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And the stars were duly aligned (rp)

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:23 am
by Meriel Pelith
((open rp if anyone feels like writing something))

Meriel woke first that morning, even though she tried to hold onto the sleep as long as she could. She had the most wonderful dream that she did not yet want to end, until the realization slowly seeped in, that this dream might just one day become reality. She watched Thurimbrand for a while, sleeping soundly next to her, not to be woken up by her stirring, or even by the kiss she placed on his cheek, before she got up and walked to the balcony. Leaning on the rail she looked into the distance. Things were suddenly happening very fast. It was merely two days ago that Meriel had come back from her little travel with Thurimbrand as both felt they needed a small change of scenery. On their short journey together, they've grown closer. Much closer than they were before and Meriel found herself thinking about a future. That was dangerous territory. Meriel had never as much as dared to plan out a future for herself, fearing that at any moment, at any time, chaos would once more throw her life into disarray. What changed that she suddenly found the bravery to make that step? Was it Thurimbrands doing?

She was still scared. Of course she was. She had approached the gods with a wish, that she had carried in her heart for the last twenty years; she had even told Thurimbrand she loved him. Meriel couldn't remember the last time she had made herself this vulnerable and a persistent, small part of her was still expecting a knife in her back at any second. Was expecting fate to turn around and destroy her hopes in the moment she felt too secure. But she kept going. There was no turning back. She didn't want to turn back. She wanted this, she wanted Thurimbrand and just for once in her life she wanted to be genuinely happy.

"I love you, Thurimbrand."
"You what-what?"
"You heard me."
"There is one more silly question I need to ask you..."
"Will you marry me?"

"Did you say yes?!"
"Maybe you need to wash your ears."

Re: And the stars were duly aligned (rp)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:06 am
by Meriel Pelith
As Meriel awoke it still only dawned outside. Through the twilight of the early morning she looked to the other bed across of hers and her dark brown eyes lingered on the sleeping, young elfess. Meriel understood that Lyssa wasn’t really as young as she seemed. She was on her Navro’anai after all. But her innocence and naivety, as well as her small size made her appear younger than she was and got Meriel’s mother instincts all fired up. She had a hard time keeping those feelings to herself, and really, wasn’t very successful at it at all. But it took all strength she had, not to ask Lyssa, to stay with her and promise to look after her. It wasn’t a promise she could make. She had her own child on her way and really, Lyssa was old enough not to need a parent. She needed a friend and a good portion of self-confidence. And yet here she was…, happy and relieved that Lyssa had moved to Runewick, comforted her when she cried last night and had even tugged her into bed. She was incorrigibly.

Quietly, without waking the young elfess, Meriel walked outside and onto the balcony. She leaned lightly against the railing and watched as the world around her slowly awoke. Listening to the leaves rustling in the wind, the occasional birding singing in the distance. Thinking back of yesterday, she couldn’t help herself but think that everyone seemed to behave oddly. And she didn’t understand why. Occasionally she found herself feeling as if she was dreaming. Some conversations had a surreal quality to them, that she only knew from dreams otherwise. And she got tired so quickly throughout the day, which she blamed on her pregnancy and the troubles she was having.
The elfess turned away from the balcony and sat slowly on the chair, she put both of her hands on her belly, that was barely visible below her clothes and exhaled a quiet sigh. Looking down at her belly, she shook her head lightly. She couldn’t even remember how this happened. She wanted this, she knew as much. She even remembered praying to Oldra. But for the love of all gods, she could not remember who the father of her child was. It wasn’t unlike her, not to be certain who it might be. There could have been any number of candidates… but she didn’t remember any. She didn’t remember being with anyone for… a surprisingly long time. And thinking about it made her tired. It was like the answer was right infront of her and she just needed to reach for it, but every time she thought she could grasp it, she reached into nothing. It was exhausting. Like walking knee deep in a swamp of heavy thoughts.

