(Main/Download) Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods

This is a board that contains all informations related to the Illarion spin-off "Legends of Illarion" / Dieses Board enthält alle Informationen bezüglich des Illarion-Ablegers "Legends of Illarion".

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(Main/Download) Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods

Post by Dyluck »



Feb 25th, 2018:
Version 2.070 is now available, featuring full OGG/MP3 audio quality.
Legends Of Illairon 2: Sins Of The Gods is completed and now available for download at the main website:



Legends Of Illarion 2 is the long awaited prequel to the 2009 RM2K3 game Legends Of Illarion. The prequel takes place in ancient Illarion at the dawn of time, many centuries before the events of the first game. I consider it mostly to be an old school type of rpg reminiscent of FF6, Lufia 2, etc.

You don't need to play LOI before playing LOI2. You can play either game before the other and there won't be too much spoilers involved. The first LOI contains a larger more diverse world with more interrelated story elements and characters, while LOI2 is a little easier, smaller, and more straight forward than the first game.

This is the origin story of Moshran and the others who would one day come to be known as the Younger Gods of Illarion. The story follows their journey to defeat an early foe, their relationships, their conflicts, and how it would all eventually shape the future events of Illarion.


"We are but mortals who cannot fathom the true nature of the gods. Whether they are kind and benevolent, or vengeful and angry, I cannot say. The only thing that is certain, is that their power is real, and we must always be wary..."

The world of Illarion is at its infancy, having been created by the gods for only mere centuries. An Entity appears, born from the evil growing in the very hearts of mortals, bringing destruction and chaos to the realms. The gods await worthy heroes to appear and defeat the Entity. However, as time passes by, none step forth to save Illarion.

In desperation, one goddess intervenes in mortal affairs, using deception to cause a group of mortals to begin a journey to defeat the Entity. But do they truly fight to save Illarion, or do they fight to fulfill their own selfish motives? As they squabble amongst themselves and get ever closer to the promised end of their journey, the gods play their cruel hand and begin to reveal their true intentions...

  • -slightly modified battle/menu systems based on 3rd party scripts (mostly Yanfly)
  • -touch encounter battle system
  • -voice clips for character skills
  • -skill points system and many custom battle skills
  • -characters with multiple skill sets depending on weapons equipped
  • -many interesting puzzles (all of which are skippable)
  • -simple gathering/crafting system (blacksmithing, potion making, etc)
  • -diverse environments inhabited by various races.
  • -using "emotes" to describe character actions
  • -approximately 15 hours of gameplay



More screenshots at:


Gameplay Footage:




Created by Dyluck
Created using RPG Maker VX Ace by Enterbrain

None of the graphical or audio resources used belong to the creator of this game unless otherwise specificed.
All resources belong to their respective owners and are not used for commercial purposes.

Graphics (Including but not limited to):
-Square Enix
-Mack and Blue
-Looseleaf Generator
-Mr Bubble
-Various other resources from the internet

Audio (Including but not limited to):
-Square Enix
-Game Arts
-Various other resources from the internet

Scripts (Including but not limited to):
-Yanfly Engine Ace and associated scripts
-Mithran Text Cache
-LoneWolf Custom Font Junk Symbol Fix
-Euphoria Itemoff
-Soulpour777 Actor Specific Equipment
-Mr Bubble Crafting System
-Neon Black Passive Skills
-Karin's Soulkeeper Map as Battle Background
-Syvkal Menu Bars
-Various Moghunter scripts
-Various Himeworks scripts

Legends Of Illarion and Legends Of Illarion 2 are non-profit / non-commercial games created for personal use only. I do not own any of the resources (including graphics and audio) used in these games or this trailer unless otherwise specified. All rights and resources belong to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended.




June 3rd, 2015 Announcement

Legends Of Illarion 2 is now nearly completed, and you can find new screenshots and information here:


Additionally, an all new preview trailer is now available here:

The tentative release date for the game is June 12th, 2015.


November 3rd, 2013 Announcement

Hello, everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I've been secretly working on Legends Of Illarion 2 over the past year.

