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Re: Arcane Research

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:41 am
by Kyre
The witch quietly and busily writes a few spells, plans what ingredients to add to some special apples and looks at a couple relevant rituals while leaning over parchments in different languages, yet still manages to keep the dripping candle wax from marring the treasure of knowledge surrounding her. Ancient scrolls and journals lay propped open haphazardly on the children's beds, scattered around the floor and on the table. Figuring she had about an hour before Oxi returns from his walk with the children, she nods...

Plenty of time to prepare it all.

Re: Arcane Research

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:24 am
by Kyre
Mage House - in progress, near completion

Other matter - I decided not to run for Chancellor for a number of reasons but on a positive side.. closer to finding the correct spell for a couple of other ideas since that one worked so well.

To do: Still have that strange ash and nothing new to study for now. Perhaps the two worlds are further apart if that was the case?

Box: The latest is a strange box Arcia has. Parchments and an ore. I'll check with the other mages and see their opinion but my first thought..Arcia is right that they are very old elven parchments. As a former elder he would definitely recognize the parchments as well as anyone else. The metal would be the most worrisome... it has a strange light coming from it. Perhaps Arcia would send a parchment of his observations for me to add to this journal?

As an aside, this desk has many uses.. but I find the children taking it over and have removed 5 pages of pictures drawn so part of this journal may need to be rewritten if the words can't be seen. A project for later.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:00 am
by Kyre
There is a page insert of to do lists...

1. Mage roof done-need dirt and plants.
2. This part of the list and the next three are scribbled over by a child's drawing
3. The only word that can be seen is Skeleton
4. Ashes and in big letters seems safe now is read.
5. First duty as Assistant to the Left Hand.. wore my armor for nothing, no attacks. Wasn't that bad and in fact enjoyable though am not telling the Hand I neglected to save him a dish.
6. Check out the idea of water on the roof of the mage house.... possibly water tied into the mana pool?

A quick note was added possibly days later
A new development in the roof-Nargun?

Mount Letma portals

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:08 am
by Kyre
An entire page of the journal is made up of one subject in clear notation and not the usual "to do" lists...

Arcane observations of the portals at Mount Letma

I finally could get a good look at them.. well three. If there are more I didn't see. Activity appeared low today so it was good to take some observations.

  • 1. It is impossible at this time to judge if the portals begin above ground or reach a deeper depth underneath.
    2. They are much more powerful then any mage I know could have made including the strongest of Gobaith. If low activity due to weakness I would hate to see them more powerful.
    3. Whether made by one entity or many is questionable.
    4. The portals appear stationary for the moment yet I surmise there is a definite undetermined purpose.

Mount Letma portals and Galmair mages

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:05 am
by Kyre
There have been trips to the portals at Mount Letma for educational purposes from other mages but this is the first time the three from Galmair made the attempt. Raina, Evie and Kyre taking each a wand along with their non-magic weapons were accompanied by Oxi and Cam assisting in guarding while the mages studied. The furthest portal was picked for convenience once a few dragons were encouraged away. Each mage had a slightly different experience yet neither of the non-mages saw, felt nor heard anything. In order to keep the facts as clear as possible, these separate parchments are made into a journal on it's own yet will probably eventually be incorporated into some of the mages other journals.

Re: Mount Letma portals and Galmair mages

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:39 pm
by Kyre
A group of pages of the journal by one mage...

The first trip established the portals were very strong, much stronger then anything a mage now or even one from Gobaith could make. The second trip was with two other Galmair mages. All agreed the portals were extremely strong. No attempt was made to close them at this time yet to simply understand their make and function. Once the dragons and monsters were taken care of, Oxi and Cam guarded while the three mages with different wands stood equidistant around the portal furthest from the cave. It is unclear if there were more portals in the cave yet three were seen outside. Excuse this author's slightly murky report due to the pain of the screams coming from the portal which wouldn't disappear until back in Galmair and even then were an echo until we all went to the rune protection of the mage house. I will try to be as precise as possible but it appears each mage saw something different.

Carrying a spirit wand, I concentrated on the portal yet suddenly there was a definite tug and we were all fighting the pull it had over the mages as if it wanted us to enter. Each used their own protective circle of blood around it which reduced that tug considerably. I personally saw a dark figure emerge from the portal after that and can't describe him or her well at all...simply a shadowy outline and then the screams began. Since the non-mages couldn't hear these screams I am assuming our mana made them resonate though that is simply a guess. I heard the stamp of feet getting closer and behind the figure saw rows and rows of red skeletons coming our direction. My memory becomes confused after the figure or was it portal began throwing fire at us.. as Oxi pulled us away I spied a column amidst the flames with an E on it.

