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Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:54 pm
by Q-wert

Haus der Seeschlange - House of the Sea Serpent
Drittes Haus des Reiches Cadomyr - Third House of the Cadomyrian Realm

  • "Glaube gleicht Stärke" - "Faith equals Strength"

Heraldik, Stellung und Ideale - Heraldry, Position and Purpose

Das Haus der Seeschlange wurde mit dem Beginn des sechsten Zyklus nach der Wiederkehr der Alten Götter eingesetzt, als die Erwählte der Göttin, ihre Majestät Rosaline Edwards, Tempelkrieger Ssar'ney in den Adelsstand erhob. Das Banner des Hauses zeigt einen meeresblauen Grund, wobei das rechte untere Viertel den Farben denen das Haus Gefolgschaft schuldig ist vorbehalten ist. Das Wappen des Hauses, eine aufbäumende schwarze Seeschlange auf Weiß in einem schwarzen Kreis liegt mittig im oberen Drittel des Banners. Das Motto des Hauses lautet "Glaube gleicht Stärke".
The House of the Sea Serpent has been instated by the Chosen of the Goddess, Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards, at the beginning of the sixth cycle after the return of the Old Gods by raising Templewarrior Ssar'ney into nobility. The banner of the House shows ground blue as the sea with bottom right quarter reserved for the colours it owes allegiance to. The Houses crest, a rearing black sea serpent on white in a black circle, is shown in the middle of the banners upper third. The words of the House are "Faith equals Strength".

Its purpose is to fulfil the will of Zelphia, purge the world of the followers and all taints of the God of Blood and aid the Chosen of the Goddess, Her Majesty Queen Rosaline Edwards of Cadomyr, in all ways possible.
Der Zweck des Hauses der Seeschlange ist es, den Willen Zelphias zu vollstrecken, die Welt vom Gefolge des Blutgottes und sämtlichen seiner Verunreinigungen zu reinigen und die Erwählte der Göttin, ihre königliche Majestät Rosaline Edwards von Cadomyr, in jederlei Hinsicht zu unterstützen.
Dem Haus wurde einer von drei Sitzen des Adelsrats gewährt. Da die Erwählte wünscht nicht mit direkten Anträgen und Wünschen geplagt zu werden, übernimmt es das Haus, die Belange der Seinen und der Gerechten im Rat der Erwählten näher zubringen. Selbstverständlich spiegeln sich Verhalten und Taten der Mitglieder des Hauses in seinem Gewicht im Rat wieder.
The House has been granted one of three seats of the Noble Court. As the Chosen One does wish not to be bothered by direct wishes or requests, matters of the Houses members and the just will be brought forth to the Chosen One in court. Naturally, the actions of the members of the house reflect upon the weight of its voice in court.

Those of pure faith, following the Chosen One without question and standing for the old ways are the ones that should gather under the Banner of the House of the Sea Serpent for the better of the Realm.
Jene von reinem Glauben, welche der Erwählten ohne Widerwort folgen und für die alten Sitten stehen, sind diejenigen, die sich für das Wohle des Reiches unter dem Banner des Hauses der Seeschlange scharen sollten.
Mitglieder und Beziehungen - Roster and Relations

Mitglieder - Members

  • Ssar'ney (Tanora), Hohentempler/High-Templar (de/en)

    Sefja Abenius (Tanora), Huskarl/Huskarl (de)

    Attós Abenius (Malachín), Jäger(Krieger)/Hunter(Warrior) (de/en)
    Chirch Ka Shrr (Tanora), Jäger(Krieger)/Hunter(Warrior) (en)

    Schlüpflinge - Hatchlings

    Choak-Ushak, Erstgeschlüpftes Bastard-Männchen des Hohentemplers/Firsthatched Male Bastard of the High-Templar
    Chi, Erstgeschlüpftes Weibchen des Hohentemplers/Firsthatched Female of the High-Templar
    Aaron Attosson Abenius, Erstgeschlüpftes Männchen der Familie Abenius/Firsthatched Male of Family Abenius

    Sklaven - Slaves

    Amber, Magd des Hausschreibers/Maid of the Houses Scribe

    Auf Pilgerreise - On Pilgrimage :

    Xanthe (Tanora), Tempelwächter/Templeguardian (en)
    Hri'ssna (Tanora), Priester/Priest (de/en)

    Duncan Mac Gullis (Ushara), Jäger(Krieger)/Hunter(Warrior) (de)
    Ylva Drakendottir (Tanora), Jäger(Krieger)/Hunter(Warrior) (de)
    Ari Nomas (Zhambra), Jäger(Wächter)/Hunter(Watcher) (en)
    Sza'am (Tanora), Jäger(Krieger)/Hunter(Warrior) (de/en)

    Nelson Nicholas Nickelfarb (Irmorom), Novize(Schmied)/Novice(Smith) (en)
    Donovan Norus (Malachín), Novize/Novice (de)
    "Eisen" Nissius (Zhanbra), Novize/Novice (de)
    Za'ssariqet (Tanora), Novize/Novice (de)
    Giles Lief (Findari), Novize/Novice (en)
    Sh'yass (Tanora), Novize/Novice (de)
    Siaixs (Tanora), Novize/Novice (de)
    Sirett (Tanora), Novize/Novice (en)
    Lancore Gossia (Malachín), Novize/Novice (en)

    Charlotte Iramdottir , Aspirant/Aspirant (en)
    Edward Finch , Aspirant/Aspirant (en)
    Tirsa'o'ixl (Tanora), Knecht/Serf (en)

    Verstorben - Deceased :

    Taliss Kazzxs (Tanora), Führer des Zyathischen Militärs/Leader of the Zyathian Military (en)
    Rosea Finstersee (Oldra), Novize(Koch)/Novice(Cook) (de/en)

    Verstoßen - Exiled :

    Zelphyra (Tanora), ehemaliger Priester/former Priest (de/en)
    Alberich Blavorr ehemaliger Jäger(Schmied)/former Hunter(Smith) (de)
Verbündete - Allies

  • Träger des Feuers, Orden der ehrbaren Götter/Order of the honourable Gods
Freunde des Hauses - Friends of the House

  • Gryphius Messerzunge, Meisterbarde/Master Bard

    Leomar Gesse, Meisterschmied aus Runewick/Master Smith from Runewick
    Julia da Silva, Waffenmeister aus Galmair/Galmarian Weaponsmaster
    Riniano Teries, Waldläufer Runewicks/Ranger of Runewick
    Krukk Krakash, Feuerork-Kriegsführer/Fireorc Warleader
    Kraex'Ju, Ritter der Erwählten/Knight of the Chosen One
    Teptoc, Weise Echse/Wise Lizard
Zivilisten Zyathis' - Civillians of Zyathis

  • Braxuss
    Lirassia Marrurri
    Poiuy Trewq
    Shenass Shiloss

Passierrecht - Right of Passage

  • Yridia Anar, Druide/Druid
    Evie Pryler, Magier/Magician
    Banduk Robberhauf el Luastelay, Händler/Merchant

Feinde - Enemies

  • Joomajin, vogelfreier Blutork/blood orc outlaw
    Ulquiorra Dreadhart, vogelfreiger Sklavenhalter/outlawed slaver
    Jefferson Gray, galmarianischer Verräter und Nekromant/Galmarian traitor and necromancer
    Bernie Bottoms, vogelfreier Unterstützer von Reichsfeinden/outlaw supporter of enemies of the Realm
    Hew Keenaxe, vogelfreier Bandit/outlaw bandit

Schriften des Hauses - Scriptures of the House

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:06 pm
by Q-wert
Geschlossenes Archiv des Dritten Hauses - Closed Archive of the Third House
Das Haus der Seeschlange hat ein eigenes Archiv im Palast des Reiches, worüber die interne Kommunikation des Hauses geschieht. Mitglieder welche Zugang benötigen, mögen sich an die Hausführung wenden.
The House of the Sea Serpent operates its own archive in the palace of the Realm, which is used for internal communication. Members requiring access are to turn to the leadership of the House.


