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[Archive] ~Free Druids~

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:30 am
by Free Druids


The story:

There was once a cicadern tree growing many roots and branches. This tree after many years of loving had grown larger and more beautiful then any other tree. A powerful storm raged one day, the elements in chaos. The tree having weathered all storms previously also weathered this yet one branch of the tree broke and flew with the storm as the chaotic winds took it higher over Gobaith then any part of the tree had gone before. This branch, with the love and wisdom of the original cicadern in it's bark finally landed. A spark grew from the delicate area of the splinters that had broken it off from the main branch and began to sprout roots. Over time these roots grew deep in the ground finally becoming a tree on it's own yet always remembering the original.

The Elders are the roots and trunk of the tree, the Medicos are one main branch, the Druids another, and the Apprentices are the leaves that gather oxygen for all to breath. Because all five elements strive for harmony so do the Druids. The Elders responsible for growing the trunk of the tree will consist of an odd number to remain harmonious as the deciding element of three votes points toward goals of the Circle. An Elder dying, stepping down, or in the mainland longer then six months (( 8 weeks RL)) abrogates the Elder title and will remain a Druid which can be inactive indefinitely. Druids are responsible for the daily life of the tree using the five elements to make sure the Circle is harmonious with nature on a day by day basis. Medicos are responsible for the health of the tree along with the harmony of the elements preventing chaos by foreseeing dangers and healing.


Druid Codex:

Druids receive their power through nature itself and therefore can be considered as a type of a priest of nature. They respect the forces of nature and live consistent with it.

Nature strives for harmony and we strive to protect everyone who cannot protect themselves along with nature.

We will seek to help any and all who require assistance yet strive to remain neutral in conflicts balancing our actions as the five primary roots keep balance.

We try to live in harmony with ourselves and our environment. We must maintain honesty and refrain from insults. The taking up of arms is a last resort and only if all other avenues are exhausted.

We must be fair in our decisions and always think them over well. We try to never forget that every living thing has the same value and therefore is equal when it comes to being just.

This point is closely linked to the reasoning under justice. We will help to solve quarrels and keep the peace, but we must help both sides, never just one keeping balance without generating favor of or to the disadvantage of another.

We seek to stay at peace with all honoring our origin with all Druids and Medicos preserving life and the perpetuity of the primary substances of the world.

The Free Druids respect every life, striving for peace and harmony. Taking up weapons shall be considered as nothing else but a last resort, when seeking to protect oneself or others. Everything living thing on Gobaith is precious, a Druid doesn't slay creatures to train nor initiate combat. If however members of the circle see themselves urged to learn the art of defending themselves, it cannot be refused. But we expressly point out that training in defense has to be carried out with even strong or stronger training partners. During the course of the training no living creature must come to death.

Everyone who wants to become a Druid has to accept this, otherwise admittance is rejected yet they can elect to become Medico's. Along with this, if a Druid does not follow the codex, they can be expelled.


Medico Codex:
Respect the worth dignity and rights of our patients, because every living thing has been created by the gods.

Health is at hand when the qualities of the elements in the body are in balance as we strive to protect everyone who cannot protect themselves and be on the alert for threats to the environment.

We will seek to help any and all who require assistance in the healing process.

We try to live in harmony with ourselves and our environment. We must maintain honesty and refrain from insults striving for the innate equilibrium between the elements.

We seek to stay at peace with all realizing that harmony can give way to chaos.


Die Geschichte:

Es war einmal ein Cicadern-Baum, der viele Wurzeln und Äste bildete. Nach vielen Jahren liebevoller Zuwendung ist dieser Baum größer und schöner gewachsen als jeder andere Baum. Eines Tages wütete ein mächtiger Sturm, die Elemente waren in Chaos. Dieser Baum, der jedem bisherigen Sturm getrotzt hatte, trotze auch diesem Sturm, aber ein Ast des Baums brach ab und wurde von dem Sturm davon getragen, die chaotischen Winde trieben ihn höher über Gobaith als je ein Teil des Baumes vorher gewesen ist. Dieser Ast, mit der Liebe und der Weisheit des ursprünglichen Cicadern-Baumes in seiner Rinde, ging letztendlich zu Boden, und an der erlesenen Stelle entstand ein Funke aus den Splittern, welche aus dem Ast herausgebrochen waren und begann, Wurzeln zu schlagen. Mit der Zeit wuchsen die Wurzeln tief in das Erdreich und ein eigenständiger Baum entstand, der jedoch immer an den ursprünglichen Baum erinnerte.

