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A note about pirates

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:13 am
by Leon Demelii
* A parchment is placed and written carefully*

On this day the 12th of Tanos, myself, Leon Demelii and the elf known as Arcia defended the town of Galmair against a giant threat. We fought endlessly against a large gathering of dwarves, elves and humans that were surrounding Galmair. I do not place this parchment as a complaint. It is a simple reminder that the enemies are at our front gates. I trust upon reading this that the new Chancellors, along with the Don, will understand the importance of what is happening. The fact is that our town is in trouble and is being threatened. At least now a good one hundred enemies were killed off to protect our fair town. Personally, I would like to protect my home and family. I may have quit the great "Iron Watch", but I will never stop protecting Galmair.

-Leon Demelii