Ränge des Hauses - Ranks of the House
Die Ranksturktur des Hauses der Seeschlange ist im Sinne der Besprechungen der Zusammenkünfte des Hauses festgelegt und wird den Bedürfnissen von Haus und Reich angepasst. Die Struktur vom höchsten zum niedrigsten Rang ist wie folgt:
The rank structure of the House of the Sea Serpent is set in accordance to gatherings of the House and updated to meet the requirements of House and Realm. The structure from rank highest to lowest is as follows:

High-Templar / Hohentempler
The head and leader of the Noble House of the Sea Serpent. For as long as the House holds a seat in the Noble council of the Chosen One, the one holding that seat is the High-Templar.
Der Kopf und Anführer des edlen Hauses der Seeschlange. So lange das Haus einen der edlen Sitze des Rates der Erwählten inne hat, ist Hohentempler wer diesen Sitz hält.

Templars and Priests / Templer und Priester
Individuals having proven themselves by bringing forth a miracle of the Gods or deeds crucial to the continued existence of the House of the Sea Serpent. The ranks of Templars and Priests are named individually according to background, faith, personality and of course the divine intervention rising them to their rank. Templars and Priests take over command of the House in case of absence of the High-Templar.
Individuen welche ein Wunder der Götter oder eine für das fortbestehen des Hauses ausschlaggebene Tat vorzuweisen haben. Die Ränge von Templern und Priestern sind entsprechend nach Hintergrund, Glaube, Persönlichkeit und natürlich der göttlichen Invervention welche sie befördert hat, individuell benannt. Templer und Priester übernehmen die Befehlsgewalt des Hauses im Falle der Abewesenheit des Hohentemplers.

Guardians / Wächter
Lehrer und Vorbilder für Tugend und Disziplin. Von Wächtern wird erwartet, dass sie einen Schüler wählen und mit mindestens einer Lektion im Zwergenmonat unterrichten. Sollte ein Wächter zwei Zwergenmonate in Folge versäumen einen Schüler zu unterrichten, verliert der Wächter seinen Rang. Wächter haben formell nie mehr als einen Schüler auf einmal und sind rechtlich für einjede Tat des Schülers verantwortlich. Im Gegenzug ist die Befehlsgewalt des Wächters gegenüber des Schülers absolut und es steht dem Wächter frei Schüler zu wählen und entlassen wie es ihm beliebt.
Teachers and examples of virtue and discipline. Guardians are expected to select and teach one pupil with at least one lesson every dwarven month. Should a Guardian fail in providing a pupil with a lesson two dwarven months in a row, they loose their status as Guardian. Guardians may only have one formal pupil at a time and are legally responsible for any action of their pupil. In turn the command of the Guardian over his pupil is absolute and they are free to choose and release their pupil at will.

Hunters / Jäger
The backbone of the House of the Sea Serpent. Hunters are loyal individuals that have proven capable in their field of expertise, which not necessarily needs to include hunting.
Das Rückrat des Hauses der Seeschlange. Jäger sind loyale Individuen welche ihre Kompetenz in ihrem Tätigkeitsgebiet, welches nicht zwingend Jagen beinhalten muss, bewiesen haben.

Jäger welche viele Jahre devot ihren Dienst für das Haus taten erhalten einen speziellen Rang, welcher über den regulären Jägern liegt. Dieser Rang ist ähnlich der der Templer und Priester individuell nach Aufgabengebiet, Persönlichkeit und womöglich der bevorzugten Beute benannt.
Hunters who have devoutly served the House for many years recieve an unique rank considered senior of the regular Hunters. This rank is, similar to those of Templars and Priests, named individually, according to tasks, personality and possibly favoured prey.

Novices / Novizen
Novices are new members to the House of the Sea Serpent that are yet to prove themselves. Novices are assisted in their tasks for House and Realm by the other members, or even taken as pupil by a Guardian.
Novizen sind neue Mitglieder des Hauses der Seeschlange, welche sich noch beweisen müssen. Novizen erhalten in ihren Aufgaben für Haus und Reich Unterstützung der anderen Mitglieder, oder werden von einem Wächer als Schüler erwählt.

Aspirants / Aspiranten
Jene welche dem Haus beitreten möchten können von einjedem Mitglied zum Aspirant ernannt werden. Wenn sie nicht von dem erwählten Pfad abweichen und zumindest ein Mitglied des Hauses bei einer Zusammenkunft des Hauses für sie bürgt, wird die Führung des Hauses sie an dem Schrein ihrer Hauptgottheit zum Novizen initiieren.
Those wishing to join the House may be named Aspirants by any member of the House. If they stray not from their intent and at least one member of the House vouches for them at a gathering of the House, the leadership of the House will initiate them to the rank of Novice at the shire of their main deity.

Civillians of Zyathis / Zivilisten Zyathis'
Old members of the former Holy Land of Zyathis, who are now scattered over the vast oceans of the Goddess. While not formally members of the House, they may fully join the House of the Sea Serpent with the rank of Hunter once they become a citizen of Cadomyr.
Alte Mitglieder des ehemaligen Heiligen Landes von Zyathis die nun über die Weiten der Ozeane der Göttin zerstreut sind. Obschon formell keine Mitglieder des Hauses, mögen sie dem Haus der Seeschlange vollständig als Jäger beitreten, sobald sie Bürger Cadomyrs werden.


Schriften und Karten des Dritten Hauses - Writings and Maps of the Third House
Karte der bekannten Neuen Welt - Map of the known New World
Karte des Reiches zu Gründung des Hauses - Map of the Realm at the founding of the House

~Das Papier ist im alten und neuen Dialekt der Handelssprache, wie in der Sprache der Echsen verfasst. - The paper is written in the old and new dialect of the common language, as well as the lizard language.~
Pfad des Eisens: Pivot - Pfad des Eisens: Pivot

The Kommandant, usually a Noble, is the highest commanding instance.
The Kommandant moves independently, names and commands the Pivots.
In case of a large army, the commander can name Sub-Kommandanten to delegate his tasks.
The Kommandant never directly commands the troops. This is the task of the Pivots.

Der Kommandant, für gewöhnlich ein Adeliger, ist die höchste Befehlsinstanz.
Der Kommandant bewegt sich unabhängig, ernennt und befehligt die Pivote.
Im Falle einer großen Armee kann de Kommandant Unterkommandanten ernennen um seine Aufgaben zu delegieren.
Der Kommandant befehligt nie direkt die Truppen. Dies ist Aufgabe der Pivote.

The Pivot is the centre and command of a Trupp.
The Pivot is the only member of the Trupp speaking to the Kommandant, taking orders and reporting results and situation.
The Pivot interprets the, usually broad, commands to him and relays them to the Trupp as he does see fit.
The Pivot does coordinate the Trupps cohesion, movement and attacks.
The Pivots command over the Trupp is absolute, there is nothing overruling it.

Der Pivot ist das Zentrum und der Befehlshaber des Trupps.
Der Pivot ist das einzige Truppmitglied welches mit dem Kommandanten spricht. Normalerweise um Befehle zu erhalten und Bericht zu erstatten.
Der Pivot interpretiert die, für gewöhnlich breit gefassten, Befehle an ihn und leitete sie wie es ihm beliebt an den Trupp weiter.
Der Pivot koordiniert Formation, Bewegung und Angriffe des Trupps.
Des Pivots Befehl über den Trupp is absolut, es gibt nichts was über diesem steht.

The Trupp is the regular fighting unit. Every combatant is to be in a Trupp.
The Trupp, unless ordered otherwise, always moves in close proximity of its Pivot.
The Trupp, unless ordered otherwise, communicates only with itself.
The Trupp takes commands only from its Pivot.
The Trupp listens not to what the Kommandant says - unless the Kommandant is the Pivot.
Should a Trupp be without Pivot, the highest ranking member announcing to take the task becomes Pivot.
Combatants without Trupp are to join one on their own.

Der Trupp ist die reguläre Kampfeinheit. Jeder Kampfeilnehmer hat in einem Trupp zu sein.
Der Trupp, außer anders befohlen, bewegt sich stets in unmittelbarer Nähe seines Pivots.
Der Trupp, außer anders befohlen, kommuniziert nur mit sich selbst.
Der Trupp nimmt Befehle nur von seinem Pivot an.
Der Trupp ignoriert was der Kommandant spricht - außer der Kommandant ist der Pivot.
Sollte ein Trupp ohne Pivot sein, wird das höchstrangige Mitglied welches dies ansagt der Pivot.
Kampfteilnehmer ohne Trupp haben von sich aus sich einem anzuschließen.

