, one after the other, several bouncing off of the Albarians’ armour, a few actually making it through and piercing shoulders. One even found its way into a warrior’s neck, causing him to fall from his horse and succomb to the trampling hooves of following warriors.

A rider, one that Jillian rarely spoke to, yelled for them to charge. Three mercenaries slipped through the Albarians’ front line, poking, slashing, and shoving them from their horses. Jillian surged forward, slinging a knife at man, where it embedded itself in his neck, spurting blood everywhere. She collected the knife, looking for her next target, leaning low against her mount to shrink her size.

Indulala cried out as two of band were dispatched, blood seeping from slit throats as they fell to the ground.

“Keep fighting!”

The riders fought with intensity, though more fell than Albarians. Before long, three were left standing, including Jillian, and they faced eight of the warriors who had ambushed them. With a nervous look, Jillian glanced around quickly.

“Halt, let us talk!” The head of the Albarian crew called out, holding a hand up to bring everyone to a stop.

“We have nothing to say to you,” Jillian said. Indulala spat on the ground, glaring at them. “We have more of our kind that will be returning soon. You won’t want to deal with them, so you should leave now.”

“Ha! You think your idle threats will scare me, dearie? Careful who you speak to. I know a man who would offer a lot of gold for one like you.”

“You’d best believe that that won’t be happening.” He cackled, making a gurgling sound more than a laugh.

“Watch me.” The man dashed forward on his mount, swinging his sword high above his head. Before Jillian had a chance to react, Indulala lept from her horse, tackling the man to the ground. She had a small knife between her teeth and as she wrestled with him, locking her arm around his neck. Seeing it, he grabbed it from her tight hold on it and with a forceful thrust, it slipped between her ribs with a sickening thud.

Gasping in horror, Jillian jumped down and kneeled down over the dying woman and the man.

“This is what happens when you defy me, woman.”

Without a single word, she slit his throat, the blood pouring over her hands.

“I could say the same for you, you bastard.”

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:40 pm
by avitaris
Jillian I wish I could have shown you the real me. I am sorry. Remember this to be serinjah. You don't try. You are. If you try means you don't believe you.can be. Remember who you were born to be. It lies in hear

Indu places a hand on Jillian heart.

please take care of her, Tula.she says to the horse that appears next to them. Indu places the reigns in jillians hand.

Indu slowly but peacefully dies.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:46 pm
by Aegohl
It took Ukar and Rowtag and the other two Serinjah to pull Lono away from a fight that would have inevitably end in his death. A moment of clarity pulled Lono out of his murderous rage. They were running out of time. There is only so long you can rampage through the countryside before you're caught and punishments in Albarian were swift and severe. Lono shook himself loose from the grips of the sellswords and indicated he was calm. The guardsmen returned to their posts chuckling.

As he lifted Finley onto his shoulder he was filled with conflicted emotions. He still felt betrayed by her, but now that she was close all he wanted to do was protect her. He blamed her for all that they'd gone through and yet his insides stung when he reminded himself that he'd never get a chance to take vengeance on Chaol Moreau or Achille de Polignac.

It was Ukar who saw the distant commotion. Lono's fears had become manifest.

In a rush, Lono barked orders, "Ukar. Take Finley with you and ride her to safety. We'll meet at the swampy path we took from Brynn! Go!"

Lono placed Finley up on the back of Ukar's stolen mount, belly down, then slapped the horse on the rear sending it off.

"The rest of you, come with me!"

He pulled himself onto the massive horse and drew his flaming blade, letting out a loud "hyah!" as he jabbed his heels at the sides of the horse.

As they approached the skirmish was chaos. The soldiers were preoccupied and didn't see Lono and Rowtag coming down on them. The sound of metal against metal rang through the hills as the men entered the fray.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:10 am
by Nahimana
Relief washed over Jillian as Lono and the few that went with him to the estate came rushing to the fight, shouting and weapons raised. The rest of the Albarians had slipped off of their horses, using their newly found space to start a second, more brutal assault. Their swords were heavy and strong, cutting through the Serinjahs’ light leather armour like it was nothing.

Jillian staggered as one warrior’s blade sliced the side of her thigh when she tried to dodge it. Limping toward him, she wrangled the sword from his hands, tossing it to the ground. Somewhere in the chaos she had lost her knives. He reached out, wrapping one meaty, large hand around her neck, squeezing and lifting her up. Jillian struggled, her hands clawing at his own, her feet kicking out at him until one connected with his face, breaking his nose. She fell to the ground in an instant, crying out in pain as she landed on her injured leg.

“You bitch!” The man turned on her then, one hand holding his nose, the other reaching for her once more. Jillian scrambled backwards, searching for a weapon of any kind, but not finding any. Clambering to her feet, Jillian offered a fake grin, beckoning him to come at her, both hands raised in fists. He roared in protest, charging at her, swinging his fist out at her. She ducked and landed a blow on his chin, forcing him back a couple steps.

