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Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:37 am
by Achae Eanstray
Hey, I am happy to see some relatively new players.. am also missing some older players that I was hoping would be around post VBU. So, just thought I would get some feedback positive and negative of how you like the game now. You can of course add your own question, thoughts, but will put some here to start. I hope those that are playing but especially those that just lurk then leave and never play will fill in.

1. For those that played before and after the VBU, besides the graphics and scripts, there is some fundamental changes in the game. How do you like these.. which ones do you like, which ones not and why?

2. How long did you try/test the long have you played since? I am asking this because my opinion has changed somewhat from when it first started until now, in fact it has become more positive so I think some things "grow" on you, but also see some drawbacks.

3. What would you like to see added to the game...taken away, are you just too busy now in RL? (yes, people DO have a RL occasionally :D ) These questions concentrate on the VBU, not necessarily older players so I wanted your feedback about everything related to this game compared with others you have played and ALSO compared to pre-VBU.

4. Suggestions welcomed regarding game mechanics, roleplay in general (please don't get specific with naming certain players/chars), and general set-up including suggestions for quests.

A plate of cookies for anyone that would be willing to translate the first 4 questions!

PS I realize there is a possibility of disagreement with opinions posted here on some things and would request if desire to discuss at ALL it be done by PM unless a simple informative post, thanks!

Cookies to @Miriam, thank you!
1. An diejenigen, die vor dem VBU und nach den VBU spielen, abgesehen von Graphik und Scripten, gibt es grundlegende Änderungen im Spiel. Wie gefallen euch diese? … Welche mögt ihr? Welche mögt ihr nicht? Warum?

2. Wie lange hast du das VBU getestet/ausprobiert? … Wie lange hast du seit dem gespielt? Ich frage dies weil meine Meinung sich vom Beginn bis heute etwas geändert hat, und zwar wurde hat sich meine Meinung vom Spiel gebessert. Ich denke an einige Sachen gewöhnt man sich/hängt man dran (what means to grow on something?) aber ich sehe auch ein paar Mankos/Dinge mit Verbesserungsbedarf.

3. Was sollte im Spiel hinzugefügt werden? … Was entfernt werden? Bist du nur zu beschäftigt mit RL? (Ja, manche Leute haben hin und wieder RL :) ) Diese Fragen sind auf das VBU gerichtet und nicht notwendigerweise an alte Spieler gedacht, daher wollte ich euer Feedback über alles was diese Spiel betrifft im Vergleich zu anderen Spielen und auch im Vergleich zum Pre-VBU.

4. Vorschläge in Bezug auf Gamemechanismen, Rollenspiel im allgemeinen (bitte benennt keine Spieler/Chars direkt mit Namen) und die generellen Organisation auch in Bezug auf Vorschläge für Quests.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:23 am
by Achae Eanstray
Thank you "anonymous" for your feedback, will post your answers here.

I do like the skill gain as I far as I can see expect at the higher end of things. seems it takes an ungodly amount of time past 70 fighting wise. just to gain one level.

With the crafting it requires the pure elements and also Rare metals. That basically caps you at 90 unless you pg gathering elements, people don't want to trade them unless it is for outragous things, like gems and the such.

on top of that you need the Pure fires to make the ingots only getting one per pure fire is a waste of the element.. at least on the old client you could get a random number which was up to 6 I think per pure fire.

I would like to see the pure elements and metals used but only at the last five levels this way you would be then working to master the last weapons as it should be not at the beginning.


A lot of time, probably more then most I basically have done everything skill wise in the new vbu with my character, hunting, crafting, you name it.


Change the crafting to allow the last 5 levels to need the rare become a master.


Allow the newer players or characters to gain town rank up to the highest possible like it was before the Mantis change without a gm. To me this doesn't seem fair to anyone but the first few who may have used the current system to get as high as they did. hence capping everyone else to try to be on when a gm is on to get favor is not a fair idea.

