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LFG: Roleplay Opportunity

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:59 pm
by Aegohl
If anyone is bored with their current characters or were planning to create a new character or have a slot open and want part of some group rp I'm looking for players to join me in a group focused around a story in development. This group will start out as parts of a storyline that will be made collaboratively by all involved and likely lead to the formation of a guild. Unfortunately, the story requires brand new characters, so if you're not willing to make a new character I can't use you. If anyone is interested please contact me either here or preferably in IRC where I camp out under the names "Mitch," "KidKablam" or "Aegohl."

Thank you and I look forward from hearing from some of you and to the dynamic rp that we'll create together. =)