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Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:52 pm
by Evie
A figure can be seen walking the island, muttering to her self and making notes in a worn bound notebook clutched in her left hand. From time to time the figure pauses, her right index finger tracing words on the pages, her facing taking on an almost reverent look. "Mana crosses exist," the figure mutters "The lines here are strong, what is stopping the Rune manipulation?" A deep sigh comes from the depth of her soul and the figure walks slowly on tracing the mana lines and making notes of where she is and what she has seen.

Re: Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:05 pm
by Gate
Another tall and slender figure begins to emerge from the opposite end of the road. The closer your steps took you the better you would be able to make out his pointed ears and sharp features, a black bear-fur coat draped over an old leather breastplate and gloves; perhaps even the black bow and quiver slung over his shoulder along with what would look to be provisions of some sort.

The breeze strikes his face and as his gaze rises it comes to fall on the woman headed towards him. He didn't even know where he was at, and this seemed to be somewhat of an opportune moment. With a quick shuffle, he made his way up to the woman.

With a quick bow he began to speak,

"Hello, lady. Would you invest a moment of your time, please?"

Re: Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:16 pm
by Raina Narethil
As the day turns to night, and her sister settles in for the night. Raina begins to think about her other family the ones she has not seen since before she left Runewick. Her mind seems to keep her awake for a bit wondering if they are well and what they are up to. Slowly as the night grows darker her eyes finally close letting her rest dreaming about the ones she had not seen in some time.

Re: Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:13 pm
by Evie
Feeling the presence of another, the woman stop and looks around her eyes falling on the figure of the man of elven decent in front of her. Meeting someone while out researching was always a nice break from the monotony of notes and talking to only herself. A small pale hand reaches up and tucks some strands of red hair that have escaped her braid behind her ear, as her brown eyes meet his "Of course dear sir, how can I assist you?" her body relaxes and a warm friendly smile crosses her face.

Re: Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:59 pm
by Evie
Sitting by the evening camp fire, a low sigh emits from Evie's lips. "Its time to go home," she speaks to no one in particular, in fact she is quite alone. She had seen no one since the figure that approached then disappeared several days before. Her trip had been a long one, though not entirely solitary, her family had joined her for the most of it exploring the isle and the plant life as she mapped the mana lines.

"The information I have found gives no readily available answer. I need to speak to the other mages, and see if they have found out anything." Her hand runs through her hair as she carefully secures her notes in her back pack and places it under her head for a pillow.

As she dozes off to sleep she speaks again to herself "Tomorrow.. home... back to real life.."

Re: Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:31 am
by Maeglin Telemmaite
While Evie is sleeping, a dog/wolf-like thing can be seen guarding her. If you look closely...youll see it carries a spoon and wears clothes...

Re: Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:29 am
by Raina Narethil
Welcomes the woman back to the town with hug,* It is good to see you, Miss Evie. You must be starving and exhausted from your travels.* Raina offers to help carry the woman's bag as she follows Evie back to Runewick, Offering her a cake and bottle of Cider. * Once you get cleaned up and rested we can sit down and go over what we know.*

Re: Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:55 am
by HeXiS
*A short childlike elf with off colored skin, hair like snow, and yellow dull eyes wanders about kneeling every so often to place a tiny hand on the ground. After a while he mutters a few words stands and curses as he wanders a bit farther repeating the same actions.*

Oh Wake up already. I have precious little time and being called gnat has finally become a nuisance.

*The elf pauses to listen for an answer. Judging by his expression, if you could call it that, he received none. He looks down at a note book that seems mostly blank what does reside in the pages are doodles of stick figures and ancient eleven rune-like writings. After some time he finds him self bumping into something. He looks up to see what object dare block his usual walking path and nods to the woman*

"Greetings Evie. Any new ideas?"

Re: Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:38 pm
by Evie
With a sigh of relief Evie toes off her leather boots and wiggles her stockinged toes. It was good to be back in civilization for awhile. Laying her tattered bound book of notes on the bedside table beside the bed she chose for the night, she slide her legs on top of the blanket as she leans against the wall and ponders her arrival back.

Seeing Raina was wonderful as always, a smile slips onto her face, her mentor and teacher had become a good friend and family member over time. They had so much to discuss over the next few weeks, their theories, thoughts, and observations about what was happening to magic, and their lives. Her eyes trail over to the book of notes. "Sometime I have to get that all in order soon."

She hated she had nothing concrete to show to for her work as of yet. Most of it was locked in her head with thoughts and ideas. Theories and observations. Her true work was just beginning getting everything together to reach a final conclusion of all. She had told Master Whisper "No concrete ideas yet, just lots of notes"

She leans over and blows out the candle on the table and closes her eyes for the night. If someone had been near as she drifted off they might have heard her speaking softly and sleepily "The first elemental rune is Ra the rune of fire, the second elemental rune is Cun the rune of water....." thereafter only light snores would be heard.

Re: Lost Runes (open Rp)

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:25 pm
by Samantha Stoneridge
A plump redhead stumbles in to the dormitory, smiling softly to herself as she glances around for an empty bed. The toll of her journey can be seen in her face as she chooses one and begins to settle in. So distracted is she by her thoughts of books and research, that she barely notices the voice until she is almost asleep herself.

"...the second elemental rune is Cun..."

She glances around, suddenly alert as her mind races with stories of pirates.

"That voice..."

Her face softens, the panic evaporating as her eyes land on the other redhead in the room. A soft chuckle escapes her lips as she silently scolds herself for her foolish thoughts. Realizing the woman is mumbling in her sleep, she settles back against the pillow with a yawn. It does not take long for dreams to overtake her as she mumbles.

"Catch up... another time... *yawn* Miss Evie. Sleep now."