It wasn’t important anyway, she thought as she surrendered to the sudden exhaustion, turning her thoughts away from the matter. Whoever the father was, she wouldn’t involve him in this. She was content having a child, she wasn’t looking for anything more than that. A ridiculous thought: Meriel Pelith in a genuine relationship, raising a child with her spouse. Please. She knew better. No man could ever win her heart.
Her lips curled into an amused smile and she eventually closed her eyes, her arms still wrapped protectively around her belly. ”I have everything I want, right here.”, she thought to herself. But as the thought disappeared and tiredness overwhelmed her, she couldn’t help but feel a strange loneliness.

Something was missing.

Re: And the stars were duly aligned (rp)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:07 pm
by Yridia Anar
Her dreams were restless and weird. So she decided to go for a walk in the peaceful woods behind Runewick.
The place where the water spirit did speak to her, should be exactly the right place to ease her mind.
She thought fondly of Falyame who did show her this place - she missed her greatly.

Sitting on the edge of the water she started to ponder about Meriel and the happenings around her.
She was sure Lyssa would keep her word to help and nothing to do, to bring Meriel in trouble.

A very unusual anger did nag on her about the blindfold action of Djironnyma. How could he do this ? Did he think Meriel will sit in a cage as long as she is pregnant ?
Did he know her nature so less ? And how to prevent all the questions after all the ruckus the "runaway Bride" caused ?
He had for sure not even think about, what could happen to her, if people asking her about the marriage, Thurimbrand and all the other things.
Meriel got tired and headaches if she tried to think about - maybe this was far more dangerous then the pain and unrest she had before.
" some herbal tea, rest and someone to talk, holding her hand had do the same, but without harm " she says quietly to the stone
"poor Thurimbrand. How cruel from Djironnyma, how unethical !"

But she was in fear to break the hypnosis, to lift the ban from Meriel - it could be have brutal consequences to her and the unborn child.
A deep sigh escapes her, unsure what she will do. Meriel was her friend and to avoid the truth was a terrible lie and betrayal on this friendship.

She starts to sing a chant to Ushara to help and guide her. Her voice fills the air around, even the animals listening for a moment, one moment in time all was peacefully.

Re: And the stars were duly aligned (rp)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:10 pm
by Alyssa El'anir
Alyssa, or as she herself preferred to be called, Lyssa, was awakened by the soft touch of sunlight that slowly had made its way through the nearby window and into the room, to the bed she was lying in. Enjoying the calm atmosphere and warmth of the sun, Lyssa smiled happily to herself, deciding to lay there for a little longer.

It was already past noon when she finally opened her eyes. Sometimes she wondered to herself why time appeared to move by so quickly, usually settling with it having something to do with her elven heritage.
Today however, was not one of those times, as in the moment she had opened her eyes she had been distracted by the empty bed next to hers, or rather, the memories it brought flooding back to her from the day before.

Was it the day before?
Her thoughts went wandering, sometimes she questioned her own sanity, as her memories and sense of time was always so elusive. Soon enough though, her thoughts returned to the matter at hand.
How Meriel had lost her memory of Thurimbrand, and even worse, how Lyssa has to keep it all a secret from Meriel until she has given birth to her child, which for all Lyssa knew,it could take years!
The happy smile on her lips quickly faded as she felt emotions of sadness and pain well up inside her, closing her eyes as she felt the tears coming. It had surprised her how quickly she had grown attached to Meriel. Granted, she had started her Navro'anai earlier than most elves, she had already been on her own for seven years now, a whole seven years alone, without ever getting this affectionate about anyone. What had changed to make her suddenly want to depend on other people now?
"I've always cherished the company of others." she muttered to herself, then sat up in the bed, shaking her head.

She knew most people considered her to be naive and childish, and they were most likely right. She had never been very patient with the lessons of the elders in her tribe over the past century, everything else having seemed so much more important at the time. She jumped at the chance to leave on her Navro'Anai. Was she stupid? No. That wasn't right. ""I just don't have the knowledge, yet!" she spoke aloud, nodding contently to herself. Then she remembered her original trail of thoughts, the content look disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

Never had she cherished the company of someone like this before. She had not spent all that much time with Meriel yet, though the little time she had spent with her she realised she cherished above all else. She had become like the older sister, or even mother, that Lyssa had never had. I wonder what it is to have a family.. The thought rose to her head before she could stop it. Once more she shook her head. " No, the tribe back home and all my new friends are my family." she spoke aloud to herself.

