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Alchemist work station

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:21 am
by Ufedhin
A parchment is written in a bold erratic hand.

I would most respectfully request of the chancellors of Galmair te move the halfer on wot sits at the alchemy desk in the Flicker swale.
I have asked her to move te one o' the tables like the other businesses wot have taken up residence in the Apothecary and to sell her lotteries
from there ,as alchemists require the desk and cauldron te work at with out having her standing in our way ,she has taken no notice.
I do most sincerly hope she moves i would hate te see an explosion or other mishap send her on her way te the cross ,but this daily becomes
a greater and greater eventuality.
This halfer has no reason to be taking up alchemists work area in the Flicker Swale.

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master alchemist.