Besides the top my other suggestion would be Change the pure fire to allow more then one ingot from use.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:25 pm
by rakust dorenstkzul

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:21 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Thank you for your time, some very good points were raised. I had a little trouble understanding some of the words and it was in my language...possibly because it was missing a southern drawl :D. Anyway, if you get time/urge for a very brief written summary of what you voiced, it might be helpful to people that don't speak english well.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:46 pm
by Salathe
1. For those that played before and after the VBU, besides the graphics and scripts, there is some fundamental changes in the game. How do you like these.. which ones do you like, which ones not and why?

I love the new towns. I like how crafts are spread out across with each town being able to craft required items to enjoy and play every aspect of the game (except that cadomyr cannot produce magic weapons, but that wont be an issue for a while). I don't like that there is practically no story ingame. The wiki is gone (needs to come back for so many reasons), it is so hard for a new player to find out this games lore, and the lore that is available, only really exists for humans and is rather generic for the other races. Ingame there is no overbearing story. The Don is frustrated with Cadomyr, Cadomyr doesnt care, and Runewick wants to seem like (or is) in agreement with Galmair, and thats all thats developed over 4 months for an overbearing story. The times where the player online list was high was during times of big quests. I hope that the GMs dont plan on having faction conflict be the main (or only source) of overbearing conflict, since that will typically involve (or lead to) pvp and large pvp has always lead to decreases in the online player list. I'd very much like to see some new baddies, or existing baddies, be present ingame stirring things up a bit. Players like to cooperate more than face off, especially in this game.

2. How long did you try/test the long have you played since? I am asking this because my opinion has changed somewhat from when it first started until now, in fact it has become more positive so I think some things "grow" on you, but also see some drawbacks.

I was extremely active for the first two months, then started losing interest as things to do IG went away. At the same time my school workload has increased which has lead me to being pretty inactive, though I try to log on every few days.

3. What would you like to see added to the game...taken away, are you just too busy now in RL? (yes, people DO have a RL occasionally :D ) These questions concentrate on the VBU, not necessarily older players so I wanted your feedback about everything related to this game compared with others you have played and ALSO compared to pre-VBU.

All of the right people know *exactly* what I want added to the game. I won't get too specific, but basically this game needs long term goals for players. Illarion still needs to be a good *game*. Would Illarion be fun if there wasn't roleplay? Not at all. I think for this game to be truly successful, it needs to be a great game even if there wasnt roleplay. This is one of the main reasons that you can find UO RP shards with hundreds of people ingame daily. IMO, everything in this game is way too easy, or way too simple, or near impossible. With 0 combat skills, players can acquire a set of the best armor in the game and never have to visit a crafter again because they can simply repair it. Crafts require the same 5 extremely easy to gather ingredients, then at high levels, require impossible to gather ingredients. Every town has an npc which buys some item that can be gathered infinitely with ease so players dont even have to gain skill to earn money. All those are examples of ease. Now, if you want to become a maxed out fighter, all you have to do is find a friend and wack each other for eternity. If you want to max out smithing, all you have to do is go to the mine 30 tiles away and mine readily available ores all day, gather readily available leather from no risk pigs, and then sit next to a sheep for a few hours gathering wool for cloth. These are examples of simplicity

There is little interest in progressing through this game because of the ease and simplicity of doing so. These goals may take some time (not really), but the path has no obstacles.

4. Suggestions welcomed regarding game mechanics, roleplay in general (please don't get specific with naming certain players/chars), and general set-up including suggestions for quests.

I've made extensive suggestions for what I want to see =)

In the end, i think the lack of overbearing quests and lack of long term goals is the reason the playercount has dwindled over the last month. The VBU was all bright and shiny, and a ton of fun (still is), but it simply got repetitive and players can only entertain themselves so much.