As best I can remember at this time.

Re: Mount Letma portals

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:01 am
by Kyre
Mount Letma portals

The neatness of the other three pages regarding Mount Letma remains absent in this scribbled words were written hastily. Apparently the journal was closed without waiting for the ink to dry hence some of them smeared onto the previous page.

In the basement of that arena in Cadomyr waiting for a dragon to stop throwing his hot breath down the ladder after chasing us, I suddenly became sleepy sitting in the chair and laid my head onto Oxi's shoulder next to me until I felt a brief touch on my opposite shoulder. I also heard a click and the feel of something hard, not didn't sound like metal, possibly bone? Immediately awake I jumped up and turned to stare behind us but saw nothing.. Smith simply looking bewildered. Then my mana suddenly rose to almost twice the usual.. a strange feeling indeed as if I was weighted down. Sitting again at the behest of Smith, I was greeted by a pleasant village or gathering suddenly appearing in the middle of the arena..

There were lots of people and farmers selling their delectable fares stomach began to rumble with hunger at the smell of the foods and the sight of the colorful vegetables in the carts. Confirming with Oxi that nothing was there but an illusion, I still wanted to get closer and see what this was about only held back by Oxi's admonishment. I then saw a drunk farmer near one of the carts weaving back and forth as if he could barely stand. Discernible footprints leading up to this man as he held up a hand was when I was most surprised for he had no flesh on one. It was of bone only.. and a pink color.

Suddenly the entire visage, gathering or whatever it was disappeared just as quick as it arrived thank Nargun! Upon reflection, this happened after I heard again the screams from the portal though only faintly this time compared to the last visit. I don't recall ever having an illusion without a ritual or concentrating though...could it be attributed to the fluctuation of the mana flow? Also, does this pink fleshless hand tie into the red skeleton army I saw when looking into the portal previously?

There are too many pieces to the puzzle. More study is required.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:27 pm
by Evie
A second page is added to the journal section on the Letma portals.

Research Observations from E Pryler in regards to the active red portals near Letma.
* There are five portals in total, three exterior to the Mountain and two inside the cave entrance.
*Studies were conducted on the farthest most west portal as it seemed the weakest and easiest for the defense team to defend.
*Our initial attempt at seeing into the portal was hindered by a dragon.
*After the dragon was dispatched, the three mages of Galmair all focused on the portal again and experienced a sensation of being sucked into the portal.
*I was caught unprepared without my normal circle preparations on me, so I set the first circle with my own blood. While I do not use blood as a magical medium, all my research has shown it or prepared sand help set the strongest circle. In absence of having the sand, I did what I had to do to help protect us. The other two mages set their own similar circles after mine.
*After the circles were set we divided our focuses, Raina focused on protecting Kyre, I focused on holding the shielding circles, and Kyre focused on interacting with the Portal.
*My visions are not as clear as what Kyre seen. I recall seeing a dark mass and a blur of red. I did not dare break my focus from holding the circles to look deeper, that was not my job.
* Fire began raining down on us and we were pulled from the portal, however we each so a vision of a column as we did so. I saw a column with the letter H, though it appears the others seen different things.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:54 pm
by Rincewind
In ugly handwriting, decorated by a view unidentified stains, another report was added to the journal...

My mind got hazy... for a second a pink skeletons hand touched my shoulder, then I saw some engravings on a wall...

I saw a bat flying over a river. The river splits into a big and a small branch. The big branch is leading to a waterfall ending right in a bowl that stands in a big hall.Next to the bowl stands a big woman who just is lifting a man the size of her hand out of the water. The small branch of the river soon gets foggy, as you have a closer look you can see the outline of a man standing on a boat.

My investigations at the temple of the five and Galmairs harbor brought no satisfying results. Even when I instigated the sea.


Mount Letma portals

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:35 am
by Kyre
Having loaned her journal to the others for factual accounts, Kyre waits until her family is fed and asleep before quietly moving another book and pulling it from the bookcase hidden from the children. Lighting a small candle, she sets pen and ink near then reads the account of the others before shaking her head and beginning to write.

We have more facts but still aren't any closer to solving the mystery. Sometimes I wish for a different perspective that Ufe always afforded but.. *sighs* the silly dwarf blew himself up. Then I wonder if Ademar could tell something with his clouds.

Giving a quick sigh while frowning, the witch begins to make her list.

