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Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 12:53 am
by Vilarion
Hello dear players,

we currently have got a rule that limits and regulates the usage of magic in roleplay.
rules wrote:A gamemaster's permission is needed for all magical and divine interventions that cannot be realised by the engine.
This rule is the continued source of discussion regarding how magic is used in the game and who is allowed to do what. If we rework this rule, we thought that you, the players, should have a say in this. This is what this poll is for. We would like you to vote here what we should do regarding this rule. We ask everyone to only use one account to vote and discuss in this topic. Those who vote with multiple accounts will we removed from the final result of the poll with all of their voices.

Now since procedures are clear, some words on the options:

Option 1: There is no magic
The effects of this solution to the problem are as simple as it sounds. All magic is removed from the game until its reintroduced once there is a usable engine based magic system to set the foundation of magic. This comes along with disabling all magic of monsters. For teleporters there need to be new solutions and also it is necessary to find some decent explanations for things like the depot. Nothing that cannot be solved.
The advantages of this option are in our opinion:
  • Perfectly clear situation in matters of rules
  • Fair and equal treatment of all players by design
And the disadvantages:
  • Removal of a major part of the game world
  • Removal of a all RP possibilities regarding magic
Option 2: Keep everything as it is
The title says everything that is there to say. The rules and handling of magic by GMs and players stay as they are now. While this does not solve the problem that triggered this discussion in the first place... it is still possible to just ignore any problem. :wink:
The advantages of this option are in our opinion:
  • The rule is established and known to player base and GMs, no need to get accustomed to anything new
  • The rule leaves the GMs a lot of possibilities to be used in events and quests
And the disadvantages:
  • The reason for this discussion were continued complaints regarding unfair treatment of players, this issue will not be solved.
Option 3: Add some exceptions to the rule
This option aims towards keeping the rule, but adding some specific exceptions for magic related actions which would then be exempt from regulation by engine or by GMs. The exact specifications of those exceptions need to be determined in case this option is chosen.
The advantages of this option are in our opinion:
  • The players gain some more freedom regarding magic related RP.
  • The rule leaves the GMs a lot of possibilities to be used in events and quests.
And the disadvantages:
  • This option might not solve the initial reason for this poll since the GMs still hold control over all magic that lies outside of the exception
Option 4: Drop the magic part of the rule
If this option is chosen the part of the rule in question that regulates the magical usage is simply dropped. So players are allowed to RP with magic whatever seems reasonable to them... until a GM steps in and tells them otherwise.
The advantages of this option are in our opinion:
  • The players gain a lot more roleplaying possibilities.
And the disadvantages:
  • Since everyone has a different interpretation of reasonable, players might end up in discussions whether what they are doing is allowed or not.
  • GMs do not have any guideline regarding magic, so it is entirely up to the GMs interpretation/judgement/feeling/mood to decide if the usage of magic by the players is alright. This is very likely to cause the feeling of unfair treatment by the staff.
Now it is up to you. Please share your thoughts.

Your Illarion team


Hallo liebe Spieler,

zurzeit haben wir eine Regel, welche den Gebrauch von Magie im Rollenspiel limitiert und reguliert.
Regeln wrote:Bei magischem und göttlichem Wirken oder übernatürlichen Eigenschaften gilt, dass alles, was man nicht über die Engine von Illarion umsetzen kann, eine Genehmigung eines Gamemasters erfordert.
Diese Regel sorgt fortwährend für Diskussionen wie Magie im Spiel gebraucht wird und wer was darf. Falls wir diese Regel ändern dachten wir, dass ihr, die Spieler, nach eurer Meinung gefragt werden solltet. Dies ist der Zweck dieser Umfrage. Wir möchten euch bitten hier darüber abzustimmen, wie wir mit dieser Regel umgehen sollten. Jeder möge bitte nur einen Account zum Abstimmen und Diskutieren benutzen. Die Stimmen derer, die mehrere Accounts benutzen, werden komplett aus dem Ergebnis der Umfrage entfernt.