Jillian dashed away, continuing her search for a weapon when she saw Lono crash to the ground, holding his knee. She sprinted over to where he lay, grabbing his sword and swinging out in time to block the Albarian’s own sword. Feeling somewhat revitalized, she shifted her weight onto her injured leg, grinding her teeth in pain, and planted her foot into the middle of his chestplate, pushing him off balance. Lono’s flaming sword was an extension of her arm now and she lunged forward, lopping his head from his body in a single motion.

Pausing to help Lono to his feet, Jillian surveyed the area. Rowtag was fighting off two soldiers, battering them with his staff that moved with a blur of movement. The other remaining Serinjah were chasing Albarian warriors, who were taking turns cutting the throats of their mounts. The screaming horses bucked, rising onto their back hooves, then falling to the ground. Jillian might not have been close with her horse, but she knew that she couldn’t tolerate this, if only on behalf of her fellow mercenaries.

There was so much blood from the slaughtered horses, Serinjah and Albarians that Jillian couldn’t begin to tell who’s was whose. Gnashing her teeth, she stood with her feet frozen to the ground, unsure of what to do next.

“Jillian! Fight! Go!”

The shout broke Jillian from her frozen stance and she sprang once more into action, grabbing a dead Albarian’s sword from his hands. She fought one of them, a tall man that towered over her by at least a foot and a half, his whole body covered in thick and heavy plate. His greatsword whistled through the air, knocking her to backwards as the flat side of it hit her across her stomach.

Rising to her feet once more, Jillian limped forward, facing him again, spitting at his feet.

“Come on, little girl. Fight me!” He roared, whirling his sword around at her once more. She ducked, for he was moving too fast for her to try and react. The whistling of his sword halted and instead Jillian heard a scream and then a loud thud as the lower half of his arm and his sword fell to the ground. Jillian looked up in horror, and seeing Lono, she nodded her thanks, searching out another opponent.

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:44 am
by Anamosa
One of the men that went with limited was Yanas. Anamosa brother. He can out swing. Seeing her brother she instantly. Moved to watch his back. She was a decent shot. But when it came to fighting with her daggers. She wasn't very strong or cable for close combat. So her brother protects her as she shot. They were not far from Jillian when she was about to get struck down when lono struck his arm off. That little distraction caused her dearly as her brother was struck in the gut. Ana just froze and fell as he fell and just kneeled there .and the soldier. Went to strike as she let out a scream that made him step back again and recollect his thoughts and began to strike her down. He lifted up his sword ................

Re: Raging Bull

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:47 am
by Nahimana
It was over at long last. The remaining Serinjah riders were covered in thick coats of blood, the dark shades of red and brown staining their leather armour. The scene before them was gruesome, bodies of men, horses, and a woman lying in a tangled, trampled mess. Jillian liked to forget the carnage she had seen before because of the bad memories it created, but this one she saw now was definitely one of the worst, and one she wouldn’t forget.

“Rowtag? Where’s Rowtag?!” Jillian spun around anxiously, not seeing the young man.

“Jilly! I’m stuck!” His muffled voice came from underneath two heavier set Albarians. They moved ever so slightly as Rowtag tried to shove them off. Using the last of her strength she possessed, Jillian drug the men off of Rowtag and helped him to his feet. He swept her up in his arms, hugging her tightly for a moment before she let out a pained groan.

“Careful, I’m not in the greatest shape.” Rowtag set her down, inspecting her closely before noticing the seeping wound on her leg.

“We… we need the medico pack.. it’s got to be here somewhere!”

“Ukar.. Ukar has it.”

As if on cue, Ukar came riding up, the limp form of a red-haired young woman slumped over the front of his horse. He slipped off of the saddle, rushing toward them all with the pack in hand. Ukar saw first to Lono, cleaning his wound carefully and covering it with a poultice that smelled faintly of virgins weed and mint. After wrapping his leg with a bandage, Ukar silently beckoned Jillian forth, following the same process with her.

Slowly, the riders were tended to, and upon finishing, most of them were covered in bandages. Jillian surveyed the group; there were so few left. And Indulala… She shook her head, clearing it of any thoughts of the woman.

Not now.

“Lono?” Jillian turned at the sound of the unfamiliar female voice and with her limping gait, made her way to Ukar’s horse where the woman was still situated. Lono followed, breathing heavily from exertion.

She gasped seeing the woman’s state, then whirled around to face the hulking man.

“You! You did this to her!” Jillian pointed her index finger at him, shaking it back and forth angrily.

“How am I the one responsible for this?!”

“If you hadn’t have bought her in the first place, this would have never happened!”

“Oh, is that right? Can you see the future now, ghost girl?”

“This could have been prevented.” Jillian dropped her hand to her side, looking at the woman once more, who was now being taken care of by Ukar. He gently cleaned her wounds, covering them with the same poultice as before, and binding her torso with clean, thick bandages.

“I’ll have you know, she’s better off with me.”

“Right. I’ll remember that the next time she’s in trouble because of you.”

“The next time? This time wasn’t even me!”

“We need to leave Albar. And bathe.”

Jillian spun around, walking back to the remaining Serinjah riders, arms crossed over her chest.

“Salvage what you can. Be careful not to touch the dead.”