PS A note for the anonymous person. You're clearly talking about smithing in your example. Incase your not aware, you get experience from items for 20 levels after you learn it, meaning you can learn from 80+ items. Maxing smithing without elements and merinium is very possible. Because of this, there is no issue that 90+ items require difficult ingredients since it's still very simple to max out using items from 80-89

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:57 am
by Fooser
1. For those that played before and after the VBU, besides the graphics and scripts, there is some fundamental changes in the game. How do you like these.. which ones do you like, which ones not and why?
Quests: good
Skill Gain speed/Showing skills via numbers: good
Factions: good
Crafting/Gathering: good
Map: better designed and decorated than even more funded/professional projects

2. How long did you try/test the long have you played since? I am asking this because my opinion has changed somewhat from when it first started until now, in fact it has become more positive so I think some things "grow" on you, but also see some drawbacks.

From launch until now .. not so much the past week. Opinion hasn't changed drastically in that time.

3. What would you like to see added to the game...taken away, are you just too busy now in RL? (yes, people DO have a RL occasionally ) These questions concentrate on the VBU, not necessarily older players so I wanted your feedback about everything related to this game compared with others you have played and ALSO compared to pre-VBU.

Top complaints:
1) It's cruel forcing people into walking speed on a road when they're encumbered.
2) 90% of the monsters hit too hard.
3) Skills are worthless compared to attributes. It takes like 200 hours to get max in a skill. It takes 60 seconds to fill out your attributes effectively.
4) zzzzzzz

4. Suggestions welcomed regarding game mechanics, roleplay in general (please don't get specific with naming certain players/chars), and general set-up including suggestions for quests.

None at the moment

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:03 am
by forty
2. How long did you try/test the long have you played since? I am asking this because my opinion has changed somewhat from when it first started until now, in fact it has become more positive so I think some things "grow" on you, but also see some drawbacks.

I played since the day of VBU's launch. I didn't get much chance to play in the old client, I think maybe 2 days or so. But the game does have a lot of graphic problems still, items flickering and disappearing under mouse cursor focus, or drawing massive shaded squares all over the screen, layers block one another. The old client ran smoothly and did not have this problem with visuals. Before anyone asks, I'm running an Nvidia GeForce 680, it's good enough for monsters like Witcher 2 and SWTOR.

The mouse movements are not responsive, while the monsters are totally unforgiving, especially archers. Thank god I have a numpad, the poor people without numpads must be royally screwed. I tried mouse movement, and it forced me to slowly walk towards an archer as he popped arrows into me, he had me down to half of my health before I even started attacking.
I don't believe that's one of the things that can "grow" on anyone who is not a complete addict and simply will ignore the fact that the UI is painful.

If anything grew on me in Illarion, it was the player roleplay. At first I wanted to quit the game on the first week, but gave it another chance and met some great roleplayers. Their effort make the rest of it fairly tolerable, and considering this is an indie project, it's a great effort.

3. What would you like to see added to the game...taken away, are you just too busy now in RL? (yes, people DO have a RL occasionally :D ) These questions concentrate on the VBU, not necessarily older players so I wanted your feedback about everything related to this game compared with others you have played and ALSO compared to pre-VBU.

I'd like to see player housing, that would be awesome! There is a lot of free land, and it would be sweet if you could claim a piece of it.

Compared to other games, I don't understand how this game deals with locks. Is it possible to pick locked doors? Do lockpicks exist? Once a door is locked, what are the options to have it unlocked, and how do you lock it in the first place?

4. Suggestions welcomed regarding game mechanics, roleplay in general (please don't get specific with naming certain players/chars), and general set-up including suggestions for quests.

My only real gripe here is on quest assignments. Notoriously few of them actually tell you where to go. The rest you have to guess with. Some supplementary information, perhaps triggered by the word "where", would be helpful.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:13 am
by Hew Keenaxe
1. For those that played before and after the VBU, besides the graphics and scripts, there is some fundamental changes in the game. How do you like these.. which ones do you like, which ones not and why?

2. How long did you try/test the long have you played since? I am asking this because my opinion has changed somewhat from when it first started until now, in fact it has become more positive so I think some things "grow" on you, but also see some drawbacks.

