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Permission Through Complacency

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:57 am
by Uhuru
I wish to take this opportunity to educate, as is our culture and climate in Runewick.

At a meeting today, someone asked if there were any criminal subjects available who might prefer undergoing a line of (magical) experiments to shorten their term in prison. Immediately following his question, I stated matter of factly that I would not support any such actions and would henceforth stop helping to capture any criminals in the realm. After the meeting, I was told, repeatedly, that he was just joking and to ignore it like everyone else did in the room. That if I only knew him better, I would understand.

Let us talk about complacency and how we encourage such behavior when we don't say something. By not telling him how such "jokes" are inappropriate, we actually are encouraging him to continue. Not only will he continue with inappropriate and uncivilized jokes, they will most likely get worse to garner more and more attention. I was the only one to say something in the meeting. Everyone else was quiet. If I were this person, I would assume nobody had a problem, but Uhuru. This is how it works to give your permission to someone with inaction, whether intentional or not.

I was told that two people did approach him after the meeting to discuss his "joke" and I appreciate that you let your thoughts be known to him. How else will he ever know? This thread is directed at the others, those that said nothing.

Regardless if it was a joke or not, I will never get to know this person better. I have no desire to get to know the sick and twisted mind that would say such a thing in any context. And those of you who support him with your silence (intentional or not), I just hope you have learned a little something in my writing here about complacency.

Thank you,

Re: Permission Through Complacency

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:29 am
by Damien
From where comes a prisoner when there is no prison ?
How sounds the song that has never been sung ?
Where to wanders that mind that does not wander ?
The word has only one meaning to those with a closed heart, with a closed mind, or with a broken spirit.

Dance with the wind or fall without it,
Swim with the stream or dream about it,
Fly with the stars or scream to doubt it -
bare steps the foot that treads without wit.

Take the world with too much weight, and your shoulders will break.
Treat those around you with a little respect, and some might sometimes, somewhen, return the favour.


Re: Permission Through Complacency

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:36 am
by Uhuru
*reads the previous note, then pens one of her own*

I have no idea what you're saying, but the part about respect, I agree totally. When you earn some, it will be given.

Please keep this on the topic at hand, permission through complacency.


Re: Permission Through Complacency

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:48 am
by Damien
The matter of understanding might pose the problem.
For elven manners, you are often blunt enough to loose what you crave for, when it comes to respect.
To walk without a smile and to demand without politeness is nothing the ones knowing the old ways take as respect, but you might end up being well respected in a tribe of wild orcs, anyhow.
However, should you ever have said experience, i would pay a considerable amount of my dwindling monetary reserves if you manage to bring a well-written, detailled report out of it - or the one or other orcish prisoner we can experiment the consequences of beer on the mind of a more or less sentinent being.
Should you prefer to discuss the finer nuances of how different races define manners, you will of course be welcome. Make sure to bring beer. I am sure we may find someone else than a prisoner willing to undergo the experiment of drinking it. I strongly suggest the flavour of well-malted dwarven ale.


Re: Permission Through Complacency

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:01 am
by Uhuru
*Tears off the previous note.*

Please keep this thread on topic of "permission through complacency."

If you have something to communicate to me directly on a different topic, please send a private message.


Re: Permission Through Complacency

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:51 am
by Djironnyma
*someone Replaces Damiens note from the Archives and add another*

Censorship on this board is up to the Archmage and his authority, please anyone keep that in mind.
Anyway the discussion yesterday was about asking prisoners which not exist drinking a beer what not exist. That indeed could no one who listen carefully take serious. As a general advice, a very long life time have to any person the one or other effect. Some very old persons like Damien is tending to be general lost in reverie. So next time one of you meet him don’t weight any of his words.
