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Ancient Magical Arrow Research Group

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:52 am
by Uhuru
((OOC- bit about structure of this thread...

We are going to try something a little bit different here to let people come and go as they have time rather than have a super-long quest in game that could drag on so long that people that want to contribute and participate wouldn't be able to do so. Instead, we are going to open up a thread online.

Most participants will come from the Galmair Archane Research team, however others may wish to participate as well.

This thread will function as if all participants are in the room at one time, together.
One person will post an experiment in the thread.
Everyone will await the results, which will be posted by the GM.
After the results of the test are posted, another person will post a test experiment and we will continue on in this fashion.

Please try and make the experiments specific to answer questions we need answered regarding the arrows. Keeping in mind we have a limited number of arrows and the testing that is run may destroy some of our arrows.

When you "enter the room" or post your intial post on the thread that you are here/listening/thinking about results, whatever, please also include the number of ancient magical arrows you brought with you to the research group so we can somehow keep a count of how many we have. We have a limited supply... WHEN WE ARE OUT OF ARROWS, WE ARE DONE TESTING. If you can test just a piece of arrow rather than the whole thing, please do so.

I took a vote... from Evie... :D ... and put Kyre in charge, I hope this is all right, just want someone keeping track of how many arrows we have and how many remain and when testing has to stop because we ran out. If not Kyre, feel free to change as is warranted.

Some important things...
1) How many arrows do you have to work with?
2) What are the important questions that need answered?
3) I, for one, will not be on the research team, but who all will be included?

Please get together and answer these questions outside of the thread as just the testing and discussion around testing results should be here.

I hope you have good fun with this!

PO ~Uhuru~))

Re: Ancient Magical Arrow Research Group

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:35 am
by Evie
*A short human woman with long braided red hair enters the room wearing an Archmage robe and a pink dress looking serious. In her bag is two ancient magical arrows, a string with knots spaced apart about the length of an index finger ((3 in)), a fine toothed saw, a selection of wooden boards, a branch , a bough, two normal arrows, and two wind arrows."

Evie speaks to the group. "My first test is to determine the physical characteristics of these arrows in comparison to other arrows. "

Taking the knotted string she measures the length of the three arrow types against the knotted string.

Next using the fine toothed saw she cuts 1/3 the length off of the arrow of each kind and splits the shaft. After doing so compares the wood grains and color to the naldor board, conifer board, deciduous board, cherry board, a split branch, and a split bough; trying to determine similarities of each kind.

Re: Ancient Magical Arrow Research Group

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:37 am
by Evie
*Evie glances about the room after she finishes her work looking at familiar and unfamiliar faces perhaps. She looks thoughtful and starts a list on a piece of parchment of names probably of the people gathered she knows along with their professions and if they brought any interesting things with them.*

"As she looks around she asks nobody in particular, "What results are we looking to find and how many arrows have you brought, if any?"

Re: Ancient Magical Arrow Research Group

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:03 pm
by A'nak
A'nak enters silently looking at others wondering if any particular custom or tradition or ways need to be observed while joining a group like this.
She walks about staying close to the walls so as not to disturb the proceedings. Nods briefly to Evie when the questions were asked.


"Starting with the physical characteristics, Evie-mage be wise to . but... caution needed when the arrows were cut ? A'nak wonders"
****Gestures with her skull staff****
"Losses it power this totem does. Leaked in to the nature when removed be the skull"
**** Crosses her arms beneath her breasts looking at the arrows for a moment before talking again ****

"Have none those arrows A'nak does. but assist will always when needed"

****Puts her hand inside her bag, taking out a palmful of sand. Holds the palm to her forehead muttering a few words in orcish and then slowly brings the hand down drawing a circle around the cut magical arrow with the sand****

"Hold the power if there any to leak, this sand will. Use this cut magic arrow soon to its maximum"

*****moves back a bit and waits, watching again****