Allgemeine Befehle - Regular Commands
These are commands and callouts everyone, no matter their ability in language is to familiarize and know.
Dies sind Befehle und Ausrufe welche einjeder, egal seiner Sprachfähigkeit, einzustudieren und zu können hat.
  • [NAME] folgt [PIVOT].
    • When someone joins a Trupp, they announce it so the Pivot knows who is under his command.
      Situation: Franz joins Trupp Hanz:
      Hanz: "Franz folgt Hanz."
    [NAME] ist Pivot.
    • When there is a change in Pivot, this is announced by the old and new Pivot.
      Situation: Hanz gives task of Pivot to Franz:
      Hanz: "Franz ist Pivot."
      Franz: "Franz ist Pivot."

    Auf [NAME]
    • Literally: On [NAME]. Follow or group up on that person.
    • Literally: Line. Form a line.
    • Halt and form a defensive perimeter.
    Fokus auf [TARGET]
    • Focus attacks on the named target.
    • Literally: Distance. Disengage from the enemy, fall back and stay out of its sight. This is at least 10 paces, more if the enemy is likely to follow combatants still in its sight.
      Usually used to draw and single out hostile magicians or to give a bruised formation time to shape up.
Artefakte in Verwarung des Dritten Hauses - Artifacts safekept by the Third House
Kampfstab der Zelphia -Battlestaff of Zelphia:
  • Meisterhaft gefertigter Kampfstab mit weißem Gebetsband, gesegnet von Zelphia.
    Für Gläubige ist die Berührung des Stabes erfrischend, für Ihre Feinde ist er vernichtend, wenn von einem Templer geführt.
    Die Segnung wurde dem Dritten Hause für das Erfüllen Ihres Willens verliehen.
    Primarwaffe des Tempelkriegers.

    Masterfully crafted battle staff with white prayer ribbon, blessed by Zelphia.
    Its touch is refreshing to the faithful and devestating to those opossing the Goddess, if in the hands of a templar.
    The blessing was bestowed upon the House for by the Goddess for fulfilling Her will.
    Primary weapon of the Templewarrior.

Helm des Wächters - Helmet of the Guardian:

  • Heiliges Artefakt Zhambras und Versöhnungsgeschenk der Gräfin Annabeth des Fünften Hauses ab das Dritte Haus.
    Vollhelm mit verziert an der Stirn befestigtem Edelstein, welcher auf mystische Weise dem Träger ungehinderte Sicht gewährt.
    In geölte Tücher gebettet.

    Holy artifact of Zhambra and Apology gift by Countess Annabeth of the Fifth House to the Third House.
    Full helmet with intricately fastened gem on the forhead, whcih mystically grants unhindered sight to the wearer.
    Bedded in oiled cloth.

Runensteine der schwarzen Säule - Runestones of the black column:

  • Überreste der ausgeschalteten schwarzen Säule, welche Cadomyr am Ende des achten Zyklus angriff.
    Obsidiansteine magischen Potentials, mit den Runen IRA, ORL, TAUR, HEPT und LUK versehen.
    Trocken in Leder und Samt gebettet.

    Leftovers of the deactivated black column that attacked Cadomyr at the end of the eight cycle.
    Obsidian stones of magical potential, marked with the runes of IRA, ORL, TAUR, HEPT and LUK.
    Dryly bedded in leather and velvet.

Bruchstück vom Grunde des Bodenlosen Schachtes - Shard from the Ground of the Bottomless Pit:

  • Unidentifiziertes, nachtschwarzes Material mit Zeichen einer längst vergessenen Sprache überzogen.
    Berührung des Bruchstücks mit bloßer Hand verursacht heftige Albträume.
    Derzeit in Leder und Gebetsbänder gewickelt.

    Unidentified, night-black material covered with signs of a long forgotten language.
    Barehanded touch causes hefty nightmares.
    Currently wrapped in leather and prayer-ribbons.

Gedichte und Liedgut des Dritten Hauses - Poems and Songs of the Third House

written by Hunter Sefja - geschieben von Jäger Sefja

Das Schwert wird geführt, mit sicherer Hand,
Die Schilde zum Schutze erhoben.
Der Bogen, er wird zum Schuss gespannt.
Tanora lächelt uns oben

Bruder und Freund, Mutters Kinder
Schärft nun eure Klingen
Schwester und Jägerin schließ dich uns an
Lasst laut das Lied erklingen

Die Fahne des Krieges sie wurde gehisst.
Am Himmel da fliegen die Raben
Der Glaube ist unsere Stärke, wenn nicht sei gewiss
Man wird dich noch heute begraben.

Bruder und Freund, Mutters Kinder
Schärft nun eure Klingen
Schwester und Jägerin schließ dich uns an
Lasst laut das Lied erklingen

Siegreich erschallt unser Kampfgeschrei,
Unser Glaube ist unsere Stärke
Auf Brüder und Schwestern kämpft den wir sind frei
Das wird unser Feind bald merken

Bruder und Freund, Mutters Kinder
Schärft nun eure Klingen
Schwester und Jägerin schließ dich uns an
Lasst laut das Lied erklingen

Der Lohn ist was wir uns selbst gewählt,
Die Tat wird in Liedern besungen.
Glaube und Freiheit ist alles, was zählt,
Wir haben noch jeden bezwungen.

Bruder und Freund, Mutters Kinder
Schärft nun eure Klingen
Schwester und Jägerin schließ dich uns an
Lasst laut das Lied erklingen

Die Feinde erblassen wenn sie uns sehn
Wir sind der Mutters Richter
Blut färbt den Boden auf dem wir stehn
Auf! Schließt die Reihen dichter

Bruder und Freund, Mutters Kinder
Schärft nun eure Klingen
Schwester und Jägerin schließ dich uns an
Lasst laut das Lied erklingen

Das Lächeln Tanoras auf unserer Seit
Vorwärts mit wildem Zorn
Unser Glaube gibt uns die Kraft,
Ist unser Schutz und Geleit

Bruder und Freund, Mutters Kinder
Schärft nun eure Klingen
Schwester und Jägerin schließ dich uns an
Lasst laut das Lied erklingen
Mein Leben der Göttin
written by Hunter Sefja - geschieben von Jäger Sefja

Ich will euch erzählen
von Glück und von Freude
Von Spaß am Leben und sein
Von Tanoras Seele
die hell und erleuchtetend
In jedem ihrer Kinder scheint

Ehre der Göttin
Des Lebens, der See
Tanora wie man sie nennt
Die wer duch auch bist
Und was du auch tust
Dein Leben liebet und kennt

Ich weih meine Seele
der Mutter allein
Vewehre mein Blut den Schwertern der Feinde
Tanora mein Leben sei dein

So wisset das Jeder
Bis zum Tode standhaft steht
Im Glauben der Mutter
Und für sein Lebetage
die Stärke in sich trägt

Ich weih meine Seele
der Mutter allein
Vewehre mein Blut den Schwertern der Feinde
Tanora mein Leben sei dein
written by Lettarius - geschieben von Lettarius

To this orcess a wasp is threatening to live. As dangerous as an assasin with knive.
Should an insect following you turn on her, it is attempted murder, hear!

She demands excuses should she feel wronged, over stings from such an insect spawned.
Afraid of wasps, but ready to strike. Demanding duels with those she not likes.
To her knightly is not: Shielding beauty, keeping the peace. Just decisions it also not is.
To those wearing Houses cloak she needs introductions, else she rages and insults as she follows instructions.
Feeling wronged she now sets out in rage, writing plump pieces of anger.
Her parents should spank her.

I am neither trained with weapons or magic, nor do I have armour thick.
Indeed I do wear fine garments, have on me no arments.
My skill is in word and quill. Am able to fend off an insect, still.
Am I alone with a Ladyfriend, a beauty worth to defend,
and a striped fiend disturbs, comes buzzing out of the herbs,
I take a book, mighty or thin, open and clap it to trap the fiend within.
Then I squish and the wasp is no more. Victory by letters, that is what I am for.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:37 am
by Herald of Cadomyr
Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, has decided that Maid Sarai Flysse is expected to speak and apologize to Templewarrior Ssar'ney for her unacceptable behaviour at the end of the last arms practice at the 11th of Elos. Furthermore she is expected serve him for the duration of one week for practice of proper etiquette. In case of refusal Templewarrior Ssar'ney is expected to make use of his right to deny entrance to Cadomyr.