1. Arcia with a headache in Cadomyr... why didn't I ask if he was at the portals, or did I and the severe, crushing headache I suddenly got simply made me forget?

2. The headache gradually decreased when back in Galmair and I don't know if due to proximity away from the town or due to the snow I repeatedly used in an effort to help, or the swallow of healing potion. Could have been a combination of all?

3. No headache when at the teleporter of Cadomyr yet it began again but weaker the closer I got to the portals though due to the activity.. we couldn't ever get very close.

4. The helmet made no difference, put runes on it?

5. I am assuming this is all the portals though haven't seen them to know if they look different. Why weaker today... not the crushing headache of before? Does it have to do with the amount of monsters coming from them? There seemed to be an inordinately profuse amount today.

Leaning down to blow on the page, allowing the ink to dry before closing the journal, the witch gazes out the window with thoughts racing.. not really viewing anything as she mutters...

I wonder if this will help us find the magic lost.. maybe one day if we solve enough mysteries?

Having blown out the candle, she suddenly opens the journal again as if in afterthought. Then holding the book up to the bright grey of the closest moon's light, using the last of the ink in her pen, adds a final observation...

6. Oxi feels nothing, the Baron seemed not to feel anything this just now focused on elves, yet what about the orcess earlier? Does Arcia have mana as mages? This could be a new manifestation of the portals entirely.

Re: Mount Letma portals

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:40 am
by Kyre
A quick scribble can be seen added to the journal as if the author had no time to place more.. or no inclination.

Portals are still there and have even multiplied. Some are on the water and some are inside flames that seem to be permanent. If the typical headache can be dealt with for long enough, viewing at least one of the portals, furthest east, gives the impression of a column with a large P emblazoned on it.

Again marching skeletons and fire are glimpsed, there has been no change with that view. What all this means is so far a mystery that will require more study though it is definite the intensity has multiplied. What is happening under water is also questionable...are monsters filling the seas?

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:19 am
by Kyre
The journal is laid open at the desk and a variety of clothing is strewn about as if first picked then rejected for some reason. A candle has burned to the nub leaving the hint of a waxy smell to the closed room.

Mas has revealed some things that could be related to the portals at Letma. There apparently are strange people talking of Letma in at least two towns and one of these persons has the power of a mage in that they can not only do rituals, but appear not to get hurt by typical weapons. Of course this could also be the power of illusion.

Skeletons emerge from the hole today in the field of Galmair and were fought back. The rumors of how they appeared and actions of some people bring more questions then answers. The hole, along with Krunk's hammer totally disappeared in an explosion though I wasn't witness to that incident. If just me, I don't think I would worry much about the untoward attack on myself for no reason, yet I am concerned about the children. A shopping trip and the opportunity to get my magic back, even for a short time, seems the perfect answer.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 7:44 pm
by Kyre
A quick scrawl in the book before runes and formula's take up most of the space.

It was a short time home before I am back, there is urgent matter of research that needs to be accomplished, some official and some personal. I hope I'm not gone too long but the days tend to flow into each other as my research progresses.
Studying day and night, the witch barely can discern a journal or ancient scroll...

..from her dreams..

Strange lettering on the side of the page might be seen if someone read that was part mage and elf.
[ancient]Do I want to do it though, [elven] and is this the [ancient] answer?

Blearily, glaring at the flickering candle, which is the only light in the now silent library, Kyre's mind whirls with questions. Yet before she can make any attempt at an answer, her dark eyes close and head lowers to rest on the latest scroll with hair caressing the oiled wood of the table.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 2:55 am
by Kyre
Will check the spells later..and the books. Time for fun and show my visitor around, Smith always knows when I work too hard and need him to distract. Hope he can stay awhile. I should send a message to Leon to check in on the nanny and chil...

The long pen mark on the paper may attest to someone pulling her away from the journal.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 5:56 am
by Kyre
With a lot of hard work from the mages Evie, Raina and I.. Uhuru doing more work then she wanted, also Oxi mainly supervising.. the mage house is finally complete. I'll try to draw the study area and the roof top as best I can.



An official opening is planned soon.

Oh.. the man calling himself Viktor kept the campfire company.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:47 am
by Kyre
The witch stays up late at night studying a particular scroll written in ancient language with many runes drawn along the side. Toward daylight she stretches and blows out the candle nodding...

That may be the spell.