Nun, da das Verfahren klar ist, einige Worte bezüglich der Optionen:

Option 1: Es gibt keine Magie
Der Effekt dieser Lösung ist so einfach wie es klingt. Jegliche Magie wird aus dem Spiel entfernt bis sie wieder mittels eines brauchbaren Engine-basierten Magiesystems eingeführt wird, das die Grundlagen der Magie schaffen wird. Damit einher geht die Deaktivierung aller Monstermagie. Für Teleporter und Depots müssen neue Erklärungen geschaffen werden, nichts was sich nicht machen lässt.
Die Vorteile dieser Option sind unserer Meinung nach:
  • Eine klare Situation was die Regeln angeht
  • Faire Gleichbehandlung aller Spieler per Design
Und die Nachteile:
  • Entfernung eines großen Bestandteils aus der Spielwelt
  • Entfernung aller RP-Möglichkeiten was Magie betrifft
Option 2: Lasst alles wie es ist
Der Titel sagt alles was es zu sagen gibt. Die Regeln und die Handhabung von Magie durch GMs und Spieler bleiben wie sie sind. Während dies nicht das Problem löst, welches diese Diskussion hervorgerufen hat... ist es durchaus möglich jegliches Problem zu ignorieren. :wink:
Die Vorteile dieser Option sind unserer Meinung nach:
  • Die Regel ist etabliert und bekannt bei Spielern und GMS, man muss sich an nichts Neues gewöhnen
  • Die Regel lässt den GMs eine Reihe an Möglichkeiten für Events und Quests
Und die Nachteile:
  • Der Grund für diese Diskussion waren sich wiederholende Beschwerden bzgl. ungleicher Behandlung von Spielern. Dies wird nicht gelöst
Option 3: Fügt ein paar Ausnahmen zur Regel hinzu
Diese Option zielt auf den Erhalt der Regel ab, aber ein paar spezifische Ausnahmen bzgl. magie-verwandter Handlungen, welche nicht durch die Engine oder durch GMs reguliert werden, werden hinzugefügt. Die exakte Spezifikation dieser Ausnahmen muss im Bedarfsfall entschieden werden.
Die Vorteile dieser Option sind unserer Meinung nach:
  • Die Spieler erhalten etwas mehr Freiheit was Magie im RP betrifft
  • Die Regel lässt den GMs eine Reihe an Möglichkeiten für Events und Quests
Und die Nachteile:
  • Die Regel könnte das ursprüngliche Problem nicht beheben, da die GMs immer noch über alle nicht von der Regel ausgenommenen Fälle entscheiden
Option 4: Entfernt den Magieteil aus der Regel
Falls wir uns für diese Möglichkeit entscheiden, so wird der Magieteil einfach aus der Regel gestrichen. Also sind die Spieler in der Lage Magie im Rollenspiel zu nutzen wie es ihnen beliebt...bis ein GM einschreitet.
Die Vorteile dieser Option sind unserer Meinung nach:
  • Die Spieler erhalten eine Menge neuer Möglichkeiten für ihr Rollenspiel
Und die Nachteile:
  • Da jeder eine andere Definition von "angemessen" hat, könnten sich Spieler in Diskussionen verstricken ob etwas erlaubt ist oder nicht
  • GMs haben keine Richtlinien bzgl. Magie, also hängt es gänzlich von der Interpretation / dem Urteil / dem Gefühl / der Stimmung der GMs ab zu entscheiden ob der Gebrauch der Magie im Einzelfall in Ordnung war. Dies könnte zu dem Gefühl der Ungleichbehandlung durch das Team führen.
Jetzt ist es an Euch. Bitte teilt eure Gedanken mit uns.

Euer Illarion-Team

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:06 am
by Ranwyln
Pretty difficult, cause several Chars with a long history were played as mages (with a working magic system) that will loose the biggest aspect of there roleplay than. Other question for me (cause i dont know it) is what happened that there is no magic working anymore (lorewise) and which explanations are given for working magic, like monsters one, teleporters, the Archmages magic, magical weapons and so on (was it stored on items and still can be used till its exhausted and so on )

Without magic a lot of events wouldnt work anymore....but on the other hand for events with magic in em like how to close portals and so on, magic will be needed from playerbase too.

So i guess i will vote for magic/divine things with permission of gms, but i would like to know which kind of unfair treatment was ment (an example would be nice).

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:14 am
by Mephistopheles
Keep it.. its the reason why some mages continue to play while theres no magic system.

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:20 am
by Nitram
I have to say, I am disappointed. A topic regarding the future of the magic, in the general board, up for open discussion... and 3 posts.

It looks like you don't care for magic, so we can remove it! :wink:

Before starting I'd like to say that my lines here reflect my personal opinion and not the position of the team or something.

It might come as a surprise to you, but that "There is no magic" option was my idea. This idea might sound drastic, but in my opinion it is not that far fetched.