In the name of Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards, Queen of Cadomyr, Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Anthar Vilicon
    • Royal Chancellor

    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:47 pm
by Q-wert
By decree of Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, entry to the town had been denied to Maid Sarai Flysse. Miss Flysse turned down the Royal offer as she refused to display proper etiquette for one week. Miss Flysse is urged to stop speaking up against Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, without being asked to. Further insults towards members of the Cadomyrian nobility will not be tolerated.
The duration of the ban of three days is over now and Miss Flysse may again pass the gate as any good subject of Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess.

Furthermore and more importantly entry to the town of Cadomyr has been granted to Druidess Yridia Anar by wish of the House of the Sea Serpent. Templewarrior Ssar'ney does take responsibility for her actions inside the walls.

In the name Her Royal Majesty Rosaline Edwards, Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


Written by good looking scribe Lettarius. As anything put to paper of the House of the Sea Serpent not signed by the Councillor.


Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:16 pm
by Q-wert
To cleanse those bearing the mark of the God of Blood, a joined Mass in honour of Adron and Zelphia will be held by Runewickian Priest Alrik and Templewarrior Ssar'ney. It takes place on the highest sun of the Fifth of Zhas in the sixth cycle after the return of the Old Gods at the Temple of the Five. To ensure procedure uninterrupted from the faithless and minions of the God of Blood, armed attendance is recommended.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


Put to paper by the best scribe of the Realm: Lettarius.


Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 9:27 pm
by Q-wert
Since the attack of the dead black dragon he heard landlings say many things.

Turning to the Mother would be a waste of time, She would not help, such was a fact, they said.
Standing against the temptations of the God of Blood is insane and a folly, they said.
The Old Gods do not listen if one does pray, they said.

He does ask those to close their mouth and open their eyes.

For now he does worship the Mother and Her firstborn, the Ushak-Skath.
He does praise Them for the protection and goodness They bring into the lives of all that open their heart.
He does praise Them for wounds healed, dragons repelled.
For days of darkness survived, for minions of the God of Blood slain.

Most of all, he does praise her for blessing these waters.

Those tainted by the Fallen One will drink these waters.

They will not be healed.
They will not be cleansed.
They will not be redeemed.

They will be blessed!

They will stand with the vigour of passion and live, that is Adron!
They will stand with the strength and primal power of the Ushak-Skath!
They will stand with the purity and might of the Mother in their heart and soul!

Their belief, will to endure and resist and fight the temptations and taint of the Fallen One, will stand as example to all that are mortal.
Their zeal will crush the minions of the Fallen One!

Moshran! In the name of the Mother and Her firsborn, the Ushak-Skath, he does declare the Fallen God of Blood to have no authority over those blessed by Her. He does bind the Fallen One from their blood, from their flesh, from their soul!

He declares this done. His work to bless the tainted is done.
Praised be the Mother and Her firstborn, the Ushak-Skath.

  • - translated script of Templewarrior Ssar'ney for the Mass of the 5th of Zhas

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 2:25 am
by Q-wert
Kopfgeld - Bounty

Der gesetzlose Ork Joomajin hat in jüngster Vergangenheit dem Angriff auf ehrenwerte Bürger des Reiches sowie Blasphemie gegenüber der Göttin verschuldet. Obgleich der Ork von Tempelkrieger Ssar'ney niedergestreckt wurde, scheint er seine Wunden überlebt zu haben und treibt weiterhin in der Umgebung der Taverne zur Hanfschlinge sein gottloses Unwesen.
Um diesen ein Ende zu setzten setzt das das Haus der Seeschlange eine Belohnung von 200 Goldstücken für den abgetrennten Kopf Joomajins aus.

In the recent past the outlawish orc Joomajin has commited crimes of assaulting honourable citizens of the Realm as well as Blasphelmy to the Goddess. Even though the orc had been struck down by Templewarrior Ssar'ney, it seems that he has survived his wounds and continues to spread his godless mischief.
To put an end to this the House of the Sea Serpent now offers a reward of 200 goldpieces for the severed head of Joomajin.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,
Gepriesen sei der Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,
  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

Written by Lettarius. Who does want to let it be known that he does, due to his payment, pose no suitable target for muggings.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:01 am
by Kugar
Fellow citizens,

The House of the Sea Serpent, accompanied by our friends over in Runewick, are to investigate the seemingly bottomless pit that has appeared recently East of the Kingdom.

Whilst there is no need for panic, it would be wise to take caution and remain vigilant if travelling near or around the area. That said, all able bodies and brave souls are welcome to aid in said investigations.

This expedition into the unknown will take place on the 08th of Ushos when the moon meets the sun. It is ofcourse expecting of all house members to be in attendance.

For the glory of Cadomyr,

  • ~Exelous
    • Warrior of Malachin
      Apprentice of the House of the Sea Serpent


A translation wil soon follow from the best scribe of the Realm: Lettarius.


Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:31 am
by Kugar
On behalf of the house I'd like to send out our sincere appreciation to all of those whom aided the investigation into the pit to the East.

Whilst our efforts at times seemed both fruitless and in vain, success can be drawn from this event in that there were no severe casualties and the discovery of an unknown potential resource was realised.

As our researcher friends in both Runewick and Galmair look into the foreign material, our efforts will similarly to be to get to the bottom of this. Together, we can solve this mystery.

Being that the pit area is extremely volatile and covered with explosives, it is advised to steer clear. However, it is encouraged that defenders of the realm keep the pit under close observation for the time being.

For the glory of Cadomyr and safety of the realm,

  • ~Exelous
    • Warrior of Malachin
      Apprentice of the House of the Sea Serpent


A translation wil soon follow from the best scribe of the Realm: Lettarius.


Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:57 am
by Q-wert
Waffenübung - Arms Practice

Auf Wunsch ihrer Majestät, der Erwählten der Göttin, hält das Dritte Haus zur höchsten Sonne des 23. Ushos eine weitere Waffenübung ab. Planung, Vorbereitung und, insofern es seine familiären Pflichten erlauben, Durchführung unterliegen in erster Hand dem Novizen Donovan Norus unter Aufsicht von Tempelkrieger Ssar'ney.

Von Untertanen Ihrer Majestät, der Erwählten der Göttin, welche einen Speer führen können wird, wie zur letzten Übung, Anwesenheit erwartet.
Bürger Runewicks sind, wie zu letzten Übung, herzlichst eingeladen teilzunehmen.
Tunk und Speis werden, wie zur letzten Übung, bereit gestellt.

On wish of Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, the Third House is holding an arms practice at the highest sun of the 23th of Ushos. Planning, preparation and, in case his family duties permit, execution are firstmost in the hand of Novice Donovan Norus under supervision of Templewarrior Ssar'ney.

Attendance of Subjects of Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, able to hold a spear is, just as it was for the previous practice, expected.
As last time Runewickian Citizens will be welcomed most warmly to join in.
Again food, drink as well as practice weapons will be provided for those lacking any of such.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,
Gepriesen sei der Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,
  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

Put to paper by the delicate hand of Lettarius. Who is terribly busy and has important projects hindering from translating previous announcements.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:50 pm
by Q-wert
As the date of the royal court draws near the House of the Sea hereby openly states the opinion it will put forth. While other matters will be talked about as well, the House of the Sea Serpent does consider the following of highest importance:

On the safety of temples:

The Third House refuses to follow of the doctrine of the Crimson Order to abandon holy sites during the days of blood at the end of the year. Grandmaster Annabeth claims that temples, in difference to the lives of people, can be rebuilt. The Third House is interested to hear how the Crimson Order would have intended to rebuild the holy Eldan tree resembling the heart of the temple of Ushara, which has branches reaching far into the sky and carries every kind of fruit there is. Which had been saved by the House of the Sea Serpent, while the Grandmaster did 'things of importance'. The House of the Sea Serpent also holds the Crimson Order responsible for the fall of the Temple of Tanora as it stood by idly as it was defiled by the tainted forces of blood.

On the Fallen House:

The Third House disapproves strongly with the practice of the Crimson Order, enforced by Grandmaster Annabeth, of allowing House Narnil safe passage to and from the City of Cadomyr. Members of the Fallen House of Narnil, more commonly known as 'Drow', should be considered a threat to all faithful beings and the Realm of Cadomyr. The House of the Sea Serpent advocates to slay anyone showing allegiance to the Fallen House daring to step on Cadomyrian soil.