The rest of the page in the journal contains a formula she hopes will work.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:17 am
by Kyre
The gates were forced open by a fire wasp and the criminals got inside the town. After Drathe went to look out the window, Oxi whispered to me to leave so I ran not knowing the emergency at the time but seeing the urgency in his face. Where to go? Somehow I wound up in the flats.. and being a Nargun priestess, in that flat. For once I felt protected with the chaotic god. I put my hat on with the runes to make sure. They are there... near, is that whispers I hear, or maybe another resident? One has keys to another flat or a door had been left open.
  • To do: Remove squeaks from doors, Find out which flat, if a key, find out how the fire wasp got even near Bre, give Bre a special apple to help her burned hair grow.
Later there was a burned bush at our house.. the guard said the fire was thrown from across the river..
  • To do: Stop fire arrows and other things from being thrown across the river.
It has been discussed the reasons why these criminals want mages.. nothing decisive has been agreed upon.
  • To do: Warn other mages of Galmair that they need to be careful. See if Banduk needs any help finding Lia.
The children are in danger.. apparently my spell wasn't very helpful in warding off evil so with Artimer's help, Oxi and I sent all three children to his parents in the mountains. The nanny will love the trip and their grandparents and Uncles will love the visit. The ship's sails were on the horizon headed fast out to sea as we left.
  • To do: Send Teilra's clothes on the next ship.. the witchling packed only toys and books.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:01 pm
by Kyre
The witch opens her journal after months, first blowing off a little dust gathered before lighting a candle.

The children are back.. the danger has passed and they loved the visit to their grandparents. We now anxiously await the arrival of the books paid for when the Mage House was being built. This will greatly help our new mages in Galmair. The list has been updated and we hope soon to have these to offer mages:

2.Blud an Fiar, Ork Magik
3.Summoning of Pran Xixuan
4.Basics of Arcane Theory
5.The Magic Water, Lizards and Magic
6.About the Planes
7.Mana Streams
8.Handbook of Thaumathology
9.Basics of Artifact Magic
10.Demons and their Kind

A few scribbles are added...

To do.. Keep wands away from Teilra and Branwen
Nothing new with Letma
Dare I say things are fairly quiet?

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:11 pm
by Kyre
An interesting study I was conducting came to an abrupt end. I guess the questions I had will never be answered. I wonder if I can study the book I loaned... that is only if he placed a drop of blood to read it. Possibly not since he guessed I had an ulterior motive. It is frustrating to see something I had planned on delving into the mysteries further be taken away so quickly. I am only assuming the man made a serious mistake or perhaps was too consumed with his demon...

Hence my theory I wished to prove or disprove:

I suspect that the man once calling himself Jefferson Gray may have at one time been that, just a man. Those pustules or boils that have taken over his body attest he was no longer in control in my opinion. I wonder how long the demon had him and was that demon related to this Prea he so adored and followed? I had hoped to attempt the removal of the demon from him but it may have been too late anyway. There may be nothing of the man left after all this time even if he had lived, yet the study could possibly have answered more questions about demons in general even if it didn't assist the man.

Is there a drop of blood still on that book? What would a drop from a boil show me?

To do:
Letma research, this time dragging Oxi.
Discuss Chancellorship with the children.
Put runes on a log for Banduk.
Check on the results of the spell sent.
Check on magical rabbit rumors.
Find Pete's chicken.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:35 am
by Kyre
A long parchment is placed inside the journal folded up carefully. The title on the outside reads:

Blood Magic

If you look up in the sky and see something fluttering toward you would you be seeing a bird, a parchment, or telling yourself it is nothing at all?

If a bird, and you denied the sight, you would miss a beautiful flight. The graceful early morning arc of a predator hunting her first meal of the day with the hint of a rainbow in the snow white wings occasionally catching the sun as it rises. If a parchment, you would have missed a message possibly addressed to you. Attempting to convince yourself that your eyes see nothing at all gives you simply that..nothing.

What allows people to see the illusion and others not? My theory is those that see, are open to a wider range of experience... willing to view the world with open welcoming arms. Those that deny have a very plain life, such as work, home, eat, bed, with the excitement of eventually meeting Cherga.

What does this have to do with Blood Magic you ask? Everything. Blood Magic is seen as a living, breathing possibility that can affect anyone no matter the open minded ones that believe in illusion to the ones closed off in all but day to day existance. One thing to consider however is just how blood magic affects one depends on their ability to live beyond what some would call normal. A step closer to the gods others would say.