Die Älteren sind die Wurzeln und der Stamm des Baumes, die Medicos sind ein Hauptzweig, die Druiden ein anderer, und die Lehrlinge sind die Blätter, die den Sauerstoff für das Atmen Aller bereitstellen. Alle fünf Elemente streben nach Harmonie, und so tun es die Druiden. Die Älteren, verantwortlich für das Wachsen des Stammes, bestehen aus einer ungeraden Zahl, um die Harmonie zu wahren, da das entscheidende Element der drei Stimmen die Ziele des Zirkels bestimmt. Ein Älterer der stirbt, zurücktritt oder länger als sechs Monate ((8 RL Wochen)) auf dem Festland verweilt, verliert den Titel eines Älteren, bleibt jedoch Druide, welche unbegrenzt inaktiv bleiben können. Die Druiden sind verantwortlich für das tägliche Leben des Baumes, mit Hilfe der fünf Elemente stellen sie sicher, dass der Zirkel Tag für Tag mit der Natur in Harmonie verweilt. Die Medicos sind verantwortlich für die Gesundheit des Baumes und, zusammen mit der Harmonie der Elemente, verhindern Chaos durch Voraussehen von Gefahr und durch Heilung.

Der Druiden-Kodex:

Druiden bekommen ihre Macht durch die Natur selbst, und können somit als eine Art Priester der Natur gesehen werden. Sie respektieren die Kräfte der Natur und leben beständig mit ihr.

Die Natur strebt nach Harmonie und so streben wir diejenigen zu beschützen, die wie die Natur sich nicht selbst beschützen können.

Wir werden danach streben, einem jeden und all jenen zu helfen die Unterstützung brauchen, jedoch in Konflikten immer neutral zu bleiben und unsere Taten im Gleichgewicht zu halten, gleich wie die fünf Hauptwurzeln ihr Gleichgewicht bewahren.

Wir versuchen in Harmonie mit uns selbst und unserer Umgebung zu leben. Wir müssen Ehrlichkeit aufrecht erhalten und von Beleidigungen absehen. Der Griff zu den Waffen ist der letzte Ausweg und sollte nur beschritten werden, wenn alle anderen Wege und Möglichkeiten ausgeschöpft wurden.

In unseren Entscheidungen müssen wir fair bleiben und sie gut überdenken. Wir sollten nie vergessen, dass ein jedes lebendiges Wesen den gleichen Wert hat und damit gleich ist, wenn es um Gerechtigkeit geht.

Dieser Punkt ist stark mit den Gedanken über Gerechtigkeit verknüpft. Wir werden helfen, Streits zu schlichten und den Frieden zu erhalten, jedoch müssen wir beiden Seiten helfen, niemals nur einer Seite, da wir immer das Gleichgewicht wahren müssen und nie einer Seite einen Vorteil oder Nachteil verschaffen dürfen.

Wir streben mit all jenen in Frieden zu leben, die unseren Ursprung als Druiden und Medicos ehren, welche das Leben und die Beständigkeit der ursprünglichen Stoffe der Welt erhalten.

Die Freien Druiden respektieren jedes Leben, immer nach Frieden und Harmonie strebend. Die Waffen zu ergreifen sollte niemals mehr als der allerletzte Ausweg sein wenn es darum geht, sich selbst oder andere zu beschützen. Jedes lebende Wesen auf Gobaith ist wertvoll, ein Druide tötet weder Wesen aus dem Zwecke des Trainings noch beginnt er einen Kampf. Wenn es jedoch Mitglieder des Zirkels danach verlangt, sich in der Kunst der Selbstverteidigung zu üben, so kann ihm dies nicht abgestritten werden. Aber wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass Training nur mit gleichstarken oder stärkeren Trainingspartnern ausgeführt werden sollte und nie darf eine lebende Kreatur dabei zu Tode kommen.

Jeder, der ein Druide werden will muss diese Regeln akzeptieren, andernfalls wird der Beitrittsgesuch abgelehnt, noch können sie für den Pfad eines Medico gewählt werden. Damit einhergehend kann jeder Druide, der nicht dem Kodex folgt, ausgeschlossen werden.

Der Medico-Kodex:

Respektiert den Wert, die Würde und die Rechte unserer Patienten, denn jedes lebende Wesen wurde von den Göttern selbst erschaffen.