Should a splinter of their line have forsaken the Godless ways of their kind, such should be proven by performing a miracle of any God valued in Cadomyr. Everyone showing the inherited mark of the Fallen House having performed such a miracle, witnessed by at least two knights of Cadomyr, should not be considered a part of that house any more and be welcomed within the Cadomyrian walls.

On the feud between House Stonescale and the Army of Galmair:

The ongoing scirmishes between House Stonescale and the Army of Galmair are worrying Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess. Brawndara, leader of the Galmarian side of the conflict, says that this quarrel is between Army and House only and that none of his attacks were aimed against Cadomyr. Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, will not leave Cadomyr unprotected as long as the feud holds on. Even without the immediate threat of war the feud withholds important decisions, such as whether or not the House of the Sea Serpent may raze the temple of blood in the Cadomyrian desert and if Cadomyrian forces can join an attack on the fortress of the undead dragon Zaras.
The Third House intends to help resolving the conflict quickly so that the forces of the Chosen One are not bound from more important tasks.

As there still is some time left until the court is held, the House of the Sea Serpent does have an open ear for concerns, wishes and other matters from any faithful follower of the Chosen One to be brought forth at court.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Refined and written down by dashing Lettarius, who else? A Templewarrior should not be bothered with learning how to read and write.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:22 pm
by Q-wert
On the tourney:

Loyal subjects of the Chosen One, visitors to the Realm,

poor preparation and the missing announcement of an official representative of the absent Count Annabeth left the whole event of the grand opening of the new arena in disarray. The Commander of the royal guard tried her best to compensate and lead through it. But previously defined rules in regard of choice of arment and the definition of 'magical assistance of any kind' were most unclear. This caused most of the contestants, as well as the Commander and the Chosen One to leave the event at an early time.
The local tourney of those remaining would have been won by Knight Lafadiel, although he was disqualified for using equipment built with the help of pure elements, which was defined as 'magical' by the Commander in the beginning.

With most people, any anyone responsible for the event, gone by the time the open tourney should have taken place, the House of the Sea Serpent held a small arms practice with the visitors from Galmair in its stread, while the majority of the Realm was peacefully celebrating the opening of the arena in the tavern.

The House of the Sea Serpent offers to organize and hold a proper tourney for the glory of the Chosen One and will put such forth in court.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Refined and written down by the great Lettarius. Who already has the finest ideas of how to formulate a proper ruleset.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:23 pm
by Q-wert
Results of the Royal Court

Today the first of all Royal Courts was held, with the attendance of Queen Rosaline Edwards, Chosen of the Goddess, Her relative Duke Valtriot Conterfort and Baron Ssar'ney of the House of the Sea Serpent. House Stonescale and Countess Annabeth left their seats empty and therefore chose to remain silent on the matters of the Realm. The complaints about Countess Annabeth have been heard and will be dealt with as soon as she does return to attend court.

The court itself was most fruitful. Following matters were brought forth by the House of the Sea Serpent and agreed on by the Chosen One:

  • The House of the Sea Serpent and House Stonescale will build a temple for Tanora in Cadomyr. A refined plan will be brought forth to the Chosen One shortly by the House of the Sea Serpent. As soon as details are clear and building costs calculated an official announcement will be made.

    Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, will offer a truce to Galmair to end the petty conflict between the Galmarian Army and House Stonescale. The House of the Sea Serpent will provide a draft for this offer by the end of the coming threeweek.

    In times of war, peril or great danger the court, or in case the court is unable to meet or the Chosen One does see fit She Herself, will elect a Marshal deemed most suited for the current situation. This Marshal will speak in the name of the Chosen One and will have authority over all subjects of the Chosen One for the time of crisis to allow swift reaction and avoid confusion about competences.
    Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, will announce this formally in an edict.

    The House of the Sea Serpent will hold a tournament in honour of the Chosen One to fade the awkward memory of the previous opening ceremony. Planned date is the Second of Eldas. A proper announcement with clear rules and invitations to Runewick and Galmair will be made in time.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Refined and written down by the incredible Lettarius. Who loves the intrigues of this city dearly, as they are what leave him unoccupied.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:44 am
by Q-wert
~A small note was added underneath the previous parchment.~

The draft for the truce, written by Huntress Vanderford and corrected by Templewarrior Ssar'ney, has been handed to the Councillor.
~Scribe Lettarius

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:21 pm
by Q-wert
((pro tip: Don't write bilingual stuff with your motherlanguage first. If you do, this happens. You end up using very flowery descriptions that you have no clue how to translate properly. So, if anything is unclear, read the German version.))
Turnier zu Ehren der Königin - Tourney in Honour of the Queen

Das Haus der Seeschlange ruft die Gläubigen und Gerechten Illarions zum Turnier in Cadomyr. Einjeder welcher mit Recht die Stadt Cadomyrs betreten darf ist herzlichst eingeladen. Stattfinden wird das Turnier am zur höchsten Sonne des 20. Bras in der neuen Arena des Reiches.
Das Turnier selber wird dreigeteilt sein: In das reguläre Turnier, den Haufenkampf und das Finale.

The House of the Sea Serpent calls the faithful and just of Illarion to tourney in Cadomyr. Anyone with right of passage of the Cadomyrian gates is cordially invited. It will take place at the highest sun of the 20th of Bras in the new arena of the Realm.
The tourney itself will be divided in three connected competitions: The regular tourney, the common 'Haufenkampf' and the finale.

Teilnahme - Participation

Reguläres Turnier - Regular Tourney

  • Hier treten die regulären Teilnehmer in einem Einzelausscheidungsverfahren gegeneinander an. Ein Kampf des regulären Turniers beginnt auf das Wort des Turnierrichters und endet mit dem Verlassen des gesandeten Bereichs durch den Besiegten. Es wird als höflich angesehen zu Boden Gegangene oder Opponenten mit gestreckten Waffen nicht niederzustrecken.
    Besiegte haben dem Gewinner oder dessen Sekundanten ihre gesamte getragene Kampfausrüstung als Geschenk auszuhändigen. Inwiefern unter der Rüstung getragene Kleidung, Schmuck oder getragene Umhänge und Taschen des Besiegten dazu zählen obliegt der Gnade des Gewinners.

    Dem Besiegten eine angemessene Auslöse durch eine ihm angemessene Queste zu bieten wird als ehrenhaft angesehen. Ein Zurückschenken von Ausrüstung gilt allgemein als arrogante Beleidigung.

    Die Verlierer der ersten Runde treten erneut in einem Ausschlussverfahren gegeneinander an. Hier gelten die selben Regeln. Der Sieger der Verliererrunde hat die Möglichkeit durch das Besiegen des Haufensiegers und des Siegers der regulären Runde Champion des Turniers zu werden.

    Paarungen werden am Vortag des Turniers bekannt gegeben.

    This is where the enlisted regular participants will be pitted in an knockout system. A fight starts on the word of the tourney judge and ends with the the first to leave the sanded ground as defeated. To let yielded and knocked down opponents leave the field is considered polite.
    The defeated are to hand their complete current set of fighting equipment to their winner as a gift on the spot. Wither cloth and jewellery worn under and cloaks and bags over the armour are considered part of the set is up to the winners grace.

    It is considered honourable to offer a ransom for gained equipment to the defeated in form of a quest worth of the losers capability. Gifting equipment back is generally seen as an arrogant insult.

    There will be an additional bracket for the defeated of the first pairings. The same rules are applied here. The victor of these will be able to claim the title of champion by defeating the winner of the 'Haufenkampf' and the victor of the winners bracket.

    Pairings will be announced one day prior to the Tournament.


  • Hier ist die Teilnahme aller Anwesenden erlaubt. Es werden sich alle Haufenkampfteilnehmer auf dem Feld versammeln und auf das Wort des Turnierrichters beginnt der Kampf. Ab diesen Moment darf einjeder auf dem Feld angegriffen werden, der letzte Verbleibende auf dem gesandeten Bereichs wird als Gewinner des Haufenkampfs gekürt.
    Auch hier wird es als höflich angesehen, denjenigen, welche zu Boden gingen oder die Waffen streckten das Verlassen des Feldes zu ermöglichen.

    Der Haufenkampf ist traditionell ein Wettkampf des gemeinen Volkes. Die Teilnahme von Ritten und Adeligen führt gewöhnlich zu Spott und einer völlig legalen Tracht Prügel von Seiten der Gemeinen.