To start with we have to face some facts:
First is that there won't be a working magic system that is scripted and able to layout the foundation of the entire magic. Its too much work and its work you can't do in a few days because you have to consider MANY things.
Second thing is that the current situation is not that good. The situation of the magic is unclear at best, everything relies on the GMs. Some think other players are favoured in the support of their magical abilities. Some feel ignored, some just do what they want and complain if they get slapped by the GMs who interpreted the rules differently. Lots of ooc conflict potential that is not good.
Third is that I think that all "systems" that rely on GMs are flawed by design. GMs are not always around, GMs make mistake, GMs favour people. That's normal. GMs are people, people avoid people they do not like. In our case the liked people get favoured, hopefully only slightly. In a perfect world that wouldn't be the case.. but well need to work with what we got.

Now regarding the options:
In my opinion option 2 and 3 don't resolve anything. We are in a bad situation and to resolve this in my opinion we need a clear rules and leave as little space for interpretation as possible. So... 2 does not change anything, and 3 clutters the rules with exception no one can remember and still leave everything up to interpretation. So the third option may even be worse because in addition to not helping anything it clutters the rules.

So regarding the options that actually tackle the problem properly.
The fourth option is... tricky. No rules regarding magic. Sure the other rules still apply. So cooking someone with my RPed fire, still is covered by the forced RP rule. But still. I can imagine a lot of creative/stupid things to do with RPed magic... and I am sure I am but scratching the surface of what some players will be able to think of. Sure in a perfect world all that is fine, because you can't do any real harm ( :wink: ) but I think it has the potential to highly disrupt the roleplay.

Moving on to my idea and my favourite solution.
In matters of rules its equally simple as option 4. With the addition that is prevents any and all possibilities of GM favouritism, because there is no magic for GMs as well. So players who have friends among the GMs get no magic and players who don't have those GM friends get no magic too. That resolves the major complains regarding this (at least in the context of magic).
Now the impact on the game world if there were no magic would be quite spectacular. Mages can't cast (not even in roleplay), monsters can't cast, magical weapons don't sparcle, portals don't work. It drops the game into a new situation. Something the characters need to handle and that can be the base of really good roleplay. Now some of you might say: But but but, the mage character players will leave the game. And I do not think that this would be the case. Because: What really changes for the players of mage characters? They still can't cast with the engine and no one, not even a rule that says that the magic is currently not working is able to stop them from talking what ever they see fit. The RP of those characters currently relies on the point that those characters are intelligent (and influential) persons. And they are so without the ability to set someone on fire. Its not that much of a difference.

Sure this "solution" takes away something from the world. But in the end that something is not really around currently. It clears up the rules and massively reduces OOC conflict potential. In addition to that, it creates a new situation in the game, you and your characters can work with.

... Also the implementation is only like deleting stuff... so rather easy.

In my opinion that is the way to go.

What do you think?


Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:45 am
by Alytys Lamar
Since I just returned to Illarion and lack on some knowledge of the magical system I can only say what I felt as I did read your post Nitram.
I voted for *let it be as it is* btw, cause I got the impression its all fine and set.
I see the difficulty about favors and GM's - but this was always the case. And I remember flame wars in old Illa about mages and what they did :P
There are for sure some points you made to think about - but remove Magic ?? Seriously ??
Illarion is in my opinion a game who needs magic - or you can rename it in *real life in medieval world*
Do we really want so much reality ?

I for my part wont - I am not a mage, but Illarion would lose a huge part of its charm for me if this is your serious solution Nitram.

Just my two cents.

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:58 am
by Annabeth
Nitram pretty much summed up my feelings regarding the topic.

I played a teacher of magic pre VBU, and know what great fun of an element magic can be in this world of RP. However there are too many flaws. It confuses the new players, as well as older ones at times. It causes messy discussions about GM's favoring their friends, and what can or can not be RP'ed as magic through emotes. I feel with a game that already is flawed and still needs a lot of work, does not need something as complicated as magic until its other flaws are mostly gone.

So yeah, my vote is for the first option.