If you're interested, you can find some more information here: http://rpgmaker.net/games/5527/

Thank you for your time.
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Re: I Have A Small Announcement To Make

Post by Quinasa »

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Re: I Have A Small Announcement To Make

Post by Tinuva Geogroda »

Where are the old characters I knew!?
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Re: I Have A Small Announcement To Make

Post by Dyluck »

If you're talking about in LOI2, it's a prequel that takes place when the younger gods were still mortals thousands of years ago, so almost nobody from "real" Illarion is born yet.

If you're talking about on these forums, I don't know where the oldies are either. :(
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Re: I Have A Small Announcement To Make

Post by Tinuva Geogroda »

In both cases yeah.
Still want to see em all back. I remember chars being put in LOI1 and then seeing 'em in the game. Was good sport!
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Re: I Have A Small Announcement To Make

Post by Dyluck »

It's been almost a year since I've last posted so I thought I'd give an update. I've worked quite a lot on the game over the past year, but lately I've been lacking motivation and time, because I am at a busy crossroads in life with work and other things. However, I have posted some more screenshots of what I've done, just to show I've been working on it. So if you are interested, you can see them here http://rpgmaker.net/games/5527/images/

Oh and for those of you who don't know, I should mention that Legends Of Illarion 2 is a prequel about Moshran and the other Younger Gods long ago back when they were still mortals like everyone else.
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Re: I Have A Small Announcement To Make

Post by Drace Blackman »

After the screenshots as i saw in the Blog on RPGmaker are you going to bring the game?
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Re: I Have A Small Announcement To Make

Post by Dyluck »

I still work on the game sometimes.
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2 Trailer and News

Post by Dyluck »

I've made an announcement regarding new information, screenshots, a tentative release date, and an all new trailer for Legends Of Illarion 2. Please check the first post of this topic.
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2 Main Topic / New Trailer

Post by Vern Kron »

Just throwing this out there: saw the announcement, and did silent jazz hands. So, I am pretty excited about this. Even though most likely I will play it and get stuck and rage quit. Because that's how I play real rpg's.
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2 Main Topic / New Trailer

Post by Dyluck »

Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of the Gods is completed and now available for download. Please check the first post of this thread.

...and if anyone is somehow still not interested, at least watch the epic trailer...
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2 Main Topic / Download Now Availabl

Post by Po Will »

Have you thought about trying to get the games on Steam, Dy? Could be some much needed exposure for the game, and more exposure for your work :)
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2 Main Topic / Download Now Availabl

Post by Dyluck »

Thanks for the suggestion. That is something I have been considering lately.

But at the end of the day, what I really want most is for more Illarion players to experience this game, because the story was made for you guys in mind. I'm still patiently waiting for the day that someone here finishes both games and then tells me what an eye opening story about the gods it was. With this story, my aim was to portray in the gods like never before by expanding on their origins, personalities, and motivations for their conflicts with each other. At the same time, the story still follows Illarion's official background story with some twists and plot reveals that will give you a satisfying feeling of having uncovered hidden truths and details about the gods and the background story.

I really hope that you will enjoy this game and that it will inspire your views on the gods of Illarion. Also, LOI2 is much easier compared to LOI, in case anyone is worried about the difficulty.
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2 Main Topic / Download Now Availabl

Post by Po Will »

Well, I'm planning on writing a little for in game on the gods and the likes, so this ought to be rather good for expanding on some folk legend among with proper lore, reckon I'll do a little Let's play of this one as well. Finally, something I can record :mrgreen:
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2 Main Topic / Download Now Availabl

Post by Dyluck »

I would love to see a Let's Play on this game!
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

I missed the realese, damn it. I'll download it as soon as possible, playing nargun is one of these things I am dreaming from in Illa. :shock:
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Dyluck »

You shall not be disappointed! Nargun's abilities are true to his theme, and so is everyone else's for that matter!
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

Just wow! I'm playing the first fight in the moment and the grafic of the attacks is so cool. This is gonna be a long night.
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Drace Blackman »

I'm finally excited that i beat the game but too bad i can't play Moshran's battle against Illarion's true enemy and Malachin's act.
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

I just finished the pedigree-puzzle after meeting cherga... the pedigree is a circle :mrgreen:
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Dyluck »

You mean the family tree puzzle at the graveyard? I actually had to draw it all out on paper twice, just to double check that it made sense. After the first time, I realized the family tree was accidentally committing incest :lol: After fixing it the second time, I'm pretty sure it should make sense and be normal now... right? :shock:
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

Nope. The children of two siblings get children again. ^^

An example:

Helen is the sister of Felix

Laura is the daughter of Helen

Kenneth is the son of Felix

Roland is the son of Kenneth and Laura.