    This is open to any visitor attending the Tourney. Everyone who wishes to take part will gather on the field and on the word of the tourney judge the fight begins. From this moment on anyone on the field may be attacked, the last person remaining on the field wins.
    Letting those that fell or yielded leave the field is considered polite.

    The 'Haufenkampf' traditionally a contest of commoners. Participation of knights and noblemen is usually met with justified mockery and a completely legal beating from the commoners.


  • Hier tritt zunächst Sieger der Verliererrunde gegen Sieger des Haufenkampfs an. Der aus dieser Runde hervorgehende Sieger hat die Möglichkeit dem Gewinner des regulären Turniers den Titel des Turnierchampions zu entringen.

    Für diese Kämpfe gelten Regeln und Gepflogenheiten des regulären Turniers.

    Der Turnierchampion hat das Recht und die Pflicht einer Dame (oder im Falle eines weiblichen Champions einem Herren) den Sieg des Turniers zu widmen.

    This is where the Victor of the defeated challenges the victor of the 'Haufenkampf'. The one victorious has the right to challenge the victor of the regular tourney for the title of the tourneys champion.

    The rules of the regular Tourney do apply.

    The champion of the tourney has the right and duty to devote his victory to a lady (or lord, in case of a female champion).

Magie - Magic

  • Es ist zulässig Magie, Artefakten und magische Ausrüstung zu benutzen. Das Wirken von Magie darf erst mit dem Kampf von dem Teilnehmer begonnen werden und ist mit diesem zu beenden.

    The use magic, atrifacts and magical equipment is permitted. Participants may use magic only during the fight and may not be magically helped from outside.

Zugelassene Ausrüstung - Licenced Equipment

  • Das Tragen von Ausrüstung der Machart des gottlosen Hauses Narnil (welches im Volksmund 'Drow' genannt wird), Fernwaffen, sowie von Tränken sind für die Teilnehmer des Turniers untersagt.
    Einjeder Teilnehmer beginnt das Turnier mit einer getragenen Rüstung, einer Waffe sowie wahlweise einem Schild, für die sonst keine weiteren Einschränkungen gelten. Damit ist magische Ausrüstung und gesockelte Edelsteine im Gegensatz zum vorherigen Turnier erlaubt. Das Wechseln der Ausrüstung, welche zu Beginn des Turniers getragen wird ist nicht zulässig.

    Die einzige Ausnahme im Bezug auf den Wechsel der Ausrüstung ist die Abgabe an den Gewinner nach einem verlorenen Kampf. Nach einer Abgabe der Ausrüstung ist es einem Teilnehmer erlaubt für eventuell darauf folgende Kämpfe ein neues Ausrüstungset anzulegen.

    Carrying equipment of the making of the Godless house of Narnil (commonly known as 'Drow'), ranged weapons as well as potions are verboten.
    Every participant does begin the tourney with one worn set of armour, one weapon and optionally, a shield. There are no further restrictions on these items, which makes the use magical items and socketed gems legal in difference to the previous tourney. Changing this equipment at any time during the tournament is not permitted.

    The only exception to a change of equipment is the case in which one looses the current set to a victor. In this case one may momentarily leave the tourney to get into a new set on which the same rules as on the old one do apply.

Betrug - Cheating

  • Eine zuvorige Stärkung durch Trunke oder Magie wird wie unzulässige Ausrüstung oder das Nichtbefolgen der Regeln als Betrug gewertet. Im Falle eines durch den Turnierrichter festgestellten Betrugs scheidet der Schuldige aus dem Turnier aus, hat Teilnahmeausrüstung wie unrechtmäßig gewonnene Ausrüstung an das Haus der Seeschlange auszuhändigen und wird der Stadt verwiesen.

    Strengthening oneself with a potion or magic prior to the fights is, as unlicensed equipment or the refusal to follow rules, considered cheating. In case of cheating uncovered to or by the tournament judge the culprit is withdrawn from the tournament, the culprit is to hand all unlawfully gained as well as his current equipment to the House of the Sea Serpent and will be thrown out and banned of town.

"Mystery Knight"

  • Ein Platz des regulären Turniers wird für einen anonymen Teilnehmer reserviert. Dieser wird in neutralen Farben und mit verhülltem Gesicht antreten.

    One place of the regular tourney is reserved for an anonymous participant. He will wear neutral colours and keep his face covered.


Für die Ehre des Reiches und die Erwählte der Göttin,
For the honour of the realm and the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange

Geschireben vom Besten der Besten. Lettarius.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:34 pm
by Q-wert
S'rrt congrats on your new appointment i wish it was under better times. Cadomyr's most dishonorable house has seen fit to provoke war again. I will not stand by as they accuse me of killing my dear friend Ufedhin, whom asked me for this current peace. This flea bitten so call noble is a disease to Cadomry and the Queens honor. I will allow ye the passage of no more than two dwarven months to silents this scaled rabid dog. When found he can not be tamed or silenced by Cadomyr i will bring the full force of the army to your walls to do it myself. I do not wish harm to all of Cadomyr but i will not sit by as nothing is done to deal with him. The army has given you more than enough time before now to deal with this issue. They are not only my enemy but the orders as well, i hope we will soon see eye to eye on this matter. Because it has already been leaked from fooser's current spy we do have "dragon's" and can wait for them to hatch if we must. The drums of war are being beaten from inside yer walls don't let them cause hardship for your citizens.

Your Friend
On the Galamrian Declaration of War

The House of the Sea Serpent disagrees strongly with the (very poorly written) words of the Commander of the Galmarian Militia towards Ambassador and Grandmaster K'shire. Children of the Goddess have a thick, leathery skin, unable to be penetrated by small insects such as fleas. The Third House also can assure Brother Fooser to be neither rabid nor a hound.
The House of the Sea Serpent will not accept the demand for a noble of the Royal Court, an advisory position granted by the Chosen One Herself, to be silenced. Such would be defiance of the will of the Goddess, and therefore heresy.

In case the insults, threats and heretic demands of the Commander of the Galmarian Milita represent the will of the Don and the councillors elected by the Galmarian people, the House of the Sea Serpent does accept this declaration of war. The House of the Sea Serpent is willing to wait for an announcement to be made by the Galmarian officials until the two dwarven months of the Militias most insulting ultimatum have passed.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Put to paper by Lettarius. The best with words written.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:53 pm
by Q-wert
The following is a collection of all letters sent by commander Pain of the Galmarian Militia seen by the Chosen One. Their contexts is explained in the official Cadomyrian announcement. The first two are copies, with the originals either in the hands of Ambassador K'shire or at other places on the board. The third one is an original with the unmistakeable handwriting of the commander.
S'rrt congrats on your new appointment i wish it was under better times. Cadomyr's most dishonorable house has seen fit to provoke war again. I will not stand by as they accuse me of killing my dear friend Ufedhin, whom asked me for this current peace. This flea bitten so call noble is a disease to Cadomry and the Queens honor. I will allow ye the passage of no more than two dwarven months to silents this scaled rabid dog. When found he can not be tamed or silenced by Cadomyr i will bring the full force of the army to your walls to do it myself. I do not wish harm to all of Cadomyr but i will not sit by as nothing is done to deal with him. The army has given you more than enough time before now to deal with this issue. They are not only my enemy but the orders as well, i hope we will soon see eye to eye on this matter. Because it has already been leaked from fooser's current spy we do have "dragon's" and can wait for them to hatch if we must. The drums of war are being beaten from inside yer walls don't let them cause hardship for your citizens.

Your Friend
So i now see your true honor S'rrt you took a friendly warning and made it public. Despite numerous folk telling me not to trust ye i did and this is the return? I don't mind adding ye to my list seeing as you already have more enemies than friends. I will also take in many more of your recruits as shown by Isis now joining Galmair and the army. Ye slimy Lizards will soon see yer blood painting the sands ye have my word on that Old Friend.
Brawndara wrote:Lynch no amount of talking will help this issue now, the slandering salamander wants the war and will keep fueling the flames till it happens. At this point all we can do is use the next few months to prepare and try to keep innocent casualties to a minimum. I am done dealing with sun baked fools of the desert, if they are too blinded by the sun to the lizards for what they are then its on them. May Elara help the queen to deal with the issues behind her own walls before i step in and do it myself.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:29 am
by Q-wert
Das Haus der Seeschlange übertrug eine Spende von 1250 Goldmünzen an die Schatzkammer des Reiches.
The House of the Sea Serpent made a donation of 1250 coins of gold to the Realms treasury..