Gesundheit wird erwirkt wenn die Eigenschaften der Elemente im Körper im Gleichgewicht sind, da wir all jene beschützen, die sich nicht selbst schützen können, und wir auf der Hut sein müssen vor Bedrohungen wider die Natur.

Wir werden allen und jedem helfen, die Hilfe beim Heilungsprozess bedürfen.

Wir werden danach streben mit Allen in Frieden zu Leben, immer darauf bedacht dass Harmonie dem Chaos weichen kann.


(( Thank you PO Bregor Ayun for the translation ))

(( Some information was directly taken from the Druid of the Forest ... sc&start=0 and some directly from Moonsilver , we wish to thank all.))

~Free Druids~

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:52 am
by Free Druids


Azuros Tjime


Fianna Heneghan
Kreb'la of Dar'krest
Caynwyn Braedes

Druid Apprentices



Druid Achae Eanstray

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:56 am
by Lorick
The ways of the Free Druids speaks to me on more levels than I can say. I have to travelled to this land from Falmarha, far across the sea to seek the way of life which the free druids offer. I currently spend my time farming the land and cooking for my own keep but I hope one day to brew potions of healing and always strive to help those in need. If you will accept me I would willingly join you.

~Lorck Usk'en~

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:04 am
by Fianna Heneghan
Welcome Lorck. I will send a dove so that we can meet and discuss this matter further.

~ Fianna Heneghan ~

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:57 am
by Achae Eanstray
Luc De'Paul is added as a medico apprentice, welcome!

Medico Class

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:17 am
by Achae Eanstray
Achae uses a stick to hammer a small nail on the hospital door, attached is a parchment in precise handwriting

To All Medico Students,

We will be holding classes for those interested. You may come to any you see. There will be three classes...Beginner, Intermediate, and Final. The final is to demonstrate your training on someone ill at the hospital.

I will hold a Beginner Class in six days ((Thursday at 7P CST or 2P GMT))

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:23 am
by Yridia Anar
A snowwhite dove is sitting in a tree over Azuros, maybe she looks somewhat familar with her green ribbon around the neck and the parchment which is fixed there

My dear brother Azuros and all other Druids,

Hereby I send my congratulations and all best wishes for the new founded Circle.
I'm still studying Usharas wisdom and can't come back yet. But I'm not fully away and its good to see that a lot of people still liking the peaceful way of a druid.

Ushara lighten your way and bless your doings

Yridia Anar

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:38 am
by Aurora
With regret we see our friends Fianna and Azuros leaving the 'Druids of the Forest'.

The more we are glad that with the new established circle of the 'Free Druids' they continue to follow the druids' path and adopt the codex they accepted with the 'Druids of the Forest'.

We wish the 'Free Druids' all the best. May the circle grow and Ushara's blessings be with you.

~ Aurora Mahirimah ~

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:20 pm
by Colin Smalls
I would like to learn from the druids, so as to increase my wisdom, better myself, and further aid others.

~Colin, the gypsy.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:23 pm
by Jarlyn
Although I use my skills with a sword for the protection of myself and others, I only kill those that have already passed into Cherga's realm. In my elder years as an elf, I believe it's time to learn the ways of a Druid or medico. Perhaps I could join?

May the five be with,

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:34 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Achae's smile grows reading the parchment Azuros showed her from someone she considers one of her closest friends as she tries unobtrusively to wipe a small tear.

It is good to hear from Yridia, I hope one day to see her again.

Walking to the board now with a quick step as if very happy, she stops to read Aurora's message as a warmth comes to her hazel eyes turning them almost green. Sighing she whispers softly.

All of us are still Druids no matter the circle.

Taking a pen from her bag she writes a quick message on Colin's and Jarlyn's note.

Welcome, I will send you a dove.
Achae Eanstray
Free Druid, Medico

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:04 pm
by Achae Eanstray
A hastily written note is placed on the board in precise handwriting that should be familiar to other guild members though it appears the author forgot to sign it.

Free Druids!
"A war has been declared and it is no war you can win with the force of your swords"

There is a crises of nature that may require our help. All Druids and Medicos should be on alert!

(( ... 569#552569 ))

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:41 pm
by xpttpx
I want to join the Free Druids as a druid Apprentice if possible.


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:04 pm
by Azuros
If you wish to join the Free Druids as an apprentice druid, please do not hesitate to send a dove to myself, Achae Eanstray, or Fianna Heneghan.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself in your message and let us know what times you are available so one of us can schedule a meeting with you to discuss your possible apprenticeship to the ways of a druid.