3. What would you like to see added to the game...taken away, are you just too busy now in RL? (yes, people DO have a RL occasionally :D ) These questions concentrate on the VBU, not necessarily older players so I wanted your feedback about everything related to this game compared with others you have played and ALSO compared to pre-VBU.

4. Suggestions welcomed regarding game mechanics, roleplay in general (please don't get specific with naming certain players/chars), and general set-up including suggestions for quests.

#1 First of all, i like the new graphics, the VBU looks great.
Skilling is better, monsters are better, map size is better, town governing and GM interaction is better.
For worse? If GM's are not available, it hurts RP, an I know they can't be on all the time. Having to run for your life to go anywhere out of town sucks for non-fighter characters. The advantage old characters have over new ones, due to carried over skills and equipment hurts the game for new players ( I play two old characters, and would hate to lose their advantage, but still is true)
Monsters, of the general kind, seem too aggressive, and archers or mages completely over powered.

#2 I have played for years before the VBU, I much prefer the VBU, but It can't be considered a finished product. I would of played on, a real Illarion addict, the VBU is what I was waiting for.

#3 I have RL draws on my life like all do. And I am in most cases older than the common player, but I love Illarion because it is most like the old RP table pen an paper games I was playing when this whole genre since it started.
Added? More written lore. More need to abide by a scripted history. I doubt it will be long before the average conversation before a depot , is some form of slang. I want some form of control over a period timeline. I know Illarion is fictional,but it does mirror a medieval type of time frame. So the RP should always follow suit. Also. and I am guilty of this too, OOC conversations need to be limited. They ruin the RP.

Game mechanics are so much better now.

Transporting buy double clicking instead of announcing to the world where you are going, better.
Crafting, so much better in so many ways.
Being able to run, wish I could- my slow IP won't let me often, but better.
Gems- I played for four years in the old system and never got a magic gem, never learned how. Now I can be equal or close to it. It aint about who you blow.
I like the need to quest to reach fame enough to get gems. And I like that further fame requires RP to advance.
I like the room for a outlaw realm. This should be continued, yet there should be a path to gems for them too.

If this game doesn't change one bit, I will still play. It could be much better. And I hope it will.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:51 am
by Ufedhin
#1 The potential this new game offers is vastly superior, all is still new and it will take time to take it where the dev's want it im sure ,but hey "good things take time".

#2 From the begining,sometimes its infuriated me ,sometimes its surprised and delighted ,all good positive traits even the bad.

#3 Always players need to pit there skills against someone or something,i think a big bad ass something (the big cheese itself being undefeatable except by intense rp and GM intervention but only able to work through minions( even players) of various powers to affect its goals) with his or her minions bent on evil deeds would go along way to sorting this .I personally dont think this is a real option for a player to fill as his or her casting out into the wilderness would be a slow grind to poverty and desperation reducing the player to little more than a bandit.

#4 Do not let the skilling get any easyer or this will lead to rapid boredom the same goes for the pure elements required for the top items .
one thing i would change would be the repair people, these little rodents destroy the economy ,let em fix only the hard to make stuff ie the items that need pure elements to make, and this should be at a very expensive rate or maybe continue the same way but make the costs so high that its an option of last choice.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:21 am
by Damien
People were more.
Then less.
What did you expect when you reduced roleplayability and made stuff more like just another casual rpg ?
The hack&slash way ?
The market is full of those games.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:47 pm
by Aegohl
Damien wrote:Well.
People were more.
Then less.
What did you expect when you reduced roleplayability and made stuff more like just another casual rpg ?
The hack&slash way ?
The market is full of those games.

Could you possibly be constructive for once? What has been removed that made it so you could rp before that you cannot now?

1. For those that played before and after the VBU, besides the graphics and scripts, there is some fundamental changes in the game. How do you like these.. which ones do you like, which ones not and why?

I only played a little bit, but I messed around with the combat system some and it was definitely improved. Also skilling seemed to be easier which is an improvement. Being able to run was definitely pretty sweet. I think that, unfortunately, for every improvement you're fighting time, though. Illarion is seriously outdated, and while there is some charm to that, when it comes to allotting time for games I look for new challenges and new options and new experiences. To use the fighting system as an example, while I believe it has moved forward leagues, it is still just a system where you click a bad guy and watch the calculator work. I'm afraid that I need more options than that to keep me amused and there are games out there that offer those options.