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 1:28 am
by Ranwyln
Just to sum up a bit more

No Magic would be (the things that now come are for me magic or coming from magic)?!:
- no magical gems (than we would need something else for our taxes)
- no magic weapons
- no magic monsters (undeads, demons, dragons and/or their undead counterparts and so on )
- no events with magic (portals summoning stuff, evil mystic powers and others)
- no Gods ? cause there is no divine power anymore (divinity is for me the same as magic in this case)
- no portals
- no pure elements
- no wands
- no treasure guardians that come by magic
- no magic system (alright we dont have one so far)
- no one allowed to rp anything around magic/mysteries
- no elves/drow ? (they are a magical race too for me)

And i think there will be people stopping to play, cause i guess several were just waiting for magic to come back (even if it takes ages) and it just destroys several chars rp and there influence they had cause they were having it due to the knowledge bout mystery and magic. So literally it would be a rollback for each char that was based rp wise on magic.

If this will come there must be a really really good lore behind it cause it even destroys the rp of chars that are afraid of magic.

To be honest i really dont like that idea, its more like a normal SIM than. For me a roleplaying game has to be in a fantasy setting with mystery and magic (thats why i dont play science fiction rpgs).

Maybe its the easier way to avoid conflicts, to lessen ooc problems and of cause less work, its easier to cut out things as to implement em.

But players favored by gms will still be favored so this problem wont be finished. Only the possibilities in which way they can be favored changed.

Clear rules are nice, but i think most people playing Illa are adults, so we can talk with each other and if this isnt manageable with the small playerbase we have now, we shouldnt look for more players cause problems will increase and still its a GAME, i want to relax when i play it, i want to get out of real life and just enjoy my time here and get my head free. If this isnt what i get i will make a break, play something else whatever cause than its no game anymore.

So for me the disadvantages in a world without magic, by far count much more as the advantages

a clear No from me to an Illarion without magic (even if it takes ages till magic comes and i never played a char that was a magic user in Illarion and prolly never will)

Cheers PO Ranwyln

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 2:21 am
by Ufedhin
The complete removal of magic will in essence destroy the game "Illarion" entirely , Just because mages cant cast elemental magic does not mean we should abandon what is in essence the lifes breath of the game ,magic is woven through the entire fabric of illarion.

I hear its too much work to even to just give mages a few basic elemental spells to tide them over untill someone turns up to create an indepth system, this i find somewhat bizzare .(why is it not possible to create a few basic elemental damage spells as a short term solution? we have the graphic's we have a damage dealing system why cant something of this be cobbled together? for goodness sake ! we even see the dwarven priests cast spells, give these few abilities to priests)
Yet what is propose will rip the guts out illarion causing this game to founder totally.(better remove all non humans aswell,without magic the mythical races races have no place )
What is left after we remove magic....................a badly foundering economy and a limited crafting system,........Politic's ,trade,crafting and combat would have to become the focus we would need a indepth trade system ,a greater more involved crafting system and a fighting system that is logical plus a system of political ambitions etc ,etc ,etc ,we would need to add so much reality to replace the lost magic to stop the death of illarion you might aswell create an entire new game.

"How about illarion chat?"

I for one would no longer be interested in Illarion if such a idea was implemented.

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 2:28 am
by Lia
Schwierig zu urteilen, eines ist aber eindeutig.

Keine Magie ist keine Lösung.

Mal ehrlich. Illarion spielt in einer Fantasywelt, und das ist es doch was den Reiz ausmacht solch ein Spiel zu spielen. Die Fantasy und das eintauchen in eine faszinierend mysteriöse Welt.
Wenn wir die Magie streichen geht vieles verloren. So viel das man drastisch gesagt gleich im RL bleiben können und da "spielen"

Zudem teile ich die Meinung das es viele Charaktere, großteils lang exestierende Charakter zerstören würde und die Warscheinlichkeit das wir an Spielern verlieren recht hoch ist.


To judge difficultly, however, one is unequivocal.

No magic is no solution.

Time honestly. Illarion plays in a fantasy world, and it is this, nevertheless, what the charm such a play puts out to play. The fantasy and this dive into an amusing mysterious world.
If we the magic glide a lot gets lost. So much one drastically said immediately in the RL can remain and there "play"

Besides, I divide the opinion many characters, for the most part long ex-animal end character would destroy and the likelyhood we in players lose is rather high.

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:00 am
by Uhuru
Nitram wrote:The fourth option is... tricky. No rules regarding magic. Sure the other rules still apply. So cooking someone with my RPed fire, still is covered by the forced RP rule. But still. I can imagine a lot of creative/stupid things to do with RPed magic... and I am sure I am but scratching the surface of what some players will be able to think of. Sure in a perfect world all that is fine, because you can't do any real harm ( :wink: ) but I think it has the potential to highly disrupt the roleplay.