However, there were more important matters at hand. How was she going to carry this burden of a secret for so long, and what if Thurimbrand and Meriel never ended up getting back together?
She didn't know. Maybe it was best for her to do nothing at all for now.
Strawberry juice. A voice in the back of her head spoke.
Yes. She'd like that. She would go get some juice, then figure out what to do later.
The usual bright smile made its appearance again on her lips as she headed for the stairs, the prospect of strawberry juice being suddenly very alluring.

Re: And the stars were duly aligned (rp)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:58 pm
by Aegohl
In the forest below the tower a figure slight and tall with long pointy ears paces in the shadows. His glossy emerald hair, usually so well-maintained, is a jumble and his clothes are covered in pine needles, sap, and soil. Carried at his side is a bottle of malodorous green fluid. The name of this elf is Thurimbrand, and this is the worst week of his life.

Throwing his back against a tree he pounds it's trunk with a fist like a child in a temper tantrum. Bringing his bottle to his lips, he can no longer feel it's burn; he's drank too much again. He tosses the rest of the bottle aside where it clinks against one of a half dozen bottles that scatter the forest ground.

Suddenly the silence of the night is broken by distant music. The young elf opens his eyes to a vision of Meriel on the balcony above. Her graceful fingers pluck the strings of a golden harp as she begins to sing in the ancient language of the elves, a tongue made for song. The white light of the moon reflects radiantly off her pale flesh. Thurimbrand watches, enchanted, from below.

As he places his hands away in his pockets he feels something there that he had forgotten. Removing it he holds it in his open palm, examining it. In the shadows of the night his palms glow blue-green from luminescent water blossom petals, now crushed from time spent tucked away. It suddenly dawned on him where it came from.

"What luck," he exclaimed as he had found the blossom where it drifted just below his feet. Lyssa eyed him curiously. Neither could have known then that it wasn't to be a lucky day at all. That was the day that Meriel left him at the altar.

With a pained sigh on his breath, Thurimbrand steadies the petals of the flower and releases it back into the water where it floats off and away.

Re: And the stars were duly aligned (rp)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:03 pm
by Meriel Pelith
And that’s how quickly she caved. Just a little bit more time spent with Lyssa and Meriel had finally offered to take her in and be part of her family. Which wasn’t a real family as such, not yet anyway. It was just Lyssa and her – and with a baby on the way. But while Meriel had selfishly given in to what her heart wished for, it still didn’t sit entirely right with her. She wanted to care for the young elfess and look after her, but the past has proven that she always had trouble hot on her heels. She should be the last person to promise the young elfess to keep her safe. But while it was too late, to take it back, Meriel decided she would talk to her, the next opportunity they got. Lyssa had the right to know what she got herself into, being associated with Meriel. And then it would be up to her to decide, whether that was the family, she wanted. She had to be honest.

But that was a conversation for tomorrow. It was late now and Lyssa had already gone to bed, after their little trip to Cadomyr’s tavern. Meriel on the other hand, found herself on the balcony again. There was something about this place, that calmed her and made her feel at ease. Like it was home, and yet… it was a torn feeling. She couldn’t explain it. She felt as though this place was connected to so many memories, yet there were none. She felt at home here, yet so lonely. As she sat on the chair, with her harp on her lap and listened out into the quiet night, Meriel struggled to keep that nagging feeling of loneliness at bay. She didn’t understand it either. The elfess had never been one for relationships, she’d always been content with the life she led, finding a different warm bed, every other night. She had never felt lonely. Not like this. Like a hole in her heart. It didn’t make any sense.

As she lowered her eyes and let her fingers skillfully pluck the strings of her instrument, she sang quietly along the tune in her native tongue.

Where are you this moment?
Only in my dreams.
You're missing, but you're always
A heartbeat away from me.
I'm lost now without you,
I don't know where you are.
I keep watching, I keep hoping,
But time keeps us apart.