2. How long did you try/test the long have you played since? I am asking this because my opinion has changed somewhat from when it first started until now, in fact it has become more positive so I think some things "grow" on you, but also see some drawbacks.

I only tried it probably a total of four hours, so please weigh my opinion on the fact that I played so little.

3. What would you like to see added to the game...taken away, are you just too busy now in RL? (yes, people DO have a RL occasionally :D ) These questions concentrate on the VBU, not necessarily older players so I wanted your feedback about everything related to this game compared with others you have played and ALSO compared to pre-VBU.

I think that "too busy in rl" is an excuse. As gamers, we'll always game. We will game here or we'll game elsewhere. People begin to say that when they don't want to admit that they've been giving their spare time to other games.

At the risk of being eaten by the average Illarion player and especially folks like Damien, I think that Illarion needs more of what other games offer. It needs character customization (the ability to choose this special ability or that, and those choices have to matter in combat or in play), it needs complete magic and priest and bard systems and those systems need to include a way to learn them that isn't listening to some psuedo-gm tell you how to rp, it needs buttons to push that make things happen. I devoted a great deal of my time and life to Illarion and it's because I did so that I feel that this shouldn't be taken as an insult but instead should be taken as me being as honest as I can be: playing Illarion is like looking at a still life. There just isn't anything to do and even when there is it's not anything exciting.

4. Suggestions welcomed regarding game mechanics, roleplay in general (please don't get specific with naming certain players/chars), and general set-up including suggestions for quests.

I think that the game is still conducive to rp and that people complaining about it are just mad that they got their little tree fort taken away or whatever. In fact, the rp and the community is the major draw. Watching a game being developed by interesting people has also been a draw. However, Illarion is fighting an uphill battle.

While I wouldn't want to see Illarion become a button-mashing contest like most mmorpg's, it would be excellent if everyone had abilities or things to click and do.

Apologies if this is incoherent, I was just woken up by the beep of an IM from Fooser and I still haven't had coffee.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:50 pm
by Fooser
Aegohl wrote:
Damien wrote:Well.
People were more.
Then less.
What did you expect when you reduced roleplayability and made stuff more like just another casual rpg ?
The hack&slash way ?
The market is full of those games.

Could you possibly be constructive for once? What has been removed that made it so you could rp before that you cannot now?
Sure, you can roleplay exactly the way you could 10 years ago with a chat box and emotes, but how can they possibly expect us to continue roleplaying when we are so offended that the game has a basic fighting system that we can't concentrate on anything else?

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:20 pm
by Damien
Aegohl wrote:I only played a little bit, but I messed around with the combat system some and it was definitely improved.
Dude, the combat system is being complete-overhauled cause it isn't working as expected.
I played for some months. My critics points are clear for some people who played and my opinion is known to some of the developers, so i make things short and not list it all up here again. Including that the buggy early release scared off many people and that the monsterification of the map lead to a focus on the battle system at the cost of non-fighting character concepts.
That's all stuff that can be improved though and many points can be found in the mantis, so no need discussing details here because THERE, the people who can work on it can find it and keep track of it.
Wanna help improving ? Check the mantis. Report disturbing things at the mantis, instead of duiscussing here. Or having much spare time ? Sign up with the staff and learn some scripting. That will really help the game get better.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:15 am
by Rafael
As most of the times I'm agreeing with Damien, anyways I will be short in my exposition.

Devs didn't give a f**k about what people liked for the game in the last 3 years. Never admitted they were waaay slow and let the comminites for dead. They made changes that weren't really necesary and the only thing that was great of Illa (democracy and freedom to choose) were killed. You are facing the blunt truth that the game is dieing, and they still can't realize they had, they keep and they will continue making mistakes, and all those who are willing to say so are constantly flamed. I just find amusing all those players logging the first days after the VBU, to kiss the a** of the Devs, to never play again one week after.