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent
    • Image
Written by Lettarius. Who does find his wage terribly small in proportion to the Houses other expenses.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:12 am
by Q-wert
Der Gesetzlose Joomajin wurde verhaftet und zu Arbeit in den Minen verurteilt um eintausend Steinblöcke für das Grab der Erwählten der Göttin zu schlagen. Er wurde minderer Ketzerei gegenüber der Göttin und dem mehrfachen Angriff auf Bürger Cadomyrs schuldig befunden.

The Outlaw Joomajin was arrested and sentenced to work in the mines to cut one thousand blocks of stone for the grave of the Chosen One. He was found guilty of minor heresy towards the Goddess and multiple assault on citizens of Cadomyr.

In dem Falle, dass jemand wünscht den Gefangenen zu befragen oder weitere Anklagen vorzubringen, rät das Haus der Seeschlange an dies zu tun bevor er sich von seinen Wunden erholt und seine Schuld abgearbeitet hat. Solange Joomajin weitere Feindseligkeiten gegenüber Cadomyr und seiner Bürger unterlässt, zieht das Haus der Seeschlange das auf seinen Kopf ausgesetzte Kopfgeld zurück.

In case someone wishes to interrogate the prisoner or press further charges the House of the Sea Serpent recommends to do so before his wounds are healed he works off the sentence. Unless Joomajin continues his hostilities towards Cadomyr and its citizens the House of the Sea Serpent revokes its bounty on his head.

Der Ork trat an den Tempelkrieger heran, als dieser gerade die Hanfschlinge passierte, und bot Verhandlungen zum Ende seiner Überfälle an. Während dieser erhob Joomajin Anspruch auf die Herrschaft über das Gebiet der Hanfschlinge und bot im Falle einer Anerkennung Bewohnern Cadomyrs freies Geleit. Ebenso bot er an seine häretischen Aussagen über die Göttin zurückzunehmen. Das lächerliche Angebot wurde ausgeschlagen, der Ork in Gewahrsam genommen und seine Wunden versorgt. Keva Bran, welche einschritt und den Tempelkrieger angriff, wurde niedergeschlagen.

The orc approached the Templewarrior as he passed the Hemptie INN, offering to negotiate an agreement to cease his attacks. During such Joomajin claimed sovereignty of the area of the area around the INN and offered free passage for Cadomyrian citizens in case of acknowledgement. He also would revoke his heretic statements towards the Goddess. The laughable offer was turned down, the orc taken into custody and his wounds taken care of. Keva Bran, who moved in to attack the Templewarrior, was struck down.

Die Klage über einen Angriff auf einen Adeligen Cadomyrs und Unterstützung eines gesuchten Kriminellen wird zu denen der kommenden Verhandlungs über die Taten Keva Brans hinzugefügt.

The charge of attacking an Cadomyrian noble and assisting a wanted criminal will be added to those of the upcoming trial of Keva Bran.

Gepriesen sei der Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,
Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


Put to paper by the best scribe of the Realm: Lettarius. Who does not quite understand why such an dangerous individual was captured instead of killed.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:34 pm
by Q-wert
Kleines Turnier der Schützen und Barden - Small Tourney of Archers and Bards

Da das reguläre Turnier aufgrund der Drohung von Seiten der Galmarianischen Miliz auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben bleibt, hält das Haus der Seeschlange das kleine Turnier vor diesem. Das kleine Turnier besteht aus zwei unabhängigen Wettstreiten: Dem Wettschießen in der neuen Arena des Reiches und dem anschließenden Bardenwettstreit in der Taverne der Stadt.
Das Turnier beginnt mit dem Wettschießen zur höchsten Sonne des elften Malas. Einjeder welcher die Tore Cadomrs passieren darf ist herzlich eingeladen als Teilnehmer und Zuschauer teilzuhaben. Schützen haben sich bis zum Vortag des Turniers im Palast einzutragen.

As the regular tourney remains postponed due to the threat of the Galmarian Militia, the House of the Sea Serpent will hold the small tourney prior. The small tourney consists of two separate competitions: The shooting match in the new arena and the contest of bards in the tavern afterwards.
The tourney will begin with the shooting match at the highest sun of the 11th of Malas. Anyone granted entry to the city Cadomyr is cordially invited to attend as participant and spectator. Archers are to enlist at the palace until one day prior to the competition.

Wettschießen - Shooting Match

Das Wettschießen findet in der neuen Arena statt. Einjede Fernwaffe ist erlaubt, solange sie von dem Teilnehmer geführt wird und das punktuelle Zentrum des Einschlags ohne weitere Probleme ermittelbar ist. Es wird drei Durchgänge geben, in welchen jedem Schützen jeweils ein Schuss gestattet ist, des beste Schuss wird vom Turnierrichter bestimmt und gewinnt den Durchgang. Die Person mit den meisten gewonnen Durchgängen gewinnt. Im Falle eines Gleichstandes gibt es einen Vierten Durchgang um den Sieger zu ermitteln. Der Sieger darf sich des ersten Schützenkönigstitel seit der Rückkehr der alten Götter rühmen und erhält ein Preisgeld über 25 Goldmünzen.

The shooting match will take place in the new arena. Any ranged weapon is allowed, as long as it is carried by its contestant and the punctual centre of its hit can be easily determined. There will be three rounds with each contestant allowed one shot at the target, the best shot determined by the tourney judge winning the round. The person with the most best shots wins. In case of a tie, a fourth round between the best archers will determine the victor. The victor may pride himself to be champion marksman of the first tourney after the return of the Old Gods and receives a price money of 25 coins of gold.

((We will determine the outcome by rolling dice on . The rolls will be /r 1d100+(skill level)+(bow level). In case you want to roll yourself or watch, register (doesn't cost a thing and there won't be any spam) and poke me in the irc before we start. I'll be around 30 minutes prior.))

Bardenwettstreit - Contest of Bards

Dieser Wettkampf steht allen Besuchern offen. Einjede Form der Musik, sei sie in gesungen in Alt oder Neu, gespielt auf einem Instrument oder gar von einem Tanze begleitet ist erlaubt. Es ist gestattet Gruppen zu formen, welche dann als einzelner Teilnehmer zählen. Jeder nicht teilnehmende Anwesende erhält ein farbiges Band, welches dem Barden mit der seiner Meinung nach besten Darstellung geschenkt werden darf. Der Teilnehmer mit den meisten geschenkten Bändern gewinnt. Im Falle eines Gleichstandes teilen sich die Teilnehmer mit den meisen Bändern den Preis des Siegers. Der Sieger des Wettstreits darf sich als erster Barde der Herzen seit der Rückkehr der alten Götter rühmen und erhält ein Preisgeld über 25 Goldmünzen.

This contest is open to any visitor present. Any form of music, be it sung in Old or New, played with an instrument or accompanied by a dance may be played. It is allowed to form groups, which will be considered a single contestant. All non competing visitors will be given one coloured ribbon at the beginning, which may be bestowed upon the contestant displaying the best performance by the judgement of each spectator. The contestant with the most bestowed ribbons wins. In case of a tie, all contestants with the most ribbons share the winners prize. The winner may pride himself to be winner of hearts of the first contest of bards after the return of the Old Gods and receives a price money of 25 coins of gold.

Gepriesen sei der Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,
Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


Written by Lettarius. The most magnificent, best looking and most humble scribe to ever grace the world with his presence.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:35 pm
by Q-wert
Gesucht: Rowtag - Wanted: Rowtag

Der Gesetzlose Rowtag ist umgehend dem Tempelkrieger vorzuführen.
Das Haus der Seeschlange bietet zehn Goldmünzen demjenigen, der dies vollbringt ohne dem Gesetzlosen ein Haar zu krümmen.

The outlaw Rowtag is to be brought before the Templewarrior at once.
The House of the Sea Serpent does offer ten coins of gold for whomever does so with the oulaw unharmed.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

Gepriesen sei der Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


Put to paper by Lettarius. Who can but wonder of the reason for the outlaws significance, as it is usually him who is in desperate demand everytime matters of words written arise.

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:10 pm
by Mephistopheles
Arr my apologies fer postin questions on yer own black board here, but can ye perhaps explain a little more as te why Mister Rowtag is wanted? If ye will send me a dove I'd be interested in hearing and possibly trying te assist in this matter.