Hence when practicing, blood magic becomes difficult to know how your target will accept the spell, so very carefully is the key. Jumping in heavy and running across someone open for the first time they are affected can have dire consequences. Also be aware there are fraudulent claims of being able to understand the magic of blood and mischief can be stirred up when the inexperienced attempts to prove otherwise.

It usually takes many classes to teach the correct use of magic using the blood but here are a few pointers for the beginner.

Do your homework...
~Procuring the blood requires some finesse and imagination~
~Find an object close to the person the spell is for~
~Prepare your four black candles some feel it is better with five~
~Bring the objects you personally need that will help in your concentration~
~Make sure you have the gifts to a god or gods to assist your efforts~
~Plan the best place for your ritual~
~Is a sacrifice needed~
~What words will you use in the spell~
~Discover how receptive your subject is by testing a brief illusion in their presence~

If you don't wish to practice and perfect your magic, you can always hire a Master to do it for you.

Have you been affected by blood magic? Ask yourself if you have had a lot of bad luck lately, have had or still are dealing with a severe rash, maybe even boils and pustules. Have you suddenly lost an object close to you along with other symptoms including general weakness and malaise, or possibly feel a little off after getting armour repaired following a trip to Cherga. Perhaps you are unable to conceive children, can't craft a perfect item, or are unable to sleep. Being open to illusions may allow the symptoms to not be amenable to disappearing gradually as spells tend to do yet for those not open at all, may be totally unaware of their predicament. Feel free to ask a witch to check your condition. The charge is usually gold but can be simply a drop of blood from you or one of your family.

The Witch

A small hastily written notation is at the bottom...

Possibly use all or part as a first lesson some day.

To do: Work on the next lesson.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 2:44 am
by Kyre
A brief notation is scribbled with a fairly good penmanship..

Mama Witch is placing the parchments of the upcoming dance in places Papa may not see. She says a big surprise for him.

I'm not quite sure how well he will like it, always saying he hates to dance, but at least he will be surprised.

My sisters are planning on asking him to dance and are searching for the best dresses to wear. I plan on asking that pretty girl I saw just the other day!


A folded up parchment is placed carefully in the journal with a notation...

Nothing magical to report.

(( / ))

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:53 am
by Kyre
A quick scribble in the journal..

After Mas, after the columns. My!

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:36 am
by Kyre
The format is not as usual yet more of a journal as if the writer had all the time in the world.

I spent a lot of time in Tol Vanima admiring the beautiful greenery and avoiding anyone that happened to be looking because it wouldn't do my reputation as a witch good for someone to see me admiring the plants. I moved to Trolls Bane during the political unrest and to be close to those I needed to in order to learn. As the island shook with profound angst as if the gods themselves were taking sides to divide it up, I dived into the private cave despite my reluctance, yet knew if someone didn't take the ancient scrolls... everything was lost. Finding only a few left and assuming someone took the rest I not only escaped the cave but the island not seeing anyone else I knew so hoping all were safe.

I never realized how cold this town was until sitting in front of the fire made by Oxi, and again placing words in this book. He is fast asleep taking advantage of the quiet house as the children remain in the mountains with his parents having been sent before Mas. I'll pack and go visit them soon. Oxi may go some depending on how he feels he is needed here. I'll take these scrolls when I go, after all I promised Dantagon I would study up on the runes he has. Surely there is something in these scrolls about the evil monsters besides how to make them on Gobaith! I'll eventually find answers and maybe can figure out how they can be made here.. in what mages originally thought a dead zone. There are a few theories on the runes. Either the demons had them and may have brought from Letma, they were brought long ago from the island, or were made here. Either theory causes some concern and puzzlement... this obviously needs more study.

Sitting by the fire makes me feel like i am back on a warm night in......

The pen trails off as she finally sleeps.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:32 am
by Kyre
Quite a few runes and a smattering of ancient are drawn on the parchment then a hasty note.

The spell is done, it will be very hard to change. Now we wait and see.

Addendum, keep an eye out for weeds.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:17 am
by Kyre
Runewick pillars.

I thought it best to record the extensions of Letma and the pillars.. were they DHAL originally?. It is unclear to me exactly how the wording should be.. for all we know it is all backward or different yet this will do for now..I can clearly see a D and an H but the third was difficult to view considering one of the plants seem to like to attack me with it's tendrils. It is obvious there is no fourth pillar..or is it still there but in a different form?.

Amira's theory seems to be it arrived somewhere else yet I wonder if the plants used to be the pillar... we both noticed all the portals remain. If they haven't been observed by the casual eye, there is a profusion of plants near and around these pillars, and some of these plants appear to be quite dangerous, possibly even meat eating since I saw no animals around. One plant in particular seemed to enjoy trying to attack me. I am not sure if due to me being a witch, mage, or elfess. Amira had better luck with it though it's aggression was noticeable even toward her.