As always, I'm not going to reply to answers of this post. I already spoke to Estralis way too much in the past and I know it was a dead end.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:17 am
by Miriam
I tried to translate the questions, I'd like to hear the opions from germanspeaking players aswell.
Ich habe die Fragen übersetzt und hoffe das auch ein paar deutschesprachige Spieler ihre Meinung kundtun.
((Rechtschreibfehler könnt ihr behalten. ;) ))
1. An diejenigen, die vor dem VBU und nach den VBU spielen, abgesehen von Graphik und Scripten, gibt es grundlegende Änderungen im Spiel. Wie gefallen euch diese? … Welche mögt ihr? Welche mögt ihr nicht? Warum?

2. Wie lange hast du das VBU getestet/ausprobiert? … Wie lange hast du seit dem gespielt? Ich frage dies weil meine Meinung sich vom Beginn bis heute etwas geändert hat, und zwar wurde hat sich meine Meinung vom Spiel gebessert. Ich denke an einige Sachen gewöhnt man sich/hängt man dran (what means to grow on something?) aber ich sehe auch ein paar Mankos/Dinge mit Verbesserungsbedarf.

3. Was sollte im Spiel hinzugefügt werden? … Was entfernt werden? Bist du nur zu beschäftigt mit RL? (Ja, manche Leute haben hin und wieder RL :) ) Diese Fragen sind auf das VBU gerichtet und nicht notwendigerweise an alte Spieler gedacht, daher wollte ich euer Feedback über alles was diese Spiel betrifft im Vergleich zu anderen Spielen und auch im Vergleich zum Pre-VBU.

4. Vorschläge in Bezug auf Gamemechanismen, Rollenspiel im allgemeinen (bitte benennt keine Spieler/Chars direkt mit Namen) und die generellen Organisation auch in Bezug auf Vorschläge für Quests.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:51 pm
by GolfLima
* ich spiele seit Sommer 2009 durchgehend ( mit einigen kurzen Unterbrechungen )
* habe das VBU lange getestet ;-)

zu 1)
* Änderungen, die mir gefallen:
-- auch Handwerker können jetzt an magische Edelsteine, reine Elemente u.ä. durch Arbeit kommen
-- Handwerke sind jetzt auf verschiedene Orte verteilt, was zu einem gewissen Reiseeffekt führt
-- die "Fehlerquote" bei der Herstellung von Dingen wurde gesenkt ( =0 )--> senkt die Frustration bei der Herstellung höherwertiger Dinge
-- Handwerk hat eine etwas höhere Bedeutung als vor dem VBU
* Änderungen, die mir nicht gefallen:
-- das Wegfallen der rassespezifischen Hintergründe ( -> nur noch beim RP möglich )
-- Meriniumbarren sind extrem schwer zu "erhalten" - werden aber beim höherwertigen Schmieden häufig benötigt
-- die 3 Orte sind zu wenig spezifisch( politisch / handwerklich ), sodaß es fast egal ist wo man sich ansiedelt
-- mir scheint es als ob der Fernkampf (Bogen) im Moment noch ein wenig zu stark ist (Schlußfolgerung aus der Beobachtung das fast jeder Kämpfer mit einem Bogen in die Wildnis "rennt" - kann also auch eine Fehliniterpretation der Beobachtung sein)

zu 3)
hinzugefügt werden sollten:
* Transporttiere (ich vermisse die treuen grauen Begleiter)
* Magie (wobei ich mir nicht wirklich sicher bin ob ich sie vermisse)
* rassespezifische Boni / Mali - sonst kann man die verschiedenen Rassen ja auch abschaffen
* göttliche Ereignisse (möglicherweise als Ausgangspunkt für Quests)
* die Tageszeitanzeige (vielleicht auch Temperatur) - wie früher - die vermisse ich