Vern Burnhammer, knight of her majesty

Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:26 pm
by Duncan
Waffenübung - Arms Practice

Auf Wunsch ihrer Majestät, der Erwählten der Göttin, hält das Dritte Haus zur höchsten Sonne des 05. Olos eine weitere Waffenübung ab. Diese Waffenübung dient der Vorbereitung des Kampfes gegen den großen schwarzen Drachen.

Von Untertanen Ihrer Majestät, der Erwählten der Göttin, welche einen Speer führen können wird, wie zur letzten Übung, Anwesenheit erwartet.
Bürger Runewicks sind, wie zu letzten Übung, herzlichst eingeladen teilzunehmen.

On wish of Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, the Third House is holding an arms practice at the highest sun of the 5th of Olos. This Arms practice serves as preparation for the fight against the big balck dragon.

Attendance of Subjects of Her Majesty, Chosen of the Goddess, able to hold a spear is, just as it was for the previous practice, expected.
As last time Runewickian Citizens will be welcomed most warmly to join in.

Praised be the Five and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,
Gepriesen seien die Fünf und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,
  • Duncan Mac Gullis,
    Novize of the House of the Sea Serpent


Re: Haus der Seeschlange // House of the Sea Serpent

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:44 pm
by Q-wert
Letter of Attorney

Duncan Mac Guillis, Novice to Ushara, may hereby act and speak in the name of Templewarrior Ssar'ney for the investigation of, and battle against, the seventh guardian of the flame sea gates. The House of the Sea Serpent expects any servant of the Chosen One to aid the Novice with any means possible to end the unfaithful doings of this tainted spirit of fire. Sightings of the spirit, usually manifesting as speaking fire or humanoid black skeleton, are to be reported to the Novice.

May the might of Mother Zelphia and Her Firstborn, the Ushak-Skath, be with those standing against this spirit.
  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent
Written by Lettarius. Who dislikes any fire larger than a candle that might endanger craftfully calligraphed paper.

New Tourney Date - Neuer Zeitpunkt für das Turnier

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:06 pm
by Q-wert
Da der Konflikt nun beigelegt wurde, ist das Haus der Seeschlange stolz endlich die höchste Sonne des zwanzigsten Naras als Beginn des Turniers anzukündigen. Abgesehen von den neuen Zeiten bleiben Regeln, Ort und Prozedur identisch mit der initialen Bekanntgabe.
Reguläre Teilnehmer haben sich bis zur höchsten Sonne des vierzehnten Naras, zwei Dreitage vor dem Turnier, einzutragen. Die Liste hierfür hängt am Eingang zum Palast der Erwählten aus.

With the Conflict resolved, the House of the Sea Serpent is proud to finally announce the highest sun of the 20th of Naras to be the tourneys begin. Asides from the new times rules, place and procedure are as written in the initial announcement.
Regular Participants are to enlist until the highest sun of the 14th of Naras, two triple days prior to the tourney. The list can be found at the entrance to the Chosen Ones palace.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,
Gepriesen sei der Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange


Written by Lettarius. Who wonders wither the deliberately placed slight differences in his copies are wasted on this audience or not.

On the Blasphemy of Ashley Blackreigns

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:01 pm
by Q-wert
During her visit to the Realms settlement priestess Ashley Blackreigns did, in disregard to the grace expected from a servant of the Gods, speak most lowly of the sacred bond of marriage, Queen Rosaline Edwards of Cadomyr, Chosen of the Goddess, and Tanora Herself. She was asked to leave the inner walls and refrain from speaking blasphemy upon her return by the Templewarrior. After repeating the wish as an order and lengthy continued refusal from the priestess the Templewarrior made use of his staff for but bringing her to a fall as a final warning. As the elfess continued her insults during her hesitant retreat, she was struck down.

The House of the Sea Serpent does not deny entry to the gates to the priestess in case of her survival. It however would expect her to now show respect towards the Goddess, the Chosen of the Goddess, Her representatives as well as Cadomyrian traditions. As asked of her, Blackreigns is, if still alive, to cease speaking blasphemy during her visits to the Realm.

Asides from the merchants close to the northern depot Novice Giles Lief of the House of the Sea Serpent had been witness to the blasphemy spoken by Blackreigns. The Grandmaster was present at the last moment.

Foreign complaints are to be handed to the Ambassador to Galmair, Grandmaster K'shire of the Crimson Order.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


Put to paper by Lettarius. Who had been called to write this while he was well asleep in the middle of the night.

Preperation: Borderland-Expedition

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:32 pm
by Q-wert
The days of blood have passed and with them the attacks on the Realms fortress have thinned down to lone stragglers finding their way to the gate from not yet cleansed parts of the desert. Likewise the demons servant Markus, who seems to have (rather poorly) coordinated the attacks on all three settlements, has not been sighted since.

Most of the corpses of the attackers already have been burned, unidentifyable fallen defenders were already given to the Sea. The House of the Sea Serpent had the damage to the walls surveyed and repairs will begin once enough material has been donated to the cause.

Now, with the enemy at its weakest and retreated into the former drow cave in the east of the Cadomyrian desert it is time to take the fight into the demons lair and cleanse the land from this impurity. Every servant of the Chosen One is expected to participate in the upcoming expedition, faithful and disciplined foreign participants are more than welcome to join.

The day of the expedition will be chosen by Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards of Cadomyr, Chosen of the Goddess, and be announced right after Her decision.

For the Glory of the Goddess, Her Firstborn and the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


As usual, almost completely redone and written by Lettarius. Who at least will not be out of work for quite a while.


Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:33 pm
by Q-wert
The Chosen One has spoken Her will.

The Borderland-Expedition to end the spider demon Alkatut will head out at the highest sun of the 24th of the Goddess' month.
An arms practice, applying the usual customs, will be held in the practice hall of Cadomyr three dwarven days prior.

All relevant information can be found in previous papers.

In the name of Rosaline Edwards, Queen of Cadomyr, Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


By lettarius. Who has to admit this to have been an easy one.


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 6:39 pm
by Q-wert
Der Elfe Floriel wurden aller Ränge und Privilegien der Reichsbürgerschaft und des Dienstes für die Erwählte der Göttin entzogen. Durch die willentliche stille Nichtausführung der von ihr angenommen Aufgabe den in Galmair inhaftierten Kultisten Alkatuts Markus ausfindig zu machen und für ein Verhör nach Cadomyr zu überführen fehlen der von der Erwählten der Göttin befohlenen Expedition zur Niederstreckung Alkatuts wichtige Informationen.
Im Falle, dass Markus aufgrund der fehlenden Überführung wieder im Dienste des Dämonen steht wird sich Floriel vor der Erwählten der Göttin verantworten.

Die Expedition wird trotz dieser Sabotage wie geplant stattfinden. Einjeder mit Schriftkenntnis der gemeinen Handelssprache hat Feder, Tinte und Papier mit sich zu führen. Die Kämpfer unter den Teilnehmern werden in Einheiten von drei unterteilt, von denen je zwei eine Fernwaffe führen werden. Einheitsführer unterstehen der Expeditionsleitung, und gehen im Rahmen ihrer Befehle als geschlossene Gruppe nach eigenem Ermessen vor. Die neue Handelssprache wird als Befehlssprache der obersten Ebene dienen.
Einjeder Diener der Erwählten der Göttin welcher sich zu dem Zeitpunkt im Reich ohne gewichtigen Auftrag aufhält hat der Expedition beizuwohnen. Disziplinierte und gläubige ausländische Helfer und Verbündete werden gerne bei der Expedition willkommen geheißen.

Ehre dem Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange
Geschireben von Lettarius. Der natürlich die ihm überantworteten Aufgaben mit graziler Leichtigkeit bravourös meistert.

Death of Alkatut

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:23 pm
by Q-wert
With Zelphias will done and the demon Alkatut slain the Expedition has been a whole success.
The demons remains, a spider amulet, have been put to the other artefacts of the House for safekeeping.

The House of the Sea Serpent thanks all participants for remaining faithful and disciplined until the very end. Those who fell during the expedition will be prayed for.
Once the Cadomyrian walls have been restored the Third House will advise the Chosen of the Goddess to hold a ceremony to honour the unit commanders Teptoc, Teries, Francois and Banduk for their excellent service and unyielding faith.

Honour to the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent


By Lettarius. Who'd never dare to mention feeling uneasy about all the demonic artefacts the Templewarrior is piling up.