With the urging of Smith I will follow things from afar but I would very much like to see if these plants are near Letma.. or even if the absent pillar is there.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:51 am
by Kyre
Brief scribbles are added.. most senseless except hopefully to the writer..

The depot is a quandry. What exactly is it that covers it preventing use? How was it done? Is it an act of nature or intentional. Artimer and I have a bottle of the liquid so maybe more information can be gleaned. Hopefully Caswir can do some testing also yet even Vrarr's test with the grape that froze offers more information plus a warning not to touch.

There are a few blank lines then the words...

More test results:
Fire wand sizzles then nothing... but water wand is interesting. Steel has disastrous results.

More empty spaces
Will add more as tests proceed.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:39 am
by Caswir
Caswir Drakull sit in Villa Goldvein at his desk, in his nice chair. He was set back, staring at the blue carpet when he looks up, he leans over and pick up Kyre's journal. She had exchanged journals with him and also asked him to read it and make a note about the two samples he had taken recently.

He add the writing to the next blank page in red ink.

Events during and near Mas year 53.
Two Samples I have taken. "Sample A" From the spelled depot at the flats in Galmair. "Sample B" From the Plant Preying on Elves at Runewicks overgrowth.

Notes of Sample A
*Rising water from depot seemed to react to my Water Wand freezing and circling the tip of the staff.
*Sample taken Days before Days of Blood.
*Crystal Clear
*Looked as if it had Glittered and Shimmered
*Sample examined by Druidess, found to be similar to another bottle she had.
*Seemed to have Holy effect.

Notes of Sample B
*Sample taken during Days of Blood.
*Acidic Substance
*Can Burn Drow Armor
*Taken venomous Crawling tendril
*Bones regurgitated from plant looked elven.
*Plant had attacked me
*Plant did not prey on nearby Humans
*Seemed to have long reach
*Sample examined by Druidess, held against a gem
*Normal Solution
*Looked blue
*Similar to Sample A it had shimmered

Some thoughts: Why was there a spell over the depot near the flats? Should listen to Oxiana's advice and stay away from Runewick, a plant just might eat you! Some things were adding up. The plants at Runewick were regurgitating bones, and at the gates of Galmair were Dragons. The Dragons seemed to spawn near the bones at the farmland in Galmair as soon as you Slay one. This was interesting. Also, why had both the samples shimmered? Reminds me of mulled wine. Good thing I have a good stock of it. Kyre, sometime you should come by my villa and drink wine. Just let me know in Advance.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:29 pm
by Kyre
The witch reads over the page Caswir wrote, nods then closes the book and pulls out a key from the pocket of her skirt. She adds a drop of blood to the front of the book after using the key while mumbling some archaic words.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 1:42 am
by Kyre
A lot of scribbles on the page and most are crossed off. Late at night there is some mumbling...

Alright.. demons, easy BUT...suppose the demon is much stronger? How to combine mages?

More scribbles before the candle almost burns out then a quick message may be seen...

Evie, Tarias, Caswir and I protected the now opened mine from evil intent with a ritual for both entrances. There are ways to get around it.. but it would be difficult to figure out.

Re: Arcane Research and other things

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:46 pm
by Kyre
The witch puts the children to bed and more then once gazes at the door, waiting for the sound of certain footsteps. Her son speaks softly.. "He'll be angry won't he?" as she puts a finger to her lip cautioning him to be quiet, making sure the girls were still asleep then gives a short slightly confused nod and whispers back.. "Go to sleep Finn.. we'll talk in the morning"

Writing some arcane formulas in her journal haphazardly as the candle flickers, obviously nervous at each sound coming from the open window, she has trouble concentrating on the problem Caswir gave muttering..

More nervous then I thought.

Then finally closes the journal in frustration forgetting to remove the pen which proceeds to slowly drip ink on the rest of the page. Crossing her legs, Kyre places hands in her lap, takes a deep breath, then simply waits.

Underneath the ink smudge is hastily written..

Well... not quite how I imagined. Guess best to do as Smith advises. The official explanation will be working secretly for the town as the Hand tells the Don. who is probably just mumbling about witches.

A quiet chuckle may be heard before a stern voice whispers louder while re-tucking and giving each a kiss.

Your Papa is asleep as you three should be...go on, see you in the morning!