You see? :mrgreen:

PS: Had to draw it as well.
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Dyluck »

The game page for Legends Of Illarion 2 has been updated. Take a look and maybe check out the page for the first game as well. :D

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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Dyluck »

I've just released a new version of Legends Of Illarion 2 with numerous improvements, many of which make the game a lot easier and faster overall. If you have been putting off playing this game due to the perceived difficulty level of it, now would be a good time to give the game a try again. Hope you will enjoy it. :D
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Re: Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods (Main Topic)

Post by Dyluck »

A new version of Legends Of Illarion has just been released, with various improvements. Overall the game has gotten even easier to pick up for newbies to rpg games. Please download and enjoy!

Skill System:
-By popular request, it is now no longer mandatory to learn skills from both weapon types for each character. You can stick to only using one weapon type for the whole game if that's what your heart desires
-New Passive Skills available to be learned
-Increased initial SP for some characters
-New options to reset skills and SP distribution
-Adjusted damage and cost for some skills

Stats Rebalancing:
-Increased overall stat gain per level up and adjusted growth curves
-Adjusted some monster stats and reduced overall time for regular encounters
-Adjusted the stats and cost of weapons and armour
-Weapons now give stat bonuses at level up

Game Content:
-Added some new sidequests, including a pet that can be fed and help in battle
-Added some extra dialogue and story scenes
-Added some optional areas and scenes
-Added a few new accessories and usable items
-Added a few npcs to give hints and briefly explain game mechanics
-Added a few extra items for crafting

-Added new face sets
-Adjust brightness for some areas
-Added icons for status removal items to help indicate usage
-No longer able to waste resources on crafting duplicate items
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Re: (Main/Download) Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods

Post by Dyluck »

Hi, everyone. I have just released version 2.0 of Legends Of Illarion 2, which has many improvements and is much more user friendly. This will probably be the last version I will ever release.
All the details and the download can be found here https://rpgmaker.net/games/5527/

But I think the most significant improvement for Illarion players is that the story and characters have gotten a lot better. As you know, the game is about the Younger Gods when they were still mortals. In previous versions, I felt that I did not give enough character development to many of the gods. I rushed to complete the game, and put most of the character development on only a few major events in the plot. Now I've gone back added a lot more extra twists and subplots and scenes and dialogue to really flesh out the personality of the characters in a way that reflects the personality and traits of the gods. I think this is the aspect that Illarion players will enjoy the most, because you are already somewhat familiar with the Younger Gods and the background lore of Illarion.

I really hope you will give this game a try, especially those of you who have not played any previous versions before. I'm sure you will enjoy it, and I promise at the very least that you will gain some new insight into the gods and perhaps inspire your own roleplaying as well. Thank you for your time.
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Re: (Main/Download) Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods

Post by Dyluck »

I've uploaded some new screenshots and a new gameplay video on the first post.

Gameplay Footage:
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Re: (Main/Download) Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods

Post by Dyluck »

Version 2.03 is now available for download:
Save files from Version 2.0 onward are compatible, as far as I can tell, although there was some minor changes to some maps, with a few walls and trees moved around.


-added animated bust graphics for text messages! =D
-added some better NPC dialogue, including some banter with heroes
-added some extra scenes in the ending
-adjusted difficulty and stats of some monsters
-more early bosses no longer immune to some of Moshran's debuffs
-minor map changes, added 1 new item, and other minor fixes

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Re: (Main/Download) Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods

Post by Dyluck »

Take a look at this amazing new drawing of Elara, created by Claudie! You can check out more of her work here at https://pant34-85.deviantart.com/

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Re: (Main/Download) Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods

Post by Dyluck »

A new Let's Play video was made for the newest version of the game. Take a look here, and please try out the game if you haven't already =)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont ... _xvcF5Wtb8
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