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Bard Seeking Lute Donations

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:07 am
by Dovakin Ken Kapsalot
Greetings One, All and Some!

I'll formally introduce myself, I'm Dirk Vagrund, traveling Bard, or perhaps you may know better as Skald or Minstrel. I bring song and happiness to those who put me in their employ, and the general public.

Alas, however, my current employer, His Most Esteemed Excellency Sir Kraex.....I have not seen in some time, and I've spent my silvers on...things.

I am in drastic need of donations or a Lute made by your finest of musical instrument carpenters. The lute I require is 13 course + 8 course (39 string) dual necked with scrolled soundholes. It would require to come with the tuning forks as well. I have lost my lute while at sea, when it was eaten by a flying salmon.

No really. A giant flying salmon.

Anyway, as recompense for your generosity please accept this sketch and a poem, about Mister Tyan Masines. In a pink dress. It happened. Really. It was a thing. I promise. Please donate Lute to Dirk Vagrund. May be found at the tavern. Or near the tavern. Inside the safe safeness walls of Cadomyr.

*attached to the posting is two pieces of paper, a hurredly copied sketch and a hurredly copied poem. The poem reads;*

Alas thee Tyan
The pink dress surely pleases Hassan
You are truely a hero of these lands
Your hairy legs full of mud and sands
You bring us good humour and mead
And turn red the cheeks of poor Lady Eve.

~Dirk Vagrund

Re: Bard Seeking Lute Donations

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:56 pm
by Tyan Masines
something is scribbled under the parchment

I didn't look that grumpy.

Re: Bard Seeking Lute Donations

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:57 pm
by Jeisa
anonymously pinned up shortly thereafter:

Re: Bard Seeking Lute Donations

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:48 am
by Dovakin Ken Kapsalot
*Dirk checks his posting, raises an eyebrow and scrawls a reply*

Dear Anonymous Artist;

He might not have been so grumpy. But I'm reasonably sure he wasn't as....ab-sy. Perhaps I just didn't draw them to avoid the mental scarring.

In any case, who's asking for Lute Donations here?

~Dirk Vagrund~