Moving on to my idea and my favourite solution.
In matters of rules its equally simple as option 4. With the addition that is prevents any and all possibilities of GM favouritism, because there is no magic for GMs as well. So players who have friends among the GMs get no magic and players who don't have those GM friends get no magic too. That resolves the major complains regarding this (at least in the context of magic).
Now the impact on the game world if there were no magic would be quite spectacular. Mages can't cast (not even in roleplay), monsters can't cast, magical weapons don't sparcle, portals don't work. It drops the game into a new situation. Something the characters need to handle and that can be the base of really good roleplay. Now some of you might say: But but but, the mage character players will leave the game. And I do not think that this would be the case. Because: What really changes for the players of mage characters? They still can't cast with the engine and no one, not even a rule that says that the magic is currently not working is able to stop them from talking what ever they see fit. The RP of those characters currently relies on the point that those characters are intelligent (and influential) persons. And they are so without the ability to set someone on fire. Its not that much of a difference.

Sure this "solution" takes away something from the world. But in the end that something is not really around currently. It clears up the rules and massively reduces OOC conflict potential. In addition to that, it creates a new situation in the game, you and your characters can work with.

... Also the implementation is only like deleting stuff... so rather easy.

In my opinion that is the way to go.
I will begin my post by stating I have not yet voted. I have been spending time pondering the options. None seemed clear-cut perfect. Nitram is correct in stating they are muddy and will not fix the problems that instigated the vote in the first place. However, mages without magic, and lets face it, that's really what we have right now, is stifling the game. How many mages have left? We have sooo few right now and they are struggling to stay alive out in the world. To do anything. To find a way to make a living and live, day-to-day. Where once they would use fireballs to hunt and find coins. Now they can hardly hunt at all. But they have no skills or few skills to craft. Why should mages struggle while all this magic flows around them?

No magic in the world... why should only the mages suffer it?

That being said, I'm not sure it is the correct option either. But if it will help motivate the developers to get magic into the world, then by all means, shut it down. I will deal with it in game and RP what I have to if it means we get magic for our mages three months earlier than forever from now.

How should I vote? What gets my mage friends their magic the fastest?

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:10 am
by Ranwyln
To start with we have to face some facts:
First is that there won't be a working magic system that is scripted and able to layout the foundation of the entire magic. Its too much work and its work you can't do in a few days because you have to consider MANY things.

That more sounded to me like alright lets stop developing if the "No magic" option is choosen, so it wont get it developed faster.

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:15 am
by Nitram
Ranwyln wrote:
To start with we have to face some facts:
First is that there won't be a working magic system that is scripted and able to layout the foundation of the entire magic. Its too much work and its work you can't do in a few days because you have to consider MANY things.

That more sounded to me like alright lets stop developing if the "No magic" option is choosen, so it wont get it developed faster.
Don't worry that is not the case. The development of magic is scheduled in our development milestones. And this schedule is unaffected by the option chosen here.


Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:22 am
by Ranwyln
So it would be more like dang a big accident happened magic retreated worldwide and when the milestone is reached it find its way back into the world. With a nice story around it, maybe a long term event i could live with the no magic for now option (cause we already have that it would only be more strict and it still gives the possibility that magic comes back to items that are now magic)

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 11:35 am
by Zot
#ThereIsNoMagic, means to me (maybe I'm interpreting it wrong?) that we will get rid of any new created magic until we have a magic system.
Those means that players and gm's shouldn't use any magic IG (of course also not in quests). We turn off the magic used by monsters and also the magic casted by weapons (do weapons actually have any magical effects currently? Last time I checked they didn't).

As for the magical items we have currently (portals, gems, treasures etc), It should stay as it is, maybe with an explanation why it's still working.
Maybe the 'removel of the magic for the time being' effects only 'living' creatures but not objects, what ever your explanation is.

At least that's why I voted for #thereIsNoMagic


Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 2:38 pm
by Nitram
Ranwyln wrote:So it would be more like dang a big accident happened magic retreated worldwide and when the milestone is reached it find its way back into the world. With a nice story around it, maybe a long term event i could live with the no magic for now option (cause we already have that it would only be more strict and it still gives the possibility that magic comes back to items that are now magic)
This is exactly what I am thinking.

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:59 pm
by EnderDDT
So I'm going to come right out and ask, what was decided with this? What /are/ the official rules regarding magic and the absence of it?