Schade ist, das man in Galmair entgegen zu den anderen beiden Orten nur bis zu einem gewissen Ruf aufsteigen kann und danach nur noch über das Wohlwollen des Don <- soweit ich das jedenfalls verstanden habe gibt es in Cadomyr / Runewick Möglichkeiten seinen Ruf immer einmal wieder zu steigern - tägliche quest oder so ähnlich :arrow: gestrichen

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:09 pm
by Rakaya
Auch in Runewick gibt es keine täglichen Quests und soweit ich weiß, ist die Beschränkung des Ranges in allen Städten.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:16 pm
by Tyan Masines
In Galmair sollte es in recht naher Zukunft diese 'Daily Quests' geben und die Beschränkung gilt für alle Städte. NPCs bringen den Char nur bis Rang 7, danach kann nur GM Intervention (z.B. als Belohnung für die Teilnahme an stadtpezifischen Quests) den Rang noch steigern.

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 2:24 pm
by ThisGuy
I know its a little late(just stopped in a few days ago and found out the VBU was here) but:

1-a:so far the change in crafting is the thing that has struck me the most. I remember spending hours before gathering resources to make 1 armor, and once I had those resources taking another hour to make it(why I didn't make armor). the near instant crafting(while I see the good side of getting more players interested in the game) is sort of 1 of those things I see in too many games and made Illarion unique in that each step in crafting took time to complete and you could fail at any step. the removal of failing and losing resources I like...not the failing part but losing resources was always a pain. its nice to fail at things sometimes :lol:
b:money comes alot faster than it did before. I started a new character that I've played less than 10 hours and he already has more money than my main character made his first year of playing(multi-crafter non-fighter character). I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing yet, guess time will tell.
c:quests, love the new system. the only quest in game before was the pork delivery quest and I could never figure out how to get the guy at the dock to give me the pork :x

2-well this is day 2 of me testing it, don't see me completely giving it up anytime soon(week off work so not sure how next week will go).

3-so far the 1 thing I've seen I'd like gone are all the new ways to die. I spawned a character in Galmair(sp?) and had a tough trip to the coal mine, thats expected some times. once I got to the mine and felt safe mining I got a message that a slime jotted out from a crevace(not the actual message I was too busy almost being killed to catch that)...

4-don't have any yet, but probably will soon :P

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:54 am
by Ufedhin
I must wonder at this aspect of super characters that are now in game,
It would seem one can be a master warrior , a master craftsman,and master alchemist
and i presume a master mage or priest when magic returns, all in one now. This in my mind destroys a
lot of the games charm and enjoyment, its just got easy to be a super character..
Under the old system the odds where stacked, you would fail if you tryed to craft something
complext that you just did not have the right attribute's and skill for or it would be inferiour quality , and
the learning curve became very steep in the areas you where not suited to.

But Specialisation is vanishing fast among the characters therefore vanishes the greater need
for interaction with others for vital items ,so dies trade.
I would like to see this adjusted so that it is not possible to be a master warrior and a master tailor,smith,
farmer,alchemist, carpenter (mage when it happens), etc ,etc.even if it means having to readjust our older
characters attributes to be the specialisation we want to play .

Re: Post VBU Opinion poll

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 5:33 am
by Athian
its doubtful that you will have master warrior and master mage overlapping in any sense other then having mastered skills in various vocations. Attributes play a very strong roll currently in the the game, something i find to be both good and bad. likely all the abandoned attributes for warriors, willpower/essence/intelligence will keep super warriors from being super mages. Like in the past though a slightly above average warrior can also be a decent mage, though even that in the current system probably won't amount to much but a personal preference for adventurers.

I do feel like attributes in general need a rework, they have too much effect in fighting both PvP and PvE compared to the skills they govern. Then of course crafts are not actually affected by attributes at all, only their learning processes which is good for game-play but a bit rough on diversity.

it'd be nice if we could find a place for attributes to play a hand in diversifying skills that didn't really effect the ability of players to enjoy the game, rather it would allow specialists to excel singularly while letting others mix and match abilities to a equal degree.But then again who knows what the future holds ^^