Warmest greetings,

Azuros Tjime
Free Druid

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:25 am
by Free Druids
A warmest welcome for Druid Rainny Corulas to the Free Druids. She will be helping instruct Druid apprentices and medico's teaching valuable lessons concentrating particularly on nature.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:39 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Achae with hair in disarray and some bark still attached to her clothes limps to the Druid board posting a very small notice on the board.

Free Druids,

Be very cautious, there is a lizardess trying to get a potion in order to harm another lizard. She believes the Druids have one to sway another's will to hers. So far she doesn't know of the different teas we can make but NOW knows where we live.

Achae Eanstray
Druid, Medico

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:20 am
by Julius

I seek council with the druids of this circle. Tis about an important matter that deserves proper consideration on your part. You may send me a dove or write here on a place and time that best suits your guild.

Lord Rothman

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:50 am
by Achae Eanstray
Achae sees the note on the board and sends a well-fed dove carrying a parchment with precise handwriting on it.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:53 am
by Achae Eanstray
A note is placed on the board using a sharp wedge of bark from an apple tree instead of a pin.

I wish to welcome Arandir as a new Druid apprentice and think you have made a fine start to your studies.

Achae Eanstray
Druid, Medico

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:17 am
by Free Druids
Luc De'Paul has passed his medico test, congratulations!

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:20 am
by Julius
Greetings Druids,

I request another meeting with your faction. Instead of talking this time, I wish to make a small donation on my behalf to your cause.

Lord Rothman

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:55 am
by Achae Eanstray
Achae, in town briefly to buy another hatchet before again leaving to chop then plant trees sees the message on the board but has no pen nor parchment. She walks over and whispers to Eliza just briefly who nods then looks non-chalantly forward as usual occasionally eating the fish given by Achae. Next time Julius walks in, he may hear something unexpected from the lizard....

The Druids wait so all can meet.

((will PM to see if available when some are back from vacation if OK))

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:02 am
by Aldan Vian
I am in need of the help of a druid. If somebody could please send me a dove or meet me in Trolls Bane it would be most appreciated.

Aldan Vian
~Apprentice in the Arcane~
~Bishop of Trolls Bane~
~Scribe to the Church of Gobaith~

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:33 am
by Aldan Vian
I have decided to lay down my blades and would now like to learn the ways of a druid.


Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:55 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Achae posts a brief message under the last post

Aldan Vian,
We appreciate your interest in the Free Druids, I have sent a dove.

Achae Eanstray

She places a new parchment written with precise handwriting

The Free Druids welcome the orc Or'kug as a Druid apprentice.

Achae Eanstray
Druid, Medico

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:36 am
by Evan Ross
~The note has been removed~

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:41 pm
by Lillian
An slender elfess appeares on the druid boards and pins a tidy written note on it, the handwriting is clear and elegant whereas the parchment it is written on seems to be old and wrinkly.

Dear free druids,

I wander these lands now for some time, studying the nature, the animals and the variety of races which life on this island. I discovered where to find most of the herbs and now would like to know more about them.

I seek the knowledge of the druids and hereby ask to be accepted as apprentice of the druid arts.

May the five guide you,

Nalreah Elineon

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:39 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Achae takes the parchment off the board laying it on one knee to attempt to straighten the wrinkles in order to read it then not having any more parchment writes in a small space at the bottom with precise handwriting.

Nalreah Elineon,

We are glad you have shown an interest in the study of nature and the Free Druids, I will send a dove to find the best time to meet.

Achae Eanstray
~Free Druid~

The parchment, a little more straightened is pinned back to the board though a smudge of dirt seems to be at the top of it.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:27 am
by Salhari
Salhari leaves a note, written very neatly on a piece of old looking parchment

Elder Azuros and honored druids of the circle, I have once more returned to this isle. My wonderings have taken me far, and I have all but forgotten the herbs and ways of the isle. I seek a meeting with you, to refresh my old mind, and to speak on other matters. I do not see myself leaving the isle again, and would be honored to speak to you about joining with the free druids as well. May Eldan be with you all.

Salhari Whitewalker

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:21 am
by Zzesskan
A boy posts a note. Grinning, he flips a copper coin in the air before running off.

Greetings Free Druids,
I would request to meet with one of yours. I aspire to become a druid apprentice.
I can't travel far from Trollsbane, so I would like to meet someone there, if it is not so much trouble to speak in person.

from the mouth of Ssara

There are two fingerprints inked beneath the name, with dots above them that probably indicate long nails.