Magic items, magic tools, and even druidic/alchemist magic works; so it seems that the first option wasn't taken. And it seems that some sort of ritual magic is still acceptable with GM approval (or maybe that isn't even correct). So what is the rule, officially, and what is the explanation for how things are now?

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:04 pm
by Vilarion
Poll runs till Thu May 29, 2014 12:53 am

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:27 pm
by Jupiter
EnderDDT wrote:Magic items, magic tools, and even druidic/alchemist magic works; so it seems that the first option wasn't taken. And it seems that some sort of ritual magic is still acceptable with GM approval (or maybe that isn't even correct). So what is the rule, officially, and what is the explanation for how things are now?
The current situation effects only "magic magic". Alchemy is only magic in a technical sense (in that sense, priets stuff will also be "magic". So magic in the borader meaning refers simply to those "special" calsses. While magic in the smaller sense is that what mages do.)

The easiest explanation probably is to say that the rune magic is gone (e.g throwing fireballs). Currently, if you want to do something magical, you will have to put a lot of effort into it. No one really know what it is this way. There are some theories and stuff but it mostly is a mystery.

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 12:59 am
by Ufedhin
Jupiter wrote:
EnderDDT wrote:Magic items, magic tools, and even druidic/alchemist magic works; so it seems that the first option wasn't taken. And it seems that some sort of ritual magic is still acceptable with GM approval (or maybe that isn't even correct). So what is the rule, officially, and what is the explanation for how things are now?
The current situation effects only "magic magic". Alchemy is only magic in a technical sense (in that sense, priets stuff will also be "magic". So magic in the borader meaning refers simply to those "special" calsses. While magic in the smaller sense is that what mages do.)

The easiest explanation probably is to say that the rune magic is gone (e.g throwing fireballs). Currently, if you want to do something magical, you will have to put a lot of effort into it. No one really know what it is this way. There are some theories and stuff but it mostly is a mystery.
Thats alright then so long as alchemy aint affected ...*mutter mutter*.....if ye need fire balls come see me...*mutter* (shocks of this nature could kill an old dwarf :lol: )

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 2:09 am
by EnderDDT
For all my time of being here a few days, and reading a bunch of the forums, I'll give my opinion.

I'd like some level of "magic" to be allowed, even if it is only on the level of D&D's "prestidigitation" (a spell that specifically says that none of the effects are powerful enough to have neumerical interactions). Though, to be honest, I think it would be better to just give mages access to a couple of low level spells: some sort of "magic bolt" and a healing. Not necessarly enough to compete with actual fighters, but just somethnig to keep them from being so completely useless with nothing but rollplaying to back it up. Afterall, one of the draws of this game is that people's skills are built off of more than just what they can make up (compared to a lot of other RP communities); but, without anything to back up the "magic", those mage characters have little more to back up their words than the first-day player who brags that they can "beat up anybody" and then gets mad when they can't.

Furthermore, the quests that I have found videos for on Youtube or read the descriptions have magic as a major part of them, so removing it would hurt for no good reason. Even that one about the teleporting tree thing had magic as a major part of it (and it seems to be in the new client too).

That said, I also understand what people have said about GM favor, since it happens in every RP community with any sort of overseer (call them a GM or whatever). Those interactions depend on GM cooperation and make specific characters seemingly more "powerful" or "connected" in game simply because they have the ear of the GMs. But taking away magic isn't going to fix that. The "favored" characters are probably still going to be favored through them "finding some historic tome" or "calling on some deity" or something else; all that pruning non-GM magic back will do is further hurt and hold back others from any sort of contribution (either meaningful or simply through RP) and further seperate the "connected" from the "rest".

I for one do think that there needs to be some clearly defined rules. But I really don't think that cutting back diversity, simply because it is hard to make up rules to keep it from going too far, is the best solution.

Re: Poll on community opinion regarding rule for rp'ed magic

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:38 pm
by Vilarion
The rule has now been changed as follows:
„Bei magischem und göttlichem Wirken oder übernatürlichen Eigenschaften gilt, dass alles, was man nicht über die Engine von Illarion umsetzen kann und einen Einfluss auf die Spielwelt oder andere Spieler hat, eine Genehmigung eines Gamemasters erfordert.“
„A gamemaster's permission is needed for all magical and divine interventions as well as supernatural properties that cannot be realised by the engine and affect the game world or other players.”
So small magical events do not require permission anymore.